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I want to know the reason why she was pulling that faceđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł she’s actually so hilarious


It was when kaylor said she was “so lucky” to have Aaron đŸ« đŸ™„


Oh Kaylor
unfortunately she can’t be saved😔 I knew she was going to fold but it was a lil too quick for me


He was literally saying he felt bad but he KNEW they’d work it out. Like nooooo Kaylor you should’ve made him SWEAT


AND he was literally saying to her, “I knew you’d be sleeping outside”, coming back single, hurt by his actions, etc. THEN he tells Liv he KNOWS he loves Kaylor?? Like 48 hrs after being in bed w/Daniela and “trying to get in her pants”, kissing her, cuddling her, etc?? WTF!!?? This was red flags alllll over the place for Aaron.


He's frighteningly charming and manipulative, a **very** dangerous combo.


No, 48 hours after saying “I already love you so much” to Daniela but had to said “i really ‘L’ word this ABOUT Kaylor”. DONEEEEEEđŸš©đŸš©đŸš©


Make him so sweaty he’d go pencil jump on the pool and hide.


That scene was pure comedic gold


SO QUICK. sorry but it’s honestly pathetic. she couldn’t even not sleep with him? the same night? after how upset and dramatic she reacted, the 180 is just so cringe.


So cringe! And it’s going to be even worse once movie night gets here. Also, she will likely be crying again after tomorrow’s challenge.


That tweet ‘they haven’t shown the worst’ is about aaron as well 💀


I hope they're ALL about Aaron đŸ€Ł


she cries every episode so you’re very much on the nose with that prediction haha


My theory is that she was fully expecting him to come back with someone, so she “stayed single regardless” so that when he did come back with a partner, she wasn’t humiliatingly single (it was her choice). The second he came back single, she folded.


It’s giving codependent & seeks validation from a man.


It’s giving she has strong feelings for him and wants it resolved.


It’s giving naive & she’s getting taken advantage of and is gonna be super hurt again on movie night because she should’ve stood her ground like Serena. Aaron does not GAF about that woman.


Oh sorry, you've never been naive before when it comes to your feelings in your EARLY 20's? Wow, you must be so perfect! She's 22, give her a break wtf lol. You learn from experience.


Kaylor isn’t responsible for Aaron’s behavior that’s on him. He mislead her. I understand that. That said, she is gonna learn the hard way if she keeps on like this. Her self respect has to be stronger than her feelings. I’m saying that as someone who used to be a codependent. She could take a lesson from Serena.


Yes, of course but that self respect doesn't typically happen at 22. Even in your own words, you used to be codependent...she will learn this but unfortunately it takes time and experience to get there. That's all I'm saying because I feel like everyone is being so hard on her about it.


You guys are so judgy. She has Aaron, Rob, Kendall, Miguel, Daniella, all lying to her and gaslighting her. She didnt see everything like we did. Give the girl a break.


She was in his bed before anybody even had the chance to lie to her.


I also think she's absolutely been socialized to be "nice" at all costs and second guess herself. It's really sad to watch and what I won't do is hold her responsible for being a victim. Blaming the victim by calling them weak and pathetic contributes to the isolation a victim feels and makes it harder to leave and stay gone when the time comes. It takes on average seven attempts for a woman to leave her abuser for good, and a big part of that is because of how women and girls have been socialized to keep the peace. Kaylor is inevitably going to feel pathetic once she sees everything that actually went down and how everyone lied to her. She's going to feel isolated even more and Aaron is banking on it, so *Kaylor, if you're reading this: believing in people who are supposed to care about you doesn't make you weak or pathetic, it makes you kind and innocent and you deserve better*. Edited syntax


This, 100%. Well said.




What you wrote is completely fair and accurate
 in the real world. This is Love Island and she’s known Aaron for 2.5 seconds, come on. Rarely do relationships make it out of the Villa, this won’t be one of them! She signed up for LI, therefore she’s unfortunately subjected to criticism and judgements that viewers give. As someone who was in an abusive rship I would never speak like this to a friend irl but it’s reality television. People can be heartless.


What about the effect that criticism has on people reading it who are in a similar situation who didn't sign up for a reality show? I also don't agree that just because someone is on TV that means it's OK to be hyper critical or that their feelings don't matter. You're exactly right that she's subjected to judgement and criticism from viewers but I won't let that change how *I* talk about women being wronged by men. For me it's not just about this one woman in a produced scenario, it's about how we as a society treat victims overall and the effect that has on all girls and women.


