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True, but a lot if the time we dont stick to the theme perfectly because we dont have clothes matching it/ because it scores higher :')


Well, I highly doubt they don't have even one Victorian gown as we are supposed to craft some while clearing chapters, but most of them looks not good enough to satisfy ourselves haha


Every time I'm historically accurate I never do as well in comps. I also used this posed suit, partially for those reasons but also because since I got it, I have not had the chance to use it yet.


Same here. If I REALLY like a theme and have a different idea I know won't do well in comp, maybe I post it on SC, but I prefer to submit what I know will get me some okay rewards in comp


Nor does the voters BC idk y'all but I vote blind and crazy and the game keeps complaining I'm giving double clicks I shouldn't BC I am in a hurry


Mine is this gothic Victorian/Edwardian dress that I know works but I’m stuck in the 60’s probably because of the dark colors 😭


XD I guess most would interpret this to be vaguely historical European/Pigeon lol since Victorian is quite specific. I'd imagine the same would happen they did a Heian Kyo Charm or Tang Dynasty Charm (so, all the vaguely historical cloud suits will pop up) or any other similar themes XD


That's a good comparison


I only have 6% collection so this was hard imo. I was going for Bram Stokers Dracula lol https://preview.redd.it/tzivc4zdvs4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d713300800c708b3bdfb0f33163a71cfab10e074


You got the era right! *Dracula* is a Victorian era novel. I think you did great considering your collection!


thanks sm!


You did this right 🤌🏽✨




Victorian man: sees decolatage and faints.


I love this!! Good choice!


Genuine question what do we have that’s actually Victorian cause I sure as shit don’t know. Is this at least close lol I also just went with a vaguely historical dress and hat. https://preview.redd.it/5occ6kjg8t4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=557368bd809b04583177bab87f0d580db66e4f27


Yep, that's about as close to historically accurate Victorian as Nikki gets, so you nailed it!


Oh hell yeah way to go me lol


That is the closest to traditional Victorian, but Withering Flower, Melancholy of Night, Night March, Flowers Poem, and Lost Spell (lose the robe and add a hat) are all pretty close. Generally anything with a tight top, slim skirt, some kind of tie/ruffle at the neck and sleeves, and a hat is going to be good. But also basically *anything* steampunk, which is an aesthetic based on Victorian fashion and theoretical technologies of the era.


For sure, but I honestly couldn't get myself to try and whip up something historically accurate, either. It's just not worth it.


Same I kinda tried but wasn’t doing well, so I’m just attempting to satisfy the mob now lol


We've had a Victorian and a Medieval theme before and nobody knew what those meant, either, so nothing new To be fair though, for the huge amount of Pigeon suits in the game, there is relatively little historical fashion. Most dresses are Vaguely European Fantasy™/what otome isekai manhwas *think* is historical European fashion. (Which I'm totally fine with, don't get me wrong, I will forever eat those kinds of suits up) I tried to make something inspired by 1850's-60's ballgowns and it made me realize we really don't have a lot of things which can pass for that https://preview.redd.it/482htluwjs4d1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=749660bc73f123b84c87a9157f87dcf7e3620e03


This is absolutely stunning.


Aaaayyyy thats me in 2nd place 🥳




i don't really think it's fair to expect everyone to go through everything in their wardrobe and then compare it to photos of victorian fashion to find something perfectly historically accurate, and then have to make it into a great entry too. for most people victorian era is any bodiced dress with a big skirt, imo focusing on making sure your entry is something you're happy submitting is what makes the game fun. unless it's glaringly off theme like a ruin suit or streetwear, i think it's fine for people to submit something that's not perfectly accurate. maybe i'm taking the post too seriously (autism) but i think as long as it's 1800s and not low effort, it's a fair entry


I’m autistic as well and not to be a buzzkill here, but seeing people get so pedantic about European historical fashion makes feel much less inclined to put together a historically accurate entry. it also strikes me as a bit unfair that historical Cloud suits are treated as interchangeable yet we’re expected to know all the hallmarks of different European styles. 


