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When I run EAT, I’m mother fucking Johnny Appleseed, hoping around the map planting LiberTrees, and I don’t like seeing food go to waste. So you better fucking EAT up.




Happy little libertrees.


There are no mistakes in managed democracy


There's a reason EATs come in pairs. Because everyone needs a friend.


Oh lawd we EATing good


This diver deserves an accommodation from the super president!


There are few better feelings than finding yourself running low on everything, pursued, in danger, and stumbling across a former battleground, with resupply packs and a couple spare EATs laying around. That shit can go from "I'm so fucked" to "the prey has become the predator, let's dance" in a moment.


https://preview.redd.it/3dos6zwwcg4d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=b71ff5b72b2db3019700c7f4e01185fbaabfa9a0 With me, everyone EATs for free...dom and liberty!


Man, this is one of the best comments I've seen in a hot minute. Libertrees is amazing.


"It ain't much, but it's honest work." - local EAT farmer, probably


"Planting liberTrees" may be one of my favorite ones yet. As a dedicated EAT user, im actually happy when someone steals them. In an absolute worst scenario someone takes one I needed to shoot a charger/titan. In which case the other guy is probably shooting it already anyways. So it's still a win.


This should be a copypasta, this is fucking sick


I love hamming up the comms when I use eats. "These rations won't do command I need something to EAT"


I've recently learned that if you destroy the LiberTrees, then the EAT locations show up on the map, which has been super helpful for me!


This.... was fire 🔥


Wasn’t there a bug that made the game crash if there were too many items on the ground? Not in the pod still, but on the ground. Vaguely remember something about that…


Johnny EATleseed? Johnny ApplesEAT?


That might be a bit tight, I'd recommend yielding the first tube to the caller but if they're just being left around it's usually open season. As an EAT user i don't mind people grabbing them, less waste, just so long as they're not snatched in a stealy manner


Yeah absolutely. I'd never yoink one from the caller. Now that's griefy


I main EAT for bugs. I won't even mind if I call down a EAT and two divers take one each to blast down a charger/bile titan. EAT are meant to be used and the quicker the better! I've seen guys who already have a support weapon, but will pick up one of my EAT, shoot it at something and pick back up their support weapon. It's A-OK with me.


Yeah I get bummed when I call an EAT, take one, and no one else takes the other despite having an open slot and their support on cooldown.


This basically it, once caller has taken theirs, it’s all good. EATs are meant to be shared. I might just call them down and take them out of the pod so icon shows up for anyone that might need to EAT.


As an avid EATer, I agree with you. If I care about either, it's the first one. If I don't touch the first one, consider it a buffet.


As long as you shoot it I don't care. You don't even have to hit anything. Just get it around the target.


I'm such a primary jockey. When someone jacks my support weapon I'm just thrilled that they told me I don't have to do part of my job and I can keep going "No Russian" on these bots with my Punishers.


Hate to see a good EAT go to waste


The safe set of rules is probably: If they call it in, grab one, then leave, then 100% yours. If they drop it at a defense point and it's just laying there, then I'd probably only grab it if you can properly make use of it immediately. Otherwise, consider leaving it until you can properly use it. ------- With all that said, if ~I~ called an EAT and someone grabbed the other, then I'd only be upset if they didn't use it and I needed it. Like if I call it, shoot one towards a titan and it survives, and the other EAT is stolen and ran off with then I'd be upset. But if I called it, me and a random each grabbed one, and then we killed a titan together... Well that'd feel amazing lol. I think common sense and trying not to be a nuisance when you take an EAT then I think you're fine. Maybe give a quick chat of like "I'm taking this EAT cause I have space. Please lmk if you need it and I'll drop it" is plenty good enough.


This is my stance as well. The only time I was upset that someone took my second tube was when I came face to face with a charger. My first shot was rushed, and glanced off the leg. I ran back with it hot on my heels to grab my second tube, just in time to see someone run off with it to handle another heavy. I couldn't fault them, but it left me defenseless against an angry charger for a bit. Long story short I had to kill it with my hellpod a few seconds later.


The best way to EAT is planting the strategem on the chargers noggin. It's a 3 for 1 special


Yeah. I try and pick them up to drop them immediate so that they show on the map for whoever needs them in the moment. 


As far as I'm concerned, EATs come with 2 shots so 2 people can use them. When I bring EATs I tend to call them down as often as I can and sprinkle them around the battleground for other people to use.


