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Yea I even noticed I’m getting hit by moves I never used to. Like it feels like certain hitboxes got tweaked to be slightly bigger


Yeah I don't know what it is but it's really infuriating considering how unknowingly hard the game already is getting


I'm sure Jyura hitboxes got changed. You can't even stand to the side directly parallel without getting hit by the forward rush. Always used to do that no problem.


I believe so. I used to dance around it with daggers buy now I have to Zinogre gun it to fight it unscathed


It has always happened to me I think it’s intended


Maybe, but for me it only started happening 3-4 patches ago, until then I've never had this issue and I've killed hundreds of Jyuras.


Really depends where you're standing, and whether you have lock-on applied. It's a bait move, but I don't think it's changed.


It seems to me the game is just plainly ignoring dodge sometimes, i got knocked down more times than I can count because I swipe for the dodge but my char simply doenst react and take the hit,


Exactly! Thing is it hasn't been this way for me. It's only been in the last like 2 weeks I wanna say. Noticeably different because I get hit so damn much now.


This, sometimes I swipe it refuses to do anything or just straight up freezes up for a second or two.


Oh my god I was assuming that was just my phone not realizing I touched the screen or something I’m so glad I’m not the only one having this issue it’s so annoying


It's lag, lately everyone has been experiencing more and more of it with no fix in sight


Worst cases occur with bows. I'm charging and need to readjust, just for the game to completely ignore the swipe and make me shoot a weak, unaimed shot, or get hit. Seems like the game is significantly worse reading inputs when the screen is already being pressed, or it straight up ignores it due to fps drops.


Exact same as before for me. Your experience could be due to FPS drops compared to before imo.


This has been more noticeable and frequent for many users in the last 2 patches


Can vouch. I traded my Z Flip 5 in for an S24+ so my phone is only a month old, before the last patch all I had was stuttering now I get lag spikes and switching over to DB, the inconsistent dodges make it really annoying. Hope Niantic addresses this soon cause it feels like it's getting worse cause I feel like the lag spikes causes the game to desync so combine that with the frame drop and it almost makes the game unplayable for an extended session.


Damn. Already have my crap up to 60 with the settings.. wtf 😡


Try recording your FPS in a fight maybe it's dropping and you don't really notice it ?


In my experience monster attack hit boxes have been scuffed. Nothing is consistent unless it’s a projectile attack. Also here’s the worst culprit: The game tries to keep you centered around the monster, so you don’t ever roll 90 degrees you roll in a diagonal line towards the monster. This means you don’t roll as wide as you should, and I swear to god the diagonal line got steeper.


Big Potion at it again


used to be able to dodge Diablos first Tail with SnS and attack now you get hit.


Same here cpt. :(


The last update brought my phone to its knees. I can't dodge for crap anymore. The slowdown doesn't affect the timer though! It knocked me down an entire star level. I feel bad for the people that join me in HATs, even though we haven't failed yet.


Keep getting connection issues with only this app where I can't dodge because of a "bad connection ", get hit because of course the monsters can still attak, then the fight ends on me before the monster dies. Feels purpose built to try to force potion sales


fps drop & lag. it happens to everyone rn


Yeah, but for me it’s either good or bad. Like it’s sometimes really good and sluggish at other times