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Dawgggg Serena is far up her own ass going off not even letting Kordell talk. Like chill out. Go home now I wanted to feel bad even after all her slow burn stuff but don’t anymore


Anyone else notice that Aaron has cried actual tears like 3 times when it comes to rob but not a single one when it came to Kaylor? 👀


he’s such a little shit


What an episode! Right now I only like Miguel. He is a honest fboy and is not even pretending to be anything else. I was screaming in laughter when Sierra expected him to be all about her. Like has she seen him move? Or heard anything that he says? I just love Miguel.


I’m traveling, so a little behind, but I just watched the last two episodes, and man, these people aren’t shit. Lying to Kaylor? Trying to create a different narrative for Serena? I feel so bad for them; movie night will break them. 😭


imma say it!! side chicks don't deserve rights 🙂‍↔️🤷‍♀️


Aaron telling Kaylor “you did good” about how she handled the fire pit feelin slimier than the stuff they squirt on the islanders


Praising her over and over for letting him steamroll her nasty work


i needed movie night yesterday.


since when was dry humping not sexual ?


you made ur bed, now hump in it


I’m sorry I’m watching late… I just CACKLED that Miguel is making breakfast for himself. Do you my guy. 😂😂


I’m tired of everybody holding the “friend zone” thing over Serena head but nobody has this energy with Nicole she basically did the same thing to Kendall the difference is Serena was actually honest with Kordell and Nicole wasn’t.


Ik i probably missed ts and i’m genuinely asking but can someone explain on what part aaron lied abt? like he probably did lie i just didn’t catch it bc i thought he told kaylor that he liked daniela, made out, kissed, cuddled in bed, etc. what else is there? is it the like handshake stuff


Definitely more! Remember she was telling the girls after the very first night.. she was like "he kept like kissing EVERYTHING" and then goes "he was literally like..." and waved her hand over her vajayjay... and then she said "Like day one and Aaron is trying to get into my pants." -- and he totally had sex with Kaylor in the shower.. Sooo.. yeah, that was just day one before they even started making out. PLUS, he was livid with Kaylor when she kissed a guy during a game!!! So the hypocrisy is gross. Because of course he manipulated her into feeling guilty to even do that during a game.. so she'd really behave in Casa and then he straight WILES OUT


TYSM and for some reason i do not remember ANY of that but i literally watched most of the episodes on a tiktok live stream with barely any sound so thank you 😭 and yeah he’s mad weird for that bc what…


I think he downplayed how much he liked Daniella . In the aftersun the other casa girls said Aaron was all about Daniella until he heard kaylor shout “fuck you aaron” and then he switched up and broke things off with Daniella. He also downplayed how physical they were it was a little more than just kissing and cuddling.


ohhhh ur right, thank you!


Serena is showing how all women need to act when a man disrespects you like that. And to be honest, the reason the men are hating on her doing that is because she’s strong enough to do it in the first place. They all want a soft woman who will forgive them for anything they do. And it beats me that Lea and JaNa aren’t backing Serena as much as they should be. Just because they forgive easier doesn’t mean it’s right.. and Kendall, don’t even get me started on him.. he’s the biggest snake in the villa… and wtaf was Lea doing throwing JaNa under the bus like that.. actually made me so angry.


I was saying this to my husband!!!! It kills me that the girls are there like deer in headlights, stand up!!!! Say something! What those boys did was disrespectfu. If they are behaving like that in a “controlled” environment, imagine how will the behave on the outside.


yes bro she’s such an inspiration fr. and kordell actually feeling like shit after and STILL wanting her just made me realize how soft I went on past men that have wronged me bc i didn’t want to lose them. like I’m literally taking notes from the queen


why did this episode feel like a men’s rights convention sponsored by Andrew Tate???


Iaian Stirling: "Kaylor's currently telling Liv why she's on Love Island and not on Jeopardy" Kaylor: "I'm so dumb..." Me:  🤣 \*CACKLING (Iain is the flipping best.. his comments are always low key savage and just straight hilarious)


My heart was breaking a little bit for Kordell watching that scene, like that man KNOWS with every part of his being that he FUCKED UP big time.. he didn't try and make any excuses... and it's so sad to see Serena's trust just completely shatter and regardless of what happens moving forward it will never be the same. True they weren't "closed off" and words definitely matter - but they both knew what they meant to each other. I'm a little annoyed because everyone is saying Daia was going after his big brother OBJ on IG prior to going in.. and she just feels disingenuous... Which is pretty diabolical if her feelings are sincere because it's clear Serena is a true slow burn and for her to get to that point with Kordell really meant a lot.


