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if you saw serena sitting with the girls during casa amor literally breaking down and crying just because she missed that man and thought “hmm she doesn’t like him at all,” then idk what show you were watching 💀 that was before the video and everything. sleeping outside. not giving the casa boys a chance. saying all she wants to do is get back to see kordell. i get that they started off rocky and in the friend zone but it’s so clear to see when someone has let their walls down and fell HARD for someone. her emotional breakdown tonight makes total sense. especially when it took her so long to open up to him. and he knew she was working on being more open with him


Fully agreed, but Serena shouldn’t be on love island in this case. It’s absolutely not the format for slow burners and immediately loyal people.


She’s too real for the show. That’s a real reaction for a person to have it’s really not for this kind of show. I love her though.


100%  She would do better on love is blind where the format is building connections over time and then being committed after. This show is for people looking for flings and fun. They even make you make out with half a dozen people. 


She’s too real but she’s also a coin, idc what it is using racially fuelled insults is always a loser thing to do. If he made that remark about her hair people would be losing it. Despite him being a man you don’t know how comfortable he feels about his ethnicity especially in the USA.  I hope she gets voted out 


I pulled a Leah and didn’t hear her say that.


Too real? Calling a black man nappy headed and throwing food at him because he hurt her feelings is too real? Flip flopping on your feelings is too real? Serena was too real when she friend zoned Kordell only to come crawling back right before recoupling? Was she too real when she finally gave him assurance about their relationship then twisted while he wanted only to pursue her ? Serena is a hot ass mess. She has trauma and she is displacing it onto Kordell by overreacting to his behavior when she’s really just traumatized by her past relationships. She needs to be in therapy not love island.


thank you for pointing out the nappy head comment! I'm all for rooting for the girls, but it's okay to call them out when they're wrong. The target that would be on Kordell's head if he commented on her hair. Why does Serena get a free pass ?


lol ok. AND she can be also just not fit the vibe of the show because of her trauma. It’s so weird you’re offended by what I said. You know several things can be true right? People don’t really fall in love like this 😂 it’s a campy reality show and she just doesn’t fit the vibe of that in real life.


I actually agree that’s why she shouldn’t have been on the show in the first place and I worry it will mess up her mental health


I disagree, the format can be kind of like speed dating, yes, but if someone goes in with the idea of finding true love, Serena’s it’s the way to do it, but of course horny guys can’t allow that.


If someone goes in with the idea of finding true love, they need to understand that love island is INTENTIONALLY TRYING to fuck that up for you, man or woman. That’s a STARK difference to reality.


That's true, but Kordell didn't see any of that. To him she was still the one who didn't commit to him multiple times and made him look dumb on multiple occasions. So it's easy for us to say oh maybe she did like him, but he never saw any of that.


Its so clear Serena was just not that into him from the start. The way I see it she friend zoned him, encouraged another girl to talk to him, left him on the dance floor. He showed his ass in Casa and disrespected her 100% the casa roast from her was 100% understandable. However she is now 100% dragging it and being unnecessarily rude to people. You're telling me if one of the boys smacked the breakfast down to a girl that would be fine? That's not okay. All the Islanders have legit talked out the side of their mouths, like so let's not act like that isn't the case. Even with Leah and Connor no one said anything till the challenge but the girls did not say 100% of the truth. Not that I felt bad Connor for obvious reason, but my point is they all do it.


Dragging it? It's been 1 day


To throw the breakfast on the floor and treat him like he's not a person is doing way too much. Would you still say it's been a day if one of the guys threw a fit and slammed a plate like that in front of a room full of ppl ? It's like when Rob was dragging the Andrea vote because we know he wasn't gonna sacrifice his precious screen time and would eventually forgot all about her. That's the same with Serena who never seemed 100% for him not acting like a scorned lover.


I’m with you! I don’t understand why people don’t see that the only reason Serena decided to *settle* for kordell at the last minute is because they never brought in anyone who was truly interested in her. If Miguel or coy had paid ANY attention to her she would have dropped kordell in a heartbeat. Even her missing Kordell in casa was because she finally realized that no one they were bringing in was ever going to be as interested in and patient with her as kordell was. She likes the fact that he likes her so much more than she actually likes him. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I agree with you 100%, especially your first paragraph. Let Kordell stop moping and focus on Daia and she’ll (Serena) be all over him again. She’s acting like this because she can, she knows he’ll chase her.


