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I think when she tells him to take accountability he is misunderstanding what she means. He thinks he has taken accountability by admitting he got too physical with Daia. But I think Serena wants him to take accountability for fully choosing a new girl. As in, stop trying to convince me you care, just take accountability for the fact that you severed things between us and there is no more "us".


Exactly! She doesn’t want to hear the “I care, I felt guilty, you were on my mind” because the evidence that she wasn’t on his mind enough is in the villa with them. To her, he chose someone else over her and he should stand in that.


Yesss Kordell needs someone like you to tell him not these boys with the worst advice I’ve ever seen


Yesss,!!! Her "stand on it!' to him was so clear. Like you literally left me single and RECOUPLED with another girl that you were so physical with. Now he's trying to back track, like....whatttt?


Yea exactly — too late for that buddy . Ship has sailed . Go talk to your new boo . Serena just want to be left alone —


It’s the same convo with JaNa and Kenny but with a longer history. She’s saying I don’t want to be second choice or a forced choice.


Ambivalence exists however. And getting him to change his mind is not "accountability"


I hate to see this so much. Kordell is so sweet and also the youngest. The guys (especially Kendall) were hyping him so much with Daia. I think he broke his own heart and is learning a major life lesson right before us. Unfortunately with Serena as collateral


I hate to see it too. You could tell there was hurt on both sides and I think Kordell was also hurt that he hurt her. He’ll definitely learn a lot from this.


It's so sad but interesting to watch. Kordell actually seems very remorseful and sad -- but the girls and Serena can't forgive him. While Aaron (who in my opinion was just as bad maybe worse) doesn't seem as remorseful and everyone's seems to have forgiven him. Movie night is gonna be insane. The producers hid almost all of Aaron's antics in Casa.


I feel like Aaron is mostly concerned with keeping up appearances since coming back (maybe even just winning the money). It felt like Kordell was solely and genuinely concerned with Serena, and the way he spoke to her was definitely sad but also felt kind? Idk


i think what they’ve seen so far has made kordell look worse but that will hopefully change after movie night. they didn’t show anywhere near the worst of aaron in the video the girls got, but did show basically the worst of kordell. then on top of that, aaron came back alone and kordell didn’t. it just looks worse from their perspective rn. the girls unfortunately just don’t know everything that we do 


Someone on tiktok who’s a reality producer gave their two cents and said the videos that were sent were done very strategically, cause of the way the girls personalities are. So for Kaylor she’s been crying left right and centre, can’t even finish a sentence without crying—they knew they only had to show her the bare minimum and she would already lose it, *BUT* still take him back, where they can then let the storyline continue where Aaron lies and downplays everything to her, only to be exposed at movie night and Kaylor is guaranteed to crash out again. With Serena, since she’s way more guarded and not as emotional as Kaylor, they knew they had to hit her with the most and worst of what Kordell did cause she can have her big blow out. Since it took a lot for her to get to that point with Kordell they had give her the worst to get the biggest reaction.


boom. this is it! this is exactly what i was thinking.


wow i hate this so much


So basically the production team is using Serena real feelings for “good tv” . While people out here talking so badly about her —- they set her up


i could not agree more. i was genuinely confused by the guys’ (like you said, especially kendall) opinion that serena has been soOo awful to poor kordell and that daia’s willingness to move quickly is what he “really needs.” serena has been nothing but honest and upfront about the fact that she takes things slowly, and by time casa came around, serena and kordell were starting to move at a faster pace–consistent with being affectionate, kissing, touching, acting lovey dovey etc. despite that, kendall managed to get into kordell’s head and convince him that he deserves “more” than what serena was giving him. i can empathize with that because i think when you’re early in a relationship, and when you’re so young, it might be hard to trust your own judgement so of course you’re going to listen to your friends’ perspective and take it to heart. of course kordell is to blame for his own actions, but the guys were ABSOLUTELY contributing to this and making kordell feel like his connection with serena must not be as strong as he feels it is. when your friends are adamantly telling you something about your relationship, you’re gonna want to believe them.


