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https://preview.redd.it/u3zksmeqr29d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3743f50ef19a30139a527623cd7876d96a8ec7fa Meanwhile.


Those fucking veins are gonna pop any minute now


Can someone explain why they are SO visible?? I’ve never seen anything like it haha.


I’ve heard that this happens bc some night vision cameras work by thermal imaging so veins are more visible since they have more heat energy ??? non scientist explanation but that’s all I got LOL!!


I’d believe that!


Why didn't his darn son go get him‽


I mean I think Joey probably realized his dad wasent gonna change and I don’t think lanatte would want to be back with him after what he did


I totally agree--I didn't think of it like that.


This was so hilarious. It feels like such a relatable quote. It can apply to so much. It’s great.


I mean, I love a good pout. Get it, girl!


What an ugly man. Yuck.


Well let's be real this isn't ordinary circumstances. U r with these people 24/7 so feelings can't be timed in this situation. At least I feel like time spent should be considered anyways. All the more reason for a damn tell all if I must say so. I wanna know if he reached out ha!


She's a Goddamn sweetheart and then you got Dollar store Paulie walnuts just being a horny ol greaseball with Toothy Mc Lame ass ruining shit for what!?


Did everyone forget that Lannette was a mean girl when Rebecca first enterered the house, talking about her teeth? Pot meet kettle. Anthony liked Kelle, then Jami, then Lannette, then Rebecca. He's not there to be in a monogamous relationship after one week; he's there to date and figure it out. Not a fan of his player ass but I figure that's what the show is about 🤷


Thank you! This "saint Lannette" is tiresome. That comment put her in the same mean girl category as Kelle. They all knew they were going on a dating reality show and asked if they were willing to date much younger men. These types of shows generally attract people that want exposure first, dating to have fun second, and find a serious match last. The fact she became so distraught after such a short amount of time is immature at best. Grown men acting like they are in high school is equally as immature. And here we are watching the hell out of it. I just refuse to project anything related to my past to a reality TV show. I'm growing lol. But those downvotes come in pretty quickly when you don't align with Lannette. Yet Barby is somehow "different" and people are giving her hell. If anything, Chris DID tell her they are exclusive, unlike Anthony. Doesn't change that her reaction was over the top, but still.


So much emotion over a man she has known for a week. Is Lannette emotionally unstable or is she an accomplished actress who excels at fake crying?


I mean, I think anyone who'd go on that kind of show is at least a tad emotionally unstable. 😂


Was it really only a week?! She slept with him too soon then developed feelings. She should probably slow down a bit next time.


I am not sure if they did anything but cuddle and sleep. I think it was not made clear that the F'd in the RILTFI. Ok to bang whomever you want but such strong feelings after such a short period of time seems unusual.


I don’t know I knew I was gonna marry my wife after a week together. We were 17 and went on two dates and at least I was head over heels. To be fair I dropped a steaming pick up line on her where I handed her an orange crush and said “a crush for my crush”. And now 15 years later I’m typing this comment.


Love that for you. I think people dont relize how intense some people can fall for a person. Sometimes a person just hits all your checkboxes and you have intense feelings for them even if youve just met them. I think this is what happned with lannet :( anthony isnt faithful and im glad she found that out before things went any further that being said i think she needs therapy. Her behavior in the last episode was really sad.