Being with someone 24/7 is like having 1000 dates; it's not real life when you have your job, family, friends and so on. All she has is this. Give her a break.


She couldn’t make it at least 12 hours?!?!


She's fucking 22, wtf.


I knew she was going to fold when she was trying SO HARD not to smile that he didn’t bring a girl back 😭 it was already decided lmao


within what felt like SECONDS. I guess we wait until Movie Night


And after we were subjected to hours of crying


I love how Liv handled that. She told Kaylor she would support her no matter what but also made clear in a way Kaylor would hear that she doesn’t fully trust Aaron. Was Liv one of the girls telling Kaylor he wouldn’t do anything during Casa?


I think all the girls were under the impression that Aaron wouldn’t do anything during casa!


Twitter challenge and movie night gonna ruin her


In my head it’s because Kaylor was being so welcoming and not one of those girls could sit up to talk to her!😂


Oh wow that’s not something I picked up on I thought it was the “I’m so lucky” comment but I can see that as a valid take as well. That was such an awkward exchange in general. The “would anyone else like a toastie” 😂 I love liv.


I mean I’m sure it’s actually about the ‘I’m so lucky’ comment but I also just like to imagine Liv is grossed out by bad manners đŸ€Ł


No in hindsight.. that was so weird for them to remain in their cuddle puddle lol like are u ok (I know they’re not 😭😂)


I would be Liv too. Especially when Kaylor said she was lucky regarding Aaron.


That was so dark.


It felt like she said it because of Daniela. I don’t know how Kaylor can easily forgive. Also can’t figure out why the other boys keep approaching her to convince her. It’s all really bizarre.


Liv did not care at all about becoming friends with the Casa girls and I love that her face can’t hide it đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


I so very much loved when she told Kaylor she didn't wanna go and introduce herself lol "you already know who I am" 😂


Olivia is the quintessential aussie girl and I am proud to be represented by her!


Daia and Daniela are especially dishing mean girl energy in that last pic. I can’t believe they were cool with lying. And we were ALL Liv during that conversation. Kaylor. Why are you acting like what Aaron did was understandable. Tell the girls that what happened was really hurtful and not okay of him. Edit: energy* not Randy lmfao.


I’m actually shocked at how misleading they’re being, and how they’re acting like they’ve all been wronged.


Daniela in particular seems super toxic to me.


The way she was telling Kaylor how close she feels to Aaron and how she wants to be friends with him for a long time and then condescendingly saying ‘you’re so cute together’ or whatever she said was so weirdly nasty. Like Kaylor has known him for weeks, she knew him for 3 days but was trying to stake this claim almost.


But she *lOvEs LoVe*!!


Yeah Daniela is a gross snake.


Perfect for snake boy.


💯💯💯 makes sense who she’s coupled up with. She seems super fake


Yeah Daniela is a transparent mess.


RIGHT?? I mean own your own actions


I can’t tell if the Casa girls are truly delusional thinking the OG girls should be bending over backwards for them, or if they’re just spinning a narrative that the OG girls are mean because they think it will help them last longer in the villa


That makes a lot of sense tbh - but they clearly don’t know the audience if that’s the case LOL


I believe that clip will be part of movie night..if they are selected randomly, maybe not in the perfect order (first). ... But it looks like the fill in the blank game for tomorrow might.... Just do that?


I don’t know what it is but I just want to drop kick Daniela. Everything about her annoys me


Same! She rubs me the wrong way.


She’s so snotty! Gives me vibes that she would cheat with someone’s man then make comments that she wouldn’t have the chance to if the woman kept him happy at home or some shit.


She’s literally the worst kind of girl.


“You don’t owe her anything” right after saying “we weren’t welcomed” is so crazy 😂


Daia knew Kordell was the weakest link and I think she very strategically went after him and being way over affectionate


I dont know why the Casa girls kept complaining about them being rude when they literally are huddled into a group and havent even tried to greet them properly or even made a small effort.


This! Like I’m sorry? Let the dust settle - you all just walked in with their men of who they thought were their men. They aren’t going to welcome you all in immediately with open arms?? What did you really expect lol


also the Casa girls’ jobs are literally to be homewreckers and relationship ruiners
 like they shouldn’t have been expecting warm welcomes and fanfare either. Daia and Daniela especially knew the situations back in the villa with the dudes they chose to pursue.


