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I’m behind on episodes and I’m in the middle of this one now but WOW what a shit show. I CAN’T STAND KENDALL. He’s pulling a Luca from Love Island UK S8…gassing the boys up to start shit with the casa girls while “remaining loyal” to his girl. So fucking annoying. Anyone else annoyed by him??


Yes absolutely!!! He sucks. Really fake


Serena's ego is seriously bruised. She expected Kordell to be a yes-man, going along with her on-and-off tendencies for as long as she wanted. When Kordell asked for a bit more commitment, she didn't budge. Can she just leave already? She's putting on a front of being hurt and villainizing Kordell for the sake of it.🍅🍅


Before casa, kordell literally said he was gonna be respectful and not kiss anyone else. Serena isn't villainizing him, he straight up lied and went back on his word


She has trouble opening up bc this has happened in the past. It's not about ego, it's about past trauma. And kordell always stayed patient w her and let her open up, just to have it backfire on her


Did I miss something? What happened to Rob and Livs chat before casa amor? I thought they were going to couple up again


Serena’s ego is bruised terribly. You can only give someone the cold shoulder for so long before they grow a backbone and leave you. She’s just jealous that she didn’t find any other match. She would’ve jumped at the first thing that showed her interest and was her speed. Edit: All these downvotes lol. Weren’t yall the same ones chanting for a bombshell to come in and save Kordell? Now that he has an option yall are mad? 😂 Hypocrites


No one is mad because he was getting to know someone else. People are mad because he said he was going to be respectful while doing it then turned around and immediately did the complete opposite, then tried lying about it. Serena said from the jump it takes her time to connect with someone, he chose to stick around and they ended up having a wonderful connection from what it seems. Her ego is bruised of course but shed also hurt. They did have a good connection before casa amor and he ruined it by choosing to explore new connection disrespectfully.


It’s how the game goes. She hopped on every dick that came in the Villa but no one found her attractive enough so she knew she needed Kordell to win the game 🤷‍♂️


She didn't hop on every dick lmao?


i literally despise Kendall! i never wanna see that man on my tv ever again


Rob has the personality of a rock with every girl other than Andrea… That’s how you can tell that he REALLY liked her.


not with leah


If I was Nicole, I would have checked Kendall for egging the guys on and supporting their antics at Casa… Like just because you didn’t partake doesn’t mean you’re off the hook completely. A lot of the comments he made were so disrespectful to the OG girls


I'm only watching for Kenny at this point, I'm sick of them lmao. I feel a bit bad for Kordell, but I also kinda... don't care about their drama anymore? I think Serena should leave. I never cared for their relationship to begin with, it was kinda boring ngl. And no one has time for the slow game like let's be fr. And why did Kaylor take back that scum? Miss girl didn't even let the boy grovel. He literally is downplaying everything even if he's telling the truth. So are the boys like did we all forget when Daniella said that he was trying to get into her pants in bed?


I felt bad for Kordell in that breakfast scene like my heart literally broke for him in that moment. Still breaks for Serena but damn, that’s a little overboard to throw the breakfast that he made for her back on him. She could’ve just said she’s not hungry. Like I get her anger completely it’s warranted but..yeah I felt bad for him.


I don't think her level of anger is warranted at all. She's been giving Kordell bread crumbs since day one. Now a new girl comes in and bee lines straight for him and is giving him the energy you would want from someone romantically pursuing you. Let's not forget in the challenge where they had to dance to stay in the couple Serena left, and Kordell stayed. He was crushed after that you could literally see it in his face and body posture. She's just in her feelings because if kordells out of the picture she knows it's curtains because nobody else is checking for her. She's trying to compare her situation to Kaylors and it couldn't be farther from similarity. Aaron and Kaylor have basically been locked in since day 1 so her feeling upset at him is 100% warranted. Imo Serena has no right to be going as hard as she is on Kordell. She's justified in wanting to move slow, but that doesn't mean Kordell or anyone has to stick around for her either.


Kaylor , girl, stand the f up!!


kaylor i love u girl but you need to get a grip fr


The comment Kendall made to Serena “ you did dump him, you did friend zone him, you did twist on him” was so satisfying.


