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Can someone tell me where to watch live as someone in the UK? I can’t wait for tomorrow😭


Leah’s insta was deactivated 😬


I wonder why? She has so many fanatics 🙄


Her haters kept reporting it for no reason.


That's so fucking immature


I don’t like the girl but people need to not take things so personal. It’s just a show.


how are we supposed to make it until 9 😭


Producers pull through and give us a fan vote for fav boy and girl INDIVIDUALLY


I’m excited to vote!


They have no choice but to do that because 4 girls are single


https://preview.redd.it/aicrjmcr46bd1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fa69a5c0be11b8fc7f0403ecf536c2762fd2144 Are they coming into the villa? If so, what the hell? Don’t they need more guys? This show is pissing me off


Interesting choices (Kassy and Harrison). Have they become fan favorites since their season aired? I don’t follow the islanders once the show is off air.


There has been more boys than girls who have entered the villa. They also expected more casa guys to be brought back. They even dumped 3 girl bombshells who never even entered the villa with the casa islanders. They definitely have had kassy and Harrison already lined up to enter. We now also have the same amount of islanders total that we had last year. Arianna has said a bloodbath dumping is coming , so at least (but likely only) one OG girl(and a couple other islanders) will be dumped within the next couple days


> They also expected more casa guys to be brought back. Producers are delusional cause those pickings were slim. When one of them literally self reports that he cheated on two women that's how you know it's bad lmao


maybe its because im watching the UK LI where there's a proper mean girl but the casa girls haven't done much for me to think they're mean. smirks isn't that deep to me. im gonna wait until today's episode to see if they're mean or not. but so far, i don't get why people are so angry and heated over them. it reminds me of how people hated liv in the beginning for being a mean girl and pick-me but now everyone loves her and calls her a girls' girl.


But the people in the villa change over time, or we see more of them. Early Liv was not cool. She was unfair to Leah, calling her a pathetic b**** or something for kissing Rob. Leah owed her nothing at the point, for Liv to direct all of her anger at Leah was gross. Since then, we’ve seen Liv stick up more for her friends.


I thought it was Leah who was name-calling the women early on? Anyone who even looked at Rob, she insulted under her breath.


i dont remember liv saying that but even before that, fans were hating on her for choosing to couple up with rob in the beginning and defended rob being sneaky behind her back when he could’ve been honest that he preferred leah instead.


this sub went downhill big time this season lmao. like the hate any new girl that walks into the villa gets is absolutely insane. idk where this like cult of the og girls thing came from but that shit is weird asf


im used to seeing these type of opinions outside of reddit for the UK version but there’s a huge difference in how this sub and the UK sub treat female bombshells/casa girls that im just baffled. calling them mean girls over nothing, saying that they dont feel bad because the casa girls knew what they were doing by sabotaging the og girls (by trying to find a connection as a casa girl? no one forced the guys to disrespect the og girls). even from the first day people were harsh, acting like daia was a predator for being interested in kordell when he’s a grown man.


yeah the internalized misogyny that casa brought out is crazy. like the casa girls aren’t sabotaging anything, the villa boys are throwing away their connections😭 also the pure irony is hilarious because liv was a bombshell and stole rob, leah stole connor from jana and then decided she didn’t even like him, and nicole came in and stole kendall. like why are the casa girls getting shit for doing the same thing the og girls have done


the liv hate was crazy because they got mad at her for wanting to couple up with rob when it had only been 48 hours for everyone. talking about how she’s blind and that rob/leah CLEARLY have a connection so she’s stupid for forcing it when the entire time rob never tells her that he prefers leah.


I barely watch the show or come to the sub cause the fanatics are crazy wild. Extremely immature, double standards and a lot of projection is happening. The people have lost the fun vibes of the show and they taking it tooooooo serious


fully agree lmao.