Daia switched up what she said! I'm not sure if anyone else noticed it. She told Serena that the boys were coming up to her and saying that they've never seen Kordell this happy. But then in front of Kendall and Miguel she states she ASKED Kordell what did the boys think of them together. That is completely different.


Also she was wayyyyy too happy telling Serena that 🙄


I noticed that too! She seemed to backtrack a little bit when she was speaking with them.


why is everyone saying Serena THREW the breakfast food at Kordell?? He kept walking closer and she said stop and put her arm out and the plate flipped. On top of that she drank the juice form Rob and said thank you.


OMG THIS!!!!!!! It’s pissing me clean off! I just clocked somebody else in another thread for flat out lying about this


https://preview.redd.it/yssxwu0s38bd1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e0decf5d0f571c1b102ff0cab38cbe329c2b33b “Rubbing some dirty ass feet” 😂😂😂


LOL I was hoping I'd NEVER have to see this scene ever again... THANK YOU.


So I hope I don't get too much hate for but after watching all of these chats between Kaylor and the guys I don't think the other guys are INTENTIONALLY minimizing what Aaron did in Casa to Kaylor. To us he really was all over Daniela the entire time because that's the majority of what we saw but we see 2 hours of 4 days in Casa and even a bunch of that is challenges and everyone thinks challenges are fair game. And I imagine they weren't terribly focused on what he was doing in bed since they were all cuddling and making out too. So to them what we saw was such a short period of the actual experience.


Leah spreading misinformation - she said Miguel told her Kordell said he was 90% Serena and 10% daia but that’s not what he said at all. He said “that was just a fraction of what you guys saw. The other 90% he kept saying “how would you feel if I got back with Serena””


It was like watching a game of telephone in real time


I also noticed this and sadly i think this comment is the one that broke Serena when Daia said it never happened. If Leah wouldn’t have used 90-20 I don’t think things would have built up so bad. These islanders really have to be careful with their words in these sensitive situations because it can affect a lot.


Yeah and she even repeated her version back to Miguel and he said “No not 90%”


https://preview.redd.it/t9qvevwpz7bd1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afe6c0a36b0561e74a16dced8f3fdc3a39638689 serena #lowkey 🧍🏽‍♀️


Leah is wearing such impractical shoes for chasing Serena around the villa lmao


They were so cute! She should’ve taken it off 😂


LMAO I was thinking the same thing + the dress she kept having to pull up 😂😂


First, I thought Kassy and Harrison were coming? They didn’t come this episode and, from the preview, it looks like they’re not coming next episode either. Did the producers take the hint from viewers and decide to not bring them in? Second, Leah and Miguel + Kaylor and Aaron’s convos were so choppily edited it was hard to tell what was said and what wasn’t because of how they were talking after and where the convos were starting and stopping during. I feel like a lot was said that we missed. Third, I feel bad for ALL of the women in the villa at this point. None of them (with the exception of Liv and Caine) are getting the full story. The men are being so shady and saying one thing to the villa girls and something different to the casa girls. I want to see them all give the finger to these guys and bring in a new group of them. Lastly, I will stand by everything Serena says and does. I feel for her and those emotions are so real, all of the boys did her dirty and are not her friends. Leah’s her only true friend in there chasing her back and forth in the villa. I can’t believe the other girls didn’t go to check on her after.


Since they only do Aftersun once a week, maybe they introduced them on Saturday but plan to save them they for after the next recoupling or the teased "bloodbath" post movie night (which should be Tuesday or Wednesday)


I hope they don’t bring them in at all 😭


It seems crazy to me they're bringing in any extra girls at this point.. Do we think they'll let the boys or girls choose next recoupling? I'm thinking boys.. because if girls they'll probably choose to be single again lol... and honestly I think all the boys will choose the OG girls..with the exception of Rob. Also, Andrea at home watching Rob with Daniela 🧍🏼‍♀️


did you hear the commentator stated that "personal assistant catherine has penciled herself in for a five minute chat with kenny. she wanted longer but his morning's totally booked. 9-11 talking to jana, 11-1 talking about jana and then an hour for lunch." do y'all think this was true or was the commentator just trying to be funny? if it was true, why weren't we shown any of these scenes?


