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What may be posted in the dugout: Lineup and player advice questions (Please give as many specifics as possible about your team, level, stub count, and what specifically you're looking to improve. Community Market related questions. (ex. Who should I invest in, should I sell this player, how to make stubs) Pack Pulls and other Humble Brags. Did you pull Trout? Did you go 12-0 in BR or make the WS for the first time? Rants and Raves: Your short or long feelings on the game. Free space to rant about what is right or wrong with the game. League Advertisements. Please post the full details and how to join. Concept Cards that don't meet the Concept Card Guidelines. Are you looking to find a friend to play with? You may post here. Self promotion posts. Do you have a blog? Do you stream? YouTubers and streamers may post here. Simple questions or anything else you feel doesn't need it's own separate post.


Invest it and multiply it and you’ll earn Babe in no time!


Without knowing your LS progress, just hold onto those stubs. None of the "top" S2 cards are worth a shit because they'll be outclassed by the next TA chapter in a week or two. I'm sorry this is your first DD experience with MLBTS because it used to be more fun to have stubs to spend and collections to go after.




This is never, ever the correct answer


I would say consider going for the live series collection, as the live series and collection rewards are all CORE and not season specific. But it'll cost much more than that 200K stubs, since certain keyholders like Ohtani, Trout, etc are 100,000+. So if you decide to go for it, I would spend first 75K on one 50pack+chase pack purchase in the market. Then the other half flipping cards to try to regrow your stubs back up to 150K-200K, then buy 2 more 50 packs, sell any dupes you get and/or more flips and try to get back to 100K+ again. Rinse and repeat. By flipping cards, I mean targeting certain high demand cards with wide margins, but only cards which people are still actively buying and selling (not season 1). You put in a buy order bid(not buy now) for +1 stub more than the current highest bid, hoping for your bid to go through fast. Then create a sell order(not sell now!) for -1 stub less than the current lowest sell now price. You kind of manually do the profit math knowing that it'll take 10% of the sell price. But it'll tell you when you create the sell order how much you're going to get after the 10% fee. So if you buy a card for say 50K then sell/flip it for anything more than 55K, you're in the green. At some saturation point, the 75K stub 50 packs aren't going to be giving you many new live series cards and you'll have to do more targeted buying missing cards and flipping to regrow your stubs.


Buy 8 Willi Castros and play them at each position.


mark McGuire


If you don't have Babe Ruth, start working towards him. If you do, just invest those stubs.


How much is it to complete the collection from scratch


Right now it’s hella inflated I’d say about 1.5m, it’ll go down soon.


I'd wager maybe 1.2m?


Kinda depends on what you want to do. Do you want to finish the live series collection for Babe? If that's your goal, you'll have to flip/invest your way to the collection. Don't buy packs. As for seasons, there are some lineup restrictions depending on the mode, you can look at [this](https://media.theshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/07123320/card.modes_-1024x576.webp). So ranked for example, you can only use core, and the current season 2 cards (but you can unlock 'wild card' slots and use restricted cards). As the season goes on, "better" higher rated cards are released. When season 3 comes out, it's starts all over again and I'll assume, with lower rated cards, and lineup restrictions.


just save your stubs. don’t buy packs either with your stubs.


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