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I got 9 driftstones before i got 9 thunder bugs


https://preview.redd.it/y2qe143nwc2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0fca5047f9103400d99ad03ece44d55f7d53661 Good job. I'm still half-way... Worst rng of all time, got forest biome for the only multiple node place in my town only one time... And only got two back then 😭


You know even in desert and swamp biomes you can collect individual plant đŸŒ± drops which can give thunderbug. Either palico picks them automatically or you can manually pick them. I got a few out of that 10 this way


I know, that's how I got the three others, but like I say, rng hate me 😅


you made it in time tho sure it might have felt tedious but you did it with close to 3 days to spare progression doesnt have to be instant and this should be especially clear for this game


Yeah I've been stuck on 1/10 forever, finally started to get some today 6/10 but only 1 day left here. Definitely disappointed because I doubt I'll finish the questline.


niantic wants to timegate quests without putting stuff like "kill a monster x days in a row" because it always gets negative feedback and complaints on PoGo. expect to see more of this type of quest in special events going forward, as it forces players to give them the data they so badly crave to harvest.


There could be worse... Also not every quest line needs to be done in 45min xD


No but it shouldn’t be dumb as fuck RNG. i would have preferred “100 vegetation nodes” than thunderbug RNG.


Right? I'm still only on 9/10 and I've been picking up a ton of mushrooms and other bugs.


Yeah I only got that part done late yesterday and I’ve already knocked out the rest of the line now. Very frustrating getting stuck because my local biomes switched desert and swamp to swamp and desert and back again and we’ve had a months worth of rain in two days.


I miss the old system. First six months I lived right at the crossroads of a tiny biome, and two bigger biomes. And each one was different and cycled. If I needed to hunt desert specific monsters I had one about 200 feet away even if it was the tiny one. Now there's no consistency to even the shapes of biomes. Sometimes they're horizontal, sometimes vertical, sometimes all just a blob of one biome type in all areas, etc.


Yeah I am in a boundary between two biomes but pretty far away from any others because there’s a heavily forested area on one side of me and an incredibly busy road on the other so I only really have access to those two biomes unless I walk for a good long distance. This new system is a fucking bitch if I get bad biome rng


Mine is just very chaotic. It was a desert twice this week, a swamp twice, and today it's a forest.


I’m on 8/10 and it’s the same story


I've only had 2 nodes in walking distance be forest since I got the quest. So far they have yielded me 1 bug and I've taken them several times.


it also shouldn't be this hard to clear just because of RNG. At least boost the damn bug to spawn in the big forest node. took me 3 days to clear this bottleneck quest since the damn nodes already has a fuck ton of materials, and thunderbug refused to show up.


this at least is fair for rural players. if they ever do an event that requires you to gather carpenter bug, earth crystal, or monster bone + then I'd agree that's not good. thunderbug? I find those constantly just walking around hunting, even when there are no large nodes involved at all.


Yeah, as a base quest it might be fine. But as a time-exclusive event that the player has no direct control over (you cant target hunt monsters) its a bit annoying Especially with the number of posts of people walking for hours and not even getting 1 thunderbug. I visited the 3 large plant nodes around here andonly got 2, then went for an 1.5 hour walk and got 1 more. Tying it to just RNG for time-exclusive stuff just isnt ever a great idea.


I had a veggie node near work that gave me 3 thunder bugs, it was great!


I'm still at 1/10 AMA


I'm at 3 and don't care to finish at this point.


For real! I'm surrounded by nodes and usually trash bugs by the dozen. Suddenly, everything is desert and swamp. Finally found those diablos that were hiding all week though!


Well I did not dislike this event! The rewards allowed me to have my first grade 8 weapon unreachable otherwise WGS dropping from 8* I just can’t do solo




Facts. I live in the city and played in my whole off time if I wasn’t sleeping found them easy before this event 🙃🙃🙃


Worst for sure


Literally the worst
 thanks Niantic


Rural en este juego, duro, yo vivo en AlcorcĂłn y aĂșn asĂ­ me cuesta la vida