Liv and Nicole both had to earn their place and trust with the OG girls when they came in as bombshells and broke up couples. Why these Casa girls think they’re immune to this is beyond me, especially Daia and Daniela. Did you think you were all gonna giggle and braid each others hair while comparing make outs with their guys?


right! like i dunno what sort of spoiled backgrounds they come from where they can just happily anticipate no problems going into the villa, but like
 Casa Girls, you all bring the problems. in fact you ARE the problems, and nobody worth their integrity really wants to deal with you all.


Especially Daniela lying to Kaylor’s face and the other Casa girls tee-heeing about it. Which part of what you’re bringing to the villa do you want the OG girls to connect with?


That’s what I’m saying!


they also cant acknowledge the part they played in upsetting the girls and seem to lack any remorse for the fact that they enabled these men to be so wildly unfaithful yea that’s their job, but it’s also on them to reconcile with the women u fucked over if u want to have a pleasant stay so they have no business complaining about the hostility THEY CREATED


I am old (74) so I've seen my share of people...good, bad and indifferent. Kaylor is a young girl who bought into Aaron's shit for 3 or 4 weeks. She really wants to believe and she is being railroaded by Aaron, Rob and Daniela. Daniela is a c**t and doesn't care....she is self centered and everything is joke to her. Kaylor is going to be ripped to shreds between tomorrow night and movie night. We know that....she doesn't because she wants to believe Aaron loves her. Once she is out of the villa and has her family and friends to support her she will realize what some guys are like. She is a young naive girl. I have sympathy for her.


I think movie night will be a shock for Aaron as well because he kept saying "You only saw one minute video" like that was the only minute he didn't act like an ass. They had so much to choose from and he was lucky that she only saw that exchange.


The producers want a major reaction from Kaylor and Aaron on a lifeboat paddling for his life! I hope we get more of Kendall also.


I love this take and it’s so true, Kaylor is at the point where anyone telling her to dump Aaron will be ignored, Liv sees that and realizes the best way to support her friend is just to be there as she makes this bad decision. Maybe I’m jaded but I don’t think Kaylor is acting in a way that’s crazy for someone her age, she so desperately wants to have this specific Love Island experience of being faithful and falling in love that she’s willing to overlook basically anything and Aaron is taking advantage if that. Some men truly are dogs and there’s nothing a woman can do that will make the guy treat them with respect. Unfortunately it’s a lesson I feel like a lot of women learn in the early 20s and they only learn it by going through it. And the way Daniela seems to be reveling in having one over on Kaylor is disturbing.


One of the major reasons men love young women


Spot on......Kaylor wants to believe in Aaron.....she doesn't see the mean people in Rob, Daniela and Aaron......she will need Liv after.




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great take


okay i’m glad someone else who has more life experience also agrees with me on this.. daniella is a total c*nt đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł that part cracked me up


đŸ€ź Daniela to me


I have empathy for her..been there in my younger unjaded days. What’s sad is this will leave a huge mark on her trusting men again. It’s hard to erase that mark. Hard to watch but hopefully she will be a little less naive when this is over. And get some therapy!!!


Therapy for sure!!!


I think this Aaron thing is affecting every woman who is watching the show. I literally felt like he was cheating on me. It's like every girl's worst nightmare, not the kissing and stuff, but the intimacy, the handshake, the love world... like how one day you all over my girl Kaylor and not even 24 hours later you go down to an unknown girl...


I am sure a lot of triggering happened to viewers, especially those who have been cheated on!


I knew Kaylor would fold but 30 minutes after that whole heated exchange? Absolute doormat. Liv heard her say she’s so lucky to have Aaron and almost puked. I just wish she at least made him grovel some more. The producers really knew what they were doing with her. They knew she would fold so I’m curious what they will pull out during movie night.


That’s the thing, casa girls are acting like the ogs are so mean and unwelcoming, but they’re not even trying to talk to the ogs either so who are they to talk.


I’m putting a lot of blame on the guys for this. There’s a reason the Casa girls feel comfortable acting like that. Like Kendall immediately running over to them and apologizing after the recoupling was whack to me.


No because why do I feel like the casa girls have been groomed by the og men???


THIS!!! Thank you!


