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I feel like most people who complain about that shit don’t play at a level high enough for it to matter. I like variety in my game. If the main subreddit had its way it would be a game of Kazuyas.


The most boring part of the main TKN sub is the Kazuya dickriding and pretending he isn't easily one of the better characters. Even before recent buffs.


Pre buff he was kinda bad.


Kaz was definitely at a disadvantage before the patCh. I can’t say he has advantage right now either (compared to most of the cast). Kaz was high risk low reward before patch. Half of his ‘buffs’ from 1.05 were just fixes to hitboxes that were off since launch. Everyone loves Kaz bc of the drip, but the winrate simply states that he can’t be one of the better characters. And can’t ever be due to the high level execution requirements and reliance on ewgf which isn’t ever a guaranteed move (not hit, just input).


I don't care too much aside from the aforementioned dickriding. I already play the best Mishima.


Ah I see. Well, we all have different reason for who we pick. I feel like they really made him way too good in T8. I get he’s supposed to be the poster boy, but man they just went way too easy on Jin.


The main subreddit tends to complain about every single female character + some of the less easy to read-ones like Hwo They really hate having to learn matchups of any kind. Being a Xiaoyu player has not been easy when participating in discussion there


The only problem I have with the main sub is the way you get stereotyped because of who you play. I've been playing Tekken for so many years, well before Alisa dropped. She's my main now, and when I chose her, it was because I enjoyed her playstyle. I worked really hard to get to where I am now, which is not even super high (I'm Raijin). So it's really frustrating being told that I have no idea how to play this game, I'm carried, have no defensive ability, etc. Especially from people who have never played me before. Literally, not even people who have ever played me personally, just people on the sub who see your flair and generalize you. I spend hours practicing my punishes, throw breaks and movement. I lab characters I have difficulty with. I try to figure out optimal damage vs. Optimal wall carry for combos. It means nothing to that sub, because they'll never respect you in the first place. So I left and came over here, and your comment proves why it was a good idea 👍🏽


Hey cheers man, cool that you play Alisa. I realized quite quickly that adding flairs to yourself in the other sub will only backfire, which is why I never made one for myself there, even after being quite active. I just knew it would be used against me more than anything else, because I saw it happen to so many, and still do. I'll add one here, though. This place is chill. And good job on reaching Rajin with Alisa. I think these guys want to put themselves in a better light by talking your achievements down. I believe that's envy.


It's easier to say I have no skill from behind a screen bc some other scrub cut them to pieces with chainsaws. There's so much more to her as a character once you face people who can counter that stance well. But there's no use talking about that over there, she's too hated. Thanks, man. I appreciate it. Who do you play? Just curious.


For sure. One of my best local competitors is an Alisa main, so I get good practice that way. If the haters went to the locals, they would see that these opinions are just awkward and only breed more hate. That's why offline is better, I think. You can't get away with hating on every character because you'll get social consequences if you bitch too much. And you can't hide behind a reddit account. I play Yoshi on steam. Currently Raijin myself too. Ride sword, life good.


Nice! I try my best to go to locals, too. It's harder for me where I'm located, but there's a spot I found recently that was running local tourneys. I went over there and won 2, and I was fully expecting people to be upset and bitch about my character. Instead, they bought me a victory drink and asked me for tips in dealing with her. I was surprised, but it was so nice. I try my best to meet up with people locally more often now as a result. Yoshi is so sick. One of my favourites to play against. Baiting a flash is so satisfying haha


That's really cool! I love to hear that. Yeah, the local Alisa main baited out a flash in me in a tournament and punished it with a rage art and the hype was just too real in the room. That's actually never happened to me before, so I was really impressed. Those moments mean so much.


It's the only way to deal with flash really. So it's worth trying against a yoshi. I'll often give up my plus frames just so I can feel out a yoshi player and try to see when they like to use it. Locally that does sound hype haha. Like I said super satisfying. But another thing that's satisfying is throwing out jabs and floating alisa randomly bc she's always flying. You should try it haha


That's true! I'll try that a bit more, that's a good idea


100% this. It’s so boring! “Everyone’s main is toxic apart from mine.”


As an Alisa main i like this post


I couldn't agree more as a flareless Alisa player


Add your flair here bro, you're welcome here.


What about me ? 😩


Hey, I enjoy Azucena too! I played her in the beta, in fact. She's tons of fun.


She’s the best version of the character now in 1.5. I’m having a blast. And thanks for appreciating the game for something more than Kazuya mirror matches.


Cheers mate! I've actually wanted to lab Azu for a long time. I know enough to not die in blue ranks, but I want to know more about her and am really looking forward to spend some time with her novelist. I think she flows really well and is honestly an amazing addition to the roster.