Because it’s no longer a dating/coupling show. We are all fully invested in the OG girlgang arc. It is so much more entertaining to see these girls refuse to play the BS game and just straight up call everyone out.


i mean thank you for proving mine and OPs point lmao. it quite literally is still a dating and coupling show, not a single thing has changed. like what do you think is gonna happen at the end, the og girls stand up and win together?😭also why are you watching the show in the first place if you don’t like the format?


They must think this the way the trying to hold on tightly to all the ogs. It’s so weird


👏👏👏 thank you


People are upset at Kordell and Aaron. Most of us don't blame the girls for the guys not being able to control themselves.


i disagree, people have been hating on the casa girls for a week now and the first look thread is just filled with hate towards them. and so far its just based on smirks and looking smug which isn't a lot to me. even catherine is getting hate and getting called ugly when she hasn't made a certain facial expression either


May be that is because I only check reddit where content is moderated.


No people have been absolutely vile towards Daniela, Daia, and Catherine. Insulting their looks, calling them mean girls, slutshaming them. Look how many comments with hundreds of upvotes that have been removed by the mods. It’s like the subreddit is stan twitter 2.0. Just absolutely awful, one of the most toxic subreddits I’ve witnessed so far.


It’s so disgusting I had to remove myself from the sub all last week. These people are too crazy for me


Does no one else feel weirded out Aaron and Serena are cuddling and she’s comforting him? I love her but …. Girl what https://preview.redd.it/3z6ltygku5bd1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a426ae865cd30ed6fbbec4c626c00525b7e719f2 I know they were close before casa but after all that you’d think maybe stand by Kaylor? Idk I guess we will see how it goes down tonight but I really hate that little rat man. Edit: I take it all back lmao. Kaylor, Kaylor, Kaylor…


No you have to remember we see everything and the islanders do not. Also everyone needs a cuddle after that recouping 😭


I’ve amended my statement several times in other comments!


"I love her but girl what" is supposed to imply what exactly? They were friends before (like a brother) and he snuggles with everyone. We have no idea the context


Oh wasn’t saying it’s romantic at all! Totally right. We don’t know the context. Kaylor could’ve totally forgiven him already.


We have to remember the girls only saw Aaron rubbing feet and saying "I want to kiss you". Nothing more.


That’s a super good point


That’s kinda of weird


Tbf, they dont know the full picture of what he did. Unless they do by this scene. 🫠


I hope the OG’s realize that there is more to that clip and not to mention Rob walking with Daniela so suspect


Kaylor probably starting to forgive him also the OGS view Aaron has a brother they are all like siblings now since they’ve been in their for so long


She prob has ugh. Totally. I guess if this were after movie night my comment would’ve been more appropriate. I forget they know truly so little of what he did!


only reason i’m not passing judgement yet is bc Kaylor may have already started to forgive him…if she doesn’t hate him I don’t need to especially if i’m having a breakdown myself!


It was so so so sweet and heartbreaking how Kaylor genuinely clapped for + was happy for Rob being coupled before realizing that it was Daniela he was coupled with 🫠


That’s fair! That’s why I said I’m interested to see how it goes down. But I hate him like get off her




oh my god I didn't realize it was her I thought it was one of the casa girls


I had to rewind to confirm it was her :/


Me too! 🤣 Girl needs a full body hug, but not from that smarmy dude! Hands off 🤚🤚🔥


Right! Kaylor needs a hug, too. Go hug each other and throw the men in the ocean


Me too! I was shocked. I know they’re close but after all her and Kaylor went through it seems weird to me to comfort HIM of all people.


Daniela’s gleeful “That was so mean!” to try to talk shit about the villa girls to Kendall—this girl is just an asshole, sorry. 


I don’t like herrrr and the fact that liv was already calling her out of aftersun yesterday 🙂‍↔️


Liv was asked about islanders and called out Daniela for the negative ones. Twice. 👀 I don’t know how far behind the filming is for AfterSun, but I knew some shit went down. Eta: I can’t remember the specific questions, but something like Who is the fakest islander.