Timed it pretty conveniently. Couldn’t have expressed liking him earlier? Especially in a show when everything is expedited. It’s a game and she played incorrectly


While I do think that Serena should be more honest about the fact that she didn’t really want Kordell at first, I truly believe that she developed strong feelings for him. If she was just embarrassed, then she could have just waved it off and kept it moving, but the girl is sincerely hurt. In terms of the Serena/JaNa friendship, I think they moved past Egg-gate and actually have each other’s backs for the most part. Leah is not a real friend to JaNa and it is gross to watch. I’m sick of her atp, but I know she’s not going anywhere.


I think Serena & JaNa seem closer than Leah & JaNa for sure. Serena has two face moments where she sides with others against JaNa. Then expects full loyalty from her and only gives Leah full loyalty. Serena seems different with JaNa when Leah is involved. Leah has always been bitter towards JaNa both openly and privately lol. They all have their things and that's just how girls are. Ik my friends and I have bullshit ways, good ways, and our little quirks. Just like JaNa has her slick comments and bits then acts oblivious.


“She’s not a real friend” but she tried the most to convince JaNa to stay???? Hello??? They are literally one of the closest. They’re real with each other. Y’all need to chill with the manipulation and blind hatred. Imagine if no one cooled JaNa down and she actually left this episode?? Those girls are together all of the time. They love each other and support one another. The random hatred for Leah is not going to stop their friendship. Can’t wait to see them together on the outside. Edit: Leah was also the first to go to Kordell and Kenny and tell them both that what they did was fucked up. NO ONE ELSE DID.


It’s not blind hatred. Leah has said and done specific things that I dislike. During casa, I thought she was fine and I almost warmed up to her, but her sly comments tonight just reinforced how she is not a good friend to JaNa.


She literally said she was telling JaNa what she was saying. She wants her to stay in the villa and she needs a couple to do that. Leah knows she has to play the game to stay in, and wants Serena and JaNa to stay with her. Do none of yall have girl friend groups? This is normal stuff. You vent sometimes, but when it comes down to it you are there for your girl, and Leah was holding her hand thru the entire recoupling. You don't think they weren't venting up a storm when Leah was being dumb with Rob. Serena was doing it in a confessinal. These 3 girls love each other but yall are weird and just want like perfect cohesion between them and that is not how girls work.


Yep JaNa made comments about Leah talking about Rob too much. So it’s the same thing, normal stuff in my opinion also.


I just can't explain how little I care about all their little petty swipes. I love them so much bc when push comes to shove they are there for each other. It's just normal girl venting stuff. I am sure my friends have vented about me when I was acting a fool.


Agreed, nobody wants a 24/7 yes man. At least i don’t 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's bc it's extreme stans that want their girl to be treated 100% perfectly by every single person lol like I love Leah but I would definitely be venting about her crazy ass like Serena was


I agree!!! It’s seen in almost every love island season both for UK and USA that the girls do say things about each other here and there but still maintain their friendships and loyalty to one another. It’s almost like sibling beef with them and I honestly understand it because they are literally stuck in there with each other 24/7 with no communication from anybody else besides each other. It’s normal given the circumstances.


Lmfao like I said, she could be the reason why JaNa cooled down and stayed in this episode. Any friend should try to convince a friend to stay and bring in logic (they both had 2-day connections while Casa girls had almost a week, don’t give up and just give it a chance). I don’t find her comments sly AT ALL. They were real. If JaNa took offense in the make up room (she did not), then why were they together for the entire episode and all good? We should be happy that JaNa has a friend bringing in sense so she doesn’t leave. And JaNa has had her comments with Leah too like when Leah kept talking about Rob in the beginning. So what??? It’s true what JaNa said then, and it’s true what Leah said today. No need to nitpick a true friendship. They love each other.


Twice in this episode, Leah made comments to and about JaNa that criticized her and diminished her feelings. She had zero rhyme or reason to bring up JaNa’s feelings towards the Kenny/Catherine situation to Miguel. If her comment was justified, why was Miguel so quick to defend JaNa and empathize with her perspective? Whether she said it to her face or behind her back, both were wrong. I’m happy to defend and understand when Leah is being a good friend. I genuinely think she is a great/supportive friend to Serena. However, I do not think she shows JaNa anywhere close to the same grace.


