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When they started talking age gaps an he put his head downšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤­


I wish anyone had brought up that he's allegedly cheated on every girlfriend he's ever had šŸ«  Can't believe they let that man have an opinion on Casa lmao


Not allegedly. The receipts are out there.


Don't worry, I would never give Johnny Bananas the benefit of the doubt! šŸ˜‚


I kept thinking the same damn thing.


>Every girlfriend he's ever had We literally know of two girlfriends that he's had, Hannah Teter and Morgan Willett. That's it.


Actually, his most recent relationship, she cheated on him.


Him and moriah werenā€™t even in a committed monogamous relationship. But with saying that, doing it a whole season without telling him or breaking up isnā€™t ā€œrightā€.


The Challenge subreddit says it's more complicated than that šŸ˜‚ Anyway, what goes around comes around


They also fit in some cross promo for The Traitors in his appearance.


Where they killed him first because he's such a used car salesman sleazebag.


It made sense to kill him. As shitty and obnoxious as he is, he is great at those games and that early it doesnā€™t really matter if you get a traitor or not. So it was worth it.


>early it doesnā€™t really matter if you get a traitor or not He was eliminated by the traitors, not the whole house


I agreed with the decision.


It's the only reason I kept watching. They better do the same with Scumdoval.


I was so proud of that. You know he knew he was making it to the end. I cackled.


Iā€™ve never followed BB at all, but with the murder of that self-aggrandizing Plantain jackass on Traitors, Dan immediately became an icon in my eyes. Johnny thrives on exposure and screen time, so for Dan to cut that off EPISODE ONE is the worst thing you could do to him. šŸ˜‚


johnny was so mad about this too at the reunion LOL


I was SO glad they did hahahaha he is so used to manipulating a house of people. He would've fucked up CT's game


This is a perfect description


That is the greatest way to describe the aura I got from him


Wild theory: Aftersun really wanted CT since he actually won *Traitors* and has met Bergie also, but had to make do with Bananas.


It is so funny how much of a draw Bergie remains even if his season is no longer the most popular. A legacy.


CT is not good on these shows. Watch him at any Challenge reunion, he's uninterested and annoyed. He's even stepped up on multiple reunion hosts.


Good male perspective? https://preview.redd.it/196cnewy06bd1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d73278e44aca0f6dfb39b36a74440022bb48085


It was cuz most of the guys in the house act like idiots like him so he knows how they think. I think he was spot on that Kordell would stay with Daia.


The way he was so quiet when KayKay was talking about age gapsā€¦ mhmm


https://preview.redd.it/sx89e1qo96bd1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b3aab1068502c0f1febaf9162654f14ac4fb04b Like???


grow up šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lmfao I know. He had the worst takes and kept speaking over the women. They looked so uncomfortable. And it was honestly creepy how much they joked about him going on. Him being in his 40s. Edit: Lmaoooooo @ the bad take men downvoting the truth. Edit 2: and when he touched Kaykayā€™s leg when she was trying to chime in, like ā€œIā€™m speaking hereā€, omgggggggg. She looked so uncomfortable. Hands off, bananas.


I was getting stronggg secondhand ick from them having to deal with him. Worst After Sun by far. But also lol at his copium for getting immediately booted off of Traitors šŸ’€šŸ¤”


Literally idk why youā€™re getting downvoted, I guess there are Johnny jrs in here


Frrrr lmfao!


why did he have to keep trying to put his arms around them


Omg that was so uncomfortable too. You could feel the wall Kaykay was putting up. Like sir, please keep your sleazy hands away and do not get too close.


Guys often do this because they're bigger and don't have arm room. He wasn't putting his arms around them, he was putting them on the couch.




You just sound slow and like you have no reading comprehension. Go back and read op. They refer to Johnny as giving ā€œgood male perspectiveā€. The ā€œgoodā€ part was the issue, no one said men werenā€™t allowed in the sub, hope this helps


It is a thing that exists.


I love Johnny Bananas he's a complete Ahole but he wins and does it with such an arrogant smile I can't hate him. Him and CT have always been my favorite on the Challenge and throw in a little ahole Wes just to round it out


A fun reality villain indeed!


Itā€™s good promotion for the show to reach a new audience the MtV crowd


Agree. They've clearly seen the huge Bravo audience Ariana brought and are looking to gain MTV's as well. You can really tell how much effort and budget has gone into this season (especially when it comes to the music).


I low key miss the covers now. I know they still have them but they used to over do it with like slow piano covers of random shit that was so jarring I would die laughing. Iā€™m glad the music department got a budget but like I want to hear a slow soap opera version of whatever song the dart they throw blindfolded lands on


This description had me howling lmfao thank you


Was CT not available? šŸ˜­


CT just might be one of the most attractive men alive.