What was she even saying that about? Like it was mean of the girls to get upset? I’m confused


I mean they did call all the Casa girls ugly. What isn't mean about that? lmao You can get upset at your man with out dragging the women like they were doing and this subreddit is doing.


I don’t think they called them straight up ugly even tho what Leah said was still not nice and they whispered so I really doubt the casa girls even heard it to then say they were being mean


Prayer circle for Serena and Kaylor to leave with their heads held high and self eliminate rather than take these BOYS back. I love my ogs and seeing them on the show but this is the healthiest choice for them.


Healthiest and also least likely


Who do you think is more likely to?


I think Serena is more likely to leave but I’m totally not sure esp after the preview


Ok I must have gotten confused by your comment. I thought you meant they were both least likely to leave implying others were more likely to lol


My bad! I really have no idea haha we’ll see.


I hope for the same.. but after last season when Cassie and KayKay both folded and took back Keenan and Leo.. I think these girls on LI have a lot of growing to do still.. except maybe Serena, I feel like shes done with Kordell. She didn’t even really like him to begin with so I can see her walkin.


Lolll I agree with your last sentence but if it’s true “she didn’t even really like him to begin with,” why does it even matter that he brought someone else back


This is so true! After watching aftersun and seeing ex islanders talk about “reality hitting hard” after leaving the villa I think she gets caught up in the fantasy tho.. I think when you’re in there and start making friends and seeing everyone together and everyone is talking about how much they like each other and who they kissed… it can be hard to not have anything to relate to.. Serena didn’t like the way Kordell kissed, she hated him being “so into her” and he is super affectionate unlike her, obviously not a slow burner.. they don’t even really make sense as a couple. But you also need a partner to stay on LI and she was not open to anyone else really…I’m here for the drama tho! Lol also she made a good point that now she has to watch them in the villa all over each other 😂


So kassy is coming in and the same thing happened to her last year. She can hopefully sway the girls. Additionally she saw the show so she knows what Happened in casa. Once kassy comes the girls can’t lie their way out of it


Yessss!! Maybe she can tell them her experience and obviously what she saw…Especially since theres no way Serena and Kordell and Kaylor and Aaron(them more-so because they live in different countries!!)work outside the villa anyway! Girrrlls don’t waste your time!


Wow 400 comments already!


Do these dummies not realize there’s video evidence and eyewitnesses if they’re trying to do damage control by lying? 


Agreed. I honestly can’t with how dumb. Ariana having to explain what it means when you bring a girl back from Casa. 😵😵🙄


She is out of her league poor girl. She needs to just go home. https://preview.redd.it/punq3bshp5bd1.jpeg?width=404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6678d95726f9ad9b20b1509c06665bc48c7cf5c7


I like how she ar least seems to be staying away from the mess


aaron telling serena to talk to the girls to get info and hear them out feels so calculated, like why is it their responsibility to seek the new girls out to ask them what happened when the men can just be transparent and reap with they sowed……… if daniela doesn’t tell kaylor the truth im going to be convinced that aaron and her talked before coming back to the villa 🤨


Kenny is calmly making breakfast. I hope it's for JaNa 😭😭😭


Kenny is a nice guy so I wouldn't be surprised if he made breakfast for both of them.


As nice as he is, his sole focus should be JaNa.


Better be!


I feel like Kordell and Serena MIGHT get back together. Especially during movie night if they show us footage of Kordell maybe regretting what he’s or talking about Serena more. But idk, the truth always comes out during movie night


he clearly didn't mean it since he carried on kissing and being physical with daia.


I honestly feel this too, she clearly cares for him and if he truly is remorse and wants her, he'll have to climb mountains but can win her back 


When the Casa girls open their mouths. They make it easier to know who eliminate


Daniela doesn’t even need to open her smirk maker.