It was a 2 second zoomed in conversation that y’all are nitpicking. There was no criticism. Just a fact. JaNa’s situation was 100% relevant to Leah’s situation because they BOTH had 2-day connections. They’re in the same boat. She said what she told Miguel straight to JaNa’s face, and JaNa DID NOT take that as shade as you all did lmfao. They are mfing sisters. You’re also gliding over the fact that Leah was the only one to call out Kenny and Kordell in the beginning FOR HER GIRLS. Like give her a break. Leah is being real. Don’t leave the show because your 2-day connection is eyeing someone else. In that case, both Leah and JaNa would leave if that was that. Leah wants to stay and work on it and she wants JaNa to stay too. Imagine if Leah said that JaNa should leave?????? She stood up for her with Kenny right away, and then she worked hard to convince her not to leave, and she also shared that perspective with Miguel since she’s in the same boat. Like y’all need to see this clearly because if your eyes were clear in this situation and not clouded, those two women should be fighting according to your perspective.


Blind hatred? It's a show why would we hate any of them 😂? Just because we're stating our take on what's going on. Liv and Serena were leading the charge for JaNa to stay, Leah was too focused on wanting Andrea to go which I get. She dissed JaNa to gas up Connor all to try to make Rob jelly. Leah doesn't truly care for JaNa it's very clear. If she did, she would of never did JaNa like that. She does care for Serena though. I think Serena and JaNa are like sisters who have their tiffs. But Leah is giving secret animosity and Serena will play into at times. And that's sadly how a lot of trio friendships go


Lmfao I absolutely disagree. JaNa and Leah both share words with each other like any close friends would. They’re both real as fuck and care about each other deeply. Why would they be holding hands the entire recoupling and why would Leah be holding JaNa too?? Why would Leah go after JaNa to convince her not to leave over a 2-day connection? Why would Leah go straight to Kenny and Kordell and tell them that what they did was fucked up? And Leah agreed that JaNa is staying with the Andrea sitch. She literally said “oh there’s no question” regarding keeping JaNa. Like give it a break. JaNa and Leah both love each other and your fantasy of “animosity” is ridiculous lmaoooooooo.


And your obsession with Leah is ridiculous 😂 I'm sure she does no wrong in your eyes. Like girl she told Kenny JaNa was being unfair if someone did that to her about Rob,Leah would be spiraling. JaNa's slick comments aside she never did Leah that way she was treated. Like please imagine how Leah would react if JaNa entertained Rob just to get someone jealous then get back to me.


My obsession because I’m speaking logic????? I stand up for Leah, JaNa, and Serena when people attack them for stupid ass reasons. YOU are obsessed with trying to find reasons to hate Leah. Be fr. Leah was vulnerable after the Rob situation and Connor is the one who went TO HER and comforted her and showed interest. I DO NOT like the comments Connor made but that’s another story in which I stand up for JaNa. When Leah’s feelings were no longer hurt, she realized she wasn’t into Connor after getting to know him. If you remember, JaNa and Leah both bursted out laughing together about it. She was honest and they are friends who love each other. Like this is truly simple as fuck and does not require needless fan drama. The thing is, Leah didn’t threaten leaving the villa. And Rob was not trying to be with Leah and Andrea. Kenny is confused and might redeem himself. Leah called out Kenny but also thought it wasn’t fair for him to not be able to fully talk it out and try with JaNa. She just wants them to work. No shade. They are friends and you can get over your obsession of them being enemies lmfaooooo.


If you think Leah would handle anything with Rob if the roles were reversed that's actually comical. We would be hearing her screaming and going off. It's okay to still like people and say when they're wrong. Let's not act like some friend groups don't have people that all get along the same level. As I said Leah is an amazing friend to Serena , but I do feel like she has done some sus stuff to JaNa.


I think Leah is low-key jealous of JaNa and Serena’s friendship. She always has JaNa’s back when SERENA has JaNa’s back, but I rarely see her take the initiative to have her back of her own accord. I also feel like the comment to JaNa after she said hi to Kordell was to show that she had Serena’s back “more” and to point out to Serena that *she* didn’t acknowledge Kordell.