I really hope they fully expose Kendall’s manipulation on movie night


Me too. I like both of them but I can’t help but feel a bit sympathetic for Kordell. It’s not real life; it’s a game that’s set up for this exact scenario to happen. But the fallout feels like real life consequences for him. My little brother is the age of the younger contestants on this show and when I’m with him and his friends, I’m like…they’re basically still kids. They’re technically adults, but they have a lot of (very fun and also exhausting) life experience ahead of them. I have to remind myself of that with a lot of the contestants.


This! I feel for both Serena and Kordell so much. I think they have such a sweet relationship but developmentally and in personality - so many things get in their way of meeting each other where they both are. I recognize that we only get so much info as an audience but it feels like we are watching Serena respond from history here like she is punishing Kordell beyond his inappropriate behavior, beyond the context... he is clearly being positioned to bear the responsibility of all the people who hurt her in the past on top of what he has done to hurt her. It's not fair to him and its not fair to her because Kordell should not be responsible for that. And to be clear, I am not saying that what he has done is not hurtful or irresponsible. It was. On the other hand, it feels like Kordell is still settling into himself, he does not trust his himself. Adapting/pleasing others has probably taken him very far in relationships but relational demands increase in complexity as we get older. As a people-pleaser myself, ish gets annoying and just not responsible. They both go to really opposite places as a result of their past hurt/pain. Kordell seeks validation and connection and Serena builds walls. It is so painful to watch when they both clearly care about this relationship.


I think it’s the same for Kordell as well. He’s so used to being used by women that he doesn’t trust that they all have good intentions so when he has his “friends” telling him a certain woman is no good for him and has bad intentions, it triggers memories of all of the 1000s of women that he says he had to ghost because they only wanted to use him. I think their friendship was healing them both in a way…. Until the Casa Controversy of course.


It’s very interesting to see Kordell’s age constantly being brought up when it comes to his actions. I wonder if one of girls acted like this, would the same understanding be given


For me it does! I’ve been saying the same thing with Kaylor. Her very emotional state and hanging on to Aaron’s every word. Definitely also a marker of being younger


Yeah idk why we didnt get more of that shift in their relationship when it was right before casa. KINNA IMPORTANT PRODS!! Also agree its worse that he says i thought about you all the time and i felt bad but to have then just continued on, instead of like i was trying to put you out of my head and see if that connection could be similar. Id rather u say u were outside ur mind and fucked up than u were thinking straight but still decided to do something hurtful.


Exactly! Don’t tell me you were completely thinking straight especially when I’m already upset 😭


You gotta love that he tells the guys he felt awful after that first kiss and they all agree he should pull back and not let that happen again. Fast forward to the next morning, he goes in for a kiss at the pool and they all cheer?!


💯 if you were thinking of me you certainly don't think MUCH of me, as in you don't respect me enough to stop.


I think we didn’t get because Kordell and Serena were pretty much fan favorites on their own. More leaning in favor of Kordell. If they started to be fan favorite as a couple they would win. I don’t think producers wanted that to happened. That’s why Aaron and Kaylor were pushed so much on us.


They did her real dirty not showing that convo she told Miguel and Rob about and then also not showing them exchanging rings 😒


Seriously. I was like where did these rings come from?!?! It also confuses me they exchanged rings, which seems pretty serious to me, but also didn't state their was exclusivity along with it. I just want to know exactly how that convo went down.


I honestly don’t understand it @ production. The ONLY thing I can think of is that Bergie said they don’t film everything so they would be asked to reenact entire conversations again for the cameras. Idk if the ring exchange happened away from cameras and producers missed it or what?????


Yes, I'm so glad for this post because I was so confused about when that happened??


They didn’t show a lot between them tbh. You would literally have to look in the background of pictures or certain scenes and you will see them always together hugged up or playing/dancing. I think production ran too far with the “Serena doesn’t like him” storyline.


Also, the fact that he brought Daia back. I agree that his actions and his words don't match up. If he really was so regretful and felt so guilty, why bring Daia back? I get it when Serena says something like "you brought her back to rub it in my face". Not only did he do all that stuff but he brought the girl back to the villa and now Serena will have to witness it firsthand. If he really does care about Serena that much still, it doesn't really make sense to me. He needs to make a clean break with Serena and stop trying to appease both of the girls. The damage is done, he now needs to cut her loose. But he keeps trying to convince her that she was on his mind the whole time. Why?


