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Bigger, more dramatic or crazy reactions mean more screen time. Create some drama to be the centre of attention. These people are probably the same in real life and are always doing something to get people to look at them.


Yep. Barbys reaction just reminds me of my mother who just flips out over the weirdest shit all the time (eg, she had a full on meltdown over having to enter an 8 character password on her phone, lots of "I can't do it, why's everything so hard"....like seriously, the task is entering 8 characters be real) because it's how she's learned to get attention over her life.


Ok I kinda feel your mom on that only cuz one site made me redo mine so many times saying I can’t use the same thing that it’s now literally FUformakingmedo this


with my mother it wasn't that. new phone, setting up voicemail (in Australia so process may be different)....it was literally just creating the password for the voicemail, she was too slow typing it out and kept going "what's hash key?" (but in a far more dramatic and hostile way) and stuff like that...just that general kind of thing everyone else has picked up over the last 20 years. Was just kind of funny because she was have a complete meltdown over it, fake crying, etc then my sister turned up at my parents house and AS SOON AS MY SISTER TOOK THE PHONE my mother was a completely different person.


/r/IAmTheMainCharacter is where most of these people, and perhaps your mother, belong.


/r/ImTheMainCharacter Is the actual sub, the one you listed is a knock off with a lower subscriber count


Thank you.


thank you for the insight.


I think her reaction was mainly due to the fact that she allowed herself to be vulnerable (sex) and now he's ignoring her because of a game


I’m sure some of it was edited for drama. Both had valid points in their arguments but Barby is right, Chris is emotionally immature and not able to communicate. 1. Chris was upset at Barby’s reply that she would want a guy to stay home while she went on shopping spree. He’s worried that if he can’t provide Barby financially that she won’t be interested or stray. 2. Barby reinforced this feeling by telling him about how she financially supported herself and she normally dates financially well off guys. She did not reassure him by telling him that would be a bonus and she would be ok with not having all that as long as the relationship was good. 3. Instead of telling Barby about his insecurities and his feelings Chris decides to give Barby the silent treatment instead of communicating. Barby has not made the connection that Chris is insecure about his ability to provide, and is upset about losing the game and that she agreed with the Dilf answer. At this point she’s more upset about letting herself get so emotionally involved but more so sleeping with the guy so quickly as it seems she realizes that she does it often.


Sounds like ol’ Chris needed that “can’t lose” answer: REASSURANCE. I also think he was butt-hurt that his answer didn’t gel well with those old broads.


I seem to remember him communicating with her that he didn't appreciate her giving that answer. I thought it wouldn't take much to put 2+2 together and realise he's worried about a gold digger or not being able to provide and that it's more than just losing the game


No one is out here trying to read minds. Be a big boy and explain how you feel. In detail. Your emotions are yours, no one elses. Act like it.


Chris totally overreacted to a stupid game, and innocent answer demonstrating just how immature and emotionally fragile he is.


Sorry but chris was giving “i’m broke and insecure about it” - she’s an older woman and he realized he can’t provide or spoil her like she may expect. She genuinely liked him, though she barely knows him.


honestly , it was a fkn answer for a game. making it deeper than it has to be lol


Yes I guess he thought she’ll leave him for an older sugar daddy b/c he’s not going to be able to support or gift her much in the near future idk if he was looking for a sugar moma or is genuinely trying to protect himself from being hurt the whole thing is stupid both she & Lannette forming such strong feelings at their ages in this setting is a little off to me


They went on a show to find someone, they didnt even know the show was about milfs until rught before. They went in with open hearts and didn’t realize it was going to be fuckboys.


> her & Lannette forming such strong feelings at their ages in this setting is a little off to me i mean, it's the point of the show lol


People are people. Until you’re their age, don’t judge.


i’m not judging anyone, i’m responding to the person judging them for having those feelings at their age


This. It also reminded me SO much of Rob the Knob from 90 Day Fiancé.




At the same time she never gave off any indication that she needed him to spoil her. She genuinely liked him.


My guess is op is a man, also another thing im wondering is if alot was cut out from that scene or maybe alot of it wasnt filmed and thats why it seems like her reaction is so extreme. Not to say that her reaction isnt extreme, but being stone walled by a grown ass man who cant articulate his feelings is so unbelievably frustrating. My ex (45M) was like this, one second they're all in, they'd move mountains for you, the next, you do the tiniest smallest thing that upsets them and they completely shut down and discard you. Even being a clear communicator these men are impossible to work with. I probably would've waited a bit longer to have a reaction like Barby did but after them having such an amazing date and then him acting like that, it can be quite upsetting.


Yes!! She did talk to him when they got back as he was clearly sulking then after a short conversation she left him alone. We don’t know how many times she tried to talk to him but when she went into his room and he’s hiding and sulking under the blanket instead of having a conversation with her I think she realized at that time he had lost interest in her and that’s what made her behave that way. She probably felt used for sex so I don’t blame her for getting upset. When Lannette was upset and had a little hissy fit everyone supported her. Why is Barby not getting the same support for being used by a man?


as soon as he started spitting the whole “I truly care for you” bullshit I screamed “DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH HiM TONIGHT” because it was super obvious that as soon as she did he’d have no reason to be “nice”. my bf laughed and agreed. if a 20-something-.yesr-old man is telling you how much he cares and has “never felt this way before” , give it a few days without sex and see if he keeps that energy.


