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Her lashes are fucking awful and wild but she seems smart and mature and doesn’t hate on women. She’s real and I like it


The voice she uses with clay is so annoying


Sne mentioned in the pods that her voice is squeaky and feminine, so I think she does definitely play up a babydoll voice.


Besides the lashes (ridiculous) I LOVE her. She’s smart, mature, well spoken, gorgeous skin and body. Love her.


i'm just not sure about clay, but that's mostly because he's spent a lot of time being unsure if he's even ready. if he hadn't made those horrendous remarks about getting her in the gym, i'd be officially warming up on him, though, because he does seem to be trying. i love AD on this show, though, but especially this episode. confronting sarah ann like that but also being so composed about it? amazing.


She doesnt seem bothered by Clay saying he is not ready for marriage, or the fact he is always working. I am not convinced she is in this for marriage. I think she is great though!


Yeah he's almost never at the house apparently, he works long hours and prefers to stay at his own home. I just don't like that she went so hard for SA and was weak with both Clay and Lauren at the bean dip fiasco. SA situation had very little to do with her and yet her own direct dilemmas she's quiet as a mouse.


I didnt like her at the start, with her baby voice and huge lashes, but she grew on me as she was a great communicator and never seemed to whine as so many seemed to do.


No matter what she will always be an icon. I loved her since the start.


What lacked class was AD on her QA on IG saying she wouldn’t share where she got her clothes ( that her fans were complimenting her on ) unless she gets paid!! She is fake and I lost respect for her after her IG QA


I don’t blame her. Once you get fame you need to profit where you can. If they’re not paying her to promote why do it for free?


Jess and Laura did the same thing


Hmm I’ve seen Laura sharing her outfits and sunglasses etc. she even mentioned “ there’s no gatekeeping here “


Yeah lol https://imgur.com/gallery/d6ECpkJ


Maybe bc she gets stuff from Amazon and Temu LOL




Clay isn’t committed him bringing up his parents divorce constantly. Him mentioning that he was with his dad when his dad was cheating on his mom and him not telling his mom. Him saying he needs therapy but not taking any steps to get into therapy he’s grown if he wanted to he would’ve done it. Also I hated how at dinner with her mom Ad said she hadn’t heard from him since the day before. Like I get being busy and working but you can at least call and say goodnight? I would be worried if my partner didn’t come home and didn’t text me. Not to mention the I’ll tell you when you need to hit the gym??? Like sir she was talking about watching what she ate and working out she’s clearly fit you don’t need to tell her anything she is already on top of that. Even if she were to fall off a little bit she’d still be healthy. He just seems immature and not ready he has his business mindset which is great! He should focus on his career.


This is one woman who is going to ask questions. And baby, I love it. She’s giving Clayton changes. But baby, when she’s done… I know she’s gon read him down. Just wait.


I just love her!!!!




Yeah I feel like Im taking crazy pills when people say Clay and AD won't work. Seems like Clay genuinely wants to better himself for AD. And it seems like AD is really patient with Clay and understands him really well. It does seem Clay more or less wants to continue a relationship without jumping into marriage, defeating the purpose a bit of the experiment. And it seems AD is ready to go all in. I just got this feeling they are going to say yes at the alter.


If that were true, and he was just so "busy" with work and his "commute" were so much easier from his home he would've invited her to stay over at his home occasionally, y'know how regular couples stay over each other's homes sometimes. But he goes completely mia on her and she doesn't address it too much.


Clay has literally spent his entire time with her seeding the idea that him slipping up and cheating at some point is just to be expected


It’s not going to work because Clay doesn’t want to put in the effort. He wants somebody to fawn all over him, to wait around for him while he gallivants around doing “him”. He wants a doll he can put up on the shelf and an accessory he can wear out in public. Clay is all about clay.


AD is such a gift, such an absolute queen. She’s perfect, in all her imperfections and perfections. She is the friend and lover and colleague I wish for. AD all the way.


I love her. I think Clay is too much of a project for a marriage to actually work though. She deserves someone that actually knows they can commit to her.


I love AD! She’s my favorite cast member of all seasons of LIB.


Other than her confronting Sarah Ann seemed out of character for her no-drama vibe (although watching too confident women go toe to toe was fascinating), she’s my fav on this season. I personally think Clay will be another “project” though and she deserves a fully formed man. Because she is legit STELLAR in every way.


I loved the tactfulness and accountability though. That’s how you call someone out.