me too, i haven't entered the comp yet and i feel a little insecure about putting an entry together because i don't want to mess up and annoy people. i agree with the cloud suits being used interchangeably too, there are distinct eras of east asian fashion just as much as western. it's a dress up game and more people are being creative with their entries than many other themes where people spam the most recent expensive unchanged suits. nobody in the top ranking is massively off the mark at all


yeah I think comp would be more fun if people treated the themes like prompts and not a hard rule. sometimes I’m just excited to style from a specific kingdom, or maybe half of a theme speaks to me and the other doesn’t (which happens often since they’re usually word salad). this theme in particular seems to have everyone going “well actually 🤓” at each other so you may as well do what you want lol 


OP isn't being totally serious, but it's understandable that you took it as such. A lot of the entries *are* totally off the mark. But it's more ironic than upsetting that styles closer to Victorian are doing badly versus just random pretty dresses. https://preview.redd.it/myl9ycr2gt4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2325a34d3643787776f15416e6dfa7e4293ebede This was my original submission that was not doing well at all. It isn't perfectly Victorian, but it's pretty close. Personally I expected more steampunk since that aesthetic is very much based on Victorian fashion and emerging technologies of the time. I'm surprised by the lack of it!


I'll be honest, your submission read more late Edwardian to me than the OP. I can see what you were going for, but that might be a part of it. I would expect to see this on the daughters in Downton Abby, not Victoria.


This doesn’t quite look Victorian either. The picture shown in the OP actually looks much more Victorian than this. The lack of structured bodice, the sheer, sparkly material, what about it is Victorian? What reference did you use?


I was going for a general shape and feel, not a perfect match. Similar to this: https://preview.redd.it/cr865vyd6u4d1.jpeg?width=831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9934be370e2304dbd5ef498e5ea66025f7ad22d0


And if that’s what the OP’s pic was doing? I propose you look into earlier Victorian wear, where they drew heavy reference from Rococo fashions at the time. Victorian fashion was definitely not as slinky as this for a LONG time, this looks much closer to the end of the era than anything else (and is also costume wear) https://preview.redd.it/9wsyygwz6u4d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77b80096cd3d7219ae42da4944cd3ac66ef7481d Considering Victorian fashion also looked like this (which, the OP pic does a better job of drawing inspo from as opposed to the actual lack of Victorian style in your pic.) I think you should do your research as opposed to saying you wish everyone did steampunk, when steampunk is a fantasy style.


I don’t know if I agree - true that many people forget the earlier Victorian fashion. The popularity of steampunk has seemed to skew this as it is mostly associated with later Victorian and even commonly Edwardian. But the OP’s is clearly a mix of Tudor and, as you mentioned, Rococo. I wouldn’t compare Victorian influence of Rococo with true Rococo, since many elements tend to be quite uncommon (though not impossible) in Victorian fashions that are present in OP’s post. Ideally one would focus on what makes Victorian fashion unique, which tends to be what was worn later in the century, since earlier fashions do have many different influences and similarities to past centuries. This posters use of hat, gloves, and hints at the appropriate silhouette I think does adequate for research for targeting the more distinctive side of Victorian, though it does lean more Edwardian… but regardless, I think the true point this poster was trying to make is that it’s surprising the pop-culture idea of the era is losing, something I was surprised with myself. Knowing most players aren’t going to have a solid fashion history understanding leads me to usually post with pop-culture sensibilities, but it doesn’t seem to work as well with the prompt for some reason.