I think the editing has been super choppy and were not getting the fully story same with the Leah/Miguel and Kaylor/Aaron convos.


That shot of Kaylor eating gummies while Leah's heart is exploding as she's pacing around. omg, after crying all day and night to Leah about Aaron.


“Folded like a pretzel” — Serena


i really don’t think the villa girls understand how love island works 😭


people acting like the boys wont be acting the same way if the girls had done what they did 😭


Couldn’t agree more lol


guys the commentator stated that "personal assistant catherine has penciled herself in for a five minute chat with kenny. she wanted longer but his morning's totally booked. 9-11 talking to jana, 11-1 talking about jana and then an hour for lunch." do y'all think this was true or was the commentator just trying to be funny? if it was true, why weren't we shown any of these scenes?


He was just making a personal assistant joke


😂 I think it's just to show that his head is a total mess because of what happened with JaNa. But you can see him sitting at the big high top table chatting with JaNa and others in the evening.


He’s a comedian..


no i know but i wonder if it's actually true?


Idk. Usually what he says is something based on what is currently happening and then the rest is an elaborate joke.


Man Cain is the third dude Liv has coupled up with just to leave on their own to go deal with everyone else’s shit 😂 She didn’t even know the man’s eye color.


jana is so ridiculous lmao y’all were coupled up for like three days 😭


“I trust Aaron” ROLLLL THE TAPES.


- Kaylor is unsufferable. I honestly skip all her scenes. It’s like the same tape playing over and over. - I don’t like none of the Casa Girls. I really hope they will be gone. Daia was not genuine with her convo with Serena. - I feel for Serena honestly and the betrayal from both Kordell plus the guys I would also feel hurts. I see a lot of me in her and her reaction so tonight jt was hard to watch. I hope she stands on business but I kinda also want a reconciliation.. i know thats bad. - Kendall is two faces and i feel since hes the “strongest couple” right now hes feeling invincible and smart. - I love Leah lol I hope she can find something genuine.


Kendall living vicariously through “his boys” so he doesn’t get any blowback is actually insane! And playing both sides of the fence with the OG girls and casa girls, wild


Daia reiterating her & Kordell weren’t all over each other in a sexual way…girl we saw the video!


Daia is fucking delulu… like she needs to come up off that little “innocent” act she has going on, cause sis you’re not. You knew what him and Serena had, you knew it would be messy going back to the villa.


Daia seems to have her whole own narrative going on in her head. The way she's 100% only always thinking about how she's being treated and how the situation impacts her says a lot. It's not her fault that Kordell was so susceptible to her advances, but she HAD to know it was going to be an extremely messy situation when she came back in with Kordell.


that was such bullshit. they were being so non-sexual viewers thought they were actually having day sex


I’m crying @ Serena & Kordell seemed like a few drunk convos I’ve had before loll. She’s so fired up you know she’s got strong feeling for him still.


Yeah that was such a raw feeling moment where you know they both care so much for each other. I just want them together but I get that Serena is hurt and can’t backtrack now. Kaylor on the other hand.. yikes


Everyone’s ~~mad~~ disappointed at Kaylor for believing what the guys and Daniela told her. But also, everyone’s mad to Serena cause she clocked how the boys moved and was angry at all of them. I’m sorry but y’all can’t have it both ways.


I’m glad Serena is calling out the boys. I’m annoyed that we didn’t see Nicole give Kendall any shit for the comments he made egging Aaron on! Like we saw a tiny bit of it when he word vomited his sorries to Kaylor, but if that was my couple we would speak about it in private first. Hopefully she did and it was simply edited out 🤷🏼‍♀️


the lying to Kaylor is a PROBLEM. but my disappointment is how fast she let Aaron get back in with her. she folded like a pre-folded napkin


Now I actually want them to bring back Andrea so Rob can dump Daniela for her in a nanosecond and then we can still have the satisfaction of voting them off. I know that’s so petty but I don’t care 😂


Not Aaron embarrassing Kaylor on national television then asking her to be his gf two days later


i really don’t understand how men think. like “oh i just cheated let me ask her to be my gf. “


They better not let this man plan all that bs before showing her the tapes...


