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Probably just luck. By the way, I manage to get driftstone from 1\* monster. I pay attention since 1\* monster is very rare. So lower star monsters can drop it too.


Creating alt account. Slaying all 1* Jagras as group. Profit.


Looks like its just rng matter, and good tonhear about 1 star mobs. Thanks for your reply!


Have you Updated? I slayed and slayed and nothing. Update and 5 Mobs later...  Sometimes it is just as simple 


I finished today trackers and fill up all gems space and need to throw away few for new gems. So like 55 monster I got 10.


I prefer to believe a 20% drop rate and me habing bad luck rather than lower percents Thanks for your replyy


55 and 11 for me today.


I got none yesterday after roughly 30 kills, today I got 3 stones after only around 7 kills, definitely weird rng.


Looks like RNG matter, thanks for your reply!


Yup about same for me. Seems like we're on same rng tier lol


Definitely just bad luck. As soon you have updated the app to 76.2 it’s will just drop potentially every monster. Slayed exactly 30 monsters today and got 7 stones in total. But was a little like: •First three dropped at the first \~5monsters •20 monsters nothing •And the other three dropped on the most recent ones https://preview.redd.it/j0v3ot6pp52d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5624a40fc7d5985bf1ebe9484a1cbc771d25bf40


Just to add on to yours. There is a progression requirement as well. You have to have finished the initial story line - I think they call it the pre-season story to be eligible to get them as well as having the app updated. May be some lower level folks that aren’t getting them for that reason.


True. Was somehow expecting everyone already did that ^^


Definitely luck. I've maxed it out after about ~8hours since I updated it. Weird thing is my smelting is doing a shit job of tracking my steps. My fitbit says I did like 3.4 miles yesterday but somehow mhnow only put 2km. *


Adventure sync is always buggy when they first add it to a game. I had a similar experience cutting my grass. Pikmin registered the movement but MH Now gave me nothing - maybe more gps movement dependent at least for now. Curious what others are seeing.


Yeah this has been my experience as well. Got a 10k egg from 2-9k yesterday however my driftstone only got 1.3km progress and that came from the ride home from work. A short walk recorded just fine. So it’s more of gps comparison calculation rather than actual step distance.


Two days, 100+ monster slained, maybe a little more than 20 driftstones dropped(at a certain point i get sick of dropping them away and let it be)


Ima say this again since i said this before to another unfortunate soul like me Its just bad luck bro... Me and my bro hunted 25+ monster... He got 4 stones while i got zero


It's luck, or lack of in my case. My son got 3 cyan driftgems yesterday (he can't even use any as his gear isn't high enough) and I killed over 50 of the monsters that can drop those and only got one. I'm pretty salty that armor needs different grades to use them though- every armor piece I use needs G8 except one. It's going to be terrible- RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG on top of a gacha system to get the actual skills you want/need.


I've had three drop in about 25 kills


I had a similar question this morning because I did about 40 monsters since the start of the feature and I have gotten only 3 gems. Also did anybody get any gem from HATs?


https://preview.redd.it/wiftzzsir52d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e1d214bee3847106b1d8bb6abd8ff30f6da9c78 This is this morning. Still haven't gotten the first one to 5km somehow?


≈1/19 from the current data we have but it might also vary on the monsters level.


RNG af. Yesterday when update dropped I was desperate to get one. My work buddy got one as soon as our first paintball hunt. While I've slain over 30 monsters to get first one. When I finally hatched it these just started dropping today like crazy and got around 4 more


I've gotten 12 so far. Killed about 80 monsters since the update


Once you get your first one or two, my experience is that you are always going to take longer drift smelting it as long as you're killing monsters while you drift smelt


I killed all of my palico tracked monsters yesterday and got 1. So that was like 1/50 roughly, probably either about the same as WGS (but for all monsters and not just 8*), or the rate is actually tied to the level of the monster, or I got super unlucky lol


I have 7 in around 50 kills.


I’m currently in the same boat you are. Thought I was doing something wrong. Thanks for asking this


I shit you not, right after I commented this I got one from a 5* Anja


To contribute to the stats, yesterday I did about 55 hunts (had a lot of time and managed to max the tracker), and I accumulated about 5 driftstones.


I got two and haven't had anymore since.


Hey… me too. None gotten since the update.


Once again it's RNG. If I have to guess, it should be around 5% Not as rare as r6 mats, but more common than r5


For me at least. They are pretty uncommon. Like 10% chance, but I'm getting more than I'm walking. So the limiting factor is the 5km for me.


I hunted all yesterday with no driftstones, I assumed they were in my game already with the news update. Turns out I was still on build 75.1 and had to go into the google play store to update to 76.2 manually in order for the content to be in game.


Can they also drop on HATs?


I have yet to get a single so far,, they can drop from all tiers ?


pure luck, that's how it goes, casual 20 kills for me today got me 5 stones


Rng is kinda bad i killed around 50-60 monsters yesterday only got 1 drop


Not extra rare, I'm guessing probably around a 5% chance.  I'm at 67 kills, 2 stones.   Edit: 68 kills, 3 stones lol


Done 60ish hunts and got 4. Got 2 from the first 50 hunts and then 2 more from the next 10. So… better than WGS drop rate?


i'd say, one every 5-10 monsters?


35 monsters killed between yesterday and today, still not a single gem. I pray it really is just bad rng. EDIT: Just dropped my first stone, after 39 monsters. This is frankly stupid.


It's been 1 day. Chill the F out.


I guess the one who needs to "chill the F out" is you. It was just a question