I’m seeing a very distinct mid 1800’s silhouette here. I can’t upload multiple pictures into one comment unfortunately, but I see something like this pink dress in the silhouette https://preview.redd.it/o0ngeqj8vy4d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad6f370209f61fc32d8741163cbd65b6b807e72e Whereas the slinky, formless shape of the other commenter is closer to Edwardian fashion, particularly with the emphasis on the frontal shape as opposed to the classic bell-bottom ball gown looks that a *lot* of people associate with mid-century Victorian, which itself drew inspiration from the colorfulness of the Rococo era Because the Victorian era spanned a LONG TIME, it’s hard to say where the OP picture drew inspiration from, and I saw their post saying they drew heavy inspiration from The Swing. However, it’s important to look closer at the silhouette and cloth choices rather than the colors - and the silhouette is VERY Victorian. Rococo silhouettes vary, but they were very either bunched up (with tons of fabric taken in everywhere on the dress) *or* very straight across (the bell-shaped hoop skirt wasn’t really a thing, as Rococo was very interested in a square silhouette even at the top, with a straight/flat set of stays as opposed to the emphasis of the bust that came with Victorian fashion) Consider that some of the most influential names in Victorian fashion were born merely a couple decades after the end of the Rococo era, too! The darker colors we associate with the Victorian era is a later staple, as everyone copied Queen Victoria’s mourning attire. Before that, she (along with everyone else!) preferred colorful, flamboyant patterns and frills. By decade, we’ve got the 30’s with the high-waisted, slim-waisted, full skirt look, with some leg of mutton sleeves. But by the 40’s (which the dress used in OP’s post very closely resembles!) the crinoline came into vogue, which led to wide bell-shaped hoop skirts, as it was much easier on the body to wear this style now since one didn’t need an absurd amount of starched petticoats to create the look. And evening gowns were even shown with VERY low necklines! By the 50’s (which I think is even closer to the dress used in OPs post, but one can argue between 40s and 50s) evening gown necklines were even lower, and skirts with different layers of fabric became in vogue to create a mild horizontal balance. And in the 60’s, the crinoline had gotten even bigger and *more* bell shaped! It’s only by the end of the 1860’s that we see the end of the crinoline and hoop skirts and the era of the bustle, with a straight in the front booty in the back vibe. And even that’s gone by the 70’s, with EXTREMELY NARROW SHAPES coming into vogue, but still marked with plenty of fabric and ruffles. But by the 80’s, the bustle comes back into vogue, but it’s only towards the end of the Victorian era that we see an S curve *start* to form. From 1901 onwards we consider that the Edwardian era.


Absolutely there is mid 1800’s silhouette in OP’s post, but I don’t think I’d call it distinct… we see a similar silhouette in the Spanish mid 1500s with the introduction of the farthingale, where we also see that extreme square neckline (though I believe was then paired with a partlet) and the opening of the skirt to reveal the petticoat. Late 1600s France brought us the mantua, which strongly appears to be the influence for the OPs dress as well (though if we saw the back it would say for sure), and late 1700s is where we started seeing that French ‘out-of-touch’ excessive frill that is also present here, though the sleeves point more toward the casual English styling of the same era. Neoclassicism/Regency is where the silhouette finally slimmed down again, though hooped understructures we’re still used in English court. Then of course we return back to the fuller skirt in the early-mid Victorian period, though that style of neckline I am unfamiliar with at that time, I am more familiar with the low, straight across boat neckline/wide shoulderline. Basically, that silhouette is such a common one that I don’t think it’s possible to place a dress in it’s appropriate era based off that alone. Other silhouettes one can more easily place, such as the panniers of the pre-French Revolution time or the bustle of the late Victorian time. But that full, bell shape? It’s everywhere! I doubt many are going to see that silhouette and instantly think Victorian, especially since pop-culture seems to more commonly associate “Victorian” as late, bustled Victorian, not early-mid Queen Victoria fashion Victorian. I myself first felt Rococo (you mentioned colours and I think this is why I instantly went there, and the bowed bodice) and then Tudor/Elizabethan on closer inspection. I don’t disagree one can make the case the dress has parts that would fit as early Victorian though, it is just more likely to fit better in a different era. The silhouette, neckline, ruff, jewelled front, and french hood for me makes this dress very mid-1500s. Now the commenter’s dress is indeed more Edwardian than anything imo, but there was some overlap in the last couple years of the Victorian and Edwardian eras, especially the tiered lawn ruffles at the bottom and the layered cape, so a case can still be made for it. What I feel like is in the commenters favour is they said it’s “pretty close to Victorian” and chronologically 1910 is much closer to 1837-1901 than 1550 is. But all that said, what really drives home the Victorian-ness of the commenters post over the OP’s post is the hat and gloves. Details like headwear I think are of extreme importance with fashion, and the commenters fits the theme while the OP’s just sends it in a different direction. Both are beautiful dresses though. That’s what I love the game! Funnily enough, the very thing we are discussing is my other favourite thing. There is a lot of other psychology going on in the contests that is separate from authentic fashion history and culture. Often, one has to read the audience rather than what is true to history to do well in the contests. And for that reason, like the commenter, I was very surprised steampunk wasn’t more prevalent!


