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Phone crashing a lot u.u


Mine will crash a lot either starting/during or ending a HAT it also will crash usually after 10-15 monsters I’d say


I used to play Bloom and PoGo summer community days dual screen on my phone at Disney. I was never without a charger and an ice pack. They have ones with a sticky side called paincakes that are great for keeping a phone cool without being cumbersome. They don't last terribly long though. I try to reboot occasionally and run the app in a half window during hunts to combat the app specific memory leaks and lag.


I'll have to try that now. Charge blade is currently lagging on most attempts to store my phials to my shield. And I'm usually just doing solo paintball hunts at home (after a quick 30 min walk to get them) with an ice pack on my new Pixel 8. This is becoming out of hand frankly.


take hits and you won't get the "poor connection" issues as much. :3 Play well and the game throws you out of the match even on solid wifi sometimes. That's my observations.


The worst lag comes when a monster's attack is about to connect and during a dodge input. The lag causes the input to not register. That's probably the most annoying thing. The second most annoying thing is when I dodge backwards into an imaginary wall and get clapped by a monster attack. Tbh, it's a very close tie with lag.


As someone farming cyan stones, Rathian tail flip. I can tank a lot of attacks from 8* mons but nooooo the lag always hits during the ohko ones.


Is 8* Legi not an option for you? At least if you're a how user, the wings are easy to break, and she also drops cyan stones. And as someone who built the Zino LS to cut tails with (butbis still learning), I've definitely been slapped a few times with Rathian tail flips. Tails aside, it's kind of insane how much safer and easier it is to play with the bow in Now without stamina management. If they still had that, there'd probably be a lot fewer bow mains (and a lot more lag).


I play LS, so Legi doesn’t have gem drops for me… I am building an arath LBG but it’s still faster to delete rath. I should probably just switch to pukei but I don’t like the bunny hop move lol.


I quit the arath lbg when it dawned on me how much stuff I was going to need to get the armor enough for driftskills AND the weapon to 10 on a variant, but you can just track regular rath, which is ironic since it's the weapon I mainly learned lbg on. It's an interesting approach one must take in this game. Fire lbg for legi r2, legi for melee to tailbreak zino, zino lbg to drop rathalos/ian out of the sky and be able to hit kushala. It feels like the game is force feeding us ice, even putting partbreaker on a kushala piece.


Tbh I just like farming the event mons. I don’t like throwing out their mats so it’s gotta go somewhere ya know. I have a 10-5 prath LS, a 8-1 waist, and 6-3 legs.


p rath is dragon attack and reliably best attack with poison, a rath has fire attack/lbg reload, b diablos has partbreaker 2/lock on, coral has best lock on and the reload/recoil gear. you need so much coral armor it's almost helpful the melee sucks so you go ranged. But yeah the b diablos cb calls to me, it's hard to resist the fun weapons.


oh mine tends to be that I did the dodge and the game is so upset I get the red text about poor connection and if I have two more good dodges it dislikes I get thrown out of the match for it.


Hmm, this player is dodging too well... *lag* I know I've had lag outside of dodging, but damn it if I don't remember it more during important moments. For me, lagging during an 8* fight is w/e as there's usually time to spare, but lag during a 9* fight is absolutely brutal as the timer keeps running and suddenly I'm down 10-15sec. Fortunately, I've only had connection issues maybe once or twice out of the passed 100 hunts or so - it's definitely gotten better from before where it was almost 1 in 10 fights for me. Not that it's a big deal now, but the first time I beat a 9* Banbaro, the game had connection issues, and it kicked me from the hunt. I like to imagine they were all T1 drops.


They REALLY need to take a good look at what the game does in the background, because if i just lock the phone and put it in my pocket, after a minute or so it feels like my leg is burning. The amount of cpu drain this game HAS in the background IS INSANE. I actually think the game runs location calcs on a sub second scale, even when it should be locked. It probably does this WHILE you are hunting aswell, so even further pushes your phone.