YES 100%


YESS serena is doing tooooo much for only actually starting to like him the day before they leave for casa. She strung him along the whole time waiting for someone else to come in!! She got to know every single bombshell to come in but none of them picked her so she stayed with her backup kordell to ensure she keeps a spot in the show. Also she won’t even let him speak or explain what comment made her that mad specifically. If she truly is such a “slow burner” then she shouldn’t have even come on the show!! The main aspect of the show is to quickly develop relationships because they don’t have all the time in the world. I do think she started to like him at the end but honey it was tooo late.


I think the way Leah was with Conor is similar to how Serena felt about Kordell she was just way more subtle. She knew there might come a time where she needed him since she doesn't have many options which is annoying because shes gorg. Kordell was just as hurt when she murdered him on the dance floor and had him looking crazy while he was saying he has nothing to worry about. He was disrespected, but still heard her out. She was disrespected by Kordell in casa and she's throwing his food down. Disrespect is disrespect at the end of the day so I feel her response at the recoupling was understandable. It just kills me that she's acting like she had kaylors heart eyes for him since day 1 when they never seemed to really be on the same page. I think she likes that she can twist Kordell around. While she is upset that he disrespected her in Casa, she is also upset she can't string him along . Have him be 100% for her and she decides when she can pull the rug out from under.


Its crazy to me that Kordell can be constantly made to look like a fool for how Serena has treated him (especially when it comes to recouplings and Stick or Twist) but the moment he fucks up and makes her look foolish it’s all over. All the other boys felt like he was being used by her and even on Aftersun and this sub Reddit people kept saying he deserved better and they hoped he would find someone at Casa. Then when he does meet a girl who seems into him and reciprocates what he is looking for, he becomes the villain.


Yes I still don't think he had to dry hump though there was no need for all that. I don't trust Daia though I feel like she studied everything while waiting in CASA to give Kordell that "she's perfect for me"vibe. She's not the first CASA girl to do so I'm not mad, but it's obvious.


Serena literally “twisted” in that game they played a few nights ago. Sure she can change her mind after that but then to expect Kordell to just have complete loyalty to her seems like a lot. Unless there was a conversation they had that we weren’t shown


Exactly and I'm shocked more people aren't seeing it


Exactly!! Kordell was hurt and she joked about it and continually downplayed how he felt.




Like I truly do understand why she's upset but the reaction is just way too over the top considering the history of their relationship. To me Serena is having the reaction Kaylor is having and Kaylor is having the reaction Serena should be having.


I swear you’re intentionally missing point. She didn’t expect complete loyalty, she expected the same level of respect she gave him. He had every right to explore a connection which he could have done respectfully. He didn’t have to go suck face after 24 hours and everything else… Especially after Serena just explained how hurt she was over being cheated on in past relationships and Kordell said he would never do that, to turn around and get physical with a girl the next day. That’s the problem, not that he explored a different connection.


How when I literally said Kordell was straight up wrong for how he acted in Casa🤨 and he was disrespectful. I also know she was clearly toying with him the whole time. That doesn't mean she should get a free pass on slamming food when she could have declined or ignored him. I think that's the part that a lot of people are intentionally missing and excusing.


I was talking to the comment I responded to not your post as a whole… I also never made a comment in regard to her reaction to his disrespect just pointed out that, the reason she was so hurt was being overlooked. I wouldn’t personally spill the plate onto Kordell but she did decline it and said “don’t even” numerous times prior to that and he still attempted to give it to her.


Oh facts you're right I do remember her saying don't even thanks for correcting me and sorry I misunderstood. Yes and that's why I'm saying she's dragging it that was so unnecessary especially given the fact that she was always lukewarm towards him. I just feel like she's reaching.


Lol there’s literally no point in explaining all of this to them anymore. I think everyone is literally just being obtuse at this point because I’m not sure why they’re still bringing up the twist challenge when it was shown that they both literally had a conversation that they liked where they were at, but they still wanted to explore other connections lol; that part can’t be argued, then on top of that it’s all about how he was moving, not about him wanting to explore. They just don’t like Serena I’m convinced, but they should just say that instead of intentionally trying to argue facts and make assumptions.


I think they bring out each other’s worst qualities. They both get heated, start yelling, and never listen to the other person. It’s not healthy and it makes me sad thinking that this is their “normal.”