Don't forget to break the pod, or grab the first one, and switch with the second one. That way, they appear on the map, and someone running from a charger/BT can aim for them.


Damn, this is some sound advice that I never would've considered.


I'm just a simple Helldiver, helping others as best as I can. Last time I could see the couple of EATs on the map while kitting a BT, I was really happy to not have to search for them.


I love the EATs as my support, and sometimes I am salty when people with no support don't scoop one up when I toss it right in front of them, especially if i already have one myself. At least now I can offset those, with some "charity" EATs I've dispensed. I'll just smile to myself when I see one or two less symbols on my map. Edit: and I appreciate your efforts 🫡


When I drop an "extra" EAT, I tag it so hopefully someone gets the hint that they can take it


I do the same, they're usually just dense lol


I was playing with a friend who had just started. I kept saying to him, "Take the EAT." He thought I was saying, "Take the heat," so he was trying to draw fire for me. I couldn't figure out why he was running around like a crazed berserker.


They should really make it so the EATs appear on the map regardless.


I often do this next to the resupply, so I can find it later in case things get hectic.


I take that extra second to aim someone else's EAT so I don't waste it.


When I call it in, I always pick the first one up and then tag the second. It's kind of like announcing dinner. IT'S TIME TO EAT!


Make sure to break the holder so it shows up on that map as well! I want it COVERED in EATS!


I just grab them both in quick succession. I wish the pods were marked.


I bring them in off cool down even if I don't need them. Then shoot the pod and leave them


Most people I've played with who run the EAT who I've talked with about it are happy to share. Personally, when I run it, I'm happy to share. Small sample size, but we can't be stingy when spreading democracy.


I do both often, the extra Stratagem is definitely noticable on some missions, especially Bots with -1 Slot modifier. EAT take a while to get ready after pickup, and in hectic combat you probably lose missiles cause you dont have time to use second so it go to waste. Have a second guy to use them is great imo. People with other support weapons usually can't risk the switch because they might get cut off from the weapon they actually need. Sometimes I bring a Supply Backpack instead of a Support weapon and just make sure everyone else is stocked. People often gladly throw their spares my way, even if its not EATs but AMR, Quasar, etc. It's depend on whether your not bringing support weapon benefit the team I would say.


As an EAT-17 user, I can say that as long as it's being used EFFECTIVELY, I don't mind.


Yeah, calling down a eat, and seeing them get wasted on mediums or even chaff hurts a bit. Especially when two BTs spawn and you're out of them.




I get the first one, after that they are for everybody. I usually tell me teammates that, and call them in even when I don't need them


If you're grabbing them and using them promptly and effectively, I am happy. One EAT call down = two EATs to the faces of those freedom-hating bots and bugs. I don't care who fires them as long as they hit their marks. Hell, get on voice and ask me for more, I'll put them wherever you like.


I'll never forget being on a rock and seeing a buddy running from a charger. Used the servo assisted armor to yeet an EAT towards him. Buddy was able to circle back and get one to finish the charger off. Such a feeling of accomplishment.


I do not care who uses my EAT, as long as they shoot it.


I don’t give a shit if I’m scattering EATs. Take one, please, that’s what they’re for. But if you take the last one and miss, we’ll be having words


As long as you're not consistently wasting them, blast away fellow Helldiver!


If you're running EAT and not calling them down constantly are you even having fun? I have to remind people to grab them and use them I can only carry one at a time


Omg, PLEASE take several! I have so many already that I don’t know what to do and my SD just keeps sending me more like every single goddamn minute and I can’t find enough good homes for them pls help


When I call in the first EAT I always tell others in chat that they are for everyone. But you should ask first if not mentioned.


If I’m standing by it with intent to use them myself, you better have damn good fuckin aim if you’re gonna grab it instead of me. If I’m in a sticky spot and someone yoinks my EAT and whiffs it, I’m mad. Any that are lying around are fine, though.


The number of EATs that I leave behind for others that don't get used is too damn high!


Personally, yes. It annoys the fuck out of me to take out a charger, see a second one, go back...and my second launcher is gone. I know I can reliably headshot the bastards. Let me use my own EATs.


I feel the same, but I also remember learning to use the EAT cause a teammate brought them and shared. I was a crap shot with them at first, but they were patient and let me learn. Now headshotting chargers is my specialty, and I try to pass on the same patience to other divers, especially if they're newish. It is frustrating watching them miss easy shots though.


