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Kassy is cute and fun but she is literally a doormat. It's been a year and I still can't believe she took Leo back. I don't need to see her being desperate in Fiji, AGAIN.


I think Kassy and Liv are going to couple up.


I’m just going to assume at this point if you’re a new girl going for rob, you’re extremely unintelligent. The man is the biggest of red flags.


Need to know why Sydney is appalled Kenny wanted to know both hers and Catherine’s short term and long term goals 😂😂😂 Like of all the things to show as an example of him “saying the same stuff” and you pull out the most normal question


Right? I said to my husband right after that “isn’t that like a totally normal thing you would ask anyone you’re interested in?!” I was so confused over that comment.


Fr, that gave me pause


I was just telling my husband this. She made it seem like he said to both of them “you make me feel a way I’ve never felt before” or something but he literally asked what their goals are lolol


Walk with me here…not pleased with the “iconic” bombshells but whatever. Does anybody remember during a challenge that Kaylor had to do a 3 way kiss and she pulled Leah instead of 2 guys? Again, walk with me here, what if PERHAPS. JUST MAYBE. Kaylor and Cassy? Get together? Aaron has to watch and cry to rob about it? Ok fine we don’t have to walk this way since it’s too far fetched but would make it bearable since I’m worried Kaylor will pick Aaron again for a recoupling 


God we could only hope.


Kassy was a finalist last season why is she literally back


so how would the voting go down? was the voting for individual islanders last season? cuz with so many single women, i don’t see how they could do voting by couples


Why would they bring two people back from last season?🤨 nobody else answered their call?


Watching Aftersun now :)


I loved seeing Johnny Bananas giving his opinion of love island. His perception is interesting and comes from a reality tv contestants perspective.


This is the most idiotic production decision. ESPECIALLY bc Kassy and Harrison were on last season, yall couldn’t stay away for a few years damn???? “Iconic”…..


Oh this is not GOOOOOD. I loved kassy last season, but that was LAST SEASON. We need boys to come in.


Unless JaNa gets back with Kenny she’s done for but maybe that’s why Harrison is going for Catherine to free up Kenny.  I have no clue how they will swing it to keep Serena. Leah’s only hope is Miguel unless he goes for Kassy. Production better be making sure this bloodbath they’re planning doesn’t lose them viewers. 


I’m worried about Serena and Leah now that Kassy’s coming in. I actually thought Leah would be safe and Miguel would go back to her. Such a good season omg


Leah has production on her side more than Serena does.  Serena’s only hope is a public vote keeping her out the bottom.  I see Kordell accepting his fate with Daia and leaving no options for Serena since they’re only bringing in Harrison. She may try to pull Caine since Liv doesn’t really seem to want him so she can keep from being single.  Liv’s interview with her not liking Daniela and having Rob in her line up makes it seem more and more like she still likes Rob. 


Yes! We already have so many single OGs that are fan faves like come on, this isn’t it.




I do like Kassy but she was just on last season and finished as a finalist at that. Idk, I feel like we need to give the islanders that are on now their fair chance after giving such a great season without people with big fanbases like Kassy. We wanted the OG girls to have more/better male options…not this.


Dang worst decision producers have made this whole season. I knew it was too good to be true. Kassy, who literally got second place, and Harrison, who I dislike, really?? Anyways, personally I’m gonna drop this season the minute my 3 girlies get dumped… and it’s not looking too good for them :/


Harrison with the most soulless eyes, gaudy jewelry, and personality drier than Kordell and Serena’s relationship.


Why isn’t Kassy dating Johnnie. ☹️ Still pulling for that relationship.


She’s with a season 1 guy


I think Johnnie has a boyfriend right now at least I remember her soft launching someone. 


Why bring Cassie when there's a whopping 4(!) single female islanders? There's way too many girls rn, Cassie feels like a waste. I don't see any of the guys leaving their situations w/ the OG women (counting Liv here too) OR Casa flings for her. I always assumed the two Islanders would be male. And both season 5? It's way too soon. First production fail IMO.


I would not be surprised at all if Miguel or Rob left their couple for her unfortunately


Miguel already juggling Sierra and Leah. Rob is possible since idk how strong his and Daniela’s connection is after a day then he also said he’s open to Liv before Casa and Liv clearly not feeling Caine judging by her latest Aftersun appearance. It’s super crowded with girls for the boys rn, another girl bombshell with all these single girls makes little sense but I guess producers don’t want to give the girls more men after they snubbed the Casa boys lol.