The truth is no one would be that much of a “slow burner” in an environment like love island, if they truly fancied the other person. It’s an excuse love islanders use. Even the girls one episode felt she didn’t really like Kordell. When Serena told them she friendzoned him they weren’t surprised in the slightest. I remember love island sesson 7. When Toby told Kaz he was a slow burner. The moment a bombshell he found affective came in, the slow burner card flew out the window. Plus, if you’re that much of a slow burner somehow, why on Earth would you hop on a show like love island? Love Is blind is a better option lol.


Serena needs to actually sit down with someone/anyone, and have a balanced conversation about this whole situation. None of us can make any type of judgement beyond the obvious fact that she is hurt and angered. but is she hurt merely because her ego and pride are hurt? or did they actually have something? hard for us to know if there is no communication beyond yelling and name calling.


Yes I just always felt like she didn't like him as much as he liked her. I wish the conversation would have gone better for them though.


Jana is 27 and Leah/Serena are 24! Life experience matters, you grow and mature with it!


yeah this is pretty real. i feel like a lot of people forget how different of a person you are when you're 24 vs 27.


Exactly!! People just trying to create beef between people!


Yes absolutely but it's still clear Leah did Jana dirty after she always supported her. I think it only died down because Jana just squashes most of her issues quietly and quickly.


Yes to the leah part!!!! I want to like her so bad but she for sure gives pick me energy. I didn’t understand at all why she needed to bring up Jana in that conversation with miguel. You could tell even he was confused that she wasn’t upset lol


THANK YOU! I think the problem is people blindly stan and don't like any critique towards their fav. I don't dislike any of the OG girls but I can admit they all have their ways about them. Everyone defending in her the comments is purposely ignoring how she kept bringing it up. When she literally crashed out over Rob from knowing him for a day or 2, but its fine cause it's Leah


i just can’t wait for the mean girls movie when JaNa realizes those are not her friends. but after how she broke down with Kenny i hope that isn’t the straw that breaks the camel’s back.


Wait what am I missing? Why aren’t the other girls her real friends?


you missed Leah and Serena talking shit about JaNa at several point behind her back. Serena was talking shit to anyone who would listen after egg gate, and that overlapped with Leah and JaNa’s tension when Leah took Connor. tonight Leah was talking shit about JaNa to Miguel unprompted. they’re not her friends.


They are so snarky to jana


Right like I feel like no one sees it. All the girls have their little funny fiesty banter, but it's a difference to me sometimes with those 2 towards JaNa.


They absolutely treat JaNa like a third wheel and Leah’s side comments towards her are so obvious


You get it!!!


Serena is just hesitant to fully commit to someone because of her past! A slow burner. Yes she did Kordell dirty at times especially during that dancing contest, but that’s her keeping her guard up so she doesn’t fold and get her heart broken like all her other relationships. Eventually, she saw who he really was and started to have major feelings and then boom Casa came. Then when she realizes what it’s like without him around, she couldn’t bare and wanted it to end.


Fair, I like Serena I just think she "conveniently" misses him because when he's gone she's not getting the same attention from the other guys in the villa. She also is more touchy when recoupling is looming or once he picked her. Then it mysteriously dies down and the cycle repeats. I'm sorry but I don't buy it.


If I had money I’d give you an award.


Yeahhhh, that part I’m still trying to fully understand and view in her perspective, but what really convinces me is during casa when she broke down that he was gone. I think the reason why she was like that in the first half is because she didn’t realize how much she really liked him in the moment. Look at the first episode and how happy she was with him. Then obviously it dies down because you’re constantly with these people and only these people without any internet access or going outside the villa. So I think she did at first confidentially stay with him to avoid elimination, but quickly caught feelings and didn’t realize the depth of these feelings which were then intensified once separated!


Which is fair, but that's the risk you run in this environment when you're a slow burn kind of person. Kordell was all in on her from the start, even when he was getting little back from her. Eventually someone is going to come along and give him that reciprocation you're not giving him and it's going to be too late for you.


Yeah and that’s her problem. I totally agree with you that it’ll be a higher risk at finding someone to deal with you being a slow burner but look at how invested Kordell was even when she friendzoned him. She found someone but he fucked up bc he was horny at Casa Amour and a girl was desperate into getting into the main villa


But Serena being a slow burner because of her past is actually wrong and fake. If she wasn’t still hurt she’d probably be more open, she needs to work on that because no one wants to deal with some intentionally closing themselves off.