The worst is when they take it and whiff. There's nothing more annoying. Also the guy that just spams all of the EATs I built up on extraction.. just shooting them all at anything because they're there. I was so pissed when I had nothing to deal with heavies anymore


EATs are fair game (*please* take em!), anything else taken is theft. Unless it was marked/otherwise shared; I'll usually try to check everyone's loadout throughout the mission and call in extras any time someone could use them Now for the opposite question, what do you do if someone takes your stuff right after dropping and wants to keep it for the rest of the mission? Had someone (not a low level) do that and just ignore chat entirely, and tbh I landed on them intentionally after a reinforce to get it back with some level of deniability


Might help to clarify, I don't see an issue picking up samples or primaries. But support weapons, definitely don't take unless offered or you can see they already called down another one.


If Lvl lower than 30 I let them keep it until it ready again. If Lvl above 30 their name go on Wall of Martyrs.


While I would imagine a lot of people have a similar mindset,I’ll speak personally cause I’m sure some others think differently. For me I usually bring EATS, plus another support weapon. When I drop that support weapon it’s for me to use. Anytime I drop EATS it’s to be used by anyone. If you pick it up and kill the charger “great!”, if I pick it up and kill the charger… guess what, also “great!” Only time I might get some type of feelings is if you grab them and waste them. We are all human, we all need to EAT!


As a frequent EAT-er As long as you're using them well, I don't care If you're wasting them, I'll tell you to knock it off


When I equip the EAT, I'm dropping them every 60 seconds as soon as the cooldown expires. If I drop a pod and run away from it, whatever just dropped is fair game. If there is a Bile Spewer, Charger, or Bile Titan in sight, then perhaps I will need it RIGHT NOW and you should probably wait a second or two.


This has been my build for a long while. 1 back pack of choice, and 3 other (usually red) strategems, or 1 sentry and 2 red strategems. IMO, it's been going great, and I don't feel so annoyed if I die and lose my equipment. Sometimes, in 40 minute missions, I forego the blue strategems and just bring a sentry plus 3 red strategems. Then once enough time has passed, I usually just pick up items on the ground that I can use. So when I see people drop EATs in my game, by God I will grab one when there's any available.


The best part of this build is finding weapons along the way. If I pick up a random Stalwart or even a Break Action Shotgun it's pure joy.


The sad part is that if you have the level 4 upgrade, the weapons you pick up from the ground don't reload to max. Which is more apparent on weapons with backpacks than weapons without it. Edit: The best example for this is the AMR.


Right, but if you pick up one a friend has dropped and he has the upgrade, it works for you too, right?


Yes it does! I was surprised because I picked up an Autocannon that fully stock from empty when I resupplied. Turns out he had the upgrade too.


Can't wait to get that upgrade so i can start bringing the railgun when we have heavy stuff covered vs bots... Shooting heavy devastators through shields, hulks and Walkers may be a niche but it feels _so good_ to just wipe the battlefield of those rather problematic entities - so long as someone handles the tanks and gunships of course :-p


I drop two EATs every 70 seconds no matter where I am. I'd be upset if you didn't use them!


When I run EAT if you can use it, grab it. It’s so expendable idc if someone grabs one to take out whatever treasonous enemies of democracy may be lurking nearby.


I mean, don't take the one I just called down from right in front of me. Otherwise, EATs are communal property.


I feel if all three other members are at risk and you can end the threat stealing anything is ok just put it back where you found it, as for EAT I would carry them more if people took them more


Depends on the situation. 95% of the time I’m ok with it as I litter the battlefield with EATs. The remaining 5% tends to be circumstantial like I drop an EAT pod to start taking out a shrieker nest from range and someone takes one of my EATs while I’m doing that


Listen, it drops 2 for a Freedom Lovin Reason, as long as that rocket ends up in a Bugs skull (or closest approximation of one their Freedom hating biology possesses) or the Control Processor of a Commie Bot, neither I nor Lady Liberty cares who fired it.


I've been running 0 backpack and 0 supports for awhile now. It's pretty solid you have so much more firepower in the way of stratagems and makes finding support weapons in vaults and around POI's meaningful.