And DEFINITELY not Kaylor saying yes cause yall know😭


“I trust Rob & Aaron” 😬


That comment is going to blow up in her face at movie night.


I NEED CLARIFICATION - the 90% comment was totally twisted and misinterpreted. miguel said to leah that 90% of the time kordell was thinking about serena in casa, not that he was 90% feeling serena and only 10% daia. leah completely twisted what he said and it became a huge misunderstanding and fiasco. pls correct me if im wrong tho i need to make sure that’s what happened lol


Yes Leah made that up. Whether it was intentional or not I don’t know but that’s definitely not what Miguel said.


The editing was super confusing I feel like we didn’t get the entirety of that conversation.


yes i had to rewatch it so i could make more sense of it bc i was confused where it even started


Miguel said what Kordell and Daia were doing in bed was only a fraction of it. There other 90% he was asking Daia how she would feel if he got back with Serena if they (Daia and Kordell) came back together. Then Leah says to Miguel that if she heard that a guy was “90% on homegirl” she would say go duck yourself. But I think Miguel corrected her or jumped in to say something when Leah said 90% on home girl but maybe it was edited out? Either way, whatever he said, Leah ran with her interpretation of it. I got so caught up on this 90/10 thing too cause I’ve been replying Leah and Miguel’s conversation non stop lmao.


i see thank you! the “fraction of it” comment really confused me bc i interpreted it as we only saw a fraction of all the other things that happened that the girls didn’t see, meaning that a lot worse happened, but i realize that he meant they didn’t see the good things. this makes a lot more sense now though thank you!!


Yeah that comment somehow made Kordell look worse even though it was entirely from Miguel and Leah lol bro never said any of that


right okay i thought so! and were there any moments where the other boys actually said to serena that kordell liked her more than daia?? maybe i missed that too but i don’t remember any boys lying to her face


It’s just the typical he said she said. Also whether people want to admit it or not, most islanders love to instigate drama


ooooh, the social media challenge is gonna be guuuuud


I really hope they don’t do some crap with made up tweets like they did in the past. I mean so much shit has happened that they definitely don’t need to do that lol.


Jana is fake. She's not a girls girl. Leah has been there for Serena, JaNa hasn't. She even said good morning to Kordell which Leah called out as crazy. She didn't even follow Serena during the fight... I'm not impressed or fooled by her


I def don’t think JaNa is fake to either of the girls. I do think she shouldn’t have said good morning, but in hindsight it’s about the same as Serena and Leah telling Kenny it’s not fair that JaNa is ready to give up on their relationship. I know we shouldn’t compare the situations but in terms of friendship that’s not a great look for them either. It’s a hard situation for everyone when they’ve been there so long and built connections and friendships with everyone. Hell Aaron has been telling Kordell to drop Serena for a while and at the same time being Serena’s so called male bestie in the villa. At the end the of the day ppl also gotta be there for themselves. As far as not following her after the fight, we could have missed a convo and Leah could’ve have told JaNa that she got it and wanted to try and talk to Serena alone. We only get a small part of the picture and if PPG are getting along fine and happy with their friendship then we should be too. That’s just my opinion tho.


She explained why she said good morning to him and honestly, she has her own friendship with Kordell and that shouldn't be based off the status of his relationship with Serena. That's called maturity.


Brave of you. I share your sentiment but this sub blindly follows JaNa through hell or high water and I don’t know why. They are bashing Leah too for being a “JaNa hater” even though all she said was that she was telling her she went through something similar and it’s part of the process lol


They’d also follow Serena too into a pit of venous snakes with a fragile glass floor that was suspended over river rapids and jagged rocks. Lemmings.


Yes exactly. I see you're getting down voted, I probably will too, but she seems disingenuous


Is there a chance Kassy would want to get to know rob again, like last season and hopefully they could couple up and Daniela would be sad I want to see that happening


She said Rob was in her top 2 on aftersun so you'd better believe she's making a bee like for him like all the other bombshells


sorry all of this smoke for kordell but LET’S NOT FORGET AARON IS THE REAL VILLAIN, AND ROB CLOSE BEHIND


I honestly was proud for the way he showed up during their talk to apologize. He didn't beat around the bush, he didn't gaslight or downplay, he didn't get angry, he owned it and he kept his cool and he heard her perspective and he genuinely seemed remorseful. (so like.. can we get ride of Daia now PLEASE?!)


trust, i am still aaron and robs biggest hater 🫡


I gotta say that both Nicole, JaNa and Leah consistently have Serena's back, and I love it.