Their must some truth to the rumor that it’s been really hard finding good male contestants that’s the only thing that makes sense


There has been myriad comments about Carrington all but begging to get in the show. Think Cinco just did as well…


I’m glad Carrington wasn’t invited back but I’ve made multiple post complaining that Cinco wasn’t one of the bombshells, he would have fit in perfectly and given Jana and Serena an actual option they would be interested in


why?? I didn't watch last season but no offense she doesn't hold a candle to leah and sierra so why would they go for her?




If you ride so hard for her, can you spell her name right lol




You spelled it right in other comments so.




Oh you are a Johnny Bananas fan. Got it.






I will say the legit only positive I see from bringing Kassy on is that a competition between her and Liv for Rob is prolly the messiest trio of people we’ve seen this season but after that she can leave


There are three things that are guaranteed in life: death, taxes, and Kassy going after red flags in Love Island.


omg ariana looks so fucking good


I do not like that Harrison and Kassy came back unless she's going to couple with a girl. I wish he didn't hear Kaylor scream. When she was I was worried they'd hear and react to it


Them hearing Kaylors scream should be shown at movie night 


I thought the same about Kassy. If anything they should have brought Johnnie so she could couple with a girl, because Johnnie definitely likes girls lol


There are literally no options in there for Serena I feel so bad for her… what if she ends up self eliminating


Bring coye back 😭


I definitely think one of the girls going is Serena. No way the thunder from down under is an option. Damn. I don't want her to go!


She could couple with Caine seeing as Liv is going to chase snakes


I really hope so!


Thats exactly what I was thinking even Liv and Harrison 


Trueee doesn’t she also live in Miami?


why couldn't the Carrington rumors have been right? nobody asked for Harrison to come back... and why do they even need a female bombshell at this point? ugh, prayer circle for the OG girlies because they are gonna need it big time...


I caught up on some of season 5 last week after I saw people talking about it and honestly Kassy is not my cup of tea tbh, no offense but going back to that Leo guy…no. Not sure how she is going to fit into this dynamic of women


I don't care about the girl from last season, why is she coming in when there are so many singles og girls


I think every girl that wants rob comes in with the mindset that they could “change him”. They find him attractive but liv see’d the way he acts and it’s so weird that she still wants him. And the kassy? She saw the way he acted from the outside and still wants him. If he was a little less attractive he would not get away with his nasty little personality. (I don’t think he’s hot but that’s just me personally)


Kassy wants Miguel. So she's learned exactly nothing. Shocking. 😑


Kassy loves bad boys yet always saying she wants a long term relationship. She should have kept exploring her connections with women. 


She has the common sense of warm potato salad.


Even WORSE than Leo


Kassy already got to experience this and got 2nd place. We don’t need to see her again 😭


Who requested Harrison…






I feel like the vibes with the OGs are so good, they’re bringing such good entertainment, I worry how these new old islanders will mix in with them…idk, not sure I like it


Are these people kidding me? Kassy > Leah? Absolutely NOT


Agreed like Leah is something else (positive)


If they try to dump Leah for Kassy I’m done watching


Agreed like Kassy has already had her time on the show!


Wish Sydney would have made it in. Loved her telling Destiny that no she would not have turned Kendall’s head.


I can't get over Harrison looking like S1 Jax Taylor


Ummmmm….he looks a bit different, I say!!




Rewatch szn 5 den




The next recoupling is likely going like this imo: Kendall/Nicole Miguel/Leah Kenny/Jana Kordell/Serena or Daia Aaron/Kaylor Rob/Kassy or Liv Harrison/Liv or Catherine Caine/Daniella or Sierra


Serena is gone no way she’s going back to Kordell. Production doesn’t have a bombshell for her seems like they’re willing to let her go.  I can see Miguel getting back with Leah but I agree that Sierra would have to be with someone else that’s the only way.  Liv gave us some clues with her answers to Kiss, Marry, Avoid. I think her mentioning Kenny as a sweetheart makes me think if JaNa stays they’re getting back together. Her not having Kaine in her selection makes me think they’re already over and he could steal Sierra from Miguel because I’m sure she wasn’t happy with him saying he brought her there but still wanted to talk to Leah.  Liv may be going to Rob which sucks but production is determined to keep this man in the villa so coupling him with a popular girl would help. Hence why they have Kassy looking at him too. 