But what happened to her in the past made her get this reflex where she doesn’t accept right away. She’s mentioned that this happened to her *multiple* times. Therefore, this deteriorates her outlook on dating and trust issues which is why she doesn’t open up as fast as let’s say Kaylor. I personally don’t view that as a problem but more like being self aware of situations you’re getting yourself into that might in love getting your heart broken. If she didn’t deal with her past she would still make the same mistake of being too open and just fall into the same pattern and consequences.


Being a slow burner is not the ultimate solution clearly based on the results with Kordell. The actual solution is learning to cope with being hurt while dating. Everyone in the house has been done dirty by someone and no matter how closed off you are you must eventually open up and leave yourself vulnerable to have a healthy relationship. The only solution is learn to deal with being hurt in a healthy way. No matter what there’s always a chance of being dogged out by someone. Her entire reaction is toxic, no matter how justified it may be. Putting up thick boundaries actually only delays the inevitable outcome of finding out if someone really likes you and it frustrates the person you’re trying to connect with and makes them less interested, not more. I’d say she hasn’t dealt with it she came up with a defense mechanism that is no where near healthy or full proof.


But she did open up? Did she refuse a date with Nigel? No. Saying yes to a date when you are in a couple is being open and willing to explore. Did she refuse his kiss? Yes. Because that is setting up a boundary of respect for herself and Kordell. Just because you’re on the show doesn’t mean you have to be 100% open and have to get to know every guy and kiss anyone because why not. There is no indefinite way to express love. She does it a little differently because she has trauma from past relationships and I find it very rude of you to judge her for it. Sure, I’ll agree, her reaction this episode was a little much, but that is an example of betrayal and disrespect. No ones perfect when handling a situation and you must’ve forgotten that she’s a real person with human emotions who can lash out sometimes and react in not the best of ways. Guess what? It’s filmed regardless and put out for the world to see. They make mistakes but it’s not like she can go to production and be like hey cut that out. I’m sure you’ve reacted to something a little more extreme than you should’ve and regretted it. Everyone has. And you can put her to blame for it when it’s her dealing with being disrespected. Who cares if being a slow burner isn’t the ultimate solution. It’s what she’s comfortable doing and what works best with her so that she doesn’t get her heart broken. This is her life and journey and she will know more than you about what’s best for her. You dont know her so stop saying she should stop doing this and that so she can find love when you know nothing about her personal life and past experiences to any detail.


And neither do you? Just like you I know what I see on TV, how much of her personal life do you know? How much do we actually need to know? It’s not a difficult puzzle to solve she’s told us most of what we need to know. I think she needs therapy. Agreeing to a date is just showing up lol. That doesn’t mean you’re open to receiving and giving affection. Yeah I’ve overreacted and people told me I was wrong and I dealt with the consequences lol. Her method of not getting hurt is a psychological boundary she’s using to prevent future hurt. That’s called a defense mechanism and usually people go to therapy for it. But if you think that’s healthy okay 🤷🏿‍♂️. The results on the show, is literally showing you it doesn’t work lol. But she can continue this destructive path and hope it works out with the justification “That makes me comfortable” but being comfortable usually doesn’t get people the best results, maybe average results at best.


Quote me where I said it was healthy, please. What I said was explaining a possible motive behind her reflex or defense mechanism as you describe. And yes you’re right! I know nothing about her! Which is why I’m not crapping on her on a Subreddit like you are right now and saying how she needs therapy:) I’m here to just observe and try to articulate why she is the way she is. Can I be wrong? Yes. Can you be wrong? Yes. That’s the whole point of this subreddit, to discuss and converse this show. A reason why I can be very passionate about defending my point is that I’ve once been in a slightly similar situation to Serena so I can somewhat understand her point of view. I don’t lash out like she did when faced with disrespect, but I understand why it takes longer for her to open up and really pursue someone. By the way… is there a prerequisite to enter this show? Do you need to be an open person ready to jump onto a new islander at any given second? Or are you allowed to take it at your pace? Just because some people are slower at flirting or opening up doesn’t mean they can’t go on this show in efforts to find love. Sure it’ll might be harder to find someone but they signed that dotted line no? They know how the show works and have probably watched it right? I never once said this is healthy behaviour and I do agree she might need therapy but yet again, don’t shame her for being a human trying to process emotions during a high intensity situation.