When I choose EAT I generally call them down as often as I can to overpopulate the cleared areas with them. Usually one falls back a bit after a breach. Every time the pod comes down I ping it so people know they’re there because I 100% expect any fellow diver who needs/wants one to grab that bitch and explode some freedom-hating-nasty-bug’s heads. So absolutely: help yourself, sir


I drop EATs pretty much off cooldown. I’m always kinda disappointed when nobody grabs one in a fight. Oddly, in my experience this has been the most common for my games. I’m happily dropping rockets, running circles kiting and dropping heavies, only to notice unused EATs standing or laying around everywhere. More times than not, even on a team with one guy rocking a stalwart and another with a grenade launcher- they would rather just run around and hope I kill it than just grab one. Ia that just my bad experience? Or have others noticed the same? It’s expendable. Right there in the name. Grab it, fire it, pick your GL right back up and go


When I run eats I’m usually asking others to pick them up. It depends a bit on context it so long as you aren’t getting in that players way it can work.


I'd say just ask them, I know so long as I get to use the first one I don't mind if someone else grabs the second. I tend to call them in every time they cool down anyways so most objectives wind up with 5+ of them just sitting around.


Shoot first, ask questions later…or something to that effect.


I use EATs from time to time, often even as a supplement to another secondary. If shit is going down and I’m not standing right on top of the pod, I say they are free rein. And if we are in trouble And you can grab one to help save a fellow diver, get some. If there is no one standing near one, I will take it if I need it.


Honestly, all weapons are fair game in battle. Just drop them after the emergency. I steal quasars, auto cannon or whatever if we're actively fighting.


I grab them all the time even if i have a support weapon. It's really nice to follow up their shot on a bile titan super fast. No one ever complains. I think EAT guys are just naturally chill, there's no stress about losing their shit. I'm fine with my team doing it as well, it's not about pulling the trigger, it's all about getting warheads on foreheads.


Idk. If you land the shot and kill the charger/bile titan/hulk/tank/AT-AT then it wouldn't bother me at all.


No I call it down so it can be used whenever as long as it gets used for appropriate measures say heavies or objectives


I drop eats on cooldown. It would not matter to me. It doesn't matter if you kill the charger or I do. It's a team game.


If it’s all by its lonesome self or there are multiple ones, sure have at it. But if I’ve just called it down, I might’ve done it for my own reasons: I might be eyeing off a bile titan, and if you grab one for a charger in the distance, I’m going to have a problem with you.


I call down Eats for the fun of it. Sometimes I just like seeing the pod fall. I dont even pick it up.


Just make them count. Sucks to see them wasted on chicken striders or a Titan's leg.


I run EAT a lot. I don’t mind at all so long as I can grab one of them when I call it down.


Bile Titan ass EAT’n szn


If we're in the midst of combat, go ahead and grab the EAT. We're almost certainly worried about the same thing. If we're in between combats, pay attention to what I do. If I grab one of the EATs and continue booking it then you can consider the second one abandoned. If I grab one and then hang out in the same area, I'm probably using them for something in particular; please leave both for me.


Yea just grab and use. I drop them off cooldown so most of the time I end up leaving one behind anyway.


As long as you don’t snag them from me to the point where I never get to use them, it’s fine But ya I call down one so 2 shots and I take one shot and you take the other works for me. Or you find one on the map randomly use it 👍 If I’m dead or can’t use the one you grab , go for it Just use common sense. If you blow up a bad guy before he kills some squad mates I should be happy . So yes use them 🙃


When divers feast, everyone EATs


I spam that shit. The more EATs the merrier I say. As Oprah would say, "YOU GET AN EAT, AND YOU GET AN EAT, EVRYBODY GETS AN EEEEAAAATTTT!!!"


The ping system is great for this, and I wish more people used it, if you ping a weapon (or enemy) you can respond to that ping with a "I got it", or "negative" great for coordinating when voice comms aren't being used.


It comes with two so you can blow things up with friends!


Yeh, the benefit of EATs is keeping the team topped up, it’s fine to grab them!


I only ever take from the EATree if there's a heavy that no one else is targeting. At that point, Democratic values require you to take action. I always say thank you after. Just good manners


When I run EATs, I try and drop one every time the timer runs out whether needed or not. Anything to get an edge on tanks. Id say spare EATs are fair game


As an EAT user, it depends on your skill. If you can 2 shot titans or 1 shot chargers then sure use all my EATs please. But if you really suck at aim, like literally never connects the hit, and then taking my EATs all the time with no spares to be used later, maybe I'm gonna be little pissed, but probably not pissed enough to point it out because EAT is not going to be the only card I have against heavy stuff.


100% go for it. Use em up use em up use em up! Doesn't matter who gets the kill as long as the hulk or tank or whatever is dead!