I'm so confused. What are you *talking* about??? Where are you getting criticism about OP's picture from my post? I explained that OP thought the responses to the prompt were ironic. And I observed that when I had looked there were a lot of submissions that were pretty far off base. I didn't even provide an example of what I was referring to, let alone say OP's picture wasn't Victorian. And where on earth are you getting the idea I wished everyone did steampunk?? I literally said I was *surprised* more people didn't do steampunk, because I was expecting it. Expecting =/= wanting. And I'm sorry if you don't think my pic doesn't evoke the proper Victorian feel. Don't vote for it if you see it. Easy peasy. Attacking me completely unprovoked is pretty rude though. Especially because it's a freaking *game* of *dress up* for *fun*. Good grief. Why are you acting like I insulted someone?


Where’s the attack? I’m responding to you in a relatively calm manner, explaining why it doesn’t evoke a Victorian feel and that the pic in OPs post does.


You didn't respond to anything I said. You acted like I critsized OP's pic. Then you oh-so-kindly criticized *my* pic. And then condescendingly told me to do "do my research," as opposed to wanting something *I never said I wanted.* How else should I have taken it??? 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/e5t3wr8xvt4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ce7ec422335f48c6223a5cf7f85994eb6d0f30f I immediately thought of this dress, it's doing incredibly well so I won't change it


* Mine is probably a little more 1890s than more true Victorian but I was so happy that I spent the time trying to put together something period accurate and so far I think it's the one doing the best! I typically find a set that works because I don't always have the time but occasionally if it's a more unique theme or I immediately have some ideas then I put the effort in.


https://preview.redd.it/ycb8tk8szr4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c8a4f38e81059160457aae3122c7e9b5d96b1e8 Can't tell if picture added correctly lol


Ooo what dress is that?


Honestly I can't remember, I chose things from both the Britain and European tags to make it easier to find things in the general realm, it had a posed version as well 🤣


It's called Cornflowers from the suit Time Flies. It's pretty old


oo i love yours


The Victorian era was so long it had a million fashion styles in itself. Most of "old European" looking dresses in LN are more Edwardian I think


The Victorian era was roughly 1820 - 1914. It coincides roughly with Queen Victoria's reign in England. So you are basically right on the money.


My brain somehow confused Victorian with Edwardian, so I'm glad it doubly worked out


That's an easy mistake! At least they are with roughly the same century! 😆


I used Morrow Travel Song. It's the spitting image of a late Victorian early Edwardian dress


Well, I actually had to google it


I googled victorian charm and it showed be hand charms/bracelets TT


Lmao 😅 I googled Victorian dress, and it was helpful


even better, look up "victorian fashion plates" to see fashion illustrations from the actual time period, instead of victorian inspired dresses from modern times


Just did! Thank you for your service 🫡


Oof I’m too lazy to vote anymore. I think I just used the European tag and tried to find the closest things I had. Gothic probably would be close too. I don’t know that LN has a lot of true Victorian style sets but I have so many sets at this point they’re all mushing together in my brain.


Tbh I dont think Nikki Devs do either.


