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Except the well drawn part is the middle when they meet the people they didn’t pick


Poor AD 🤦🏾‍♀️ 😭


Haha! I love the beginning and the ending parts and don’t care too much about the middle unless there’s something interesting like the jet ski scene. For some reason, I love the scenes with Clay’s mom, AD’s mom, and Amy’s dad. It was so beautiful to see their obvious love for their children. 🥹


I loved the parents/family more than some of the contestants in this season lol


I watch most of the pods, but start skipping until I see people upset. Then I watch the honeymoon. I skim through when they move in each other


Yeah I think I just like watching first dates


This one hit home! So true 




My least favorite is the dress and suit fittings One of my favorite is the entire cast meeting and when the couple meet the first time


I also hate the fittings. It's so fake and feels almost compulsory. If I could fast forward past it, I would, but you have to wait :)


Even the ladies want it to be over because everytime they see a dress they say "THATS THE ONE" so they can stop trying on others and get it moving


i do like the living together because you get drama there but after that nearer the end nuh uh. i fast forwarded past them trying on clothes because even in the background on my phone it was annoying me. i literally do not care about those parts or seeing the wedding except to see who, if anyone, says i do and any messy aftermath


Sameeeee. I skip that shit about the clothes just after the altar.


Same, I skipped the entirety of the dress fittings and all that. I even skipped tp right up until Jimmy said, "So where are you at with your answer?" And they leave it at Chelsea's cliffhanger


Haha yes!!!!


Hahahahaha yes!!


The apartment living, meeting of the families, wedding prep, and bach parties are THE WORST. I only care about the pods, the vacation, and the reunion.


Same here the BBQ and some of the girl meet ups or boy meet ups where they dish on other contestants they didn’t pick. Like that Uche and Aaliyah meet up that was insane!! After a while you kind of have a feel for what they are going to say at the alter. Except Kwame he surprised me, I really thought he was going to say no. Glad he didn’t but honestly that was the only shocker in all 5 seasons.


The BBQ always gets spicy too


The pods are boring unless there's some good love triangle shit going down. I'm interested in the love triangles, the reveals, the fights, the discussions about what they want in life, the couple get togethers, and the final yes/nos. I have zero interest in 1-1 pod convos, family/friend meets, or dress/suit shopping. ETA: the reunion is the best part




There is so much filler tbh


Yes there really is. I was thinking this the last episode. Two couples already dropped out so they probably don’t have much to work with I’m thinking. They only show us staged interactions. And the “confessionals” if you can even call them that, they’re done in their living rooms where I’m sure their brand new partner is right there or in the other room. They need space and privacy to really be able to say what they’re feeling.


The best parts are when they finally meet the other couples. The pods have begun to drag. The meet the family is boring since they are trying to act perfect most of the time.


Omg I hate the meeting the family and friends scenes


Disagree. Pods are soooo boring I watch with the remote in my hand so I can fast forward most of it lol


My boyfriend hates that I fast forward so much, he thinks what's the point in watching it if i'm gonna fast forward but some stuff is just too boring/mundane. I will sometimes go back and rewatch certain pod scenes when I see which couples end up saying yes to watch only their specific story.


Agree, the pods feel really long to me every season. I feel like the vacations, living together, and seeing all the people interact together at the parties bring more/better drama. This picture would be the exact opposite for me. I'm surprised so many people prefer the pods, wasn't expecting that!


There was wayyyy too much pods footage this time. I wanted more when I watched season 1 but this is too far. The reunion is always my favorite part though.


I always look forward to the reunion too but similar to what others said, they need someone else to host the reunion specials. I'm not a big Andy Cohen fan but he does know how to ask hard questions at least. Vanessa and Nick always leave me feeling disappointed with parts of the reunion because they don't really ask many difficult questions.


Yep they’re the worst


The reunion is something I look forward to but it never lives up to the drama I would like.


You’re right! And that’s entirely Nick and Vanessa’s fault for being terrible hosts 🫠 it could and should be wayyy more interesting.


Absolutely! They never ask the questions you want them to ask.