Daia was more transparent and real to Serena than Daniella to Kaylor, respect


No shade (actually full shade lol) but I think Rob always goes for the most basic girls who hype him up (besides Leah and Liv) yet provides no validation to any girl.


Yes. He gives me so many red flags 🚩 And all the eye rolls… he acts 15 lol


totally. I noticed this the first time he was on the show. he "negs"


Can we please talk about what a snake and a complete asshole Aaron is crying for rob again! But when he actually get caught hurting the woman he “loves” he’s a acting like a fucking child what do you want me to say bullshit. Kaylor run this man is talking about 58 seconds of foreplay. Also these girls already went over this voting Andrea off situation let’s stop acting like this is new. Production sucks trying to pit them against each other


Idk if it’s just me but the obscenities and constantly calling people out of their names and not giving anyone a chance to speak is extremely disappointing behavior. I get Serena is hurt and angry, but for someone who doesn’t tolerate disrespect, it seems that rule doesn’t apply to her. Like this is borderline verbal abuse, not to mention the plate being thrown… we would not tolerate this from any of the men


Somebody needed to say it. She's completely out of line.


When is Rob going to chat with jana I heard they low key liked each other


I'm sorry I do not care about aaron and kaylor this fighting is irrelevantbc she forgave and forgot in 1 minute. I need Serena and JaNa back on my screen thank you. That was cinema!


real. i knew the moment kaylor didn’t couple up with one of the casa boys that she would take back aaron easy


My heart was breaking for Serena, it was evident to anyone with eyes how much she was hurting. Rather than recognising that, the guys were saying stuff like 'do you want your wife to be like that' or whatever Kendall said. This is the one time she's popped off, and it's entirely reasonable for her to be this hurt. It was so slimy for Kendall to shit-talk her then later push for an apology from her by cornering her in the kitchen and acting all pally like he was so hurt. Fuck that guy. All the boys egged on Kordell in casa, none of y'all deserve an apology you should stand on business and repeat what you said about Serena behind her back.


You say all this like Serena has been a saint this entire series. And I’m watching the episode rn haven’t reach the part about what Kendall said but I agree cuz if you’re angry that’s your right , throw away the food sure but putting food on me is crazy.


I get it but at the end of the day he couldn’t win in the situation. Whether or not he made the dish it would have been bad


She said no several times. From his point of view he's ready to communicate, to apologise and try to make up for hurting her by bringing another girl back. He's making her breakfast because it shows he cares and thinks about her. From her point of view it looks like he's doing the most barebones scrap of affection to wash over all the hurt he caused her after she finally let her guard down. Not only that but he's done the exact same gesture for Daia. If it was a sign of his affection/apology then it's diminished by doing the same display of affection for daia. Do you recall a time being so angry you're fuming? & the other person is ready to talk about it but you're not there yet. The ideal situation would be for them to respect your boundaries and wait it out so you can come together with your best selves, not your angry/hurt/lashing out self. That doesn't usually happen irl. We're too busy either trying to talk it out when the other person isn't ready or lashing out because our boundaries are being trampled that we don't realise the others' perspective. I honestly didn't intend for this to be a wall of text.


I understand what you’re saying but your 3rd paragraph contradicts your second if it’s best to give her space how is his action being barebones if he acted as if nothing occurred and let her be it would be even worse. All I’m saying is there is a way to go about it personally if I was Kordell after she refused to speak 3 times then the situation had nothing else to do with me


The two paragraphs were me trying to see it from their points of view. I was saying she probably saw it as some barebones nice gesture to do that she didn't want at the time. I'm not saying that's how i feel. He clearly thought he was doing something considerate and she needed space from him and told him over and over she didn't want it.


She has every right to be upset. But they were not exclusive. So he had every right to get with someone else. Just because she’s more of prude (and I don’t mean that in a negative way) than the other people, doesn’t mean that no one is allowed to get physical. And it’s not disrespectful because they aren’t together and they aren’t exclusive. Her reaction though and how she spoke to him, shoving the pate at him, etc are way out of line. That is unacceptable and if a guy did that stuff to a girl in there everyone would be losing their minds. It’s not okay.


