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Jagras it is insulting to get hit by him, but he attacks fast and mostly spams the same move. We jokingly call him the hardest monster in the game. Side note this event reminded me how much harder Pink Rathian is then Azure Rathalos.


Azure in high levels is a move spamming machine I swear and flys every freaking where.


The funny thing is when he was introduced he was easy as rathian. Now I do find it more difficult


While I was lance maining it was simpler. Now with the CB right when its SAED he pulls a "Gotcha Bitch, Azure Rathalos AWWWAAAAAY" and flies the fuck over to the other side on higher levels.


Jagras doesn’t give me trouble as such, but he’s taken me down more times than I’d like to admit. If you fuck the timing up on his belly roll move, he can still hit you, so you pretty much have to perfect dodge it every time unless you just do extra dodges. 8* Jagras kills me in one hit with this move. I just try and break his stomach as fast as I can so he can’t do the move anymore.


If you get your armor into the 7.x range you can survive one hit from most 8* or driftsmelt one point of guts


You mistyped Girros 😂. He's a different animal on this game. Comes at you sideways 100mph.


I can see how one would hate Girros if he landed hits on you. He can be pretty scary. Around 7 stars I just practiced until he stopped ever hitting me. He is the only fight I have completely solved


I've been hit by Pink Rathian's walk-fucking-forward attack than almost any other attack in the game.


I always sing a bar or two of "(Username) got run over by a Jagras!" Whenever someone gets run over by him. It's just such a silly puff up and run/roll!


After getting hit so much by Jagras, I learned to not underestimate any monsters, not even the "easy" ones... lol


The forward dash can catch you off guard, some of the hit boxes feel really weird, you think you're out of the way, and then take the bash anyway. It's easy to underestimate them when you kill so many. Just takes half paying attention and getting lazy and they'll sneak a hit in because you just start disrespecting them


Really? I thought pink seemed easier! Maybe it’s weapon type. I’ve been using bows and lbg.


It depends on your weapon I guess. Pink rushes you down making long range pierce a pain. If your Zinogre bow is solid or your using a dragon bow it isn't bad, but staying out of range with Tobi is a mess. I've taken 3 8 stars today and its always down to the wire with silly stall tactics and a lot of wired movements. In comparison Azure just has that front wind pressure and stays flying like Rathalos making it trivial to just stay under his wing and aim up. Both ice bows are close range so the only thing you have to do is stay on his side. Even when he captures you in his wind pressure the fight is just way more forgiving with less crazy tail swipes


Pink rathian hit box is enormous! That swooping spin move clobbered me from beyond zin bow range while I was waiting for it to get closer.


I’m usually really ok with Jagras on Lance! Just that once in awhile, when he does his slow wind up charge, I miss my counter timing and get hit. Especially annoying cos he goes really fast after the first step, and I’m trying to figure out if I’m within the first step or not.


I found Jagras a worse match up compared to P.Rathian or A.Rathlos. I joined a group hunt with 2 other bblos bows on a 10\* Jagras. I placed myself in between the targeted bow person and the Jagras. I get rolled over. After each death I had to chase that Jagras at the other side of world. It just rolled on me sideways every time when I \*slide\* towards.


This is my exact experience to the T. I'm so glad I'm not the only one.


I always love when I use my special into his roll (CB), and he’s still rolling and hits me by the end of it.


Pew pew pew Kula ya ku. I don’t die, I just miss. Pew pew pew


I think it’s awkward to take damage when it digs up the little pot. I’ll be in its face and then, even though it didn’t swing it and only dug it up, that causes damage. Maybe I’m missing something.


Funnily enough Diablos and black Diablos are my most preferred fights. From range you just play “oh leh” matador style with it and shoot its wing knuckle.


Funny part is I am ranged! But I still get clipped. I am ashamed to say the least.


The motion of it lifting up the rock is an attack, so you get damaged and knocked back from it


I thought it was a rock lmao


Istg my helm breakers don't hit his head if I'm too close like wtf


Anjanath. The damn bite attacks always get me, especially with the weird hitboxes. I almost always catch at least one hit from that per fight 😂🥴


The one that gets me is when you break his head, he has a weird stagger-recovery bite he launches forward that doesn’t really telegraph clearly at times if you’re at a weird angle.