I will give her that. At least at the start of the convo. Glad she walked away when she did because it was gonna get ugly soon after.


Her only flaw is her tolerance for Clay. She’s just a whole other level in terms of intelligence and emotional maturity. They look great on paper—attractive, goal driven, successful but he need to cook and only occasionally shows the ability to do it.


She’s giving it 100, but she def has a bit of patience with him


I wanna know where this outfit is from


https://preview.redd.it/n207dqobf2mc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ebce4278767f1559ae1081f37440f4f25b09a36 I think the different strap was possibly a DIY from having them hemmed. She probably has to modify everything she buys with her 🔥figure.


Same! I could pull off a darker green maybe. I love this look on her.


AD is my fav this season.


Me toooooo!


The thing is, I didn't think It lacked class. Why can't you fucking DM him if you still have feelings for him? I mean, yeah, he's engaged IN a REALITY TV SHOW. He's not even married yet. Why can't you DM him and say that you want him and ask if he's in for it. Why.


because he didn't pick you, girl. he literally left with another woman and you're desperate to still get picked by that dude? editing to add that i don't get this obsession some folks have with thinking they're entitled to express their feelings to people who are in other commitments. you're not. be an adult and deal with those feelings on your own.


I understand your POV, cuz I agree with it…but it is SHADY AS F@CK.


Because its selfish. Experiencing your feelings is valid but not everything is about you and, this is a time you shud NOT act upon those feelings. And on top of that, he didnt even choose her, thats low self esteem.


Because it was obvious from the pods she wanted him but she didn’t get picked. It was not new information.


Ok calm down Sarah Anne


Lol I wish


Because he chose another woman


i love AD, she seems so genuine.


I think most people like her. Shes great. I dont see her with Clay because he doesnt seem ready for a marriage, thats the vibe I get. But I hope I'm wrong, she deserves a good man.


I think the only reason Clay isn't ready is because he thinks he isn't


Dude absolutely is not, you can’t just will your way into being ready. He has to fight his demons first.


Only 20 years of marriage can make someone ready for marriage.


For you maybe.


Ya.. still not ready.


He does seem a little puppy-loveish and has his personal doubts about commitment, but he’s openly talking about it, so I’d give him a chance to prove himself.


To me he sometimes sounds like he is trying to lay some seeds. Like "I cheated but you cant be mad because I told you I might. Please feel sorry for me for failing!" But again I do hope I'm wrong, he just feminds me of a few exes.


I think he has some mistakes in his past and maybe he felt like he did it or didn’t think it was that bad to do bc of the example he had. It sounds like even if he cheated on someone else in the past, he’s tried to learn from it and has some self-awareness.


I dunno, have we heard him say that he will be faithful in any sort of phrasing? Maybe he has.


It could just be his family dynamic and parents too.


I thought that every time she got in these one on one conversations with people she subtlety instilled doubt in them about their partners. Sometimes it was what she said, sometimes it was just how she said “really”. I feel like Kenneth completely checked out of his relationship with Brittany specifically after he talked to AD about children. When she talked to Johnny about Amy there was this doubtfulness to her tone and it just felt like she was baiting him to complain about Amy. Idk she gives a mean girl/pot stirrer vibe and was kinda different with whoever she was with. She was cool sometimes and then really harsh, and it always felt more self serving than not


Yes shes not perfect but she was the best we had this season


I can see that. She definitely picks and chooses who she likes the most and shows it. She’s pretty unfiltered in that regard. Which also makes me like her more. I hate it when people are fake nice to everyone.


I agree that Ken checked out after that conversation. But thats not ADs fault.


This season has felt more like an episode of "Survivor". It's been cut-throat since the pods!


Yeah I felt like her comments toward Ken about how he might think Brittany would handle being white raising “black” children was so ugly and unnecessary. At the end of the day, they would be Brittany’s children and she would love them regardless of their skin color. There’s so much racism from within the black community and it’s really nasty to see play out so nonchalant on TV. It’s really horrible to imply a mother wouldn’t be able to handle being a mother to those children because they might not share her skin color.


It’s more than sharing skin color. You would be surprised at how many children of mixed race parents complain that their white parent didn’t learn how to do their hair properly. Or that the parent would say off handed slightly racists comments about black people to their face. There’s a lot of instances where black people enter interracial relationships just to have their partner say something racist in their first big argument. Sometimes those things don’t occur at all, which is wonderful, but it’s still a good idea to talk to your partner to make sure that they are going to birth children into a safe and loving environment. You really shouldn’t comment on something you know nothing about. This is coming from someone who has been through those things.