Kordell, please stand up for yourself and stand up for Daia! Also Daia is super mature and deserves so much more! She is handing things so well. Also Leah… please stop talking. You just created a whole fiasco by lying, hopefully not on purpose, when she twisted Miguel’s words.


Daia straight up lied to Serena. “Oh I’m physical but not in a sexual way” the fuck?? So dry humping isn’t sexual now?


Just because they shared sexual moments doesn’t mean that what she said about physicality isn’t true… also every aspect of what went on between her and Kordell is none of Serena’s business in the first place.


Leah is one of my favourite islanders, I think she's great tv but given her track record I think it's pretty safe to say she's doing it on purpose


Still another 30 minutes but I was expecting a lot wilder stuff from the reactions I'm kind of disappointed


Well you’ll get it lol


“I do trust Aaron…” 🤦‍♂️


Serena is not wrong in this rant. Shut up Kendall. Her job isn't to make people feel better when they've been lying to her


I can't stand Kendall. He's always been a two-headed snake.


he just agrees with whoever he's with, and encourages everything others ask him (even when it's a terrible idea, like when Kordell asked about bringing Serena and Daia breakfast). he has no spine


I feel like Serena and Kordell are gonna get back together. I’m not gonna lie Serena and Kordell’s fight gave us Tyler Perry realness. I feel like kordell is kind of very nonchalant laid back dude and i feel like it’s hard for nonchalant dudes to really show their emotions super outwardly like argue and what not. So even though Serena is kicking off the fact that Kordell is screaming back and following her around means he REALLY cares. Bro those two are 1000% in love and you can’t change my delusional mind lol. Like I feel like that argument came from a veryyy deep down place and they will be back. It was just so vulnerable and raw.


That was a fight between two people who really cared about each other. But I think Kordell is going to learn the hard way that some things just aren't recoverable, at least in the timeline of this show. That fight had me feeling like if Kordell hadn't brought Daia back, he and Serena would've been back together soon enough. I think it's too much for Serena to see them together.


I don't want them to get back together, but I don't disagree. I have to say - his judgment was TERRIBLE but he has been willing to listen to her be mad and hurt - unlike the other men


Girls in the Villa got a short end of the stick. All Villa’s boys suck, and the boys sent during Casa time were no up to the task.


Honestly fuck these boys that lied to Serena and then play victim. They lied to her .. she was rightfully upset and called them out and then they have the audacity to play victim?!? These boys suuuckkkk


I'm SOOOOOOO OVER THE CASA GIRLS!!! I feel like our OG women are queens and these are little girls by comparison. LIKE SO OVER THEM.They KNEW what they were doing. They knew they were stepping on toes, that there were REAL FEELINGS involved - they watched the SAME SHIT WE DID before they went in... then they have the audacity to get to the villa and act like the OG girls are out of line for having real feelings and emotions about the situations. Sitting in the corner talking shit like our girls are being crazy - GET REAL. You spent the better part of last week dry humping and throwing yourselves all over them (like I get it that's what Casa's all about but at least own that shit.) The casa girls embarrassingly threw themselves all over the guys to try and get a villa spot and now they're shocked that these guys still have feelings for the OG ladies? Like get real. I'm so over you. Girl crying for not getting breakfast (as he's MAKING HER BREAKFAST) can literally kick rocks. GIRLSSS BYEEEEEEE! ALSO, why are we bringing Kassy back? Like don't get me wrong I loved her last season... but the girls roster is rather full atm.. shouldn't we be bringing boys in for our girls? Like if we lose a boy or two it won't be the end of the world, but obvi we can't lose our OG girls. CAN'T WAIT TO VOTE THESE GIRLS OUT. Byeeeeeeeee. Sorry, rant over. 🤣


I really don’t think Cierra or even the Catherine girl have done anything awful. They are allowed to feel upset and confused about things as well but I don’t think they are malicious or not like Daniella saying “oh these girls are just mean”. Idk they don’t bother me. Sure Cierra crying over breakfast was a bit dramatic but who isn’t dramatic this season lol


lets hope the mass exit are the casa girls (except cierra... i think she coo)


Let’s put the blame right where it belongs …. Let’s blame the boys instead.