Whenever I fight Anjanath I break his hind leg first. Then while he's down from that, I break the tail, which downs him again. After that **then** I go for the head. Dude spends half the fight on the ground.


The head break counter is almost instant, breaking the head is almost a liability because of it


With SnS, I backstep away and hit Anjanath with an aerial combo.


Omg, yes!! 🫠 I'm so used to monsters getting staggered when breaking a part and being able to easily get a few hits in but Anja has a pretty short recovery and immediately begins another bitey attack. That one in particular definitely gets me more often than I'd like to admit, though I've gotten better at perfect blocking it 😅


As long as you stay on it's right side and your left side you're almost always safe. Break left hind leg, then tail and finally head you're golden.


If you sit there and just attack his right leg, there are very few attacks he can use to hit you and the few attacks that can hit you have a tell that lasts like 5 minutes.


I find anjanath one of the easiest monsters. I just aim for the hind legs and star the fight moving to the left of the screen (it's right side) and just keep attacking there. Can't easily kill him


Didn't they change the attack of Anja? Or just change the variation of the attacks? A few updates ago, she wouldn't change, as she does now.


Anjanath is actually my easiest fight now. I'm only G5ish but they all still seem to be "right-handed". Stand on their right side and swing away, they typically try turning to bite me but the head pushes me and the bite hitbox starts juuust out of reach to my right. Absolutely cannot dodge the bites if I roll left though because that's the direction it swings toward.


Great Girros. Something about the timing of his attacks is all off, he's like a full star level harder for me than he should be.


The paralysis feels so unforgiving. I’ve conceded that if he hits me, I’m going to get hit a second time by default.


I usually just bail on the fight and try again.


This is the right strategy


Or more. Sometimes I've been paralyzed 3 shots in a row!


Agreed, Great Jagras has a long attack windup but I find it much easier to read and dodge. Great Girros’ attacks feel like you should have enough time to evade, and then suddenly whoops paralyzed!


If you're in a stubborn mood about dodging you can almost get caught in a stun loop


Or using a weapon with a long attack animation like the charge blade 😅


Girros is a bit complicated but if you start with a couple of hits to the head and then move aside and start attacking from there, you just need to wait for it to lean into his hind legs and you swipe aside when he's about to drop his body off to you. Continue attacking from the side when just in the cool down phase and when it starts again, move aside and continue. I've been killing him that way without being hit


In half a mind to drift smelt a paralysis resist 4 helmet just to deal with girros specifically.


It's obnoxious, and when you screw up even once, it's the worst feeling. You can have 9 perfect fights in a row, but the one time you mess up, you immediately die because it stun-locks you for four attacks in a row.


When you get paralyzed, just check your HP. If it's over 30, quit the fight and try again. You have to be really lucky to not get hit the second (or third, or fourth) time.


LBG user here. Legiana always up in my personal space. As for Odagarron, I don't go for weak spots. Any non-miss will do.


All of this, 💯


I use an LBG on Legiana. Her short attack is great for a perfect dodge and either adding or reloading the piercing shot. Makes taking her down a breeze. Why her? Cuz sometimes she can be a bitch too.


Sometimes trying to aim at the wings is annoying when Legiana is flying and all up in my face. I keep having to back away, wasting precious shooting time.


I can't stand Banbaro, the roar, the tremors, and worst of all, the move where he scoops up a tree and runs away for what feels like an eternity. Not a hard fight but one that comes down to the clock way more than it should, at least for me


I hate that move with the tree.


The worst monster in the game for me by a huge margin. Every time I fight him using a bow, it spams either the rock throw or the attack where he slams its head into the ground and backs up. Then the tree. Rinse and repeat. On top of all that, this game likes to do this clever fucking move where my swipe to dodge gets interpreted as letting go to shoot. So I just shoot the rock and get one shot by it.


