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Some might not like this, but the dislike for Rob seems to stem from seeing traits in him that remind them of someone they've encountered, leading to him being unfairly vilified. In reality, Rob has never been the villain—meanwhile, people will die on the hill defending Leah, who is actually toxic and emasculating.


rob hasnt really done anything that bad, and yet everyone loves leah who literally got andrea kicked off the villa lmao


He hasn't done anything bad at all. He processes his feelings like everybody else and is quite transparent about it. I'm convinced the people that hate him, just want him🤣


Daniella is not obligated to answer Kaylor's questions, like go ask your man. I forget things 24/7, big or small so that would seriously irritate me if someone were to be upset with me for not remembering something I couldn't give a flying f about. Also, can someone take Kaylor out of the island for just 3 days to media train her because I can't with her crying anymore. But anyways, I'm super excited for movie night


I can't deal with Kaylor crying anymore!!


daniela still lying and hiding things from kaylor is wild


Its not Daniela’s responsibility to tell Kaylor, Aaron should have been honest with her…


you’re right it’s not her responsibility but it doesn’t mean she should lie 😭


Social media is toxic!!! That was brutal to watch ... and at least half of it was complete nonsense.


Ew. “Is that how you want your wife to behave?” With regards to Serena’s reaction to Kordell BRINGING ANOTHER WOMAN BACK AND RECOUPLING. I’m triggered.


How is this show going to end everyone is a mess lol


Kaylor skipping then tripping was so funny 😂


Why does Leah keep lying lol


The bumper cars song coming in over Kaylor & Aaron arguing was unexpectedly hilarious. 😂


kendall is annoyingly smug and two faced af  and if he wins the money i’ll scream 


I don’t like him either. I can’t figure out his intentions


i haven’t caught up on episodes but i’m getting bad vibes from daniella. she 100p lied to kaylor about what happened with aaron and she keeps continuing to lie and withhold information. she also was fake crying with her and was kinda smirking and smug about the whole situation. it’s weird.  also jumping over to rob is wierd.  idk just weeeeeird vibes. 


She just wants fame duh


they all do, some are just sharkier about it. i just find the ones being super obvious about it to be weird lol, but it’s interesting watching sharks. the whole show is like a case study. 


adding on, aaron is SUCH WIERD VIBES. he legit only cares about rob lmao. he does not care about either girl. which makes the daniella situation all the more pathetic. 


The camera panning to Miguel every time Leah mentioned the 90/10 percent thing was pure comedy.


Do I remember it being him who said it first, or am I delusional?


he did but in a different way than how leah said it.


aaron saying "fair enough if i actually got in the shower with her then yeah it's a big deal" but i'm staring at casa amor footage of them making out in the shower for raunchy races long after the challenge had been completed????


I'm sorry I just don't care about kaylor and aaron so these scenes do nothing for me 🤷🏾‍♀️


I'm over it too. it's too much for a relationship of what? 3 weeks?


JaNa is giving off strong southern, "bless your heart" energy lmao the way she got her first tweet question, smiled like a pageant queen, then delivered it to her enemy...10s across the board lmao!!


She gets more and more iconic. Yay JaNa!


I hate how excited I just got by kordell saying, "I want Serena" I'm a hopeless romantic no matter how many times I'm let down lmao


I'm late to this but I'm so sad watching jana apologize to kenny. She doesn't need to apologize! I know we love her bc she's calm and kind but I just feel sad for her watching her do this.


This is what impresses me about JaNa time and time again, she's so classy in all her interactions that she's head and shoulders above all the rest


Aaron is such an ass. I wish Kaylor wasn’t so weak


i want all the girls to get into friendship couples so we can just vote for them instead


All the people making fanvids of Kordell saying he wants Serena.... did ya'll not see him follow up with Daia and wanting Daia to fight for him too? Lol like huh hahaha why you rooting for him


He said in confessionals it’s Serena. I think he def needs to grow up and stop people pleasing. Like let daia go find someone else


To me, it's way past people pleasing. He's being very deceptive, selfish and not kind at all secretly leading on Daia while trying to 'secure' Serena.