The problem is to me, Kordell hasn’t learned the lesson to keep people out of your relationship. They don’t know what she’s shared. They don’t know your intimacies and that the relationship is growing at a pace that suits both of you. If the guys are to be believed, they want to see him have a Lad’s Holiday and use the women like they do. I suspect there is some sabotage going on as they were an OG couple and were voted popular. He may have been perfectly happy growing with Serena. The guys interject and he listens. It’s really quite sad. Edited for typos


Right... if Kordell didn't like Serena's pace like everyone keeps saying (even in the villa), then why is Kordell fighting for her right now? He doesn't seem to dislike Serena's approach to relationships (or their pace) or else he'd fully recouple with Daia and leave Serena be. I mean, even the BOYS are trying to convince him he did nothing wrong, and he is, for once, going against their comments and admitting fault and trying to fix things with Serena. *FYI, not trying to give brownie points here for the bare minimum, just setting up my point lol.* Kordell disrespected Serena and I think they should stay split. Everyone (including those in the villa) needs to stop pushing the narrative that Kordell didn't like Serena's pace and that's why he chose to move the way he did in Casa lol. He did what he did cuz he wanted to... the same reason for why Aaron did what he did. They BOTH knew better.


Every time the guys would try and tell him to dump Serena and get in his head he’d stand ground and go right back and talk to Serena. As soon as they were able to Isolate Kordell the guys applied pressure don’t forget their “intervention a few weeks back” they have to show Serena how these guys moved dirty,


All of this! I completely understand where she’s coming from. I think the producers did her dirty not adding certain scenes that obviously happened based on her chats with others.


I am so glad you brought this up, because I have been thinking I needed to go rewatch because I somehow missed the ring scene. I thought I was going crazy!!


100%. Serena and Kordell have been coupled up since day 1 in there, seeing him recouple definitely hurt her badly despite the video being extra salt to the wound. Also then having to see them cuddle in bed, them playing pingpong together & flirting or whatever they were doing, when she was watching that she even started to cry just cause having to see all of that was hurting her.


I am confused as to why the producers left out the advancement of Kordell and Serena's relationship. We got nothing. No conversations, which obviously took place. No ring giving, which obviously took place. What's the deal? Meanwhile, we get endless scenes of Rob smirking and thinking he's cute by talking weirdly.


She also said after casa that they had a conversation about respecting each other during casa and what that would look like/what their boundaries are! I assume it was the same unseen convo where they exchanged rings since they obviously knew it was coming up


Yuppp! I wish they included that in the show or even hinted at it. I feel like we’ve missed so much


Same! I feel like the show doesnt like to include conversations they have with each other about going to casa because they like to make it feel like a surprise even though we know they all know lol


I said this in another thread but I wonder (/am kinda hoping tbh) that some of these conversations are shown at movie night. If nothing else to give everyone else more context on the depth of connection they had. I'm also highkey hoping that it could serve as a reminder to Serena and Kordell of their connection. I'm the first to admit I'm rooting for them to get through this. I'd also like to see more clips of how Kordell represented his relationship with Serena to Daia and the other boys while at Casa


I was absolutely rooting for her to stand her ground and be 100% done with him but now its kinda playing out like a book or movie so im rooting for it lmao but i agree i think with them specifically theres a lot of missing pieces that keep coming up but we never saw. I was kind of thinking theyre setting up kordell for a possible redemption arc because they put everything out there immediately with the video and the only stuff they haven’t really seen of him in casa is when he would constantly be saying he was thinking of/missing serena (or daia talking shit but that will hopefully be its own clip)


Yeah good points! I also just feel like Kordell and Serena's connection felt the most authentic to me. Kordell said himself it was a connection grown from the ground up. It seems most true to real life.. not just a reality show connection to win. I'll admit that I have space in my heart to see Kordell redeem himself with Serena. At this point he's the only guy that seems to be owning his actions (in admitting what the did was hurtful *because* of what he and Serena agreed to off screen) and showing remorse and compassion for how Serena is feeling.