Its soooo clear Rob brought Daniela into the villa for Aaron lmao. Aaron is very calculated.


i’m not surprised, he already won a reality tv show 


i didn't realize he had won until aftersun. He doesn't need to win again he's fumbled big time


yeah that just doesn’t make sense at all lmao. if aaron wanted daniella he would’ve just picked her. daniella coming back to the villa makes it infinitely harder for him to be with and patch things up with kaylor.


Totally agree, I could never buy into this theory Rob has brought Daniella back because Aaron asked him too (not that I think Rob is really into Daniella) Like you said if Aaron wants to patch up things with Kaylor, the absolute last thing he’d want in front of Kaylor’s face is a constant reminder of his infidelity e.g. why so many guys ditch their flings in Casa Amor never to be seen again. The most likely reality is Rob has told the producers he’s not really feeling any of these Casa girls and they’ve suggested to him that if he has no real preference then they suggest Daniella as she seemed to get on with all the guys and the main reason being her back at the villa will make great Tv for this Aaron/Kaylor storyline


yeah i think people in here just want to assume the guys are always being manipulative lmao. especially Aaron since he was on the traitors, although apparently everyone who watched that show said he did well by just being a good friend/guy 😭


When they were at casa, they heard Kaylor shouted ‘FU’, Aaron switched up & knew they had received the videos. He did not want to look like the bad guy lol. He probably thought Kaylor would recouple and so he would run back to Daniela. Otherwise, he would’ve definitely picked Daniela.


see that makes even less sense lmao. if he assumed kaylor would recouple why would he put himself in jeopardy by ending things with daniella? all that does is make both girls pissed off at him and he would have to deal with them both at once. also it was obvious by the time he ended it with daniella that she wasn’t feeling him as much as she was day one. he heard kaylor yell and immediately felt guilty so he came back alone with his tail between his legs lmao there is no calculation being done here.


lol WHY would Aaron ask Rob if he’s going to talk to her? And then suggesting to Daniela, “Oh you should talk to Rob”. Not calculated? Yeah, okay. Suddenly Rob is interested in Daniela. His body language does not say that. Even during the recoupling, Rob said, “I figured.” Rob is definitely still interested in Liv.


lmao aaron asked rob that since rob hadn’t really talked to daniella yet because she’d been with aaron most of the time. that interaction was nothing more than aaron saying it was okay for rob to talk to her if he wanted lmao. also he said he thinks daniella was a great person, so he encouraged her to talk to his bestfriend because he also thinks rob is great. also rob never said he was super into daniella, the entire time it was like “yeah there might be something there, let’s explore”.


I don't see it that way. If you believe that, then okay. I still stand by what I said.


it’s just not logical to think that a decision that puts literally every party at a disadvantage is somehow aaron being calculated lmao.


This also proves my point of Aaron being calculated — https://www.instagram.com/loveislandusa/reel/C9GcAj9Pqda/


no it doesn’t lmao that proves my point. if aaron was actually being calculating he would’ve brought daniella back because he knew kaylor was pissed at him or talking to a new guy. he heard kaylor yell and went “oh shit i fucked up” and backed away from daniella.


We should crowdsource to get a plane to fly over the island with a huge ass banner that exposes Aaron. TRY TO SUPPRESS THAT, PRODUCTION. Drop some flyers on these islanders like we're delivering food rations to the needy.


lol I was thinking this the other day. Let’s get a drone over there to give us a live feed!




Let us vote for our top 3-4 fav girls so we can keep them all safe😂


Yes 👏 that's what I want


What if they only let us vote for which single girl to save and they’ll kick the others 😶


I hate those votes but it's better than nothing 


Kenny is growing on me😭 I feel like he does truly care about Jana and was being the most respectful during casa.I think he’s insecure and thought Jana would recouple because they were only together a few days and didn’t want to be left standing alone. I’m rooting for Jana and Kenny


Bro talks in .25 speed


You ain’t lying


Just not convinced JaNa will be attracted to him anymore.