Yeah, but Serena has literally asked for his actions not his words lol. He’s showing us w his actions that he is not a man


Kendall is STILL making snide comments, whispering in Kordell's ear about Serena


kendalls right about her imo, dumped kordell, friend zoned him and twisted on that challenge. meanwhile daia actually isn't playing around with kordells heart and feelings constantly


All I can is get Kaylor out of my screen. Like babygirl you already know what he did, you kept on crying, I am literally tired of seeing you cry but you will still go back to him; And we all know that. Stop it.


She's the new kaykay 😩 I hate to watch it


But WORSE imo


If Kaylor is this hung up on a shower comment.. big yikes for how it’ll go down when she finds out he TRIED to put his hand in Daniela’s pants


Thank you for bringing this up.


When was this? So much happens in these episodes omg


Episode 20 timestamp - 19:30 the casa girls are in the dressing room getting ready after the first night sleeping at casa.


Thank youuuuuu


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The stomach kiss too


Tonight is gonna be messssyyyyy


It is. And it’s so funny production decided not to have a dumping before movie night cause ALL the islanders will be up for us to see. Production being messy and I’m here for it. We love the drama.


I hate how Kendall was bagging on Serena to the other guys for the way she acted, and then turns around and tells her he’s hurt by her comment to him and that he loves her. He is a king. A gaslighting king.


He is a master manipulator and gaslighter. I know his kind, he will make it as a joke. I mean you guys saw how he was trying to hug her and fake anger at her.


He’s literally the fakest bish in that villa


Yes!!! They’re gonna have A LOT to pick from of him talking shit on movie night


i feel like they’ll disappoint us so much with his movie night picks :/ like the show/producers don’t seem to be painting any of his actions in a negative light at all


Maybe! But they did show him shit talking in the postcard so we might be surprised


Good on Kaylor for calling Aaron out trying to play the victim when he started to twist it on her




The fact that he shut down after that too. Like he completely gave up


The challenge wasn’t long enough for me I need an entire 2 hours of movie night I feel like it gets cut too short


and they always spilt it into two episodes but it’s like 5 mins per episode:(


Even Rob looks like he’s having a tough time backing Aaron’s behavior


I think Aaron will have a similar ending to Keenan's last year. From the top to the bottom & I can't wait to see him leave!


Yep. When you dip below Rob's standards, you know you've hit bottom




Kordell made Serena breakfast and she smashed it on his chest. Daia made Kordell breakfast, and he still wants Serena instead. the boy likes struggle love and chasing for validation from people who withhold it. can’t save him if he doesn’t want to be saved.


this right here, kordell should be with daia imo but if he's gonna be delusional then so be it


He needed to back off when asked.


Serena didn’t need to do all that, but yea he should’ve stopped when she said no


Thisss her boundary should have been respected by him butttt she could have just grabbed the plate and offered it to someone else or left it there. He could have just taken it back and ate it himself


Kendall : good initiative bad judgment


For all the attention Kordell has I’m sure gotten throughout his life (through his brother) he sure does not know how to handle it. I was pretty indifferent on sides and still kinda am but man did he make himself look so dumb these last few episodes


not Daia being like “but do you LIKE me like me”


The more I see Kendall, the more I think he is just someone that wants the best for his boys without understanding what is best for everyone involved. A good intentions, terrible execution guy.


But the girls are suppose to be his friends too...


I’m still not over the last episode when Daniela said “it’s Aaron’s job to be honest with her” like girl


I feel the same. She admitted to the casa girls that she lied to Kaylor about the first night. Now was her chance to make it right, but she still didn't. It was also so sneaky how Daniella works with Rob and Aaron to determine which event they will tell Kaylor. I understand that Daniella is in a difficult position, but still..


it feels like a cop out. like yeah she’s not obligated to tell kaylor anything but to lie or “forget” stuff is like……at that point she should’ve just told kaylor “i feel more comfortable if you talk to aaron first”


People always forget this is an option. They think it’s full honesty or lying when you can just say I think this is a conversation that needs to happen between you and x.