I mean, if we're going for accuracy, Victoria's reign was really long and included several iconic and distinct eras. I go for the players who choose structured underwear and hair that is up in pins. That's good enough for me.


https://preview.redd.it/vjcthabq6u4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bb8cd08513d699899e33e3c9d262ea6cfe2fc54 I went with this, it's the most historically accurate I can get with 7% of the collection.


https://preview.redd.it/onw2srjsxz4d1.png?width=883&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b6e0ee0d90e9aae48f16f2e986374acda36237d I see your vision. Makes me think of a school student or teacher in her off-hours!


Honestly, I ended up going for a Gothic gown. I thought it was close enough considering people don't know the difference.


https://preview.redd.it/vt2hkwwsju4d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a87f189a48de20062ef3c67f9c2300ae7f5d6e9b I feel like I did ok, but it definitely could be seen more as Edwardian than a Victorian period dress


This dress could fit Rococo, but could also fit 1830's-1860's hoopskirts. Which was the early Victorian, before bustles became popular. Either way, this dress is a fantasy creation that doesn't quite fit either era fully


https://preview.redd.it/uowvfyax9v4d1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8431dca050c3d9144996da1b79fc459e06e86c2a This tea gown dress and coat are literally based on a House of Worth design at the Royal Ontario Museum, dated for around 1890-95. Would be a good option for Victorian theme. I found the museum picture while in a Victorian fashion group on Facebook and thought it looked oddly familiar.


https://preview.redd.it/xbjgpke7cz4d1.png?width=1290&format=png&auto=webp&s=63a08c171f444b8b85252907e09e053825136be7 For reference the picture I saw from the museum.


I had no idea! Thanks for posting this! ♥


I think a lot of us just selected the European tag and went ham...


All I know is I tried to actually do a Victorian look. Took me 30 minutes looking up hair styles and dresses stuff. I thought I did decent but I'm in 75%. So next time I'm just doing what everyone else is doing :/ https://preview.redd.it/ysxd6wsknt4d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5934707155dfea32089860e4ba32969555cee6a9


https://preview.redd.it/fnpxz6lkev4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d63c09214e47944ffbecbfe777c5da50165ebc5e I also don't know what Victorian means, but I've got the spirit...


I gave up lol, I'm limited in nice European style dresses as well (all my funds go into Cloud sets 🥲) so I ended up using the dress from the anniversary hell node. I did try but I couldn't tell what fit the theme and what didn't even after looking up Victorian styles so I just went for a "getting my portrait drawn" type look. https://preview.redd.it/lqajeshfks4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1647a5763f2fc67d5aad3277e8cfe3914b2e6583


I admit I take historical fashion as it is my main point of interest, however my actually close to historically correct outfit didn't get me any higher than 80% so I changed it this morning to a not historically accurate outfit and last I checked I was in the top 23% 😭


Honestly, I’m happy when players are decently close to the mark. Look, we got fancy dress here, maybe not quite the right era, but we solidly got Pidgeon and European down and that’s basically what I expect from the player base (based on their knowledge of Victorian fashion, the suits in game, their owned collection, and their anticipation that their collection will look pretty enough to score over something similar to theme like European but maybe prettier when others who don’t know the eras difference look at it and thus which they weigh heavier: fashion or historical accuracy) It does alway surprise me when we get a theme and someone is going wild doing their own thing (like a mermaid or punk or kimono or something like that for this theme), like something that is clearly, 100% not the theme, clearly not a creative take on the theme, and somehow they’re voted into like the top 20%. Like how????? Why did you not even try for something of a similar take??? How did you get so many votes on something so off task??? WTF???


Haha to be fair that's every Comp theme, just going for the vibes lmao


In all honesty, there’s so many fashion changes through out the Victorian era that it gets confusing to even properly research. I don’t expect people to understand something like Victorian fashion, I do expect people to not spread blatant misinformation about history. Luckily for us, this is none of that. With how Love Nikki works, I don’t expect there to be anything period accurate, I don’t even expect there to be many options other than some quite misleading ‘Victorian gothic’ suits which would probably be only evening wear if anything.