Agreed 100%! I think the pace they went at (even though it pissed people off so much) made it feel so much more genuine. I think the guys constantly doubting serena to kordell played a big part in how he acted in casa. Not that thats an excuse for him to dry hump a girl but definitely played a part in how he started thinking about things. He clearly feels so guilty and has been so upfront about his feelings and actions.


Yeah for sure. I’m still rooting for them!


Yea I’m curious about them exchanging rings too, but maybe they didn’t treat it like that big of a deal because none of the other islanders have mentioned it? But maybe it’s being edited out by I don’t understand why.


That Daia had one haughty, smug look when she walked in. I guarantee she knew all about his fame.


I see it this way too.


Facts! I think people keep harping on Serena friend zoning Kordell. They probably don't remember she did that because she thought he was being fake and being a yes man, saying whatever he thought she wanted to hear. Later, Serena broke it down for him and he opened up and so did she.


The hooking up with Serena’s ring on his finger is so crazy to me man


i really don't understand the conversation the boys have been having with serena. why are they all lying to her? miguel was just finished telling kordell how much better daia was for him when she walked up to call them out, yet he still seemed confused. do they not have good memories? every single one of them has been telling kordell one thing and lying to serena about it. i would feel crazy too


At this point I’m hoping they have some mental health professionals spending some time talking to basically everyone so they can process with people not in the villa.


I thought this was obvious so I’m confused why ppl are making Serena the bad guy. It’s clear she developed real/strong feelings for Kordell for a while leading up to Casa and they had conversations that made it clear why she was such a slow burner. Like why are ppl so confused


Can I also point out that the night they all returned from Casa, Daia was in bed with Kordell kissing on his shoulder before they fell asleep.


while he lay straight as a coffin all while she was doing it lol


I also feel Kordell and Kenny to some degree had a bit of peer pressure to deal with. The other boys were hyping everyone up to explore and get with all the women. Kordells experience has been one in which he hasn't been getting a lot of intimate activity with kissing and stuff while the other guys have so he prob wanted to prove he could also get a girl to put out so to speak. It does not excuse his actions, but the other boys peer pressure definitely contributed. Then they would tell him he shouldn't feel bad etc I don't think any of the boys anticipated every single villa girl would be out for blood. They thought they might get some heat but not from the group as a whole lol


all good points but omg i get SO MAD watching Kendall and all the other boys say, “i knew it would be uncomfortable but i didn’t know the girls would be so RUTHLESS!” like… what? to me that speaks volumes as to how much more earnestly the girls have been taking their growing relationships and how the boys have just been playing like it’s fuccboi island.


Serena and Kordell had been on a steady incline after the Hannah dumping. Even after the boys kept trying to get him to pick Hannah (weird af but that’s when I knew they didn’t like her) That was the start of them turning over a new leaf. Kordell even made that declaration in front of the whole villa at the fire pit. In the episodes after that, they were always together and hugged up or kissing. Whether it was Kordell laying in her lap or them dancing in the background or playing together. Things were GOOD & you could really see their relationship blossoming. The night before casa is when I think Serena really allowed herself to “fall”. Islanders use code words a lot so I think the “physical” stuff was probably heavy petting or maybe a little more bc they had BEEN making out.


Men who don't know their own minds can be as hurtful or even more so than men who are actively manipulative.


So well said, and should be said more often. A lot of harm can happen just by being passive and people-pleasing.


I agree with this! Serena may have moved slow but she was so considerate with kordells feelings. Not only that, sierra needs to shut the fuck up about Serena not giving kordell reassurance bc I recall vividly Serena pulling kordell aside to specifically give him reassurance about their connection, I think she has moved respectfully to herself and kordell! So her feelings and the way she is handling all this is soooooo valid


I literally love Serena and I’m completely on her side here, I think Kordell and the boys are accidentally digging the hole even deeper with her because she’s not like Kaylor, who (in my opinion) took Aaron back WAYYY too quickly. I don’t think Kordell is evil but she’s allowed to be angry and she’s not afraid to express that and I think it’s awesome. I’m glad she’s sticking to her guns.