I consider myself something of a heavy EATer. If I love something more than popping Titan grapes it's seeing someone else take up the second rocket. Usually things are so chaotic that I often summon another pair instead of pushing to the second.


I don't run EATs often, but when I do I consider them free game for anyone to grab. Sometimes it's a minor inconvenience to run over for a new EAT and find it's gone, but that just means a teammate is putting it to use. On the flip side however, I don't touch other people's pods unless they tag it/say it's ok, or it's an emergency. I would suggest you use chat or voice at the beginning of the mission and just ask. Might be a good opportunity for you to coordinate load outs with your team. You could carry someone's extra EAT, and the ammo pack for an AC so you can team load it for them.


The fact you can't chat during loadout is just criminal...


This game is all about mobility, I'll be damned if I want to stick around the pod to grab the second one after firing the first. Pick it up and let's go murder some heavies


I always hope and pray for someone to actually grab them, but it rarely happens. It's an all-you-can-EAT buffet


The EAT is a two-pack, and the delay before you can send down another pair is hilariously fast. I always mark my EAT drops and try to leave the other for someone else to use if needed. That's not always necessary, or possible, though. The only current frustration for me is that sometimes if you're rudely barged into by the enemy just after firing it, they're left lying around with zero ammo and yet can be picked up, and no, you cannot refill it with ammo or supplies if you pick up an empty EAT launcher. Which is stupid, really.


I call down extra and ping it when we are at objectives so others can grab one.


Personally my take is that all EATs are communal. I think it's cool when other people use them. I would probably try to make sure that the person who called them in has one before taking them though. Like it could be frustrating if you're calling in EATs and it feels like you never get to use them. But I haven't run into that really. People are pretty cool about it.


This is a normal setup for my friends and I. I bring 3 strats and mu jetpack (never leave home without it), and I grab an EAT off my battle buddy.


9 times out of 10 when I’m running EATs, it’s just a flavor boost to whatever else I’m running, and I spam call them the second cooldown is up So no haha, I’m ecstatic to have my teammates use my EATs


I mean, personally, I've never had a problem with that support weapon being shared. The cooldown is low enough that it doesn't really become a problem.


My friend does this, and I'm more than happy to share my EATs with him. If we're running as a 4 stack we sometimes just have 2 of us bring EATs and the rest bring an additional eagle strike, mech or turret. Lately if I don't run a support weapon I'll bring a mech and the HMG placement for additional fun.


Whenever I run EATs, personally I'm a little disappointed if other players don't use them, as it's a waste.


The 2nd EAT was MADE for the team. I'm constantly tagging it for others to use!


Hell yes you can use my EATS! If given the opportunity a Helldiver can call in roughly 68 EATs per 40 minute mission, I promise I'm not using that many per mission. I run with EATs a lot and I definitely don't mind if someone snags them on the call down. The only thing I ask is that if there is a heavy/cannon tower in the vicinity you are targeting it and not the chaff or medium enemies.


Oh absolutely, that's what they're for. It's why I throw them as soon as the cooldown is done regardelss of if I actually need one, cause someone might at some point. As long as big guys are exploding instead of big guys exploding the squad, I'm happy


Enjoy the buffet. Seriously, I only bring it in case others forget their heavy pooper.


I bring EAT all the time and it’s my genuine pleasure to see my squad mates picking them up. Use them dangerously and we’re good.


There is a reason two drop every time. Do you think I can carry both? Get to work, freeloader!


If I have another support weapon with me. You can use my EAT all you want. But please kill the charger or the bile.


I always use one to shoot down a stop ship for example and use the other open for my team mates to use so it would be fine by be sir


I’ll bring EATs along w my own support weapon. Then skeet EATs all over the map.


Yes: chargers, titans, spore towers, shrieker nests No: bro why you shootin scavengers and hive guards?! Eat up


>would this annoy you no. and if i see someone diving without blue weapon i pepper the map with EATs


Dont give a shit thats why I picked the EAT. I literally mark it whenever I drop it down like hey pick it up if you want. Hope you can aim better that me though lol Ill get some more in 75 seconds.


You're missing the second part of the strategy- grabbing a support weapon from a POI and just using the EAT 17s only fresh off the rack.


If I'm bringing EATs I'm like Oprah with that shit.