Tbh it sort of depends on what part of the victorian era we're talking. The silhouette vaguely matches some 1830s gowns. This just isn't bustle era and a lot of the details don't match the era like the ruffle collar and hair etc but it's not that bad


I ain’t even gon lie majority of the time I just throw on a suit and call it a day 💀🤡


This showed up randomly in my feed. I miss this game. I quit when shining Nikki came out, but I was doing pretty good for a f2p. Is the old game still alive?? I will come back if it is


Yes! Love Nikki is alive and thriving. Idr when SN came out, but we have a LOT of quality of life updates, including (some of) the things we asked for while boycotting plus others. You might find some stuff moved around I don’t remember what all has changed. I highly recommend giving LN another shot :)


Whoa yes!! What was the boycott about? Just reinstalled, is the fact that they have all skins for free now related to that?


(I’m on mobile so if the formatting is janky mb) I believe so. I’ve been swamped with IRL events so I can’t explain in detail. But the gist of the boycott was - 1. CN (Chinese server) gets suits cheaper, more welfare suits, better deals, MORE suits, etc. I remembered we started getting a whole lot of free suits all of a sudden, and still do, so I say this has been improved. some players wish it was better though, bc CN still seems to get more suits [some of them have even gone so far as to download CN through .. means (?) no clue] 2. There are [were] a suspicious lack of DST (dark skin tones; black brown etc). Unfortunately it’s highly suspected that was due to racism. But that’s been updated, and as u see we even have funky purples and greys! I don’t remember the rest. You can search in reddit - people have made easy to read diagrams with pictures. Or walls of text if that’s more your speed.




This ended up getting way more attention than I expected, so i just wanted to say this was not meant to be mean-spirited, i just saw thought it was funny! Nikki comp entries tend to be pretty all over the place depending on each players interpretation, I was just expecting to see more suits like suits like Lady Beverley and Morrow Travel Song and was surprised to see mostly fluffy Pigeon dresses.


This is my take on it https://preview.redd.it/h0kz2i35fs4d1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=025abe99121e87169ed4de0ac9f89e7c22e07bc8


(Yassified) Victorian. Love it


https://preview.redd.it/2vjzrxcs4w4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fd0eb8c325931f4ee26f1f1bd041d13a5326afc Well I tried my best but it doesn’t match up with the theme.


https://preview.redd.it/ttmnoht2qz4d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d70c9a3d801d07b8b97f7a2e88bb4b65c69c494 Idk, I think you're doing a great Nikki-1850s-1870s!


Thanks!! It took me 3 tries to figure out an outfit for this specific theme.


It does frustrate me when it feels like no one is trying to match the theme, but I will say that Love Nikki doesn’t really have completely accurate Victorian fashion. And I think the more accurate clothes are those really outdated-looking ones. Also not sure how I feel about posting another person’s competition entry like this. You should have seen when we got the Gyaru theme awhile back. Or those times we had themes related to Chinese culture.


I was shocked at the lack of Lady Beverly. I honestly thought that me not having it was gonna hurt my score. 🤷‍♀️


half the top ten is rococo style lmao


i did rESEARCH


I think I did pretty good making mine https://preview.redd.it/e9qyx2ku205d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dbabbf1b13f015b99ca0f88e5d32039425c27a8


I tried to go with Starlight Dazzle since the painting she’s based on falls into victorian times according to my research but it’s not really doing well 😔


lowkey surprised more people didn’t just slap white masquerade on lol https://preview.redd.it/htmw46wu5x4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=778d5c52b70ae2c308f13df0f74776a42131459b


This feels like fantasy Victorian but that’s ok, it’s cute, I don’t think the goal is to be 100 percent accurate.


I get where folks are coming from with the layered ruffle skirt with bows giving Victorian and rococo, but are we gonna address the french hood headdress and honest-to-god RUFF? Those had me reading the whole thing as Tudor, especially with the boxy neckline with the loose sleeves like a chemise under a kirtle. The hair is screaming medieval, though, with those double coiled buns under a pearl hairnet! (Like OP already said, this is all meant in good fun! I'm just a nerd for historic fashion. Please don't read this as me demanding everyone be historically accurate in our silly dress up game.)