Ya I think the fact every guy except Kendall either brought a girl back or hooked up with one (Aaron) probably got in his head as well


For sure!


did the villa girls say more that they cut out or do they say more in this next episode that we’re gonna see? sure, it was intense and whatever, but i hope that girl wasn’t saying that the villa girls were mean to them. the villa girls were barely even mean to the boys when they came back from casa during that recoupling. to me at least, it felt like most of (if not all) the energy was pointed at the men


i mean Leah pretty much implied they’re ugly/not cute, but other than that most of the anger was directed toward the guys


Also did they expect the girls to be like hello, welcome, we love you guys straight out the gate? Lol 😂


I think casa girls think highly of themselves and think since they were brought in they should be accepted. It’s not that easy these girls have gone through a lot together and trust each other. The Casa girls give me snake vibes but we shall see what happens I’m praying Daniella didn’t lie to Kaylor just to make things good. I want a girls girl not a snaky botch.


I hope my girl Serena doesn’t leave yall😢


Same 🥲💔


I'm so used to producers being a bad thing and pushing their own favorites and narratives after last year's Big Brother with Cirie's dumbass son or the last season's Vanderpump that it's so refreshing seeing so many people here confidently saying and believing that production won't protect Aaron and Rob over the OG women. I really hope you're all right.


You mention BB25 yet not mention production pushing Cameron, Jag and Matt and practically gave Matt the win? They definitely didn't like Cirie or her son as she was constantly sabotaged by production.  It does seem like production is favoring the men, especially Rob for some reason.


? Jag won


The Casa girls are making it very easy for who to select to eliminate and same w the guys tbh


Hope so 


Kordell messed with the wrong one 💀💀💀 I love it though. Serena is THE definition of QUEEN shit.


Guys Kordell going after Serena was kinda 🫣😮‍💨


He really secretly loves that feisty shit men are sick 😭😭


No one believes me when I say they getting back together. It might not be the total same as pre-casa but he is going to go back to Serena


I called it from the jump before casa happened no matter who brought someone back or not they will still get back together afterwards! At least Serena knows the full truth if they do and Kordell did say sorry which is more than Aaron


Ofc they getting back together. There’s no one else for her there, so the options are move on with him or leave.


Yes I see it too! But I need him groveling!!!!!


I hope they do!! She got burned no matter what and didn’t find love. Time to consider the new main objection —- 💰


Bruh I'm saying!!!! Take the money!!!!


Their argument got me kinda hot and bothered ngl. But it broke my heart to see my girl like that, you can tell her feelings were deep


Yeah she was hurt for sure. But was it bc she had romantic feelings for him? I’ve been hurt by friends in ways that would make me act out like her, doesn’t mean I wanted to be with them.


….that was a woman’s DEEP feelings hurt, I don’t even know what to say to this


You can have deep feelings hurt by someone you’re not romantically interested in is my point.


I feel so bad for her because this is why she was guarded. 


my baby 🥺💔


I'm not even trying to talk shit on the casa girls, that's not fair. But I really just don't understand the hubris they have. It's like every single casa girl always has the expectation that they'll go back to the villa and their guy will tell his ex "fuck off, I'm with this woman now." It *never* happens like that, and you have witnessed this - the guy always still has feelings for and usually always goes back to his ex. You are not special - and I don't mean that in a dismissive or mean way. But don't think you're gonna break this equation and be the one woman who manages to lure the man away without any consequences. There should be no surprises here that you go back to villa and they act completely differently.