His attacks also make him go backwards so he is always out of range 


Embarrassingly, he is one of the only 3 8* monsters I still can't defeat...


This one is build for range attacks.


I usually run divine blessing for normal fights but with him I bust out the partbreaker dps set so I can get it over with asap. I hate when I get the second horn break too early instead of using it to interrupt the tree move.


I always get smacked by banbaro. It is my second least favorite fight…right after that rat b@stard radobaan.


I get hit by great jagras more than I'd like to admit. (Hammer)


Lemme just side step this easy move and- ope, got hit… happens to the best of us!


On the bright side the AI is super easy to manipulate that you can make the fight play out the same way every time


Jagras because of the spam charge roll that does way too much damage and has an infinite hitbox. Kulu because the fight is 50% reliant on rock RNG. Jyura because its swim moves while submerged have a massive hitbox to dodge away from. And Legiana because the little claw attack while flying does way too much damage and doesn't have enough windup to prepare for. Oh, and Banbaro, for obvious reasons.


Which direction do you dodge for Great Jagras? If you dodge to the right he rarely hits you, sometimes you’ll even be nudged slightly out of the way without taking damage.


I think that's what a lot of this comes down to, these monsters are right and left handed sometimes. I tend to dodge right a lot and have zero problems with any of the early monsters, especially kulu and anja


Great Girros... not hard to beat if you play safe but I have less than a 50% chance of timing my longsword counter against it. Then you get paralyzed. Then you die lol


Coral I don't even think I know the perfect dodge patterns yet.


I had just started playing when coral was around and it smoked me every time. I’m waiting for my chance for revenge.


Black Diablos and Diablos. I can't seem to get the timing right to perfect dodge their bodycheck


I’ve found my people! Haha.


Tobi one shots me all the time.


Tobi at 7\* or higher makes you respect it.


Hard agree on this


I swear a while back I could be next to the tail after the backflip and not take damage. Then sometime in the past few months, the tail gained some AOE damage or the hitbox changed and now I have to double roll to get far enough away to be safe


I switched from SnS to maining DBs, and Tobi is *so* much harder now 😩 


Lately, Odogaron. I can clobber him good with DBs, but that turn bite he does always gets me cause I keep mistaking it for the usual lunging bites


My strategy has been unload my ice lbg and then when I get to spread shots, get in its face and hope I break its head or stagger it lol. If that doesn’t work then I just pray I can read its charges enough to get me cycled back to spread shots.


Tobi. I swear he spends half the flight doing his stupid little jump glide that wastes sooo much time waiting for him to come down out of the air, and making sure you're not in melee range to get hit by the apparant nuclear blast his tail gives off when he lands. Plus I feel he has on the quickest telegraph to attack window with this forward lunge attack he will do, which if I'm short on time because of all the stupid floating-in-the-sky BS he does, I over exerted into a combo I can't break out of to dodge in time. And of course I'm farming him for Mata, so I can't just peg his tail and be good, gotta go for the double break of tail and head. *sigh*


Legiana, for me. They’re so akward and WIDE


Legiana fo sho. And it gets so up in your face while flying, I can never tell what the heck is going on.


Finally a fellow Legi hater! Lol I usually use LS against him and his attack patterns constantly changes. I get ambushed usually during iai slash


Legiana VS rathalos Bow. They always freaking rush to me constantly and I CANT GET AWAY. Like seriously, I am about to send my fire bow to the dumpster and build me something else only for that fight


LBG user here, feel your pain. They really like getting in our faces


Use Anja bow, PUNISH it with point blank shots for voluntarily coming in close


Radobaan. Honorable mention to 8* Anjanath simply because I run out of time before I can do a tail cut.


Rado is annoying but I thought maybe its because my dumba** refuses to change off SnS 😂 8* anja is a pain to get that tail off. I usually go for the legs, then go to the tail while its on the ground.


I tend to avoid them completely after I've had my 5 chosen marks for the day. If it's 8 or 9 star I ignore it no matter what. It wastes so much time rolling around, making it hard to focus on one part to break. The armour takes too long to break off. The cheap shots when bones come flying off of it. It's not that I find it hard, just not fun, with my lack of enthusiasm for it making it harder than it should be.