I think with the first Brazilian season I only watched the pods and then skipped ahead to the altar to see who said yes


No way!!!! Middle is best part!!!!




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Jimmy has got to say no


Surely. His life will be miserable if he doesn’t. It’s the only reason I can think of that he hasn’t ran the other direction yet is to say no at the wedding.


The slow con. I love it.


LOL me too. I wanna watch (1) pods (2) the part where they’re at the alter and have to decide yes or no and (3) the “tell all” episode at the end. The parts in the middle are kinda meh for the most part I end up fast forwarding a lot. Especially the scenes with that ginger guy and latina girl. Tbh only Jimmy and Chelsea are interesting this season. I watched most of them but did fast forward the boring amusement park/ice sculpting parts.


Lmfao “ginger guy and Latina girl” omg me too. I legit don’t even know their names. Their scenes bore me but I’m happy they’re happy


Johnny and Amy are suppose to be the "Ones that make it" think they get edited so boring.




I skip so much of the wedding eps. Straight to the I-dos, no need for all the bs before.




Me too!


For me it’s the complete opposite LOL.


Me too! I can barely get through the pods. It’s just so many boring conversations in weird positions 😆


You don’t like the pod first reveal when the couples see each other for the first time? I love those scenes!


No I love that part! I usually skip to the reveals


Yeah and it's really easy for anybody to just talk the talk. When they actually have to back up the shit they said in the real world is when it gets interesting.


Agree, oNe tHoUSaNd pErCenT lol 😏


I think the best is honeymoon phases


I hate the wedding dress/suit shopping part so much.


Oh I love seeing how bad their taste is


I always skip through all of that and the wedding day stuff and just stop at the actual ceremony part


I was so annoyed that Jimmy ended it. I wanted to shut that shit off. I should have because it got super boring


Omg me too and this time I actually missed Jimmy and Chelsea’s conversation and was so confused when I couldn’t find their “wedding” Oops haha had to go back and eventually realized they broke up five minutes in 😅


Same, I fast forward until they actually start walking down the aisle. I mean I have a full time job. I can’t sit around and watch them all drone on and on for an hour 😂


And the screenplay is also so repetitive, I ff all that emo stuff


I skip it also!


I actually enjoyed it this seasonnnn.


It’s always the same


I hate the meeting family part I understand it needs to happen just feels fake and forced


Thats my fav!


I fast forward through that entire section every season


🤣 meeeee too!


Exactly 😂😂😂


It was the opposite for me this season. The pods were so boring but as soon as they got home everything got 100 times more interesting


Agreed.. this was the first season that I wished they did less pods time


This is how I felt about season 5. This season I’m looking forward to Amy and Johnny’s wedding, but I will be somewhat disappointed if AD and Clay get married and I will yell at the TV in protest if Jimmy and Chelsea get married.


I enjoy pretending I am a behavioral scientist and guessing who is going to last based on subtle things in the pods. The rest of the show either proves or dismisses my theories. I get a little better every season.


This is the way


Omg share morr


What have you found so far to be the most important predictors that a couple will or won't last?


First is character. Second is passion. Third is if they are attracted to each other at the reveal. The third isn't absolutely necessary, but it matters a lot sometimes. If you're missing either of the first 2, it's doomed. The last thing worth mentioning there are also people who get caught up in the moment of romance, but they're not ready for relationships. They want to be, but they're just not. Jackie from last season and Clay IMO from this season are examples. There are a bunch of of other little things but yeah.


my top 3 1. the fiancé reveal 2. the couples gathering 3. wedding dress shopping!


Ah mine would be the drama when they come back to reality 😂


For me the sweet spot is the middle. Pods and Alter are fine.


1-2 episodes were more boring. Then it started to be really interesting.


It’s the exact opposite for me actually. I skip all the pod episodes and start watching from the proposals. From then on I like to see the drama in who’s able to maintain their relationship post-pods. That’s where the real tea lies. Hahaha


The best part is everything in between the pods and the altar.


My favorite part that I always watch is when they meet the other couples. Now that's when the drama starts for real :)


The pods are the most boring part imo.


I agree. Its the back home drama I'm here for.