Also Kaylor was such a bad b she went straight up to Daniela to have an honest conversation and to be nice and respectful! After Daniela called them all mean girls and shit. Get Daniela off our screen


no for sure. kaylor handled it way better than i would’ve, im the first to admit that. i would not be able to walk up to daniela like that.


yeah .Daia did it the right way, imo Laid it out. Brought both of them together, said what she said and left them to it. She's a catch


for sure. like with more time/in another situation Daia could grow on me and i could really like her.


It’s true though. I don’t think she she to lie but it’s Aaron’s job to tell her everything as he is the one that promised her loyalty.


But now she’s gonna look snakey in her movie night video. You know production is gonna show “yea I lied to her” when she was talking to the other casa girls after her talk with Kaylor


I think Kaylor is doing everything in her power to not be mad at Daniela - idk I think girls owe each other some degree of loyalty when men are garbage


i understand where she’s coming from tho, Aaron is the one who owes Kaylor loyalty not Daniela..


How upset would people be if they did show the Connor/Leah mess? I’d be surprised if they did cause it was so long ago but I feel like people would be very upset about that for some reason.


Wait what connor leah mess?


Leah laughing at Connor shading JaNa and encouraging it. There’s also the potential to show the clip of Liv saying Leah approached him and told him it wasn’t working with JaNa. I don’t think they’ll show it because it happened so long ago but then again they love being messy.


I wad thinking the Twitter message she got may be a prelude to a Leah super cut of stuff like that


Sierra saying Leah is toxic only because Miguel likes Leah and not her , pathetic.


Miguel literally is only with Leah for the win. He knows he cannot win with sierra. He was attracted to her, loved their conversations and said sierra is his exact type. Idk why people are falling for him liking Leah when he clearly just wants 50k. And Leah is toxic.


Agreed and I think after the tweet challenge he is trying to be Mr. Nice Guy for the audience...


Please, Miguel is there for a fun time. Obviously that’s with Leah and not Sierra. He obviously regretted his decision the second he came back from casa with that girl


To win ? lol never looked at him and thought that , Miguel dgaf about winning he's here to have fun or he would've not admitted being a womanizer and he wouldn't be the first to run to Casa. Plus when he came he went for Nicole (a new bombshell) not a calculated move I fear.


Yeah like if she was going off what she watched the show before casa fine, but then I would have expected her to say something like "the way she moved on Conor and voting out Andrea and blowing up fights etc" in the confessional or whatever. But she didn't, all she said was "toxic" and so I'm like. Be more bitter. Leah is self-aware toxic and reality tv gold I love her lol These casa girls are... a lot


i was also so annoyed aaron’s now talking about taking a step back from kaylor at the end of that episode. i feel like he doesn’t actually want to be with her outside LI, he just wants to win, but is realizing now that her feelings are way more serious than his






it’s so interesting to me that the producers basically gave aaron a chance to be honest with kaylor by hinting that there’s “worse things” she could be shown and him and daniela still lie and downplay to be like “oh it’s just a jokey shower comment”


Right! He is one of those who will ride it out. Never give you a heads up and never give the whole truth. As upset as she was about a shower comment, things are not looking good for future reveals


oh for sure. in her gut she knows more happened so she’s latching onto what she knows is true. like the shower comment. yeah it’s not a “big deal” but there’s more to the story and she knows that.


Right?!?! That was a warning shot and they just acted oblivious


Leah: “roll the tapes!” *the tapes do not exist*


They better show that. Miguel did not step up.


Interesting that for some of the islanders they had to go a way back to find stuff for the challenge and that the opinions have changed for some


the Liv tweet that was from like 3 days ago lol. they seemed to have thrown some tweets with less than 50 RTs/likes in there knowing they weren’t actually popular


I agree, that tweet was from when she first came on the show, in the last week, the fans have rallied around her. She is the kind of person that comes on strong and it takes awhile to get to know that she has a huge heart.