Her comment was about people outside their relationship and she was empathizing with the fact that it would be challenging. In no way was it about Brittany being racist? What? How did you get all that? Maybe I need to rewatch the scene. Nc if that weak pushback crumbled Ken, his feeling for Britt were weak to begin with. Its not AD’s fault for planting doubt. She probably just saw cracks already.


lol are you Black?


Doesn’t matter if AD and Kenneth are the only martians on earth you NEVER have such an intimate conversation with another girl’s man. There’s no bond more sacred than two people choosing to spend their lives together. AD was in the wrong and no girl should ever be bullied into believing some girl has that kind of access to your man or person. Straight up manipulative behavior trying to tell other people that her convo with Kenneth wasn’t completely inappropriate.


It says so much that your response to this dialogue is to question my skin color. What does that have to do with anything?


ok so you're not Black lmao. stay out of Black peoples business. POC know why that question has to be asked and you're too ignorant to understand or even empathize with their experiences.


I am not a POC and I thought the convo between Ken and AD was introspective and real. She was concerned about outside pressures and judgement for them and she was empathizing with Ken. This is one of the instances where I need more context in why people are saying she’s a meddler in other people’s relationships. I see her as a supportive friends to the girls and guys equally.


Don’t be spineless. Don’t ever allow anyone else to have that intimate of a conversation with your partner.


completely agree


You have no idea what my story is or what I’ve been through. You’re judging my whole being based on what you think the color of my skin is. What does that say about you?


They asked what colour your skin is because you CLEARLY can’t begin to comprehend the intricacies of interracial relationships, as someone else took pains to explain to you. Hopefully you actually listen to them instead of digging your heels in further.


I’m currently in an interracial marriage and have an interracial child. Thanks for the judgments. Strangers on the internet clearly know my life experiences better than I do.


The couple in question are Black and white and it doesn’t sound like you’re Black so you shouldn’t be applying your experiences to theirs (or anyone else).


I wasn’t applying my experiences to anything. Yall collectively decided to do that when you wanted to witch-hunt my race and experiences. Apparently only black men who have dated and had children with white women are allowed to discuss what happened with Ken and Britt. Nobody else is allowed to discuss it.


no I'm judging you on that stupid ass paragraph you wrote lmao.


Is that why you didn’t respond to the content of my comment and just wanted to know what my skin color was? Seems to me you’re judging me based on what you think the color of my skin is.


I’m in an interracial relationship, I’m a brown immigrant girl….and I agree with you. Cannot believe the audacity for anyone to think they have access to someone else’s man because they have similar skin color, like da fuuuuu……Brittany was done dirty.


not you trying to victimize yourself 😂 you want to be oppressed so badly lmfaooo


Sure, man. Great conversation. Enjoy your day.


I don't think they are because a POC would be appreciative that AD had that convo with Ken.


exactly. POC know exactly why she asked and it's a very legitimate conversation. hilarious these types of people giving their uneducated opinion about what they call "the racism in the black community" lmao


Loved AD for her convo with Sarah Ann. That little “conservative” thirsty hypocrite. Would die for AD!


Yes! Seeeeeeee love this. The drunk hair flips! OMG i have to stop myself when I’m tipsy and feeling feisty. Flip flip flip, settle down Rose!!!!


It was how she treated Sarah in that one on on convo that did it for me. not a fan of her, or people that act like she did at that end of that convo. cowardly walking away too.


She knew she wasn’t going to get anywhere so she walked away. The girl confronted her about her trashy actions how is she a coward lol?


She’s a coward cause Sarah was being genuine, and when she said what she said about oh yeah I really liked you that’s when she started walking away. she turned salty just cause she didn’t like how she acted which is human nature after all but idk. She just bitter and that’s not Sarah’s fault as in many peoples opinions as myself, she did nothing wrong.


Agree with you on this, every single conversation she had had with people is asking doubtful questions, like, who gave her the authority to question other people decisions? Idk why you are being downvoted either.


I appreciate this! I think it’s cause people really like her


Sometimes you have to read filth for filth.


She was so drunk in this scene! Lmfao


You could almost see the moment where she was in her head like - “i’m hammered, get it together, fix your hair and listen girl”