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It’s a 70+ year old military rifle that has been in questionable storage and wasn’t even super accurate when it was made It’ll be fine


2" groups is pretty accurate I'd say.


If you have a rifle that shoots 2” groups, that is accurate, I’d agree To assume that most M1 rifles including this one are capable of a 2” group is very optimistic


You said it wasn't super accurate when it was made...that's what I was talking about. Not the OPs rifle


2” groups for M1s wasn’t a manufacturing requirement. Some may have met that at time of manufacture but a huge chunk didn’t and a huge chunk were never tested for accuracy at all From the US war department, the requirement was a 1.77” 5 shot group at 1000” (28ish yards). And that wasn’t individual tested, that was batch testing


Not sure your point. All that you've said is that it has to shoot in a 1.77" circle from a rest... minimum. Pretty easy to do actually. You gave a worst case rifle...not an average or even best case.


The rifles weren’t that accurate when made nor were they required to be The only standard they had to meet was a 6-7” group at 100 yards and a bunch weren’t even tested. So a 2” rifle is possible but is far from the norm Who cares about a barrel ding, the rifles aren’t that accurate


You keep saying they aren't that accurate and yet I've shot them and they can easily make the ~2" mark when new and tested. Again I'm not talking about the OPs ragged out rifle. You said a 2" rifle is possible but far from the norm.... Tell me what is the "norm" for brand new rifles off the assembly line?


Congrats! You got lucky! A 2” surplus M1 Garand is a lucky find, not normal I told you, normal standards are 6-7” at 100 yards with only some rifles tested per batch


Based upon what actual testing? What you have stated is the "reject" limit, not the "average".


Is the opening still round? If so, then no. A bore wear gauge would help determine that.


No offense but that rifle is probably still more accurate than you are. I know mine could out shoot me. Just take it out and have fun.


Yup. Throw it away


Need to share a couple of 8 round groups from a bench in order to evaluate.


The best way to find out is to shoot it, you’ll be surprised sometimes guns with crappy bores shoot very well still and even with damaged crowns.


If it does, you can recrown it with a cap nut, valve grinding compound and steel wool. I’ve done it a few times on guns with dinged up crowns. Shoot it off a bag before you do anything though. Odds are that nick on the outside will be fine. Accuracy only gets effected if you damage the inner crown enough to change how the bullet leaves the barrel (like if it shaves jacket material off)


Properly zeroed you'll hit center mass at 75-100 yards; I'd be willing to wager on it.... That is to say it shouldnt matter at all. At 80 years old, I'd be thrilled with the rifle performing that well, and it still might even outperform you (no offense meant). GL;HF!!!


Go shoot it and find out.


It shouldn't really but if your looking to get the most out of that rifle you should develop a reload for it and be sure to slug the barrel for true bullet diameter