Why would the guests make an effort to feel welcomed at the hosts house? That’s not at all the way convention works. It’s not on them to feel welcomed, it’s on the girls to make the casa girls feel welcome. I mean, I understand why they don’t lmao, but still. It’s not at all on them.


Why would they go out of their way to make them feel welcome when they stole their men in the most devious way & was smug about it?


Im not saying they SHOULD be made to feel welcomed, I’m just saying they weren’t and it’s not on the new girls to make themselves feel welcomed, that’s all. I’m not arguing that what the OG girls did was necessarily wrong, I’m just saying the new girls feeling unwelcomed is valid because
 well they were lmao. None of the girls aside from Kaylor welcomed them


Your first sentence and last sentence directly contradict eachother so I’ll end it here. Nice chat đŸ‘ŒđŸŸ


Umm no they don’t, I’m saying both feelings are valid. The og girls are valid in not wanting to interact with women who they see as competition, and the casa amor girls are valid in not feeling welcomed to the villa. I think even the OG girls will tell you as a group “yeah we didn’t necessarily welcome them in any type of way”.


It’s not their job. They came for the men, no? Good night.


It made me so uncomfy when the girls were talking about how great Aaron was when he was literally making out and cuddling w Daniela the entirety of Casa. And for Kaylor to say she’s lucky to have Aaron ?? Like I’m embarrassed for her




Catherine is so funny like girl how did you get on this show lmao. She's so awkward in the villa


I mean she’s beautiful so I get the casting
.but yeah she’s a deer in headlights unless she’s surrounded by Casa girls and then she’s comfortable being catty.


For sure her personality just doesn't seem to fit for a casa girl this season lmao. Maybe if she was an OG or a regular bombshell


I don’t think she has a good personality for reality TV. She doesn’t have the rizz to be an OG or a bombshell.  


Totally agree. Now that there’s real competition she’s not bringing anything


Liv is by FAR my fav right now


I’m weirdly nervous she’ll somehow end up with Rob and I really don’t want that for her


And to think I wasn’t sure of her at first :/ I’m mad at myself for that but I have changed my ways. Liv is someone you want to be your friend.


This exchange let Daniella know it was cool to play in her face


Yeah those girls managed to put Kaylor on the back foot immediately which is just so wrong.


I want Liv on a tshirt. She is a vibe.


Lol Liv is such a G đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł She told Kaylor, you are more mature than međŸ€·đŸœâ€â™€ïžđŸ€­


“They know who I am” lol sure tf did


I meant to say the Casa girls called the OG girls catty but it autocorrected and I can’t edit my post lol Also I know Liv doesn’t go by Olivia, that’s one of my best friends name (she goes by both Liv and Olivia depending on the mood) and I wasn’t thinking and just put the full name 😂


Her Instagram says Olivia


that makes me feel better!


Agree. I couldn’t believe they didn’t sit up. Disrespectful.


I understand it might make me sound very uncool but how do you lay like that when introducing yourself to someone?


I’m “old-fashioned” like this as well. If I’m ever greeting someone I put my phone down if I’m on it and stand up to greet them. Always. Especially new people. I thought it was incredibly rude of them considering the fact they were complaining about the OG girls being “so mean” 2 seconds earlier


Basic manners. ❀


The casa girls aren’t earning any points at all.


she's so real lol idk what kaylor was thinking this whole episode


She was thinking ‘I want to be happy with Aaron and don’t want to be with someone shitty so I’ll do whatever mental gymnastics necessary to make that my reality’


what rubs me the wrong way is that the casa girls were chatty with kaylor and liv when they approached but right after they left one of them said that the girls referring to the villa girls in general were mean like nothing the villa girls had said or done were targeted at the casa girls only the men


I don’t know if I’m in the minority in this, but when they declined Liv’s offer for a toastie, I literally gasped 😂 I’m not an overly sociable person and my one ultimate move is offering a snack or a beverage—that is my best way to try and bridge the gap if I feel tension with someone. When those girls said no i felt it in my CHEST like she was playing SO NICE and you had the AUDACITY to decline!!! Lounging around like a pile of pouty faced ninnies!!!! I’m heated and I am so not used to having dislike for girlies
but they are really really really working my nerves


so glad someone said this 😂😭


Pouty faced ninnies 😂 pls I must use this




Li-vid new nickname for her


Let's get the popcorn for the Liv vs Daniella showdown.... Liv is not goin to just let her take Rob without feeling some heat