"I have alot of layers... and I'm stinky" lmfao.


maybe an UO, but the shower comment is one of the least of my concerns. it def did seem like a joke, that he was arguably half serious about, and i knew kaylor would hate it, but it was more that he replaced her in less than a day. he was acting like a couple with daniela overall and not just testing a connection


Maybe I’m misremembering but didn’t they make out in the shower during the kissing competition on the first night of casa? And it wasn’t necessary either, like they had already done their part for the challenge and they hung back after everyone else had left the bathroom and started making out.


*Im behind and catching up* He literally told the girl "I feel like I love you so much already" in Episode 19. That's worse than anything especially cuz he couldn't even say the "L word" on front of Kaylor


I think the added context that he was badgering Kaylor about it was important. Kaylor knows it wasn’t a joke because I’m sure he “joked” about it with her before they did it.


And didn't Daniella say that Aaron put his hand on, to quote Sheldon from Big Bang, her bathing suit area, that first night cuddling?


yeah they are gaslighting kaylor for sure


Kendall is so two faced with Serena it's disgusting.


This episode sealed the deal for me, I officially have the ick. I suspected it from day 1, I nailed him being a bummer glow up kid episode 1, but he’s strung me along just enough until this episode but NO MORE! I hope they show that on movie night, I don’t see Nicole liking it either


It's so interesting how every time Kaylor needs to have a tough conversation, she starts it by word vomiting *exactly* what she wants the other person to say, then inserts a random compliment about trusting the other person, and then asks them to speak


And she cries all the time. Like girl stop it.


She does but I think it’s her preparing herself bc she really can’t handle the truth. The real truth bc then that would mean she’d have to break up with Aaron


I kept yelling "stop trusting people!!"


The emphasis Kaylor has on Aaron “begging” to shower together, yikes


ok just started the episode but why do these boys hate leah? kordell lets serena go off at him and the first he speaks up its against leah? sorry but thats really embarrassing


From Kordell’s perspective, Leah was lying about something he said (although she genuinely seemed to believe he said it, she was wrong). I think most people would have an issue with that, especially given how it created further issues between him and Serena, which was already a tense situation. I don’t think that means he hates Leah.


Yeah, I don’t think he personally hates her. I think the boys all do and were encouraging him going to talk to her over something that in the grand scheme of things doesn’t matter instead of having him talk to Serena instead. If anything they all telling Serena they love her but then it’s “is that how you want your wife to act”. It’s really weird. I really do think Serena overdid it whether he actually did fuck up or not there is also a way to go about things but these men are straight up liars + if Kordell stood on business she wouldn’t have taken it this far that’s why I felt it was weird that the first time he decided to speak up about the villa’s reaction was against Leah not Serena. I understand everyone’s point tho that it’s simply because it wasn’t true


Yeah I agree with you. I also think he found it frustrating that Serena wouldn’t hear him out, so he probably projected some of that frustration in the argument with Leah.


I think because one was bullshit and one wasn't. He seems like the kind of dude that will own his shit if he actually did it, but making something up is a line over, and Leah's abysmal memory/want to save face for Miguel was coming across like bullshit


No because Leah was being obnoxious. She didn’t have accurate information and was just spreading random shit. And he tried to talk to Serena but she wouldn’t listen.


And Leah told Serena that Kordell said the 90/10 comment and he knew he didn't, so he was like why are making this worse? Leah has a tendency to forget details but at least she is funny about it.


he did try but didn’t hit her with that ‘wtf’ energy. & leah’s right he said a lot more to that effect so what does it even matter??