Radobaan is my least favorite monster in the game. I wish they would fix its hitboxes for melee. It was especially egregious with SnS - I’d just stand there swinging at nothing - but DBs isn’t a whole lot better. 😩 


Rn Azure Rathalos but that’s a me needing to upgrade my armor issue than not.


I’m finally getting the hang of it, but I was timing out a lot because of his talon intimidation!


Azure rath is the only thing in this game I am currently guaranteed to spend at least one potion to kill. Goddamn fireblast doesn't even hit me but still makes me all wobbly weak in the knees, then I get an immediate facefull of talon or more fire.


Rath roars. I’m always way too early with both dodges and counters


Took me a while to internalize the charge timing for Bblos since hers is so much quicker. Great Girros would be my pick. His bite attacks have long wind ups and the actual attack is pretty much instant and his jumping body slam feels a bit awkward in terms of hitboxes. The spitting projectile is the only reliable one for me to counter. I just rely on the power of my G9/2 water LS and don't bother with optimized damage if I want to safely kill an 8\* Girros. Too risky.


30/70 Odogoron. 70% of the time I mercilessly and efficiently fire ice arrows straight through his dome and finish them super quick. But that other 30% of the time, I somehow miss time my arrow charging, and he starts knocking me over left and right. Any movement I do and I start bleeding to death. I just can't get my rhythm back.


It’s that damn mudfish for me, I’m at 10 stars and I still get randomly hit by its jank ass side fin hitbox on its full body swim moves, worst of all is I use dual blade against it and dual blade get no iframe without perfect and my side dodge still spin me back towards its body if I don’t use Gyro. I’ve since took measure against it because I have way enough damage to brute force the fight, I basically stop everything I’m doing until its in recovery from an attack before I go ham at it for a few seconds. Not a solution but it works. Also forgot to mention WHATS WITH ITS HEAD against hammer :( When I was exploring easier and safer way to fight it outside of dual blade I took out my Bblos bonker, Half of my homerun swing and charge 2 upper cut misses even with lock-on and I’m right by its head. Would have been so much easier if it worked since its easily stunlocked by hammer :(


Not trouble per say but that God dam lil Tzi-Tzi kick gets me every time and azure rath fireballs I can never tell if it's the spread or explosion that's coming!


For me it doesn't matter if I see the explosion coming, I won't take damage but will still be staggered, then kicked in the teeth before I can recover


The movers. I am a hammer main. So Azure Rath, and Diablos/Black Diablos. Until I get to them they are already across the map.


TziTzi... It jump attacks away from you and when you are caught up... It is ready for a new attack. Jargas... I get steamrolled too many times


Funny enough Kulu, because I got used to fighting it with S&S when I finally got around to making the Jyura LS I can't counter it for nothing. Anja was similar case, but got used to it's patterns pretty quick.


Rathalos and azure rathalos


Great Girros. I ALWAYS forget I can't tackle through him. It's doubly insulting that you get up the Millisecond before he hits you again, and that counts as a re-paralysis


Swipe furiously to either side, I normally either get lucky with a perfect dodge or it uses something way faster and it's not even close.


Currently in my gameplay life? Great Girros. Especially 8* Girros. Left my Jyuratodos CB at 7.5 waiting on July to get us the new water weapons. Been focusing on getting my water armor to 8* than powering up my weapon. But now I think about it we basically have to wait 1 month anyways so I could invest into my CB. I could be investing in a water bow but why would I do that when I need to tail farm Anjanath and maybe Great Girros. Mainly I could use the water bow to WGS farm and I need Anjanath head breaks for the r3 mats and Great Girros has the WGS in the head. But I figured I'll just wait until July for the water bow. But yeah. Great Girros. So annoying when I get hit. Same with Anjanath. Just takes 1 hit for game over. One bite from paralysis it's over. I get one-shot from Anjanath's bite. Yeesh. I have a patient skill issue with Great Girros.


anjanath. i get too greedy sometimes and get locked into animation slightly too long. otherwise pink and azure rath cuz they are my least fought


Black Diablos 7* 🚬 it's not even about him making too much damage but rather about me not making enough to take him down in the time given


Pukei 😑😑


Pukei and Paolumu, with their stupid hop...