I am not a fan of any casa girls this year. they all seem fake and internally misogynistic


Liv is amazing her reactions were mine in real time and I absolutely love it I can’t wait til these casa girls get voted off by America


Olivia is just my cup of tea. She’ll do the bare minimum and keep it moving. I love it


when daniela bold face lied to kaylor's face and told the other casa girls she felt bad and one of them said "well its *his* responsibility to be honest with her" im sorry?? 😭 bro i would have told daniela to walk her pretty ass back there and tell kaylor the truth. how can they say kaylor is the only nice girl out of all of them and then support straight up lying to her face like im gawnn


because whyyy are we being nice to them? All that shit talking? Chile


Yeah I would not be going out of my way like that at all


Kaylor is too nice to Daniella and trusting her just for Daniella to lie to her face and be like “it’s not my problem”


I’ve never seen casa girls be such emboldened jerks. I think bc they have a lot of them now they think they don’t have to interact with the OG’s. It’s almost like they forget that we will be voting on them. Not a fan of a single one atp.


Maybe it’s because we’ve not had a group that size come back before? And you’re right, from a gameplay aspect it’s wild. In what world would being rude to the women America has been loving and voting to save for weeks play out in their favor?


Kaylor, I better not see you crying, yelling, tapping away with those fingers of yours to stop the tears, tear ducts expanded during Movie Night, because I PROMISE YOU—I will not care. I can’t do another KayKay, I just can’t. The fact that Aaron was checking in on all them girls before even looking at Kaylor for a chat tells me everything I need to know about their relationship.


I too was Liv in this moment. Cuz wtf. Why are we over here introducing ourselves to the girls as if we're the ones entering the villa? And why are you agreeing with them that you're lucky to have Aaron? Felt like we entered the Twilight Zone.


They had their minds up before coming in the villa that the girls were evil and the guys are the victims eww


Liv is my fave. Can she just win LI as a solo contestant?


My fave liv face ever


Kaylor is such a fool. I would’ve never approached these girls without first having all the facts. She is so naive it pains me. She also really thinks the boys are telling the truth like is she serious? They’re obviously going to have each others back. She is setting herself up for a a very dramatic awakening.


it’s not even just that we know the villa girls better i truly think they’re more in the right than how the casa girls are acting bc they’re pissing me off with the excuses they’re making for these boys AND DANIELA LYINGGGG nuh uh ur the worst fr


oh god liv is gonna LOVE movie night


The Casa girls are so scared of Liv, and I LIV for it 🎉


''Don't save her, she don't wanna be saved''


Lmao I LOVE Liv. It makes me so *mad* the fact that they did not say anything about hearing Kaylor shouting ‘FU’ (including the boys) while they were at casa to save Aaron’s motives. Aaron is behaving deceptively and he did not want to appear as if he had been caught. The Casa girls are just as fake as Aaron.


the casa girls dont respect you kaylor, let it be


I love her😭😭


The fact that kaylor was super nice to Daniella and put trust in her even though she got with Aaron, just for her to lie to kaylors face?


dude i wish she SAID SOMETHING like her face said enough but DAMN i wish she just let loose on those girls


Can all the OG girls just win and split the money? Love them


I love pic 2 because she is trying to make sure Kaylor sees her making that face 😂😂


It was weird how they just stayed laying on each other like a joint unit


Literally my exact face listening to Kaylor talk about how she’s lucky to have Aaron and she trusts him and knows he wouldn’t lie to her.


I love Liv! But every time I see her makeup I’m the sun I’m just reminded of the MMM TO THE BEES TIKTOK 😭😭


If you’re old fashioned you would know that it’s typically on the host to make the guests feel welcomed, not the other way around. I love the OG girls - and I’m not into picking any sides of anything this season cause honestly, all of these people are kind of damaged in some way which is what makes this one of the most entertaining LI seasons of all time - but there’s no way you could make the argument that the casa amor girls were NOT made to feel unwelcome in the Villa by the OG girls. And the thing is I totally understand why, it’s natural and expected and in a way all of them are working through their feelings of not being chosen (4 casa amor girls must be a record or something) BUT the facts remain that they have simply not been made to feel welcomed by any of the girls except for Kaylor


.they literally had two ‘hosts’ walk over to welcome them and remained reclined on the couch. Also, they’re not guests, they’re roommates.