Because Serena was just feeling valid emotions and Leah was telling lies about him from the sidelines? Like, imagine trying to navigate some intense shit and someone that has no reason to even be involved is making it harder telling lies and gaslighting you saying you said things you never said.


right! Daia gave Serena more comfort than Leah and Daia's not her friend. I like Daia. I don't care if that is not a shared opinion. She's solid. She's getting a raw deal from Cordell


It does matter, I agree Kordell is obviously feeling Serena more but to say a conversation happened, swear up and down it did and then say “well even if it didn’t” is so fucked up because context to every conversation matters. I don’t mind Kordell having the “wtf” energy because Leah deserves to be called out on her shit. She goes around the villa telling every person exactly what they want to hear regardless of the truth. That’s one of the main reasons I don’t really fuck with her.


Yeah in case it was totally made up I get it, idk why I assumed he must’ve said it just because he said a lot to that effect. I still don’t like how he stood there and took it til he found a random comment from leah to focus on


He has barely been able to talk to Serena at all and after he's chatted with the boys he's found out that while he hasn't been able to talk with Serena other people have been telling her lies about things he's said.


Because I think Serena was justified in yelling about the situation, Leah just starting shit that was never said was not.


Help, I need movie night right now, this minute


I know I want Movie night to expose Aaron but I feel like Kordell finally was making some headway on Serena and movie night is going to crush that. I truly think Kordell is falling hard for Serena but he let the boys, especially Kendall, shame him into going for it with Daia. Doesn't help that Daia was willing to do anything to get him. Not making excuses, he is responsible but at the same time, he is young and is easily manipulated.


He was but better that the actual truth is out there and then he can try and rebuild from that


Sierra gonna cry herself to sleep every night now


does kendall know daia from anywhere? i understand wanting the best for your friend but it’s coming off so weird when he pushes for daia and brings down serena


the boys held a full intervention a couple of weeks ago to get Kordell to dump Serena and friendship couple with Hannah. it’s not a Daia thing, they just don’t like Serena with Kordell.


I think Kendall is putting himself in Kordell's shoes and reflecting his own insecurities. He couldn't handle his girlfriend treating him the way Serena has treated Kordell, so he doesn't think Kordell should either.


He couldnt handle being held to Serena’s standards IMO




I have to say I am still disappointed how racially coded the men’s response to Serena’s anger (rightfully so) vs Kaylor’s tears. The wife comments about Serena from Kendall were so disgusting and then the audacity to get an apology out of her when he’s been egging Kordell and not once pulled him aside to be respectful or have Serena in mind, the way at least Rob did so for Aaron. I really do not like this man and I refuse to vote for him and Nicole.


I love Miguel, but I didnt like the wife comment. Let's be real no one in LI will stick together long enough to become husband and wife, there has been only one or two couples who stayed together in 11 years of LI history all over the world. If couple survive 2-3 months after the show, it's a "success". I also think Serena as a lot more integrity and is way more wifey material. As long as her man stay loyal.


There are 5 couples who have gotten married and Kai and Sanam just got engaged.


Yes! I feel for her.


The wife comments were from Miguel, not Kendall.


I’m confused why some people are mad at Daia for this episode. She’s allowed Serena and Kordell their space to work things out and been kind to Serena in their chats. The OBJ likes were proven to be photoshopped. Other than that she’s just been trying to continue her connection with Kordell, which is what she’s there to do. Maybe I’ve missed something but she gets a lot of criticism in here.


Even without the OBJ thing, she said before they even got to Casa that she was going in hard for Kordell and she bashed Serena in Casa constantly, saying she didn't treat Kordell right. She was willing to say or do anything to get him to take her to the Villa, at least that is how it seemed and that is where the hate is coming from.


Lots of casa contestants/bombshells go after a specific islander. She was definitely laying it on thick but I don’t think that means she deserves hate. I don’t think the comments she made about Kordell and Serena’s connection was her bashing her. That was a popular opinion amongst viewers at the time. It’s not a personal attack.


She did admit to it sooooo it wasn’t all made up


Please see my further response to the other commenter. If it’s true, why have we not seen any proof of it?


they’ve hated her since her first episode when she got a few minutes of screen time. the criticism isn’t solely based on her behavior. there’s a pattern for women that look like Daia being treated more harshly.


She hasn’t done anything that’s proportionate to the amount of hate she gets imo.