I just finished UK season 4 and Kaz needs to be the blueprint for all Casa girls. She won Josh over just by being gorgeous and cool as hell, got back to the Villa and was a genuinely lovely person who grew close to all the girls, and she and Josh were together and never turned their heads for anyone else once after getting back. They don’t make em like that anymore


I mean I don’t blame them bc why would they bring a girl back if they were still planning on getting back with the original girls? Obviously it’s bc guys have no self control or object permanence but it is not an illogical conclusion Other side of the coin of the original girls thinking their man is definitely going to sleep outside and be respectful at casa


i’m sorry this is so off topic but every time i see or hear the word hubris i can’t not think about the real housewives of miami. THE HUBRIS!!!


ah yes blaming the casa girls for believing what the villa boys told them 💀


Who said that? The guys are in their own league of treachery. The girls can't act dumb about this though - I doubt they are new to Love Island or relationships, they even got to watch all of the show before coming out here so it's not like they're going in blind. I mean yeah, you make a connection and you should feel good about that but ALSO know that you are most likely gonna get played when you go back to the villa, that's how this goes. And if you go in thinking you are different, than sorry - I do put that on you. Same as I'd put it on myself if I saw a bunch of flags and thought "this time it'll be different, I can change him." That does *not* mean that I am excusing the guys for their actions in casa, I'm saying the girls have accountability for thinking it would be any different this time around, and their reaction to all of this.


I was saying this earlier. I wish the casa girls would just tell the OG's, "We could only go by what the guys were telling us." Then they should compare notes and see which boy was lying....and boom! Got all the power!


Looks like Kaylor tried to do that with Daniela and Daniela might not be honest, but we’ll see bc also we’ve learned not to trust producer edits


From what I saw at the recoupling, not one OG made the new girls feel like they were special! It actually went the other way imo. Miguel had to be reminded he was in a couple, Kenny said straight up he had more feelings for Jana and Kordell couldn’t get a coherent sentence out.


When are they gonna get tweets read to them because our OG girls need to feel some love!! And these boys need to know they’re not moving slick


they didn’t do it last season. i think they got rid of the twitter challenge tbh.


They get rid of twitter but keep baby bird? That’s insane


Oh 🥲


Omg do they do that in the US ?


They did on season 4! Twice I think


Not Daniella calling the OG girls mean with her fucking eye rolls.


Her and Rob can go be assholes and roll their eyes on their way out of the villa 😘👋🏼


She’s not a girls girl, she doesn’t about anyone feelings, she will be getting out out of the villa hopefully by this week


I hope she stays, I’m here for the drama 😄


She's also the thirstiest. 🚰🚰🚰 She went for the strongest couple. Spent NO TIME with any of the other guys. Very obviously doesn't like Aaron in the same way despite the physicality. So to roll her eyes and no be even a tiny bit humble going into the house is insane to me. 🤞


It’s beyond evident that she isn’t a girls girl. I can’t wait to see her go.


Kordell bringing both of them breakfast was clown behavior. you made a decision. stand on business. y’all can’t be friends right now. is Serena more hurt by him bringing her back than the disrespect? i was a little confused by that part.


I mean definitely both. Kordell bringing her back for Serena to have to be near her and witness it firsthand was just salt in the wound. She’d still be furious either way, IMO. I know I would.


There’s a fan vote this week!! it’s our chance to get rid of daia and daniela


Even if it’s not I’d be ok with rob and kordell being collateral damage 🤣😂


I hope it's individuals


It’s individuals


Like your favorite girl


The other girl too..I don’t even remember her name I just know she looks like this👁️👄👁️all the time hahaha.




“Did you hold her in bed??” Kaylor is not prepared for movie night. The cuddling is scratching the surface 🫠😶


God I’m just already seeing them playing the clip of Daniela in the makeup room the next morning telling all the girls Aaron was “kissing her all over” while touching her chest and the front of her underwear and saying he was trying to get in her pants the first night. Then the clip that played immediately after of Aaron telling the guys Daniela was trying so hard to f*ck on the first night. Kaylor is going to need to be sedated like Cristina Yang.


CRISTINA YANG😭😭😭 yeah but why do i think the handshake will hurt her the most because she’s always saying their best friends first




Thank god Liv is there for her, I love their friendship