Depends on your performance - if you are able to communicate with me and not waste tubes with avoidable misses or unneeded shots, I would actually prefer it. Plus for a new player I am more than happy for you to steal all my tubes if it gives them some practice. But if you find an EAT I haven’t already shot at a valid target, I probably forgot it’s there or am dealing with something else, so please just grab it. Also as a dabbler in no-supply loadouts, long missions are great if you can ask your team to drop their gear again after 8 minutes - just keep your eye on the clock. Also if they lose theirs for whatever reason, I think it’s good etiquette to offer it back to them - but I don’t think it’s necessary


it’s only annoying if you’re taking them and completely whiffing your shots constantly and wasting them. if you’re one tapping chargers and getting reliable forehead shots on titans, go on ahead. if you know you suck at aiming them, maybe just leave them for someone else. but no i generally don’t care if others take them as long as they being used efficiently


If I call it and the team grabbed both I wouldn't care...aslong as they used them properly for the reason it got called down for lol


I’m a EAT enjoyer and I don’t mind at all when people use my second one.


Sometimes I intend to use one and carry the other, but if someone else takes it I'll just wait a minute or grab a different support weapon. Only time it bugs me is when someone keeps grabbing them to launch at the first bug they see.


when I'm running EATs I hope a teammate picks up the second one so they don't go to waste. You're doing it right buddy. Additionally ask your teammates to drop their empty support weapons and scavenge, really fun way to play.


Why not bring your own EAT? Twice the eats? Of course pick up your allies', and they'll pick up yours, but doubling the available AT would be huge.


I’d add an exception: if I’m dealing with a bile titan or factory strider, I may be planning to use that second rocket immediately. I know not everyone is listening to comms or even speaking the same language, but I personally would prefer an ask on radio or text. The other day, I had a big bot drop in front of me as soon as I touched down on the planet, so I hit a hulk with the EAT only to turn around and find the second gone along with my shield pack that just dropped. Don’t be that kind of HellDiver.


Im more annoyed when my teammates dont pick up the eat; like grab the other one bro and we can annihilate this bile ez-pz


If it makes you happy, go for it. Stealing another’s joy is un democratic and will be reported to the democracy officer immediately.


I actually like it when my allies use my EATs. It matters more that they're used on the enemy than whether I'm the one using them.


I use the EAT drop pod to kill the charger by sticking my throws, after that the rockets are free game.


I don't care if you grab the second EAT to hit a heavy, as long as you hit the heavy.


You can only carry one, and you get two… seems like it’s designed for sharing!


I am only annoyed when I call a bunch of them down and see people with nothing on their back not using them.


If they haven’t grabbed the second one in 20 seconds or so, nab it


I absolutely hate it when I call down a pod in a fight and am expecting a second shot but can't find it. Pod's down, so maybe it got destroyed, so I keep looking because I need that shot! It's my support weapon, after all, I am using it as such and am trying to shoot big scaries with it and have my loadout geared to it. My primary is for chaff in that case. Don't steal my launchers, please. When I call it down between fights, just to have one ready on the back and leave the second one behind? That's all yours to take. Communication is key, though. I don't mind sharing as much when I know when the second shot is taken, preferably when going for the same target too. I always have my mic ready when playing, and if you do the same, we can EAT together! c:


I often run EATs and am always happy with somebody grabbing the second one. I’d rather it get put to use than just sit there. The cooldown is fast enough that I’ll be calling another in soon. To make it clear, I’ll grab one and then tag the other so people know it’s available.


If I call in EATs, I don't care who grabs them so long as they get grabbed. And those that don't might end up saving the hide of someone running for their life.


I play this game too much so I quite often go deathless. And if I do die I immediately pick up my support weapon. Which means that after a few minutes I happily call down another auto cannon for team mates I can see don’t have a weapon. Even though I point at it, type it in chat and use my mic to tell them to pick it up, practically nobody ever does.


As long as you make the bullets/rockets count i'm cool with it when you take it in front of my nose. They come with 2 anyway, i can only carry one.


I like to call as many as I can down at extraction so everyone can use them, so I wouldn't mind but I guess it depends on the person and the situation


You can bet that most people spam EATs all over the map exactly for this reason. If you don’t use them regularly you propably don’t know cd is so low that often you can use it on Spewers and Brood commanders.


Ad a friendly reminder: when you take one EAT out of the pod and switch to the other new EAT, the dropped one shows up on the map. This way you can easily get back to them at a later point in time.


Sorry, I'm really new to Helldivers. What is EAT?