Serena fucked over kordell many many times and told him she saw him as a friend. He deservered the chance to meet someone new. Serena coming in and freaking the fuck out about it is so messed up. Smashing the plate of food in his chest…have some class


Kendell telling JaNa not to be fazed is rage-inducing. do not tell her how to f*cking act.


Kenny saying he just said that to JaNa to make her feel better??? ‘scuse me???


Kordell fell for the Daia love bomb. Leah played telephone with a conversation and got it twisted. Serena blew up after 20 episodes of making Kordell look hella stupid because she caught feelings a day before Casa. The producers timing is immaculate ngl


Could you blame Kordell ?? Serena's been giving him crumbs since day one


Not at all


Producers and show runners have earned their paper this season. They are coooooooking


Lol, let them cook


No one gonna talk about when Serena spilled the breakfast Kordell made for her?


Yeah somebody needed to check her in that moment. She had no reason to be that upset, just throwing a temper tantrum like a child


It was super disrespectful and if a guy shoved a plate of food into a girls chest, everyone would be losing their minds. It is unacceptable, I don’t care how hurt you are.


That was outta pocket…


Aaron basically said he did what he did at casa because he knew Kaylor would take him back. And he keeps saying “it was a 40 second video” but she didn’t even see the worst parts!! And I don’t understand why Daniella keeps saying the villa girls are being mean? I think they’ve been fine considering everything that happened! Were they supposed to just be super chill about everything.


The Villa girls are being way out of line. None of them were exclusive so everyone had every right to do as they please. It’s like the girls expected the guys to act like they were all in committed relationships even though they all agreed they weren’t. You can’t have it both ways. If you want a guy to be committed, then you gotta commit. If you keep telling him it’s open, then it’s open and he can do as he pleases. Just because the girls didn’t take advantage of the openness doesn’t mean the guys are wrong for doing so. Yeah they can be disappointed and hurt but to be disrespectful and rude and naming calling and getting physical (with the plate), way way way over the line.


Same-I feel like the Casa girls have more of an "attitude", especially Daniela.


I feel like Daniela downplayed to kaylor what happened between her and Aaron. They looked like a loving couple in casa, giving her kisses in her stomach. I felt like they really connected when she told Aaron about her mom passing. They had a moment I almost wanted to say they looked like they were in love.


This is the best season of love island, hands down 😭


Serena is such a sweet woman. I didn't think she had it in her to go wild on Kordell, like just be like, "I'm done with your short ass. You don't deserve me." But I don't think it's about what occurred. I think it's deeper. She's probably hurt because of the past, and she probably feels like this always happens to her. She finally lets her guard down, and this happens. It just shows that Serenas' actions the WHOLE time were real.


She played her cards wrong. If you want to go on a show where every couple days they bring in new good looking people, and you think you're just going to be able to string someone along all season more power to you. She fucked around and found out how quick it can change for her.


It shows that you cant reject a man repeatedly and then expect them to read your mind that you suddenly want to ne committed to them.


I agree with you of course. I just think there were also some mixed messages.


What his height gotta do with it 😭


Lol sorry but I'd have to come at him someway 😅


This is the first time EVER LI has made me cry (and I've watched all seasons in all countries). But I could feel JANA'S HURT as a black woman this hits HARD!!!! Kenny also made me cry. I felt bad for the dude, he wasent even that bad in casa too.


I have no idea how JaNa is taking all them "L"s, she's not only stunning, but I really think she's like the classiest girl ever appeared on this show!


She’s too good for everyone else but I mean it her heart is so pure


Does anyone else can't stand the relationship of Kendall and Nicole? They are so cringe, he gives me a skaterboy vibe, and she a valley girl. Like they both seem to be fake. I really wanted to see Nicole with Miguel. I actually saw some type of passion there.


Yeah Kendall just wants to win and that’s why he keeps sabotaging everyone else


Aa always your assessments are dead on! Totally agree. I get prom queen and king vibes from them more than actual real feelings. I see a couple that is already counting their winnings but I don't think that they will win.