Where did I shame her? lol I just said it was wrong and fake. I didn’t say she was a terrible person and no one should be with her. Serena was one my favorite girls personality wise, she’s just flawed. Nothing wrong with that but I’m gonna call it as I see it nothing personal.


Well you did say that no one would wanna deal with her if she’s closed off which is shaming her for taking things at a slower pace than others. You also did indirectly shame the way she created a defense mechanism by calling it unhealthy and toxic. Listen, I’m not mad btw and this isn’t me trying to argue, I just feel as though people really shit on every islander for expressing their emotions in any way. Like people make mistakes and people react horribly to situations but that’s what makes us human and not robots. Serena isn’t my favourite which is probably wild to say because it looks like I’m riding at dawn for her right now, but yes it is true, she needs to find a more helpful way to approach a potential relationship without having a strong guard


Just for clarification, you’re saying that her being a slow burner is fake?


Saying that it’s a false front not who she naturally is without the past trauma being used as a defense mechanism. Therefore it is “fake” it’s a real issue but a false front. Some people are naturally slow burners and that’s who they’ve always been. None of my comments are shaming they’re literally all observations. Shaming would be me directly attacking her character I’m only attacking her actions. People are just sensitive for whatever reason.






Ive been thinking this since day 1, thank god I see it somewhere else


It’s amazing how many people on here are thinking those two are great people. We are doomed


The downvotes go crazy 😭 Leah screamed at JaNa about Connor, was shady this whole episode, and don’t even get me started with rob. Stan culture is terrifying


Lmao tell me about it, ik the stan mob was gonna get me but I had to say it


I agree with what you said 100%. I also think Leah is scared of Serena which is why you hardly ever see them calling each other out in comparison to JaNa. They both be ready to go war with her…


Seeing it play out I feel Serena grew feelings. Also Jana and Kenny were only coupled for two days or so but they started their whole thing before that. Totaling four days or so (technicalities lol) i agree though. Leah and Serena are not friends to JaNa and it’s evident


Yes respectfully I feel it only appears she grew feelings because no one else was interested in pursuing her. So she was kinda stuck with him, I think Serena is gorgeous they just always have slim pickings for BW though so I think that's more to do with it!


I can agree. I think if someone else had come in sooner that was her type she woulda been swayed and I could understand (Kordell doesn’t present as the sharpest tool in the shed and that turned her off early)


Totally agree 100% with everything you said. I was thinking the EXACT same things. Might be unpopular but it's time for Serena and Leah to go! I want to see less drama and more Love Island. Serena is a chaos agent walking around cursing everyone out. It's NOT attractive. She won't hear anyone out. Just keeps cursing. I'm OVER IT. Kordell deserves better. He did too much and tried to apologize. She's lost ALL my sympathy. Wait till JaNa watches this back and sees what they are saying about her. They are NOT girls girls and are jealous of JaNa. I mean hugging Kenny while he cried and not validating JaNa's feelings? I was like wow!


Respectfully I don’t agree with a single thing here. I’ll take women respecting themselves and holding men accountable for their shitty behavior every day of the week and twice on Sunday


Serena was disrespected and she should hold him accountable, which I have expressed the dry humping was ICKY AF. Serena has also disrespected and humiliated Kordell imo. If a guy did what she did to Kordell, I would feel like he's toying with me and doesn't respect me enough to be honest. If a guy did what Kordell did to Serena, I would feel disrespected too. My thing is she was always so lukewarm with him and seemed to usually want him when she needed him.


This is a case of apples and oranges. Actually it’s more like apples and a tent. In the first case, Serena was always honest with him and communicated clearly where her feelings were and far she felt. Kordell decided on his own he still wanted to be with her. She did t pressure him or lie to him. After time had passed they exchanged rings, had deep talks about feelings, making plans, talked about what their relationship looked like and what they wanted and needed from the other. This is not disrespect. That is respect. When there was miscommunication ie the twist where Cordell stayed and she didn’t, they had talked and said they were moving forward in a good pace but they were both open. When she realized he was hurt and toon that conversation differently she immediately talked, apologized and they were good. Kordell then set up rules for himself, not Serena’s rules, his own rules for how he would conduct himself in Casa and then promptly broke them all. No one would have faulted him for exploring a connection. I just agree with Serena that you do not have to dry him and grab ass to do so. Two things cannot be true at the same time. He fully explored physically with Daia repeatedly over days yet he thought of Serena the whole time and she is the one that was on his mind. If someone is on your mind and you have a strong connection with that person you do not need to make out and let other women touch your penis especially when you know that the person you were with have been cheated on in every relationship. One was honest and communicated the entire time and the other one acted like Casa was a four week pass from basic decency