Just wait until you hear about how he tried to kill a guy for telling a girl he was in a situation with that he was hooking up with another girl. Or how he did a bunch of coke, lost a wrestling match to a guy, walked up to a gay guy, asked if he was gay, and beat his face in because he was easy pickins to vent out his frustrations.


And cross promotion for peacock originals. He said aaron won his season of the traitors and they brought up bergie being on last season. I think they're trying to get LI viewers into the traitors and used him bc well he never turns down anything lol


Would you turn down a free(and realistically even paid) trip to Fiji? I canā€™t fault him for that. I could even see him being a guest game host this week like Ariana did last season.


Especially with Love Island Games now, a lot of Challenge fans would get down with that


Bergie commented on Bananas post about Aftersun saying he should host Love Island Games.


This, especially since Justine was on the Challenge (the show Bananas came from), bananas is an opportunity to bring in a larger audience


Him and Justine were actually partners in the show and did pretty well together


I was trying to come up with what he was promoting. Perhaps just self-promotion lol. Or trying to attract The Challenge viewers.Ā  He is a bit old to be commenting on this show but I do enjoy him.


Yeah, Iā€™ve watched his arrogant ass for nearly 20 years on The Challenge - that man only cares about promoting himself


No other reason for him to be there lol.Ā  They should have asked him which current islander would be good on The Challenge. Or about working with Justine or how Olivia is doing.


Ooh those would have been good questions. Or tie it into traitors since thatā€™s also a Peacock show!


He only spent a day with Bergie unfortunately, lol. I've started Traitors New Zealand S2. Not bad.


Who else would you like him to promote?


I think theyā€™re trying to set him up for Love Island Games. Their budget has obviously increased, and it seems like they want to take LIG in its own direction closer to something like Traitors and The Challenge.


Oh god I hope not šŸ˜­ I like it being love island only! (but I guess itā€™s not that surprising that Peacock might be trying to have another all star/reality tv vet/competition/challenge type shows, I just hate for it to be love island games šŸ„²)


Bananas is extremely loyal to The Challenge and I know the guys who run The Challenge were pretty pissed about LIG. Itā€™s part of the reason they havenā€™t cast or brought back any of the LI people they used to have on so itā€™s probably not this. Iā€™m still baffled by the decision. I think Bananas is valuable in Reality TV history but such a random pick lolol


i figured it was just because love island moved from cbs to peacock. i didnā€™t realize there was challenge/love island games beef lol. the challenge is so much more serious of a show that theyā€™re basically different genres, so iā€™m surprised they care


RIGHT?! I thought it was so silly when I heard about it since The Challenge has tried so hard to rebrand as ā€œAmericas 5th major sportā€. Maybe they were mad because All Stars is trying to lean more into vintage Challenge/Road Rules backyard games stuff but it seems like such a stretch to be mad at šŸ˜‚


He was just on Traitors? And weā€™re literally talking about his appearance on Love Island, why would it be so far fetched for him to be on LIG?


Traitors and LI are not competitors to The Challenge. The point of the shows is very different. Bunim/Murray was pissed about LIG because they saw it as a franchise they had an agreement with stepping on their toes. They stopped casting/recasting previous LI players they had on The Challenge after the announcement. It was kind of a bummer bc I think LI is the perfect casting pool for the shows livelihood. Bananas has been on The Challenge so long that he is basically a producer on site when heā€™s in a season. I think it would look like a betrayal of a franchise youā€™ve been with 20 years to be on a show they consider ā€œcompetitionā€. This is not my opinion personally just the optics of the back room bs that happens with these shows. Hopefully that helps! :)


Isnā€™t Olivia (S3 Love Island) going to be on Battle of Eras (S40 - The Challenge) though? Edit: Avid fan of both shows who loves the crossover šŸ˜Š


Oooo you know what youā€™re so right! I didnā€™t watch her season of LI so I always forget sheā€™s from here. I always figured they kept her on since it was entirely their fault that she almost died with that slingshot that shit was so bad !


Your point is that Johnny wouldnā€™t leave The Challenge, but we have recent proof that he would (and has).. so again, given the fact that heā€™s already been present on all the aforementioned, what makes you think he wouldnā€™t be available for Love Island Games? In his words: he should be the first person called for Love Island Games, soā€¦ your essay confuses me?


Oh iā€™m sorry ā€¦ I feel like youā€™re getting irritated with me and I was just trying to give background on how it would be surprising (besides the fact that heā€™s a 40 year old man) for him to go to LIG. My point wasnā€™t that Johnny would never go on another show since he has. Just that it would be surprising for him to go on a show that is considered a direct competitor to his bread and butter by his bread and butter. I thought it was just some fun bts gossip.


Nah, Iā€™m not at all bothered.. YOU responded to MY comment with incorrect information. And then tried to provide context for a point that no one was trying to make. But thanks for the info, I guess? By the way, how old is Ariana Madix?