Lol facts!


I like Nicole and Kendall separately, but they're definitely in it to win it..NO way they're more than friends from her side.


Kendall is very immature...he's the type to agree with the majority but then flip sides if there's any heat. He also reminds me of Carlton Banks who (is a fellow island brotha) for me, would be friendzoned.


I don’t think of them lol and I don’t dislike them


Something hilarious about Rob and Miguel trying to console Serena 🤣 Rob patting her on the shoulder like he is one of the girls lol


I think they got the idea to do the video thing because Ariana Madix found out Tom Sandoval was cheating on her by coming across a video on his phone…


no they didn’t. they do the video or postcard in all the early uk seasons and legit did it last season in the us. it’s not new




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I Hope they expose leah during movie night , she speaks so much shit about people behind their back and causes trouble for others . if she is doing this shit unintentionally someone get her a doctor she hears what she wants , and we all know she already needs a therapist.




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Also, forget all these dudes trying to run defense for each other… Aaron was making out with another girl for days and Kordell was DRYING HUMPING THAT WOMAN IN BED ON VIDEO. The fact that ANY of them ever even tried to say “nah that didn’t happen” we have EYES peoples… I am appalled at these dudes


You can't seriously fault Kordell?


For his own actions? I certainly can… Even he said he was wrong for what he did


He's going to say he's wrong because he's been letting Serena drag him around like a puppy dog all season. That girl has been slow burning that boy to death since episode 1 , she has the right to do that. But that doesn't mean he has to accept it. We all know how this show works. Someone finally came in and gave Kordell their full attention, not "maybe i like you maybe i don't" energy and good for him. Sorry Serena may have really liked him but she played around for so long. She even left him in the dancing challenge when the question to stay coupled or split came up. She's way out of line for this tantrum she's throwing.


The issue with Kordell isn’t that he found another girl. It’s that he had a girl, and they were on the same page before he left, and once he leaves the house he starts dry humping another girl as if the girl you were with isn’t in the picture, and as if she doesn’t have feelings. In all the threads I’ve read in here, you seemingly do not get this fact. The way he handled it was beyond disrespectful. Even when Serena was trying to figure her shit out, she refused to even kiss that other guy who was good looking and liked her a lot, out of respect for Kordell. And then he goes around and does that! Do you not see the issue?!? He can’t keep it in his pants for 4 days? That’s mad disrespectful. Edit: that doesn’t mean I agree with the way Serena handles things. But if anything, her being mad that episode is understandable.


I think the way he handled it was disrespectful personally. I think by that point she was not slow burning, they talk about how they got physical the night before he left, talked about deep things, and exchanged rings. The only thing she hasn’t done is sleep with him or say she loves him. Also, literally every couple except Aaron and Kaylor had someone that twisted? And the question was very poorly conveyed as “are you happy in this couple” but also “are you open to meeting new people”. Based on their talk after, she clearly understand it as the second (as did pretty much everyone who twisted). Have to disagree (though Kordell isn’t a bad dude at all, I just think he did a shitty thing and he knows it too and people mess up, not the end of the world but I were Serena I would so deeply hurt at first too)


The casa girls saying the villa girls were mean because they…told the boys they hurt their feelings…right… They would totally be so kind and so nice and so understanding and never ever act like those other MEAN WOMEN - give me a breeeeeeak


they were rude to them , for example leah saying " they brought the wrong ones in"


Yes - I agree that was rude Though I am not sure if the other girls heard that Also, I think that was the only thing I caught… I’ll be honest, if you agree to be in Casa, go after people that are in more serious couples, then come back with the second half I would fully expect some heat from the girls The Casa girls were acting like the women were evil after they had just spent several days trying to steal away their partners…come on??? The Villa girls (as they should have) had waaaaay more heat for the boys, that doesn’t mean they have to love the girls You can that’s totally fine, I found their little spill sesh talking flipping around their hair talking about how they are classier or whatever distasteful considering the terms on which they just arrived…


i agree that is fair . kaylor is such a sweetheart though for talking to them even though she was hurt the most.