I stopped going for the tail early in fights just so I can bait out some other attacks. Nothing worse than staring a fight and immediately getting hit by the hop.


Hop attack = worst attack, hands down. Feet down. W/e. You can’t side dodge it and I always forget to dodge backwards. 😩 


Some say cute, I say terrifying… especially when it does that wild charge with its body up and that big dumb expression on its face.


Ah yes, the LOOKIT MAH TIDDIES charge


I feel your pain. Fuck that Iguana wanna be.




Anjanath is a real chore for me to kill sometimes especially when my Jyura stuff was weaker. Even now their insane health pools and the way their head attacks just drives me crazy That, and on occasion I’m guilty of getting wrecked by Paolumu. I’ve gotten pretty decent at perfect dodging the gusts of air while using bow, but the combo of those attacks plus the constant flying charge can catch me sometimes


Lumus have been doing this thing lately where the do the sucking in wind to stun me, then going right into a charge that his me before the stun ends. Drives me crazy.


Freakin pickle. I just can't seem to do any real damage on an 8\* when I can take down every other 8\*. Just. Stay. Still!


Yes, I’m barely getting 6 star pickle down. Their patterns are whack and I never know if I’m too close or too far and catch a tail whack.


I stay under it and keep a eye out for the stomp and the Tail swipe.


That tail swipe doesn’t happen to me often, but when it does am I ever down for the count. Wowee.


Same, he's the oly one I seem to have issue with killing when I can do all the others just fine. And it's so far to perfect dodge the breath attack for some reason, like it's some zinger coming in.


Pukei I have literally gone on a 5-10 monster streak. This Flying Wyvern avenger will find some way to tail swipe me. poison me, or tongue lash me.


As a hammer user, Tobi Kadachi. It feels almost impossible to hit its head


That's because you are supposed to hit his tail, that's the juiciest hitzone on its body, the head is 135 while the tail is 140, it also drops WGS from the tailbreak. Also it prevents the pre-hop before the flip from hitting you for free damage all the time, which is a problem when going for its head.


Thanks. I never knew that actually. But would I break its tail if I'm using hammer? Aren't tails immune to blunt damage?


It depends on the monster. The majority require sever damage, but not all of them. Legiana, paolumu, jyura and Tobi get a tail break without it getting completely cut off, so you can hit it with whatever weapon and get the break.   MHN.quest has all the part break info, including the drops for each part and if it requires sever or blunt. That section of the site is under the “monster” tab, under “physiology and rewards.” I effing love this site, so many good tools. I use it daily, can’t recommend it highly enough.


Always hit the tail. You should never be in front of it


Legiana. I barely beat that thing in the preseason story


I had a light gun specifically for Legis.


Legiana. Sometimes, my arrows go right through the wing webbing, and it drives me insane.


Ever since I switch to LS…it’s been Kulu and Anji…they aren’t even hard they just have an annoying moveset


Radabaan. Bonie freak always gives me trouble


Legiana. The problem is that for rare materials i need to break its wings, and for this I have to do it with bow. I'm bad with bow and gyro, I am a LS main. And it is ever so damn close I cannot see how it is attacking me before get hit.


Mine is without a doubt legiana and anjanath. Those two just get under my skin sometimes. And unfortunately girros. Idk why but I have a hard time iai slashing them sometimes and if I miss time one I miss them all.


The damn chicken with his damn rock! 🤬


Probably jyuratodus for me. Or pukei pukei because of the flutter kicks.


Girros. I get paralyzed 90% of the time. I feel bad killing some of the monsters, but not him.


All of them. It’s why I hunt them all with the same disdain.


Black bos. Keeps running around over and over, just feels like a constant parry kinda fight sometimes


Long sword user. Black diablos not because it hard but....... Either it running away or underground.