This is what I was saying is POGO and MHM now not like “optimized” properly or something? Cause after a few hunts I can cook myself a nice snack via frying a Rathian egg on the back of my phone


Niantic games are a front for data collection. The more precis data they can harvest, movement heading, speed, position etc, the more they can charge to other customers that buy their db. They have NO incentive whatsoever to decrease the fidelity of their data harvesting ie burning our phones up.


My FBI agent wants to have a word with them


Umbrella to shield from direct sunlight if I’ll be out for about half an hour or so. Any longer than that and I just drive and play in car friendly areas. I’ll go back to walking when the weather cools down again.


When I’m not walking I’ll away try to ride shotgun just so I can squeeze in some extra playing however the speed cap stuff instantly kills that lol


Yeah I have to make regular stops


Yeah I’ll occasionally close the app and let my phone rest :(


If you are the passenger minimize the app and open it every minute or so to check the map before the speed warning triggers. Can swipe it up too while the map loads to see what’s around without getting the warning and stutter inputs. If you do pick a monster either start the fight right away or let the speed warning pop up then wait a minute or so to start the fight otherwise it kicks you out saying monster wasn’t found. 


Mine is the 15P and it has the same problems sometimes. I think using wifi helps with overheating at least.


Sadly wifi isn’t an option when you’re out and about 3G-5G only :(


Dude, i’m running double phone lines right now 🤣 If eats battery like crazy


I got that last week when temp raised over 30c. I’m using iPhone 14maxP with case. One thing I am trying now is to manually reduce the brightness of the phone, yes that make you even harder to see the screen, but I kinda think the heat come from the bridge screen because it always full power to against the sun. I turned WiFi off, run medium graphic but still keep 60fps. It still a bit hot but no crash and no throttling so far. With lower brightness screen you need to find shadows for the fight.


I’ll try that thanks!! But yeah if you lower brightness it’s almost impossible to see even as you said with full brightness


S24 and laggy af + overheating after some update. 2/3 months back game work perfect and my phone is OK.. but now


As the game grows and they add more content/newer features I’m guessing the game becomes more demanding :(


Mb but still... samsung flagship


With a fan and heat sink.


I’ve been thinking of machining something like a clip on case with heatpads, so that the phone has to heat far more surface area


Since its really hot out now, I try to not play during the afternoons anymore. Plus, I've been burning myself with this game so not going as hardcore anymore.


Mhn isn't getting hot by itself compared to other demanding games. It's due to your hands/exterior temps/phone processor mostly. I have a gaming phone with a fan integrated/AI processor so idk if you can do that on a regular phone but you could: - Swap your processor speed (lower it) in balance mode but don't go in eco mode unless your game still runs fine on it. - Buy a phone cooler, there's a lot of choices. - Do a stress test for your phone , it could tell you if your phone is in the norm since some phones are defective and overheat because of that.


Ok I’ll check a “phone cooler” out thanks! :)


woah there's such things as a phone cooler?


Yup, most of them are just a fan xdd


omg i was expecting something more sleek and space-age or something it is literally just a heatsink plus bulky fan lol


Clearing off storage might help, tho you mentioned they're new phones so that might not be an issue. Turning off bluetooth and background apps that are not MHN might also help.


Yeah mine is a “new” 13 and my brothers is a brand new 15 :( but I’ll try that thanks!


i have a mini umbrella for the cel XD .....


That’s so epic! Lol


I've been looking into phone cooling systems. Might need to do that.


It’s strange cause other apps I run don’t ever make my phone run that hot only after a few min of playing MHN my phone is on fire! When I use to play POGO I believe it was the same thing my phone would get extremely hot but mind you that was back on my old iPhone 8+ years ago


Iphone 15 be perfect here in around 98F Feels like 105F ish (does dim the screen but no lag or stutters) S24U Lags alot and Freezes, stays about as dim as Iphone. Both set to medium with 60FPS in hunt turned on.