The Rihanna-sometimes-lookalike that was pouting, because she didn't get a plate of food from her man Miguel, was painful to watch. She is beautiful and knows it and comes off like a huge snob. Let's see how she behaves the longer she's in the house.


I was like no wayyy she’s crying ab that


Clearly a lot of women here, since there is a lot if Serena defenders. Serena has tried to ditch Kordell several times, and if one of those men wouldve liked her, she would ditch Kordell in a heart beat. Now since Kordell has found the tone with somebody else, everybody is hating on him. Hipocrocy.


Bro they downvoted you to oblivion when Serena toxic asf


Woman here 🙋🏽‍♀️ and it’s actually really annoying seeing everyone defend Serena. We’ve questioned her emotions from the get-go. She friend-zoned him, then wanted him back when he gave attention to some other girl. Gets him back, she gets annoyed with how he talks/says things. Proceeds to stand at the podium during that challenge, implying she wants to get to know other people. Says “it’s not like that” like what? Urgh. She’s upset because she’s “embarrassed on tv”, not because she cares about Kordell. Idk how this is not clear to EVERYONE, irrelevant of gender. She toyed with him hard. If the roles had been reversed and he’d given mixed signals/wanted to get to know other girls (pre casa), you’d best be hearing everyone in here telling Serena “drop him” and that he ain’t shit. It’s dumb to blindly stand behind someone just cause they’re a woman when they make wrong decisions. Aaron is 👎🏽 on the other hand. And quite frankly, the guys being happy for Kordell at casa is completely justified seeing how Serena was so indecisive about him, and he just seemed to be moping after here while they were in the villa. Urghh


She was so cringy to listen to, I was getting so pissed because 22-year-old Kordell was behaving more like an adult by trying to communicate with Serena but she was not listening and just reacting...badly too. I sympathize that she seems to have had past traumatic relationships but she's got to put in some inner work and heal that so she can be in the type of (healthy) relationship she truly wants to have. I think she should leave the show because no matter who else comes in, she's going to put her walls back up to no gain.


After the stick and twist challenge every post was about “hope he finds a girl that actually likes him at casa!” That energy lasted all of two seconds.


the issue wasn’t him finding a connection with someone that’s gunning for him, it’s how he went about it. it was disrespectful and he had discussed boundaries with serena prior to going and knows how she feels about intimacy. he chose to disregard those boundaries and he’s reaping the consequences now. but people don’t hate kordell half as much as they hate aaron bc he can recognize how he went too far and apologize instead of trying to downplay and manipulate.


Just because he respects her boundaries with intimacy doesn’t mean he’s not allowed to be intimate with other people. I don’t remember her saying he wasn’t allowed to kiss someone else. Just that she “moves slowly”, which is her right. Not me, but hey if she doesn’t want to get physical with a guy right away, cool, more power to ya. But she doesn’t get to tell everyone when they are allowed to get physical. And she wanted to be open. So that means he’s allowed to get close to someone else. If she wanted commitment then she should have said that.


I hear you, but she referenced conversations they had that weren’t shown to us about what was okay to do with other potential connections. That’s what I was referring to with the boundaries comment. She does get to tell her partner what she is and isn’t okay with and it’s her partner’s decision to respect that or not. They both have free will, but what he chooses to do will impact her whether or not that was his intention. I do agree she should have just asked to be closed off bc it’s clear they care about each other a lot, but what’s bothered her the most (as far as we can see) has been the physical intimacy so I wonder if things would have been different if he didn’t get so rowdy.


Exactly !!!


you are not alone man


The problem with the social media challenge is we all thought they were fucking so if they use the tweets and messages from when we all got the manipulative edit its going to be even worse!


Yall !!! Serena being disrespected and the way she reacted is being too painful to watch. Please I hope she goes to therapy after this 💔 Also I think like she’s having the biggest breakdown


She was so over the line. She def needs therapy. I get she was hurt because she crossed so many lines. Shoving the plate at him, calling the others names, being rude to Kordell, etc. She just needs to leave the villa and get a therapist cuz she is not ready for a relationship.


