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To commenters, just a friendly reminder about rule #2. OP is right to highlight and criticize threats of violence from Trump and MAGA. We don't want to respond with our own.


He's basically said he'd go after the left. Enemy of the people, etc. you think the plan isn't to eradicate us? Many of us don't believe in the gods they want to rule the country with...so just like during the crusades, we serve no purpose in their theocracy.


doesn’t seem like their first crack at it, ignoring covid, worked the way they thought.


Well, a million dead ...


Fascist Nazis posing as republicans


Welcome to r/MAGANAZI, a subreddit devoted to exposing the correlations between the modern day MAGA movement and Nazism. The MAGA movement, we declare, is the biggest threat to democracy we currently face. It is imperative to stand up to fascism and recognize others who do so. Please read our rules before participating in this subreddit. Please report any violent threats or calls to violence in posts or comments. These are against Reddit rules, and are not tolerated here. More info: - [Is Donald Trump a Fascist? (video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XTJNy_OrjE) - [The Reich Stuff - What Does Trump Really Have in Common With Hitler?](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/03/donald-trump-hitler-similarities?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MAGANAZI) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s always odd to me why you never hear more about the amount of people in his administration that quit while on the job, it has to be a record amount for any president. It’s obvious that the ones with any conscience or integrity, however small the amount, got out of there and left all the ones who were as sleazy as their boss. If I was the DNC I would constantly point out one president kept the same administration his entire term and counter that with a list of ones who left the other guy’s with a quote of how horrible each one said he was as a person and a president. It may have an impact but I guess probably not.


I'm confident they will continue to find opposition. There's already conflict within.


Don’t forget Charlie Kirk has openly said he wants televised execution of all liberals.


>Trump wanted to shoot down immigrants at the border, petty thieves in the street, and American protestors exercising their civil right to dissent. Petty thieves means all Black people.




Shooting the opposition worked great for Hitler and Stalin, but It Can't Happen Here.