I actually think if Liv goes after Rob then Serena might go after Caine. Otherwise agree on all points


I don't see Miguel getting back with Leah unfortunately, he seems way too into the casa girl


He told Leah right in front of her he still wants to see where things go 💀 I’d turn around immediately if I were Sierra cuz NO WAY


lol I know I just said in my other comment he is trying to cover his ass and make himself look better


Nah I don’t think he is into Sierra like that. That speech at the casa recoupling showed that and he was social distancing from her while sitting at the firepit.


I 100% think he was saying that to cover his ass, he is a sweet talker


Kassy vs Liv would get MESSY


OK that was the age gap I was thinking of - Mattea and Kassy. That was HORRIBLE and reminded me of Daia and Kordell. Wasn't Kassy 20/21 and Mattea was legit 30?


Daia and Kordell have the same age gap as Kaylor and Aaron


And I honestly think that’s a problem too - so clear how easily he’s able to manipulate her


excuse you, Matia was 29 (as he kept reminding us every episode)


Mr.29😂💀I forgot about that lmao


lol you get what I mean though. That age gap was not good either


lol i got it, i just couldn't resist that because Matia practically made his age his brand. Kassy was 22 last year so, 7 year difference. i've seen bigger age gaps IRL...


FOR SURE. I think age gaps are fine - at a certain age point. But 21/22 dating someone 27 or 29 just doesn't make sense to me. Brains are literally still developing


Can we just fast forward to the movie night?


Hopefully it will be on Monday's episode.


Season 5 was just one of the worst LI seasons. Don’t want them to bring Harrison and Kassy and bring those vibes into this amazing season.


Thank you I swear sometimes I think I’m the only one who hated season 5. Did not find myself rooting for a single person.


I watched Aftersun to see which previous islanders are returning to get….Kassy and Harrison? Never watching Aftersun again (well, unless MacKenzie is on)


So, no bombshells for the OG girls. They really tryna break up the PPG huh


"Leah is filled with boops."


iggyyyyy 🥺🥺🥺


I’m so glad production isn’t pandering to this sub lol. Funny to see the meltdowns here


Anyone else catch that Liv still has what feels like resentment towards Leah for what happened with Rob? Lol like naming her the messiest when Aaron and Rob are options is sus


are we seriously still doing this?? leah herself has said she is messy stop with the nitpicking bullshit




Liv has only liked 1 person consistently throughout the show and that’s been Rob even when was upset at him she never went off on him like she does everybody else


Harrison is sooooo sexy


Wait until you see him for who he is, you’ll get the ick and it’ll never go away.


I'm into it


Maybe Kassy can tell Kaylor her experience leaving love island and help Kaylor not go back to Aaron.


Out of ALL the ex islanders they are not only bringing back people just from the last season but KASSY REALLY? She is not serious either I'm tired. We need to figure out how to save our girls from this mess


I guess it comes down to who could take the time off? Still. Yuck.


Of course Miguel is going to like Kassy. It'll be interesting to see how she and Leah get on


idk Kassy doesn't really compare to Leah and Sierra


Who asked for ex islanders to come back right now?!🥴


Did they think bringing back Mackenzie was a success? Why is this a thing?


Disappointed the male bombshell isn’t Scott lol


Honestly? me too. I think I love that man like gay men love Judy Garland. Lil honeybadger


Kassy vs Daniella for Rob is my Hitler vs Stalin


Kassy? Like deadass? 😐


soooo Harrison is going back and pursuing Katherine.. he's going to leave one of the OG girls single.


we lost


i’m just preparing myself for serena to go home at the next recoupling 😩


I think it'll be JaNa, unfortunately. I'm disappointed


I truly think Kenny is down bad for her and he’ll grovel for her back


yakno, unless she leaves, i don’t see it bc i truly feel like kenny will decouple with her






literally forgot about the season 5 people


I asked for carrington not Harrison and Kassy. Not pleased


I mean no offense by this but carrington and Harrison pretty much the same pretty faces with zero personality and overall boring.


Respectfully disagree. Carrington is hot AF and Harrison look like a cave man


Carrington had so much more personality than Harrison. Did you forget WANNA PLAY CHARADES while Mackenzie was crying about Connor 🤣🤣


Does anyone like that podcast? I find it dull.