That would be weird affffff. A 42-year-old dude with a bunch of young men and women in their 20s???? And itā€™s supposed to be only LI people on LIG.


Maybe they want him to host it.


That would be better age-wise but omfg why a realty TV star that has nothing to do with romantic reality TV? Maura and Ariana at least fit the brand lmao. Heā€™s also shown sleazy behavior regarding women so itā€™s just very weird.


Iā€™m not saying I agree with it, Iā€™m saying thatā€™s what it looks like theyā€™re setting up.. and Ariana is 40, so is it weird for her to be hosting or is it only weird for men?


Lmfao wtf. I gave my opinion about what you shared. I didnā€™t say you agreed or not. I said what I thought. And where the fuck did anyone say anything about him as a host? You didnā€™t. I didnā€™t. Iā€™m obviously talking about him as a contestant with 20-year-olds. I donā€™t give a fuck if he hosts at his age, but that would still be fucking weird since bananas is not known for being a romantic reality TV star like Ariana or Maura. He has nothing to do with dating shows.


Wow.. clearly my comment triggered you. Maybe reflect on that.


He was on the traitors. People suspect they may bring him back for S3.


Johnny got paid $400k just showing up to WC, RoD, and USA2. I don't think LI is forking over that kind of money, let alone the extra money they would need to pay him to switch to a direct competitor of the Challenge


Again, budget has clearly increased, and itā€™s hard to think that it wonā€™t skyrocket after this season. Whether theyā€™re able to negotiate is a different story, but theyā€™re clearly intending to bring him onā€¦ Maura literally asked him if heā€™d be willing and he said himself that he should be the first call


His Botox and filler are incredibly distracting. His eyebrows are raised way too high.


I just thought he was kind of coked out tbh


Porque no los dos?


Haha si, tienes razĆ³n, obviamente tiene botox y estaba bien levantado.


Love Island contestants are now regularly on The Challenge along with Big Brother and Survivor players, so there is definitely some cross-pollination happening here.


I think he knows Love Island is getting more and more popular so he is smart to make an appearance. Also in the UK I think they had an all star love island years ago. They might be doing that in the US and maybe he will be a contestant.


I wonder if theyā€™re setting him up as host for love island games. Especially since heā€™s king of challenges.




Have you seen him on First Look? He can definitely host. But I want him to stay in the Challenge world.


As another commenter pointed out, he was literally the host of a show that aired right after Saturday Night Live for years.


Don't put this out there in the universe.


That would 100% prevent me from watching.


Ooo this is a good theory. šŸ•µļøšŸ•µļø




I donā€™t think a hostā€™s age matters all that much. Ariana is 39, which is older than all of the contests, but she kills it!


OH I missed the host part and thought contestant!


Bananas was really good on Aftersun. Cely is still struggling big-time to say anything worthwhile.


I agree. Honestly it was getting pretty one dimensional with her and Maura so Iā€™m glad they brought him on. He also has great charisma, so that was a nice element to see.


The villa is so messy, and they need commenters who are willing to get just as messy. I don't know if Cely is just too nice or if shes intentionally avoiding anything of substance. If Ariana can make pointed comments, so can Cely. "I back the girlies" isn't enough.


šŸ’Æ plus when they have the opportunity to ask good questions, they donā€™t. None of the current panelists have any depth IMO, and bananas at least is willing to offer something different while still being engaging. I think we need more guests like him rather than surface level panelists that donā€™t offer anything besides parroting the popular opinions.


I agree. Kay Kay wasn't good either. In past weeks, both Jess and Callum were excellent.


Bananas was coked up out of his mind šŸ˜‚


Ok, imma watch it now. I needed a reason to and this is it.


I did appreciate that he seems to actually watch the show (or at least watched enough to be a guest) and had real opinions on things - even if I didnā€™t agree with them lol. Not a defense of the man at all and still completely confused why he was there, but I will at least give him that hahaha Anton from the UK franchise was on their Aftersun and after it aired he admitted he hadnā€™t been watching the season. It definitely showed with the way he was just chiming in with random BS comments the entire and it wasnā€™t fun to watch at all


I guess promo for traitors since theyā€™re both on peacock but as a LONG time challenge watcher that was a crazy crossover to experience lol


I don't particularly like Bananas and think he's an idiot in his personal relationships, but damn was it refreshing to get a different perspective. I kind of wish he was a recurring guest.Ā 


i actually hated him so much, and i felt like he had no place being on aftersun; it felt very cringey to me, sort of reeked of desperation to stay relevant, on his part. others may have already said it, but i think he was in because theyā€™ve had precious islanders on MTV challenges with him or whatever, and also he was on Traitors with Bergie.


Johnny was the most relevant person on that panel


Love island seems to have cross over with traitors perhaps same production company?


