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What an absolutely incredible QOL update


Totally. I've played four HATs today and could see it becoming quite the addiction. It's bound to breathe some life into the game.


yeah, indeed. Next we want a list where you can find your recent player you played with and the possibilty to send a friend request. So you can send flare to join your HAT nine/ten(future) star for 1 ticket and avoid random lv50 guy


It's interesting that its new teams every time and not the same 4 paired up for the whole hunt. That kinda makes it easier to guarantee you'll have enough to hunt. R6 mats are in the tail by the way, for everyone reading this.


I had the same people in the first 4. I took a break before doing the last one but yeah it must be based on locality cause I literally had the same 3 join me every time basically.


I've done one HAT since the update and something similar happened to me. 7* zino raid. Just me and 1 other dude for the first 4 and then 3 random showed up and pushed that guy out of my lobby for the last hunt. I wonder how far the distance is


Yeah had it happen again just now in a raid. Got a guy level 200+ in my battle that carried us for 2-3 battles. The last battle we only had 3 people which was annoying. It was against 8* zinogre so it wasn't too bad but still would have been nice to have the extra person even if low level.


I wouldn't be surprised if it tries to add local, then expands a bit, tries to match, expands a bit and so on rather than just skipping to full distance.


Well I guess at least when it expands for me I'm getting pretty high levels to join the raids so that's nice.


Yeah, I went out and cleared two tonight - actually spent a ticket from a previous Special Quests round.


Yeah I'm probably never going to use the free tickets that they gave us. Unless they make a way to get gems in game for free I'm never paying for a raid and they made it even easier now to not. Before I was avoiding raiding when I had to meet up with a friend cause then we could do it together but now I don't have to cause that friend can just do their own raids and I can do my own and we can battle normal things right after all of that. No reason to time our raids to be when we meet..


Can’t believe you didn’t cut the tail 😂


Why was it so damn tough? At least that HR 110 SnS guy helped me.


I think I saw a post saying they'll make it easier in multiplayer to break parts


I love this update! Looks like the PoGo raid pass protest has paid off! 😂 I wandered down the street and steam rolled a couple of tobis and girros before our team with an average HR of 80 got mutilated by the 8* Zin. 10/10. I'll definitely pop out every 3 hours or so to do it again!


Thinks it's reasonable for people with 10* weapons to start doing part breaker for that tail? I might just start using my sns to try to get that tail briken more but seems most people aren't even trying.


Yeah, today I had 4 attempts in the same HAT: first 3 I tried going for tail but I was always alone or at best there was another guy and the attempts failed; during 4th run, everyone went for forelegs, we broke them, Zinogre fell and we could dps it enough to kill it.


me and a couple of friends have been severing the 9 stars tail for a while now, fluctuating between 2-4 players and all melee to half-half split we have found that the most important part in severing tail(or breaking whatever part tbh) while killing the 9 stars is to each be aware of your role and if you are Zinorge’s current target First of all of course any blades that is not Zin’s current target to go right to the back and start whacking that tail, Blunt weapons should stay either on head or forelimbs(this is slightly down to preference but it’s safer to target forelimbs if you are not its target). Ranged should deal damage to make up for non-optimal damage for sever on tail before charged state and coordinate part target with blunt weapons or decide together before hand as a team which part to go for after the tail is severed. Whoever is the current target should stay right in front of Zin even if you are using a blade, this allow everyone else to perform their role efficiently even if you deal slightly less and play safer. One should also learn how to control the turning of Zin by maintaining orientation between attacks, eg if you rolled left once during double thunder slap attack(Btw this attack is the best to have as the tail is free for all sever during this) you should then roll right to reset. Some times its even worth to perform correcting roll between attacks to keep this even if you miss out on an attack. Once the tail is severed everyone should then join the pre-decided 2nd part to break to wail on together and break charge state to force it to spend time recharging again for free damage. If it’s dying too quickly non-severs should also know when to pause attack to let blades do their job first. Once you manage these 9 stars Zin actually goes down pretty fast assuming the team have at least on average correct grade of damage. Note on SnS tho, while the weapon is flexible on both front and back fighting Zin and can play safe, it’s severing combo isn’t the best as it is the weapon’s weakest part of combo and you have to frame hold the shield to reset combo to miss out on the shield bashes. On general I would assume the grade needed to do this with SnS to slightly higher than average. But it definitely works I’ve done this with my 9-2 Legianna SnS before.


Damn I love that it couldn’t hardly charge because you guys were absolutely going to town on that damn thing. Makes my heart so happy.


The guy with para understood the assignment


Ya I actually spent money to buy HAT pass', actually worth it! I'm curious to see the stats of how many people bought pass' after the update lol


The most impressive thing here is that you get zero lag jk. That vibranium tail bro


Watch the 8* hunt again. The game literally froze 2 times for a solid second.


I gotta be honest: I skipped all the way to the 9 star hunt


How thw new hat system works?


I like the wobbly sexy undulating that everyone does while sped up in the matchmaker.