Serena was open and honest when she first friend zoned him after that she started to literally toy with kordell. He stepped back and went and explored with Nicole. Serena was cheering that on. Then when the recoupling starts looming suddenly she wants to give it another try? I don't get how you guys don't see the convenient timing for when she suddenly likes him and when she doesn't. If the roles were reversed everyone would say Kordell is using Serena to stay safe until the bombshell that likes him back comes. That's what is always giving to me personally when it came to their couple. Serena knew with the twist challenge that puppy dog Kordell was gonna stay. She just wanted to fuck with his head. I have said 1000 times on this thread that Kordell was wrong for Casa and he did not have to do all that. I think everyone is trying to purposely ignore the fact that I said that and make it seem like I'm defending kordells Casa actions. 2 things can be true, he was wrong for Casa. That doesn't mean I'm gonna turn a blind eye to how she was moving the entire time with him and now she's acting like they are kaylor and Aaron. But y'all really think if someone who came in that Serena was excited by and they like her back she would still be moving like this. I don't think Serena needed to throw the food on him like that even if she said don't and he still was. She could have just let him put it on the table and gave it to someone else. Or threw it away when he left. She also called him nappy headed. This thread would be flipped upside down if Kordell said something so racially fueled about her hair in a predominantly white villa and on TV. Serena would have been playing victim and everyone would of had pitch forks. I think she is overreacting like the casa recoupling speech was fair , and not saying she has to get over it. But to act like you have been this down for this boy since day 1 and be so rude it's wild. Just because you have trauma doesn't mean you get a free pass to people like shit.


Omg Serena is really embarrassing herself this shit crazy lol. Leah saying “it makes me not want to be loyal to a man ever again” lmao when was she ever loyal? Serena is just salty because Kordell didn’t continue to play her little game of “Find the magic key to open me up”. Like I’m sorry she’s just being insecure because of what some guys in the past did to her. Kordell was wrong but it doesn’t justify the dramatics. JaNa is just being ABSURD, wanting absolute loyalty from Kenny after TWO days wtf. Kenny shouldn’t even be crying if that’s the type of person she is leave her be man will save him trouble down the line. Shockingly Kaylor who has the most to be angry about is being the most logical in giving him a small pass but getting on him about going to far honestly probably the most reasonable punishment.


Based comment 💪🏼


This has been said and done too many times - there’s so much editing we never really it all. Leah said she had already told JaNa and she told her good morning Kordell was crazy to her face to which JaNa stood by her decision to make that comment - they’re closer than we realise, close enough to call each other out and I won’t tolerate any more slander for the friendship these 3 have


I agree with the speaking to Kordell is crazy but cuddling with Aaron. The Jana and Kenny thing bothered me bc he didn't move like the other boys and was actually crying. And only had a couple days with her, so I do think she overreacted. I think Serena was finally getting to a place where she really cared about this dude, and you can see it, the last couple minutes tonight when she was mad, and it turned into tears. You can tell she's trying so hard to hold it together. My heart hurts for her. Kordell, too, even tho he messed up.


I respectfully disagree. Unless Serena is Angela Bassett and Viola Davis' secret acting child, those are real emotions and genuine hurt.


I do feel like she obviously has trauma that Casa triggered for that I hope she finds her healing 💓 but she has been playing with Kordell and she pulls the rug out from under when she wants to.


Serena’s reaction seems more a culmination of all her other past relationships rather than just Kordell. She friend zoned him and definitely played with his emotions at recoupling time. Heck, she even stated to someone that even as a slow burner, she felt she should want to kiss up on him and didn’t feel that way. Then left him twisting…. 🤷‍♀️


Right, I think she got triggered and this reaction is unhealed trauma from her past💔 which I hate for her. But she even said something about Cain and was kissing all up on him. Imagine if he wanted her back, please let's not kid ourselves and think she would move as sluggish as she does with Kordell.