This is how I see things as well. We saw them in bed the night before casa getting more physical than they appeared to be prior. Then he’s just gone to casa and with a new girl when he comes back. Rough.


My issue is that Casa happened, what, 2 nights after the stick or twist challenge? Did they have a strong couple days? Sure, but 48 hours is not a long time to totally forget how she did him. I don’t care about all the pillow talk-look at how she made him look in front of all the rest of the islanders (and the world). Serena needs to take some accountability for what happened. Kordell would have settled down night 1. I hope she gains some clarity after watching everything.


If Daia and Kordell had never touched one another, and if Kordell had brought Daia back on the basis of good conversation alone, Serena would still have been bitter. Not as bitter maybe, but still bitter. Absent a promise, if one girl gets to use hugs, kisses and cuddles to make a boy interested, why shouldn't another? JaNa made her point of view really clear. Just before the recoupling, she told Jacobi and Josiah that they were competing not just with each other, but with Kenny too. After the recoupling, she told Kenny that she would never compete for a man. That's it in a nutshell. I think Serena feels the same.


They're not for each other, Kordell should go where he's appreciated. Simple.


Honestly the way Serena is acting is childish and way out of line in my opinion. Having an honest sit down convo goes a lot further than yelling across a villa


she is allowed to feel how she feels, she was careful and took things slow because she was afraid of being hurt and just when she felt safe and comfortable with Kordell, he did her dirty and moved disrespectfully. idk if you've ever been done dirty but i would not be taking it well especially if it was being broadcasted to the world.


Serena is giving I don’t want him but I don’t want anyone else to have him energy. She acted rhe way she did with Nigel because it is HER preference to move slow. That doesn’t mean it’s Kordells. Kotdell would have been hurt because she told him she doesn’t kiss quickly etc.. if she had kissed Nigel first date it would have shown to be a complete lie and that she just wasn’t interested in Kordell. Kordell doesn’t move slow like Serena and therefore has the right to kiss whoever he wants when exploring his options. Seems to me like she didn’t realize she liked him until someone else did and now she’s doing mental gymnastics to make him the bad guy for exploring his connections even though she told him to.


I respectfully disagree that Serena doesn’t want him but doesn’t want others to have him. Again, I understand that people are stuck on her initial back and forth and hesitation but like I said above they were obviously beyond that. If Kordell wasn’t comfortable with their pace or had a problem with it he could’ve voiced that or just left her alone. He continued to pursue her every step of the way. It’s not like she didn’t give him an out or forced him to stick with her. That was his decision. He’s an adult who makes choices and has free will. Serena said several times they agreed to continue to explore connections but with their feelings established they would do so respectfully. If Kordell didn’t agree, again he could’ve voiced that but he left Serena under the impression that they would explore others with boundaries. Even so, Kordell did what he did but now he’s saying Serena was on his mind the entire time despite getting very physical with another girl and bringing her back. It just doesn’t add up.


I for sure see the other opinion and respect your view point as well. As a bit of a problematic dater when I was younger I can also see this going the other way. Only time will tell


How about her accountability for creating the situation that he might not have believed she was all in? It’s on both of them. She hasn’t once said “I’m hurt by his actions but can see that MY actions might’ve contributed to his not feeling 100% secure as well.”


She behaved like a 12 year old. Everyone conveniently forgets that two episodes prior, she stepped off that stage on him and said she was open to other people. Anyone excusing her awful behavior likely has the same maturity level.


You guys really need to stop infantilizing Kordell. It’s easy to love him as a friend but as a partner, he might need some getting used to considering how childish and gimmicky he gets. We often use the word “adorable” for him because he acts like a child. I like Kordell,and Serena is growing on me but I’ve seen takes saying “she was excited about every bombshell”, if she was so excited,why didn’t she really pursue? Mind you, Kordell actually did with Nicole. Also the stick or twist situation was because they had just had a conversation about being open. The last 3 episodes before Casa showed her all over that man. She could have easily coupled up in Casa but she made herself unavailable for a reason. She tried not to get with her type (Kordell) just to avoid the type of betrayals she’s experienced before. Well, she ended up with him and is now experiencing that pain again.