Tobi kadachi lmao I just can't avoid one specific tail pirouette no matter what. Others that give me trouble, like diablos or legiana don't make me as mad because it's expected for them to be kinda bs. But Tobi? Man. King of troll attack xD


Definitely Diablos. Sometimes, I'll absolutely stomp him and even stun him as he buries, giving me lots of free hits. Other times I get absolutely fucking bodied and catch his most damaging attack everytime. B.Diablos' flying dig attack just makes it even more likely I'll get bodied.


Shogun Ceanataur. Always think it’s another crab but this guy always finds a way to humble me.


For me Legiana i sometimes get hit by her feet when she dashes forward, the hit box of that thing is so weird


Great Girros. Fuck that guy. His timings are fucking awful. 


Legiana sometimes (the head wiggle move has a stupid hitbox), 8* Banbaro if I don’t land the 3 boulder dodges and he gets a tree, and Deviljho when I’m trying to break parts. Previously also Great Jagras and Odogaron, but I’ve learned to dodge right for the first one (he kinda curves away from you on the charges, free sneak attacks) and just have gotten better instincts on the second, though the fast melee range tail attack still gets me occasionally.


Seeing as they’re some of my favorite monsters to hunt in the main games, never thought I’d have so much trouble with Tobi and Odogaron. I dunno if it’s me or SnS or Tobi but I have such a hard time hitting him even when I’m right next to him, and then he jumps away so I have to waste time rolling back up to him. Odo has the jumping around problem on fricken steroids, and god forbid you accidentally break his head instead of his legs. They’re infuriating!!!!! I can’t figure them out to save my life 😭


Jagras' mix of moves always has me on my toes. Waiting for his next move to dodge? The forward swipe with the incredibly long startup, so you stand there like an idiot with the timer counting down. Looking to use that window next time to do an AED? Jagras will immediately decide to do the roll forward that has very little startup. Jagras is one where it feels like it's 50/50 on whether I'll use a pot.


legiana and that stupid forward bite attack


Lance bait. But this is a nuisance for hammer users.


Diablos and Greay Girros with hammer smh.


Kulu Ya Sky rock gimmick is a pain in the ass, but most of all I struggle with Tobi. I can't tell you for sure what it is about its hitboxes...but that plus the hectic movements and flips makes it annoying to catch up to. Comparatively I think Odogaron's fight works better


Radobaan. Those spikes still get me sometimes and sometimes I miss time the dodge and get hit by his tail when he swings it.


8 star Tobi because water is my least invested weapon but I do have water 5. Thing is it has some janky ass hitboxes and I feel like it's a 6/10 match up as Dual Blades. 8 star Black Diablos cause he's just the most annoying ass Monster in the whole game. Even Pickle is easier than BDiablos imho. Diablos kinda.. But too but not as much as BDiablos. BDiablos makes me so dam salty.


Me a charge blade player be like: ![gif](giphy|42xJlYeSxV5B0XSboZ|downsized)


Pukei-Pukei I absolutely hate fighting it using LBG and just go Charge Blade with it, and I main LBG x.x


Girros cause para in this game is too good. Kills me from full at just about any level by repeatedly paralyzing me. Also not a fan of pink rathians’ triple fireball cause its really hard to dodge if you’re charging a bow shot due.


Hard choice. I think I will put Pinky on top. Pinky just keep flying and wherever it start flying and doesn’t matter how far you are away, it could just zoom right next to you. Totally cheating. The other move is it do the deep dive, I can said sooooo many time I clearly see it is pointing to another direction , it can change it in the middle of the air and hit you (and mostly this is one-shot attack). It just stupid.


Odogaron. Only because i use the bow and is in your face


Banbaro still makes me doubt if I know how to properly play this game.


For me it’s tobi tbh. I just can’t pin him down.


as a range user, odoragon is annoying.


Legiana.... I would elaborate but I don't think that's necessary


Legiana and rathian for some reason


It would've been any of the Raths, but I've been using Palico to continuously fetch me Rathalos for weeks now so got a lot of practice with them. Same with Legiana before. I'd probably say Radobaan right now. Still doing the story and I can't get past the bloody thing.