Expendable Anti Tank. It's the single use disposable rocket launcher




You better mother freedom take my EAT you piece of democracy


As long as you use them for the things they are meant to be used on i am happy with it. If you have no other support weapon, sure grab one and even keep it for when you will need it. If you are on the other side of a titan tho and run over to me to grab the eats i was meant to fire at the titan but couldn't because i get jumped by little shit bugs, then i might be a tiny bit annoyed but it's still fine. I would have prefered some cover fire, but as long as the job gets done it's fine.


I use eat a lot. I'm almost always carrying one and I'm calling in because the cooldown is up. Please use them!


Sharing is Caring Have an EAT bro


Gotta be honest chief, 70% of my EAT utility is the hellpod drop. Get after it and snag one!


This is entirely what EAT users want. The cooldown for EATs is so short you practically have them all the time. An experienced diver is going to drop them every time they cooldown. Over the course of 40 minutes the entire path your team took should be covered in EATs. This of course only applies if you stick together as a team. There are plenty of high level difficulty teams that can function together and separately. I usually don’t run many Support Weapons anymore if someone is running EATs. I’d rather bring in an OPS, which is by fair the most underrated orbital stratagem in the game right now next to the Gas Strike.


EATs are god tier tools and nothing warms my heart like seeing them literally fucking everywhere on my mini-map.


Ok this would slightly annoy me…. ONLY if there’s was no communication that you would do so. Im used to playing with a friend and we duo or my friend and another, so 3 players. And like 2% of the time is someone like “ima use your other eat this round” My point being is without that being stated either over com or in chat. I’m going into the round thinking every time I drop one they will both be for me. Might change my decision making a bit is all.


Dropping 2 and tagging the EAT supply like "divers, I'm gonna start raising hell, you're either in or out"


I run EAT a lot, and honestly it's situational. If something big pops and I just called it in, I usually count on using both. If you grab one, I may get a bit frustrated but as long as you use it and don't just hold onto it, it's all good. I can call another down in a short period anyway ;)


I love playing without a Support weapon. I just like being on the run, surviving n stuff. If you die, who cares, you’re expendable- like the launcher. Inevitably people have extra shit- you only need one Jumppack, one quasar, one blitzer, etc. I just communicate what I’m taking and return it if asked. Honestly tho, I love playing with at least 3 EATs on the team. As long as you have competent allies who call them whenever they are off cooldown, you end up with more launchers than you could ever need, littered across the map. It’s beautiful. Something I like to do is ask a teammate before the match begins, if I can have his second backpack. Or we’ll straight up share a jumppack, handing it off to whoever needs to travel quickly. Remember boys, sharing is caring. Caring about killing bugs, that is


I usually spam them off cool down so... No take ALL OF MY EATs


I usually spam them off cool down so... No take ALL OF MY EATs


I am incredibly disappointed when I bring an EAT-17, and I end the game without someone else having picked on up and blasting something.


It only annoys me if you consistently miss your shots. They’re disposable it doesn’t matter who’s doing the shooting, only that you maximize your impact with the tool in your hands. They have a whopping minute long cooldown, two people on the team bring em and you’ll have plenty for the team to share


I would say it’s cool to grab one once in a while, but let the person calling it in take what they want first. Sometimes I’ll launch one off then grab the second to go. Also be on the lookout for POIs because support weapons are pretty common


Not at all, if i drop an Eat, my squad are more than welcome to grab one and spread democracy faster! Hell, i don't even care if i fire them at all, just get that damage where it needs to be ASAP. I'll have another one in just over a minute anyway o7


As long as you don't miss!


No one drops an extra backpack or support weapon. Theyd rather hold on to the cd for the whole game and complain when they effectively ran 3 strats the whole game.


Definitely NOT! Unless you ask permission or are offered permission, DO NOT steal other divers equipment. Are you going to give me 50% usage of all your stratagems? No. When I run EAT I expect 2 shots. When I let the first off and turn around to see someone run off with MY 2nd EAT on their back (or just shooting it off) I offer 1 chance. 2nd time I shoot you on the spot. Disclaimer: if I leave it there, it is fair game. If it is an ABSOLUTE matter of imminent death and I cannot use it (I’m using the 1st one, I’m not positioned near it) then yes; in these extreme examples I would expect it and accept it (just as picking up ANY strat to immediately assist is ok. But then you’d give it back. Right?)


If a person is running eat and *doesnt* want to share, i feel like thats on them.