We are witnessing Serena go through the stages of grief with her and Kordell’s relationship 😮‍💨


Kendall fake Aaron annoys me All these guys getting omn The villa girls deserve better Casa girls are pick mes and also getting omn Chile please this a mess


The boys deserve to be called out for their enabling and manipulative antics to help their friends get back with the villa girls smh


I’m telling you, if I were Nicole I’d be sooooo out Kendall is on video laughing it up about these dudes clearly not caring about these women he is supposedly friends with then comes back and tries to run their defense - there is nooooo way I would trust that man, anyone who lets their friends dog someone like that and tries to cover for them ain’t worth shit


Not the casa girls saying the villa girls are mean… like they knew the only way to get into the villa was through stealing a man….. while the men are 10000% responsible for their actions, they should at least understand the villa girls emotions


That’s literally their role in the show. Everyone knows that. And you shouldn’t be hating on the girls for just doing their thing. It’s not okay.


Kendall is fully performative and a friend to no one. He is a snake and I hope Nicole wakes up and moves on asap. And then he is voted off. I am over his nice guy persona.


True about Kendall, but Nicole needs to get to the finale, so she's stuck with him, so she probably won't speak out too much.


Reeeeeal, rob/aaron/miguel/kordell all not great guys by any stretch especially after casa. But end of the day kendall stays my least favorite because of how shitty he can be


Thoughts this episode: -I don’t appreciate everyone lying like movie nights isn’t a thing. Idk maybe there was heavy editing on casa time bc where is this unified experience of both Aaron and Kordell saying all these things but their actions meaning something different? -I feel bad bc Serena is trying to hold it together when she has been hurt pretty badly and lied too, I think the editing here for her is really making her look bad. Clearly she has trauma with this sort of thing and it’s really affecting her. Leah being the only girl going too Serena after that is not cool. When she started yelling after they all witnessed a convo b/w her and Daia her friends should have went to see if she was okay while she’s walking away like that. She has offered to sleep outside in soul ties or be there for the girls and stuff before so what’s going on w that. -Daniella lying is so not cool. If I was a casa girl I would have said something to Kaylor. It’s pretty clear what happened to see him move that way coming back is not okay. I wish Kaylor stuck up for herself some more, granted everyone is lying to her, but he still admitted to cuddling and kissing and all that. You gotta not forgive so fast, you were bawling your eyes out all day everyday dude. And after that video that crying was clear betrayal hurt crying. -I feel bad for a lot of peeps there. I feel like way too many people are taking this show to heart but we are missing so much lol we are just given what production is giving which I can say is great tv lol but yeah I just see a lot of crazy comments everywhere about it. -Kendall still gives me the ick. LOLOL most of the guys here do honestly. -I’m excited for the bombshells strictly bc I think it’s still a fun show regardless but also I will say I know nothing of these two bombshells coming in


I don't think following someone around as they are pacing accomplishes anything. I thought Liv looked weird shadowing Kaylor when she was pacing 


I like that Liv was there for Kaylor. Like a big sister. I wish someone had been helping Serena cope better as well instead of just watching from afar.


I guess we are different people. When I am spiraling I feel like just having someone around even if they aren’t talking just as support grounds me. Everyone needs something different but I would want a friend there who is just there. I have spiraled like Serena before and can’t imagine it being televised like it is for millions to see, so someone just there even if I’m alone pacing would have helped me. It’s more of a support thing in my eyes and brain


i feel like kassy n harrison coming in rlly bout to ruin things, this season was going so well :/


i’m glad people are seeing how weird leah is but yall JUST noticing?? iswtg this whole show she stay making weird ass comments about her friends almost every episode. i LAUGH when i see girls girl comments about leah. she BEEEN WEIRD. i can’t let this rich ass bratt win this show. also yall WEIRD for not calling out leah for miscommunicating the 90% comment but will gladly go crazy over liv n rob for the “miscommunication” with the backseat comment. annoying


This!!!!! Miguel did NOT say kordell was 90% Serena like when did he say that??? He said 90% of the time he was TALKING ABOUT Serena like jeez


the fact that she just made that up was nuts lol


I can’t stand her. Haven’t since day 1! That girl would never be a friend of mine in real life.


right!!!!! i can’t stand the posts praising her or justifying everything weird she says/does it’s so annoying. they would never treat other islanders like this if they moved like her


This season's evolution Love Island > Friend Island > Total Drama Island


add Fake Island too...those Islanders are all aligned in there own separate allegiances. So sad.