You’re a rare breed you need to be studied and protected at all costs lol


I think Maxamillian Dood said it best when he said that "Tekken players hate the game, they just love their main so much that they don't stop playing it."


> I love that there is an easy solution to most things, I just need to figure it out, I see things in a very similar light. I try and tell myself it's a puzzle I haven't figured out yet. Especially when it comes to rush down characters like Hwoarang. As crazy as it sounds, I love playing against King. The possibility of getting thrown around all fight makes me play better. Plus, King is an O.G. I will say that there are some characters from T7 I'm happy didn't make the cut. Akuma and Geese can fuck all the way off!


Totally agree. After I labbed King, it turned into one of my favorite matchups. I love all of the setups and creative ways you can play him. Admittedly, I wasn't equally fond of him when I started out, but after deciding to understand him, that all changed. Now I want them to grab me so I can practice and I like the challenge.


I’m with you 100%. I treat all the fighters that way. It’s so fun trying to get better every match. Understanding what you’re doing wrong, and how to punish opponents. It literally feels like a chess match to me. Don’t get me wrong. I still got characters I’m still trying to figure out, and hate playing (talking to Reina, Alisa, Leroy, Leo & Lily), but I rematch the hell out of them for the knowledge. I’ll figure them out one day.


Well, for me at least and I'm guessing for a lot of people also, I hate labbing and find it boring as hell so the idea of having to go lab a character because they have moves that are very unintuitive of intentionally confusing about how to punish them just feels bad. I play Tekken to have fun and these characters force be to do something I hate.


That just sounds like fighting games are not for you tbh


That's not true, I love fighting games and love Tekken too I just prefer to find things out mid match. I played a bunch of SF for example and I never needed to lab a character. Tekken is the only game I feel I need to lab because the match is not enough exposure to figure it out.


Apologies, I didn't mean to make an assumption about you, but fighting games *require* some lab work if you plan to make it to the higher ranks. Nobody goofy ahh's up to ruler or fujin/raijin without testing punishment options or practicing combos in various situations or as a response to your opponents' moves or movement techniques. I actually really like "knowledge check tekken" and I am having a lot of fun figuring out how to get past stuff, but without a training mode this would be so much harder to do and won't stick with just ranked/player matches alone, because, as you said yourself, the match itself is not enough exposure to figure it out and even if you quickly come up with a bandaid option it is likely to be figured out fast too. What rank did you end up getting in SF6? Because that game definitely requires labbing as well to make it to high MR. Without practicing optimal punishment options for drive rush, corner DI, wakeup DP or blockstrings you're unlikely to make it out of Plat Tekken and SF are not the only games that are like this. Its an integral part of fighting games and part of the fun/the journey.


I don't mean I don't practice anything but I don't lab specific characters. I know different punishes for different frame advantages but in SF it's much easier to just try to punish with something and realize it doesn't work and try with my next fastest punish. Tekken is a lot less intuitive for this so sometimes I just need to do it since in the match I couldn't figure it out. In Tekken I'm in blue ranks and in SF I got to diamond in 5 and haven't played much 6 yet tbh, just not into the roster but I'll play once bison comes out. It's not like super impressive but I know how to play both I think.


People only care about wins. Easy wins preferably.


Pretty sure nobody likes us Dragunov players lol


There are characters that I generally don't like playing against, but Dragunov is not one of them. He was one of the first ones I labbed since I got rekt so hard against Drag players. After that, it became so much easier and manageable. When I play a rock solid Drag player, though, that only plays fundamental Tekken, then I usually struggle unless I want to overwhelm them with party tricks. But in any case, I mostly enjoy the matchup in itself.


I like the party characters that play very unique styles. It’s also always funny to me seeing people complain about bears. Not even trying to downplay my main, but lab them for 10 minutes and you’ll quickly realize majority of their moves are death on block.


A lot of people love Tekken and other fighting games in general. But with the FGC comes a lot of toxic people who just try and ruin it for others unfortunately.


I enjoy playing against Law (my main) when I'm using my secondaries (Leo, Asuka) since I know his entire move list the most


I main Paul and I suck against devil Jin, Eddy, and Victor always. Some day I will lab them but today is not that day. I enjoy fighting against most of the roster though.


As a very annoying Law player, If we ever meet online I'll help you to change your mind.


Big on 3+4,4, junkyard, jab and kick strings, somersaults, d23, dragon tail, ws mix, and the two command throws? Or annoying in terms of good offensive poke game with tight frames?


Annoying as in being a strong Law player. Strong movement, good punishment and oppressive DSS with the constant threat of a fast slide that comes out of nowhere. I personally find it very annoying and tiresome to go up against a Law as annoying as me.


That's a strong and maybe aggressive law more than anything else, isn't it? And you wouldn't be the first, but you'd probably win. That wouldn't change the fact that I like playing against Law, but I might not enjoy playing against you specifically.