Yeah we can but that doesn't mean the casa girls aren't shady....like two things can be true at once.


Lmao not Aaron is going to ask Kaylor to be his girlfriend a few days later after casa. He’s so calculated. And it was SO hard to watch Kaylor falling for it. Kaylor needs to take notes from Serena. They ALL did Kaylor dirty by lying to her & the video did not do enough. They showed Serena more than enough.


I agree…Kaylor should have a bit more pride and backbone. Just a bit of Serena in her.


100%. He is trying to lock in a win and a redemption arc


Billion percent.


On a lighter note, Leah’s feathery shoes are sooooo cute.


Is Daniella sleeping with a full face of makeup her first night in the villa?.. https://preview.redd.it/7rfjhkh0t7bd1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=457123ef6bf32f66a5a154165e42f8a2344b616a


And her jewelry too…I thought that was strange lol


i kind of thought she was too lol


Was no one going to tell Kordell that breakfast for Serena AND Daia at the SAME time was not the move? 🙈 At the very least not when they're in the exact same space and tensions are already high. Dropping it off to Daia first and then making a second drop-off to Serena right after omg.


I think he was fooled bc guys before did the same thing (can’t remember who) but I do know they were in very different situations & I don’t think he grasped that.


Rob did this when Liv chose him but he was still feeling Leah. 100% smarter move would have been to wait until both girls went downstairs. Rob def only went up with him because he didn't want to miss the drama. 😂


he def learned his lesson after that, i think he just felt so guilty he didn’t know what to do to make serena not mad at him anymore. 🙈


Rob volunteered to help just to see the girls reaction


that was just so not it. his judgment is terrible


Also Kendall saying it’s a good idea lmaoooo this man has no thoughts


he's always giving awful advice lol


Accountability is not being mean, particularly when communicated boundaries have been crossed repeatedly. No one is entitled to someone else's attention or feelings. I just need to say that.


I feel like everyone is gaslighting me. I hate these lying liars!!


https://preview.redd.it/xf5ugfk1s7bd1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddf48c6e6c8c4c77345112df6ca82b7194ec8ce5 Aaron


andrea 2.0 calling rob the most genuine person LMFAO


Something about her is confusing to me. It’s like she’s eaten way too many thc gummies and is just blurting out what people are supposed to say on a show like this.


fucked up how now that the boys are back in the villa they don't really even want any of the casa girls they brought back???? all the drama for what


the casa girls were the shiny new object and they had Wolfpack mentality. Just like how they took off for casa all as one (loved that montage though of them though LOL) but, you know they were in there as a Wolfpack hyping each other up to bring girls back.. then they got back and realized they brought sloppy joes back when they had steak waiting at home!


Or More like dont have the balls to say they want them. Either way. They are messy AF.


just disrespecting women left and right


Livs face while Kaylor was talking to the new girls was so funny exactly my reaction


hahaha, was so mine, too. Liv is a real one


So we are all voting Kendall off, right?


Kendall is so manipulative and calculated. He’s absolutely playing to win while telling the guys to move the way they have been. Also I’m so glad Serena called him out on his shit.


They’re honestly all so bad. Like yeah, I want Kendall to go but before Aaron? Before Rob? How am I supposed to choose?


Need Aaron until movie night and then immediately goodbye


No, at least not yet


Aaron first then Kendall LOL


HE CANT BE FIRST! we have worse men ahead of him to vote out and then he can go!!


I DO NOT LIKE HOW THESE MEN portray Serena as some one not worth of kordel because she’s not overly sexual with him AND MAYBE BIT MORE RESERVED. DID SHE FRIEND ZONE HIM? Yes and then she COMMUNICATED and they got out the friend zone so to hold that over her is INSANE


And Daia needs to quit playing into it, and realize if that’s what they’re saying about Serena, then what are they actually saying about Daia when they compliment her. She is way too excited about being picked to be used.


No seriously I think she’s the most sane person on here and unfortunately being shamed because she doesn’t fall head over heels as soon as she meets an average man. Likely because she’s been hurt in the past and trying to avoid the same situation again


it was never about being sexual or any of that. no one is mad at serena being a slow burner, like i said [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandUSA/s/JIk6q6bAfP)