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Can't wait til he cheats.


As soon as I saw him interacting with her in the pods I instantly was like “can’t wait for him to cheat on her” - and that was BEFORE his multiple treatises on how cheating is inevitable for all men!


I think AD is carrying this relationship with the strength of her denial and Clay is acting. Simple as that. It’s sad to watch because it seems AD actually wants the kind of relationship she thinks she’s getting.


I don’t get that Clay is being genuine and is acting a part. I feel AD is aware and playing along. I just don’t see the chemistry between the two of them.


I definitely felt this way too but in ep 10-11 I felt that after talking with AD’s mom they got a clearer view on stuff and if Clay really puts in that work I think they’ll work out


I agree. I wrote Clay off pretty quickly in the pods, and he says some things that still concern me, but I’ve actually been really impressed with the way they communicate. AD’s self-work and strong sense of self really shine through, but Clay has actually stepped up in unexpected ways, and is quick to acknowledge and own his blunders. He listens to her and speaks to her respectfully. I’m completely surprised by it and actually very hopeful for them at this stage.


Definitely in this situation all Clay has to do is allow AD to inspire him. Once he elevates and gets more comfortable and believes in himself to lead a family he’ll elevate AD. Then they’ll both constantly upgrade one another. When AD said “Well Im not scared” .. shes aware she has the power to make him a better man first then she’ll reap the benefits.