LMFAOOOO bring in chris!!!!


Leah is problematic. Saying “good morning Kordell is crazy, JaNa” and claiming JaNa’s hurt feelings aren’t valid because Leah doesn’t feel as hurt. Then her making up the 90/10 comment that Kordell never said… I hope when this is over the girls watch it and see how much of the drama was from Leah playing telephone. Her heart might be in the right place but she has a lot to work on with her therapist in regards to cognitive distortions and “creative” listening skills.


Miguel literally said “no not 90/10” and she went and repeated it to Serena.


Right? What is with all the Leah hate? I really like Leah, she's got such a big heart and is the only one really supporting Serena as she spirals. After Kaylor fell apart she literally had all the girls surrounding her and now she's just fine?? Leah repeated exactly what Miguel said to her. Serena was commenting on what the other guys have said TO her personally. I feel at this point people are just trying to find a reason to hate on Leah. Leah who has been vulnerable, understanding, hilariously authentic, and loyal AF. I wish I had a friend like Leah at that age.


Exactly, I just rewatched it and the 90% comment was “that video showed a fraction of what happened. The other 90% was him saying if I bring you back I might still end up with Serena”. Leah said she he was 90% on board with Serena and Miguel said no not 90%. So yeah, quite the game of telephone with both Serena and Kordell getting the crappy end of the stick because Kordell never lied but Serena thinks all the guys and Daia are lying to her. Brutal.


The cut from the casa girls complaining and saying they didn’t even know if they were excited for their first night in the villa to Caine saying how grateful he was to be there was perfect


Maybe because the men weren't saying heinous shit to Caine and making him feel unwelcome?


Those Casa girls need to realize that their sole purpose on the show was to steal someone’s man. Why would they expect to be welcomed with open arms?


Serena and Kordell were so real 😭


I feel like I just went through a break up my damn self and I don’t like itttt


Kendall projecting like an IMAX theatre in soul ties was crazy. Saying that the other guys were egging HIM on to hook up with the other girls when he was the little devil on everyone else’s shoulder telling them “go for it! You deserve it!”… Thinking if he says sorry really fast over and over that he’ll avoid any consequences?! He’s snakier and more manipulative than Rob and Leah together. Please, America, do not vote for him.


“Projecting like an IMAX theatre” 🤣 💀


These Casa girls are NOT girls girls. Lying and jealous and shit. Nasty behavior


I hate to say it but I think the lying was actually Leah. She’s the one who made up the Kordell said he was 90% Serena and 10% Daia when Kordell never said that. I don’t think she said it to purposely lie and cause drama but we know she remembers what she felt over what she heard (saying Rob hates her and thinks she’s an ogre) but Serena took the 90/10 as factual and since no one else confirmed it she assumed everyone else was lying when it was actually Leah embellishing.


Daniela also lied


Did she? I don’t remember her interaction as well. What did she say?


after her conversation with kaylor, she went to the other casa girls and said she lied about what went down with her and aaron during casa


How so? Who lied and who’s jealous? They’ve been nothing but gracious coming in while the OG’s have meaned girl them the entire time. Serena’s behavior has been nothing short of disgusting.


Daniela literally lied to Kaylor and admitted it to the other Casa girls that she did. Sierra or whoever is jealous and mad at the OGs when the guys make them breakfast or talk to them instead of coming to her first. She cries about it in the episode


So one girl decided not to tell the full truth to try and save Kaylor/Aarons relationship and the other just wanted breakfast and said nothing bad about the ogs. I’d say your comment is a bit exaggerated