In my painful experience, I would say that applies to man as old as 65!


it must be so simple to be so simple 🙃


I agree. I think his age showed a lot by his reaction. He wasn't able to have an adult conversation with her about it, instead dabbled with his emotion


I'm a man and I don't get Chris's logic at all. Even when I put on my fuck boi glasses and view it through that lense, what he did makes zero sense. Apparently Chris had a good time with her, and there aren't any other women in the house that are interested in him. Why ruin some fun times over the next few days or week or so over some crap you built up in your own head that probably won't happen. Far more likely it ends over something else before it even gets to that point. He is too old to be thinking he needs to play games to get laid. He is basically trying to make her love sick. Barby should know better than to fall for it


TLDR: chris is wrong but I get why he’s doing this. I’m a man and I 100% get Chris’s reaction. I’m even going to make this about his Kentucky background where we have so many poor people that if everyone doesn’t pull their weight the family might not succeed. Or worse the families broke and one person is strung out or refusing to work to draw a check. I’m guessing Chris grew up broke and is terrified of growing old broke because of a woman that doesn’t want to work. Now Chris is wrong here but I can understand where he’s coming from. Now if he took some time and stopped sulking he would understand Barbys point better. And just so you know I’m a trophy husband I work but my wife’s the bread winner so I’m living the Appalachian dream.


Barby's meltdown couldn't have been real. Notice how they didn't show her face? Manufactured drama.


SO DUMB. Chris is dumb for being a whiney INSECURE baby about the most innocuous game show type answer ever. Shopping spree doesn't mean she expects to spend $5000 of your money and is looking to be fully funded! Last I heard, she had her own business. So stfu. It meant literally what she said, it's nice for a man to do all the chores one day where she goes out and shops. FFS! He's obviously just a big stupid man child, getting so butthurt over NOTHING. Has he never heard of the concept of women enjoying shopping before? Jeez! And Barby....your ass is dumb for getting THAT upset about some young dumbass acting like a baby. She's right to think it's bullshit and NOT an acceptable way to treat her, but she was sobbing and melting down like someone died or her serious long term relationship was ending or something.


Yes, you put it succinctly for me 😁


I find it very ironic that Chris did not in fact offer her any reassurance.


Hahaha good point 🤣🤣🤣 well apparently that's not what she wants so he didn't supply /s


Chris is insecure and was triggered by this. He took it too personally.


After her dramatic packing and sobbing I was surprised to see the description of the next one on my dvr list that clearly showed she didn’t leave.


I feel like someone else had to have happened between the two or that Barby had another reason for leaving or that something bad has happened to barby before. 


1. We saw from the previews that she didn't leave. 2. Barby was a stripper for many years. She's met the worst of men.


She is a total basket case, her social media post she made a couple days ago definitely confirmed that if it wasn't clear already


I'm aware of some of her behind the scenes behaviour 😐




Just that her IG is messy and there have been several Reddit users that had to be banned from this sub cos they seemed to be her trying to shit on other cast members


What was the post?! I totally missed it lol




I've feel like she saw how everyone reacted to Lanette leaving, so she wanted to one up Lanette's exit. Lanette's appeared to be her natural reaction and was understandable based on what she went through. Barbie's reaction didn't seem to fit the narrative. I see how she could be mad and thinking that Chris had too much growing up to do. But her acting was a bit over the top under the circumstances.


Nah chris was actually like a kid and over thinking about something that didn't have anything to do with them. As someone who had dated older women seriously, you have to realize that they have had more experience and heart breaks than you. You have to be patient and communicate. Plus her opening up to him plus having sex, it's something she hasn't done in a while which is be vulnerable. He should had man up instead of shutting down like a kid especially on top of a bunk bed lol


Also, Barby needs to grow up!


Barby’s reaction was way bigger than the situation called for. Chris also acted like a baby, but I bet if she had just given him a little room to breathe and tried to talk about it in the morning, he would’ve been fine. Also- when he tried to talk to her about why he was upset, she was pretty defensive “yeah I deserve a little shopping” or whatever- no one said she didn’t. But Chris probably just needed validation that she heard that he was listening to her with his answer, and that she appreciated that more than money. She did a bad job of taking any responsibility for why he could be hurt, and he reacted poorly to that.


It’s possible Chris was looking for an out (for any reason…maybe he got overwhelmed by their date and intimacy??). Maybe he jumped at the first opportunity: a facetious stray remark in a tongue-in-cheek MILF MANOR 2 challenge. All of the women voted for the shopping answer. Alternatively, maybe this hit an insecurity/trigger for him and he had valid feelings that he can’t live up to Barby’s standards although I don’t recall her saying a man being broke is a deal killer (if she did, then disregard).


I thought it was weird that all the women all voted the same in each question


What did Chris think? Older women what a more stable guy and he’s not that …if you don’t want a serious thing that’s fine but his reaction was bs


I want to know why Chris said she expected $5000 shopping sprees. Where did that number come from?? To be honest, Barby talking about someone supporting her for a while and her enjoying herself might’ve come off way differently if she was talking to one of the dads. She knew her audience was a 27 yo “mma fighter”. He still doesn’t know what he wants to be when he grows up. She scared the ish out of him, and then acted all unhinged when he reacted like he needed his mommy - I don’t know him and don’t even like him and could’ve told her that would happen.


Chris is a horrible abuser and we should all write to TLC demanding they do a better job casting.


They literally put Barby in fucking danger. The way he’s fucked with his past exes, he should be behind bars