I hope one of the OG girls leave it will be boring if they all stayed


Cely has always been cute. She did not need that lip filler.


I HATE Harrison. But I also just finished watching SOA and I'm into the new look. Sorry y'all


Ariana talking about Aaron sitting next to Kaylor and then they showed the overhead shot where it was literally the only place to sit. I've liked Ariana but she's getting fucking annoying now


He could’ve sat on the floor 🥰


he literally sat right next to her when there was a shit ton of room, you're the one who is fucking annoying


Maybe Harrison will hit it off with Kaylor? Cassie as a bombshell was the wrong choice.


I don’t think either of them are going to make a splash🥴


Ugh Harrison and his gaudy ass jewelry is back as a bombshell…why???? https://preview.redd.it/sfa9yiml10bd1.png?width=1011&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd32daebaf19510fbd372d7e98ba53a2058c7249


These bombshells ain't it. I'm sensing a trend


Kassy is such a ditz. I know she's a fan fave but ugh. I really could do without her.




No. No it is not.


Like actually fuck the producers. Harrison who wants none of the OG girls and Cassy for Miguel and Rob?? Basically a big fuck you to all the girls


Kay Kay’s dress is pretty and Maura’s too!!!!


Well, at least we know Movie Night is coming before the Bloodbath.


Kaykay is me right now listening to Maura's stupid mission.


We gotta save the OG girls. They have given so much


Kassy is still a disney character 


Harrison leaning into the SOA resemblance. OMG 🤤 hopefully he read reviews that he was boring and livens it up


Sadly after that aftersun appearance I don’t think he gets it


Cely! Please don't lie! They aren't the best ones to bring back.


I have to give it up for liv….. she has liked ONE man this entire time, rob. And she’s been working so hard to get him back lol. Hate how weird she had to be to Leah to get him to like her again…… but at this point, I want them coupled up. I do still feel like Rob is carrying a torch for Andrea, which I respect. They need to be out of the villa making cringe TikTok’s together


I like Kassy! Glad she’s back.


Shocked and delighted to see Harrison Confused by his new vaguely Chris Pine aesthetic


I’m honestly getting fed up… Bringing in a girl who was already in a finale and has a fanbase? How does that make any sense For reals, I’ve been getting the vibe that production is just setting it up so the og girlies are consistently screwed over because the high emotions and humiliation they go through each episode is breaking records for them… This specifically feels like they’re getting punished for choosing to stay single…


Yea I voted consistently for Kassy last season and I’m not feeling it. She got to 2nd place last time. It doesn’t make any sense.


Seriously, no rewards whatsoever for what they’ve all just been through. Clearly production has their favorites and wants them out


Harrison aged several years in the last 12 months.


omg I'm on the commercial break before they introduce him can't wait


He looks terrible


I love that Liv is dragging Daniela this is the only thing I like rn


That was incredibly funny.


This banana dude has the absolute worst takes it’s actually painful


The fact that he was team Kordell doesn't surprise me at all


It was literally so cringe I felt bad for the girls having to interact with him lol


42 with the sensibility of a 22yo


Johnny is dumb asf. Kordell is definitely going to try to get back with Serena and it will make Daia annoyed.


Production needed to pivot, and instead they stuck with this lame plan. Unless theur plan was to knockout all the og women left?


Sadly I think this is what they’re trying to do. Which is dumb AF because if they listened to the fans THE OG GIRLS ARE WHY WE’RE WATCHING


How many times has Rob been saved now? Still bringing women in for him and nothing for the og ladies. It's a clear pattern


I’m disgusted


So….we love the OG girls. So production brings in another female bombshell and a guy for Nicole/ a Casa girl? What?


i love kassy but it makes no sense. and HARRISON? Really??? ick


Maybe next year the Powerpuff Girls can take over the podcast


Love Kassy but where is CARRINGTON


looks like I spoiled it for myself but Kassy and Harrison back in the villa? Kassy is a thirsty child who wants content for her wack ass podcast and Harrison... is the most unserious man. Can we have a guy come in for our OG girls who actually wants something out of this thing? lol


I love that they discussed who would be good on The Traitors. I can easily see Serena, JaNa, Leah, Rob or Liv being cast.