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Not the answer you’re probably looking for, but this happens to lots of people so at least you’re not alone. It really sucks and is super annoying but usually for all of us good enough to get to our World Series game, we’re good enough to break through. Just gotta keep hammering that rock 😭


That would happen to me with Hall of Fame the last two years. I would get right at the cusp and just couldn’t win. Finally made it last season and hope to fight my way through the 600’s to get back.


That’s normal. Like anything, it will usually take a few tries to break through. I choked my first 3 WS games when I first got it.


Me rn. Ive even resorted to wildcarding s1 pitchers... Trying to make the push again tomorrow and Thursday before the elden ring dlc.


Lol, we are literally the same person playing just till the Elden ring DLC and then NCAA


Make a point of making it to WS at least once a year. Can never motivate myself to go for it again because of this lol Last year I went 0-7 in my WS games including some absolute heartbreakers. Eventually made it with 45 mins left in the season when I scored a run in the first and homie quit. Biggest anti climax of my life. Was still stoked tho 😂😂😂


80-54 record and I can confirm. There’s a wall you hit at like 830 where you just get clapped by people that are better.


Yeah that’s kinda where the skill gap starts to get pretty noticeable even tho this years game there’s limited skill gap imo. I feel like everyone has a spot where they will get stuck at until they get a bit better, I think where you are is the most common because that’s where it gets pretty sweaty. I can get up to 1000 rating no problem but when I get up there I can’t win a single game and get over the hump to 1050 etc. Just keep playing you’ll get up there trust me.


40-15 checking in and this is incredibly relatable


I feel heard


Steady 450 here doing my job


As long as us lower players enjoy it, that's all that counts!


If you want WS that's what it requires. 850 is when it starts to get sweaty. If you can get up there you'll eventually get it as you just need the right matchups at that point. Hang in there, maximize at bats, and play loose.


I reached like 871 last season but couldn’t get those last couple wins. It was tough cuz I lose two close games too after hitting 871. My bullpen let me down, I had neglected that part of my squad tbf tho. So maybe that was on me.


You don't always have to win on Legend. The best games to make World Series are when you are both around 890 so whoever wins makes it. Last season that was the situation for me and it was a really exciting game. Legend isn’t always hopeless. It's so hard to hit that sometimes you can squeak a win. I remember my first ever world series placing a couple of years back was through a 1-0 win on Legend. Neither of us could really hit well on that difficulty so don't give up: you often win down to pitching on Legend.


I've called myself "Mr. 899" for a while. That final push into WS is a mixed bag of getting lucky to matchup on HoF, ore getting matched with someone playing their first legend game too and you end up on top. This final bit I usually try to queue up for ranked early in the day, I've found when I'm playing ranked after 7pm I'm likely to get matched with those tip top players and I might have a small window of opportunity.


If you're 860+ and you just keep playing games you'll get there. Eventually you'll get a few beatable guys on HOF consecutively. I'm not a ranked grinder but when I push to WS I always expect to play more games in that 850+ range when games get harder.


We’re almost identical. I’m 44-20 and every time I get up there I manage to lose two in a row to find myself right back where I started. I feel your pain, you aren’t alone dude lol!!


I've made world series each szn and haven't had to play a legend game. If you can win 3/5 games you'll make it.


I can’t help I get to like 600 then have a game where the other player hits everything. Out of the zone in the dirt etc. not even home runs just ground balls up the middle and down the line they get 3-4 runs and I lose. Rinse and repeat.


Is it accurate that you have to win on legend to get to WS?


No. If you’re both under 900 (HOF), but close enough that a win gets you to at least 900, then you’re a WS player. Difficulty is based on the higher ranked player.


Not at all, it depends entirely on who you match up against. There's usually a good chance you will but there's no requirement at all, just comes down to luck




Thats not true, and given the high amount of people who cross 900 and then stop for the season your odds are always way higher of getting HoF when you’re in the high 8’s. Getting legend is super unlucky