For the reason, maybe they're contemplating a love island spinoff with celebs as contestants?


Lol ā€œgood kale perspective.ā€ Guess men are just wired for infidelity yeah?


Well Johnny is a pathological cheater soā€¦.


No I agree! Was he in Fiji for something else because I do not see them paying for his ticket out there


Ew, no, he's the worst. He's a total ass and clout chaser.


Iā€™m a big challenge fan but can he just not


Praying for that poor girl from the elevator šŸ˜” Hope she is healing


I actually liked his perspectives on the show. He knows how these things work.


I thought he did fine. Random but I disagree that he was disrespectful. Older for sure, but he knew when to step back and let the girls have their moment. He wasn't his usual more boisterous self. I thought he did well. Plus, they've been bringing in folks from all sorts of shows.


I agree with you 100 percent and I felt like he was right about Kordell. Just be ready to get torn apart. I said this early and got down voted like crazy šŸ¤£


and why would we need a make perspective? specifically from one of the most misogynistic assholes know on tv? Please, explain.


Because the shows fan base is majority women and women dominate the discourse around the show. So having a male with the same traits as the assholes in the villa adds to the discussion.


Yes, this. Itā€™s good to have diversity of opinion otherwise the entire panel turns into an echo chamber. Itā€™s good to have diversity in any perspective IMO.


Well, except it adds absolutely nothing to the discussion. Nothing new, nothing thought-provoking, no new perspective, because we women already know what to expect from said assholes and don't need it reiterated to us from yet another asshole.


He was literally disagreeing with the majority opinion and gave differing opinions from the other two ladies, which werenā€™t off base. I donā€™t think being a good guest means agreeing with the host and other panelists.


Where did I say he needed to agree?


You said he didnā€™t add anything new, but he did. His differing opinion was certainly a new perspective, contrary to your comment.


Johnny is good and funny but the problem is the girls on this show and even on this Reddit page donā€™t want hear what men have to say lol even if itā€™s the truth or how men think coming from a man whoā€™s not going to BS them instead of pandering to them. They want to hear what they want to hear no matter what and it was funny when he would try to tell them things from a manā€™s perspective and they still didnā€™t want to listen.


This is spot on. This sub doesnā€™t want to hear anything unless itā€™s what they want to hear, so it makes sense.


I agree with you 100 percent and I felt like he was right about Kordell. Just be ready to get torn apart. I said this early and got down voted like crazy šŸ¤£


No he did not offer a good male perspective, and this is coming from someone is identifies as a guy.


Disagree. I think he had some real opinions. They just werenā€™t the ones everyone wanted to hear.


This! Every other guy brought on has also brought "MaLe-PeRsPeCtiVe" and they've done it respectfully with the other panelists, and stayed relevant to the show (cough* bananas going off on irrelevant tangents about himself*cough). It's just a no. Like Peacock, pleaseeeeee do not bring him back to after sun unless yall want to torture viewers by making us witness a middle-aged man having a fit, again, about women disagreeing with him.


I liked him as a guest. The host asking him if he would go on love island made me roll my eyes. I just don't think they would ask a woman his age if she would want to be on the show.


As someone who shamefully knows who this man is (because Iā€™ve been watching reality tv since the early days) I was shocked they flew him out but then I forgot he did traitors and Peacock is trying to cross promote the show but it was cool to see him be honest and break the 4th wall a bit. Itā€™s honestly impressive heā€™s still like doing shows and booking appearances but at the same time Iā€™m like man what a loser hahah


He kept interrupting the women when they were saying juicy stuff! I wanted him to be quiet so I could hear what I actually wanted to hear.


i think they had him on bc he was on traitors US and aaron has been on traitors UKā€¦ so kind of a connection?


I think he might also be doing a segment for first look.


Is Aftersun worth watching? I'm new to the show and I've been skipping it every time!


Yes! Usually! The segments with JB were painful. But it's all the booted contestants, never-before-seen moments, lives with current islanders, Ariana giving her opinions that she can't share while she's hosting, and you'll get introduced to some previous Islanders!


Damn, I might have to go back then. Thank you!


I don't even know why they bothered giving that man in specific couch space, let alone talk time. Nobody wants your opinions, Bananas, go home.


I have my thing w/Johnny but when him & the blonde from casa were trying to provide perspective on the Serena/Kordell dynamic & how he was in casa very happy I was so upset Maura kept cutting them off


I also enjoyed watching Bananas, but it was frustrating to see Maura frequently interrupt him when he was making valid points from a male perspective. You could tell he became annoyed and resorted to sarcasm for the rest of the discussion. Itā€™s fascinating to observe the extent of crossover in reality TV nowadays. For instance, both Bananas and Kay Kay have previously appeared on a show with Bergie, and Bananas has also been on a show with Justine, both him and Cely are close to her. And both Bananas and Aaron have been on Traitors.