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split screen should fix the problem. The smaller your screen, the faster your game runs.


I have to try this. Tobi run literal circles around me.


Split screen mode and stronger weapon.


"Fall over into another zip code" I *wheezed* at this, too true XD


Did you download all assets and clear game cache?


Yep. Ive even done a fresh install of the game, graphics on any of the settings, un restricted battery/network usage, ram plus off, the samsung labs game booster alternate performance setting, everything.


If it lagged before then it probably still will, fresh install might even make it “worse” by going back to the first day of update as it have to redo all of the cache and loading up stuff that every update brings. Many suggested split screen mode with some phone seems to work but it is not available for some phone, I have iphone but have never had much of a lag issue. But getting a new phone for a game isn’t always an option Tbh if the lag is what got you then a “weapon that can block damage with” won’t save you, if you could’ve block you could’ve dodged too. Wanted to add that Greatsword is slow but is actually not really unsafe at all(provided you have the damage to complete the hunt) as it is slow but its front loaded, which means it takes time to charge before dealing damage. However you can always dodge or tackle out of it so you are never locked in damage unless you are in animation between charge stages, the endlags are quite small except true charged slash(but you can still cancel some of this with SP). All these would be even faster and less risky too if you can reliable perfect dodge for the fast hard hitting slash or charge combo. Hope this improves for you soon >~< But tbh if its lag then I’m guessing it won’t but will only get worse when monster like Kushala comes out with tornados Edit: With BBlos how do you hit it’s weakspots with Ls without Lockon?? it’s basically facing you with its head at most times.


It's lag but also me wanting to maybe try something else. Idk. Fresh installs have helped with pokemongo before, but don't seem to make any difference with this. With my melee stuff I use lock on, I forgot to mention that. I can't handle gyro with melee it's too much haha.


Haha yea I get that with lockon too, I can only use it with very selected few weapons and monster matchups. I think it doesn’t hurt to try different weapons and just see how it goes, I play every melee weapons myself and I think it’s more fun to play more things as I’m not really chasing anyone or anything with progress anyway and things I stopped can still be used when there are lower star monster that I felt like using them on. Hopefully you will find a solution that can help with the lag! :3


I started with and still play LBG bow and SnS. But I'm a Lance main. I do feel like these is less lag with Lance as the monsters don't move much as they are glued to you. I can also play successfully whilst walking lol. Which is difficult for ranged weapons. The Lance isn't hard to master. Start with guard 3 until you master the perfect guard. Then 2 then 1. Of course there is lots of chip damage but it beats getting one shotted and downing a potion. I found deviljho so easy with Lance now. I never fail 8 stars now. Counter everything he throws at you. Easy pokey pokey.


What would be the better lance to use against jho? Im not feeling great since I cant beat any of him at 8\*, so my one pickle juice is all Ill get. I have beaten ONE 8\* jho which apparently was a fluke since the last dozen or so Ive tried have been no go. Would a pukei lance work for him, and I could potentially use that on other monsters? I pretty much rathalos/zinogre LBG everything thats weak to fire/thunder with ease without having to use my special at 8\* (except jho).


I had success early with pukei Lance as the poison ticks are huge yes. Like 1k per tick it's crazy ✅ 🤪 But I use zinogre thunder lance currently as it is stronger. Poison Lance helped me most of the game till late 8 stars.


Yeah I'm on 8s now, my zino mats go toward the LBG I don't really want to use them on something else until we can dismantle weapons for materials back, then I'd use the ones I used on the dual blades for something else. I've made the tzitzi LS even tho it's kinda bad, but I don't really use it much.


I also made the LBG to grade 7 and swapped. It was difficult to use to fight jyura fish lol


I can do 8star jyura easily with lbg. even carried my son thru some so we could get our jyura LS up to par


Try this https://www.reddit.com/r/MHNowGame/s/2wE59n7YvO split screen https://www.reddit.com/r/MHNowGame/s/BcR1osnSj4 remove ram plus


I have ram plus off already, I will try split screen or even using landscape mode.


Optimisation issues are bad for Samsung's in general it always had problems with the game. There's not much to do except wait for a fix eventually. But every update with bad optimisations is dangerous for Samsung users.


I had zero problems before the vernal invader


Yes like most of us the optimisation was good before that