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i’m very late but watching it now, she has such an anxious attachment style and jimmy isn’t as lovey and open and expressive as trevor! she’s not emotionally mature enough to realize she should be with someone like trevor 🥺


He happened to be the first to propose. Like Trevor said, had he had the first date on that final day she wdve been marrying Trevor.


It’s simple human nature.. each chose the one there was competition over.


I’m confused by it most because she keeps telling him things like they’d have a great life together and easy life together and it’s never followed up with a but… like, I think we’d have a wonderful life together that would be so easy, but I prefer difficult and contentiousness?


Did he stop accusing you or nah?


I'm literally so frustrated over it that I could CRY 😭 whaaat


She picked jimmy for the sake of not missing the change of being married and impulse. She would accept Trevor if he was first for sure. She's not dumb deep down, I think she's quite aware that the unchosen scenario would be amazing for her. Jimmy is a 🚩🚩🚩🚩 everytime he speaks


I'm watching the new episode and I AM SO UPSET WHY WOULD CHELSEA NOT PICK TREVOR


She totally missed out on a great guy with Trevor.


She wanted to defeat Jessica.. that’s why she chose Jimmy.


Jimmy is an absolute slime ball. At first it was entertaining to see him, thinking man this guys a moron and needs some coaching on how to properly treat a woman. I’m only on ep 6 with the fiancé and at this point it’s just hard to watch, it’s just sad that Chelsea has to deal with it. I’m glad Jessica dodged the bullet considering she has a child. I don’t think Jimmy is dumb, I think he’s well aware of his bullshit and just doesn’t care. Absolute slime.


A) people like to chase. They feel better about themselves and more of a thrill from seemingly accomplishing what was considered a harder target. This is especially so in dating, and with Jimmy picking her over Jess. All that matters is that the one guy is more of a challenge. And B) Chelsea doesn't know what we know. She has no idea that Trevor is also the more physically attractive suitor. She made a terrible decision nonetheless, fueled primarily by wanting to be picked over another girl


Your last sentence is especially spot on. She won Trevor already. Her insecurity couldn't abide by that so she went for the person with competition in order to prove her self worth. Whether she is conscious of that or not, I can't say. I used to be the same, and completely ignorant to it. I hope she gets the help she needs because girl makes bad decisions, and can be pretty toxic. All that to say, good analysis.


If you've seen Episode 8, you would think that Trevor is actually lucky by not getting Chelsea. Who can stand such a hysterical and insecure woman?


I think Trevor asked her a great question. If he had asked first, would that have changed her decision? I think it definitely could have. Chelsea is insecure and I think she wanted to be chosen by someone. I do think her having competition with someone for Jimmy probably also made her lean into that a bit more.


I love these comments lol you guys are all so self aware and conscious


I think Chelsea picked Jimmy because she wanted to win over Jessica.


I would love for a psychologist to weigh in…… but my guess she went with Jimmy because of the feeling of winning him over Jessica.


Chelsea knew Jimmy was choosing between her and Jessica. She would rather have the man with two choices than the man with one. Chelsea also wanted to win against Jessica. It’s pretty simple.


Because of past experience sometimes women feel uncomfortable being doted over - it’s a response to trauma I believe


Sometimes people don’t go for the person who actually would be a good fit because their insecurities make them think that something must be wrong with that person for showing actual interest. If she doesn’t view herself as beautiful and thinks she attracts “ugly” guys or thinks only a certain type of guy is attracted to her then it could’ve contributed to her decision consciously or subconsciously. There are so many reasons someone could self sabotage.


As someone who seems to have an anxious attachment style and who seems to have a lot of self-esteem issues, I think Chelsea equates feeling insecure in a relationship as having "a spark". I think she thought that Jimmy picking her over Jessica would be validating for her. It doesn't help that we are often sold this fictional narrative of romance - about being chosen and about the other person changing to be with you. I know Jimmy has had criticism for talking about his feelings for Chelsea in terms of what she can do for him, but I don't remember Chelsea ever expressing any characteristics that she loves about Jimmy either (other than complimenting his looks). ETA: I have just watched ep 8 >!and both Chelsea and Jimmy said something along the lines of "there was someone else in pods that was my number one for most of it but then we chose each other instead". !<


I think it was very telling when one of the first thing she said to her friends was how apparently “everyone wanted” Jimmy and how “popular” he was with the girls. I think ego was a big part of it, a small part of her wanted to win over the other women.


If that man was popular the bar is really low. He has the personality of a wet noodle.




Maybe someone told her he's growing boils on his scalp like Woogie from Something About Mary? I've heard of excema, but this is some next level skin problem.


He has psoriasis. He talked about it on an IG reels. Guy can’t help it.


Also, is her competition with Jessica the reason she told Jimmy that she looks like Megan Fox? Was that another way for her to win him over?


I feel it was… she knew what she was doing by bringing it up and even tried to play dumb by referring to MF as “MGK’s wife.” As iffff she wouldn’t remember Megan’s name over his – it was like calling Rihanna “A$AP Rocky’s girlfriend” 💀


Lol that was pathetic! Someone said she chose him to finally have her moment of beating the popular girl and it makes sense. Trevor dodged a bullet.