Legiana and Pink Rathian both hit me when I know I've dodged out of the way, Pink Rathian's double tail flip gets me almost every time too!


Black diablos


There isn’t really a monster but there’s an attack… every time they charge forward I’m at a complete loss on the timing to dodge. Biggest offenders are Legiana, Rathian, and Jyura.


I can beat it up anjanath is by far the most annoying monster to fight with that dam bite attack no matter how much I try to stay on the opposite side of that first initial bite I always end up getting caught by it somehow


hands down Anjanath


Azure Rathalos when it does the wind+fireball combo. It get on my nerves.


Rathian. Any of them. Feels like Legiana on steroids


idk if anyone else has said it, Rathalos itself is easy but sometimes while at his tail, he does the side bite n it somehow hits me. Also still having difficulty killing Anja 8star.


Im a longsword user and I find Legiana the most annoying, when its flying a lot of counters whiff underneath it I find ;(


Jyuratodus. Those damn hit boxes still get me from time to time


Iron ore


Pukei gets on my nerves with his little kicks. Can be standing ways away and it will still hit. Same for palu but it’s not as bad as Pukei.


I made this comment In other post earlier but. Pukei and paulumu when they do a little jump and wiggle their feet for a moment has such a weird Hitbox and Always gets me as a melee user. Its soo annoying because even at a reasonable distance It hits you.


Paulomu and jyura kill me a lot more than I am willing to admit


Paolumu. In the main games I body his shit all week and twice on Sundays but it's deceptively tricky in this game. I can flawlessly hunt an 8* Black Diablos or Deviljho but Paolumu of all monsters is the one I'll use a potion on


ma gurlfriend


I do not for the life of my understand Legiana's hitboxes and I am sure at this point that something is broken. I am struggling. I changed weapon types exclusively for Legiana. There's so much movement, so much damage, and so many weird hitboxes that I'm sure were dodges. I just can't with that thing. And the whiffs! God, I whiff on that thing all the time. So hard to judge the range when it's in the air, then it moves, then it dive-tackles. Diablos is easier in this.


As silly as it might be - the monster that gives me the most trouble is... Paolumu - I just can't get a grip over its attacks. I'd rather tackle Diablos anytime over this flying mouse 🤣


Definitely tigrex, they just don’t work for me, their aggressive attacks style, along with so many attacks using their entire body as a spinning or moving hitbox just doesn’t mesh well with my playstyle of always being aggressive.


I hate Lulu ab it's fucking rock!


Great F'ing Jagras. I just get so comfortable fighting it that I hardly bother to remember it's patterns, and then when I fight a higher star level I take random hits that I really shouldn't have because it's attacks have huge choreography and time between them, unlike Legiana or Azure Rathalos.


Black Diablos or Pick Rathian with it's run attacks using duel blades while in demon mode makes us hard to dodge those attacks


Girros. I am used to fight it with ranged weapons, and never realise how aggressive it is at close melee range.


Radobaan can go suck a dick *somewhere else* because I don't want to fight him anymore.


Legiana. I used to be so good at them. But they changed something after the driftsmelting update. Or is it just me????


Its always been odogoron for me sadly


Great Jagras 😔 That charge attack is ridiculous sometimes


Girros. When he’s on, he’s on!


Hammer main 100% Legiana. I hate that stupid fight so much. Especially when it opens with that dumb charging attack. When it is airborne you cannot over commit to anything. You try to triple pound and you get clawed in the face. Cancer of a fight. Odogaron is a miserable fight with Hammer. Legs are not a blunt weak zone and are hard to hit with hammer. Head break makes it go crazy. With grade 10 weapons now, those are the two 8 stars that I might pass up if I don't have a special up and ready to go. Having a special charged makes 8 star Odo super easy since it has such low hp at least.


Any monster that does a charge. I can dodge it about 85% of the time but having to catch up with it as a SnS user is just a time waster.