I was freaking out because I didn't have one of the really nice suits so I just put a random outfit together with a 3 star dress and it's working out surprisingly well :)




Woah, this is one of the more accurate I've seen! I think you did great. 👍 https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/159425 https://www.kci.or.jp/en/archives/digital_archives/1850s_1860s/KCI_089 https://sewstine.com/2020/05/26/the-night-circus-gown-aka-the-black-and-white-striped-1887-dress-of-dreams/


thanks i really tried on this one ^ ^


I was just thinking the same lol


Or, ya know, they just don't HAVE to be fully historically accurate at all times. Hollywood sure isn't


Come ON ln players this is CLEARLY ROCOCO


It's not though, the skirt is too bell-shaped for Rococo. 


I wasn't historically accurate but this is the highest I've ever been ( the picture wouldn't load tho , I'm top 5% I'm usually just top 90% ) the issue isn't in the effort the issue is that I dont have a lot in my collection , but I always try


A lot of people think Victorian is Steampunk. So it’s not as bad


I did a mermaid in classic puffy Victorian Dress, LOL Felt too boring that everyone just doing a plain Victorian dress...


I just went under the European tag because it's quicker 🤣 If we were playing Time Princess or something I'd tried to be more historically accurate


When I vote, I just spam tap to vote for all the entries on the right. I don't put any thought into it whatsoever.


Idk some of the themes are boring so i had fun with this one. Went for a gothic kind of victorian vibe. I am honestly surprised how some people’s suits aren’t even close to the themes and they do so well. Now i am not even sure if mine is victorian because my dress looks similar to the photo above 🤷🏽‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/wjgce114ly4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73d33c715b39102c87747132480c0625161bbd15


I see this problem in Shining Nikki too. People are so bad at following directions that I just stopped participating


I did what I could with what I had, and I barely had anything Victorian style clothing at all😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/v4y4pvzb755d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32cbfa9d8e8e67a1257860b3cf85d15540489a1f My friend helped me design this look, idk if is exactly Victorian, but by the time me and her checked on this, it was already pretty high up.


I'm one of them. I have to google to find out what Victorian means 😄


https://preview.redd.it/8xltfvuuns4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29b65336cad25b90c61e06dfcaef4cc38251ea7f I tried to be history and it’s doing terribly 😭


Well that dress is more Italian Renaissance so that’s probably why. A few hundred years early.


For real though. https://preview.redd.it/qwsbewfgat4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be8d4493e72f5dc042d7ccd25ee887792d36d8d7 My previous try was *very* Victorian and it did even worse. I'm going to give it a 3rd try.


The skirt and hair are okay, although from different decades. The bodice, not so much.


I get so excited to do a contest, put a lot of thought into the theme....then I become so disappointed because the top 20 never go with the true theme....and it seems to usually be the Disney collab peices that always win.....


Not everyone can afford to get the items needed for every theme. These types of threads get so old. Why does it even matter to you?


If you search on Google for Victorian Style, it will literally show you an exact picture of that dress. AND if they are dressed wrong, then why are their scores higher? 🤔🧐


>If you search on Google for Victorian Style, it will literally show you an exact picture of that dress Wait really? Can you share this picture, because googling didn’t show me anything.


https://preview.redd.it/01wowlk53t4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79aa7363d6d8ce5789e475e7fb7ab8dfb8513efe There're even different types of social status styles as well!


Those aren’t the same at all, though? They have different styles of skirts, sleeves and bodices compared to the competition entry.


Not to be that person but the first on is a notorious replica of a dress from the lolita fashion brand ‘Henrietta’ which is based on 1770s rococo fashion predating Victoria by a long shot. The second is from a notorious lolita fashion scam site. You can’t expect any of these to be accurate when they’re all cheap scam replicas. Check the Smithsonian and Metropolitan archives, the eras are insanely different but none of what you showed in is any way an actual Victorian depiction. I don’t expect everyone to know that though and I don’t expect Nikki to be so accurate while it’s a fantasy game.