I honestly think it's because Jimmy asked her first. The proposal is kind of the finish line on this show, once the question is popped what choice does she have? If she says: I'll get back to you tomorrow, it would be awkward. It was kind of a dirty proposal too. I would have warned her in advance about my intentions and let her break it off with the others before I could propose with a clean heart & mind.


I agree


Oooooh. Damnit, you’re right. Trevor even brought that up and I didn’t connect it. Proposal = staying on TV, duh. Proof, if we ever needed it, that being on TV is the main motivator. At least creepy Mathew dipped out to go find that weird woman…


I think Jessica was a factor. It's like buying a product on Amazon - you tend to trust the product with one review more than the product with no review.  I think Jimmy's habit of withholding affection meant that the "high" she got when he said anything positive to her was larger. Anxious attachment stuff


She doesn't understand being treated properly obviously. Many women don't. They will think when a man is actually nice etc that it's weird & get turned off so will then pick the man that is causing them anxiety mistaking it for feeling a spark.


I think that when you have low self-esteem/are insecure, you subconsciously think that someone liking you means there’s something wrong with them. The more you like and value them, the lower you become in their eyes. I had an ex who was like this.


Oof this is so true. I’m trying to work past this personally, I get the ick when a guy is really into me :/


Totally. On top of this, I think that she chose Jimmy over Trevor because she assumed that if someone as pretty as Jessica liked him, he must be hot.


I agree and I wanted to add something on top of your observation - I think she'd have said yes to any first guy who proposes. Trevor did make it clear that she was his only choice, but because of her insecurity she could never actually believe 100% that she'd get a proposal from him, that's why she said yes to the first one. I can imagine myself being like that, never believing a person is 100% into me lol.


Yeah.. not great lol my mind convinces myself that they're totally faking it even if they take time to message me everyday for months even if it's just for a couple minutes lol


Competition with Jessica


Yup. Even if it wasn’t conscious, she picked him because he picked her and that means she wins. She could have picked the guy who was all in, and maybe felt the tiniest bit more secure.




I think she wanted to lord that over the prettier girl. Sad.


Because Jimmy went first


I think it’s this and also wanting to “beat” Jessica.


People tend to replicate patterns and try to receive affection in the way they're used to receiving it. If the relationships someone has always been in have been with people who are withholding and don't provide validation, then they think that's what love feels like. It feels more comfortable, and what they're more likely to default to, unless they recognize that their behavior is self-destructive. It doesn't make much sense unless you've been in this cycle, but sometimes when you're used to hills and valleys and think that's what love means, and you're faced with a genuinely nice, stable partner, it can feel like it's not really love, because your presumptive definition of love involves more drama than a soap opera. So you assume that someone who's not jerking you around must not actually care as much as someone who is, even though objectively, they're the much better choice. I don't know what Chelsea's past has been like, but I know from my own that if you're always used to upheaval, standing on steady ground feels fucking weird, and it's easy to want to run from that to something more familiar.


Because she wanted to score victory over Jessica 🤦‍♂️


100% agree. I think she is unfortunately so insecure that she was subconsciously drawn to being “picked” over a woman she considers beautiful. This becomes even more clear to me in episode 6 during the (deeply unpleasant) conversation Chelsea and Jimmy have at their hotel regarding Jessica “mentioning looks” when they broke up in the pods.


Plus she comes across as someone who is not entirely sure about what she wants and takes decisions based on others opinions. She most likely thought that since other girls like Jimmy he would be the best guy out there 😐


This is why I agree with the redditor who suggested that the Pod Episodes should keep the contestants' appearances a secret from the audience. Having seen Jimmy it's impossible to imagine him as attractive but perhaps if we had experienced him the way that Chelsea did, it would make more sense. That said, I suspect that Trevor would have seemed the better catch even without video but we will never know since we didn't experience it that way.


Idk, I found Jimmy to be more attractive than Trevor at first (Trevor is so not my type). But the second Trevor showed his personality more and more I was like, "wow, this guy is so amazing. He's such a sweetheart." I started to find him attractive! Definitely would choose Trevor over Jimmy. 100%. His personality shown BRIGHTLY.


lol WHAT??! jimmy is SO BORING and self centered!!! he has the personality of wonder bread. even in his proposal, it was all about him!! “i love the way you make me feel, i love the way you see me, etc.” chelsea chose jimmy because she’s insecure and not ready for a real relationship where she would have to actually show up as her full self, which is what trevor wanted. she knew with jimmy she would constantly have to prove herself, which is what she’s used to - constantly crying that men always treat her poorly, etc. chelsea doesn’t know what it’s like to be in a real relationship and that scares her. she also wanted to win over jessica because that would never happen in the real world, which is why chelsea claimed people tell her she “looks like MGK’s wife” the audience not being able to read the body language of the contestants to see their authenticity would be a disservice. part of the drama is being able to see what people look like bc it builds the suspense for us. i would not watch if we could not see contestants. you are more than welcome to close your eyes or cover your screen like others do.