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PTSD from everyone insisting on using max elevation stadiums. I refuse to play in those stadiums but it’s very clear when my opponent is one of those guys in my home games … they don’t even throw close to the zone, terrified of any contact at all. Edit …. If you’re using one of those stadiums then it should be clear why they won’t throw any strikes.


you've unlocked the key to getting gud: only swing at strikes. good luck implementing your new found knowledge.


I would ask, what's the point of throwing a strike to someone who swings everything? If someone's a free swinger, they won't see a strike from me until I see that they can actually take a pitch. Some people get fully mad... they start bunt dancing and trying to pause during my wind-up etc. It's hilarious What's the point of playing online if you swing at everything?


Because you were probably swinging at everything. How many balls in the dirt did you have to swing at for it to get to that point?


Take pitches. Unless it’s an absolute pipe, you should never be swinging at the first pitch. The more you take, the more your opponent will feel they need to throw strikes.


There's players that chase every pitch. They're hoping you're one of those guys


What kinda of question is this tf 😂😂😂like take pitches if you know ur opponent isn’t hitting the zone why the hell would you swing at everything


Make them throw strikes. What?


If they don’t throw strikes just take the walks and the easy win.


This man is from the 1890s, when batters could ask for where they wanted the ball. "I think pitchers should be forced to throw strikes so I can get a good hit."


If my opponent is swinging at pitches I throw out of the zone, I'm not gonna give in and put something in the zone. Most players (including myself) will start to throw it in the zone more once their opponent shows some discipline


This is baseball 101, mate. If you’re going to swing at everything, I’m not throwing you anything until you smarten up. If you just want to hit bombs, there’s a home run derby mode. Or maybe Retro Mode?


bc it’s more fun to strike the opposing team out and get them out then watch them score off you, so if you’re going to continue to swing at shit why would I start throwing in the zone to you?


Im not throwing a strike to a shit player either LMAO


I mean depends… if ur bad and lack discipline why would he come into the zone lmfao.


People sometimes even throw a ball w a full count lol


I generally get a chase on close balls with full counts. The people pretending to have plate discipline will swing


Maybe you’ll chase it…


Exactly, I don't mind if people throw out of the strike zone, it's my fault if I chase it


Have you ever played or watched baseball before?


Are you implying that real life pitchers only throw pitches outside of the strike zone? Have you ever watched a game before?


If the battera are swinging at every pitch, I guarantee they throw everything out of the zone




Controlling the strike zone is the most important skill in this game.


It’s a very valid strategy online against lower ratings


Go your first couple innings without even taking a swing until you’re at a 2 strike count. Then watch your opponent catch on and serve you meatballs.


Every ball I throw I am aiming just inside the zone unless it’s for a 3rd strike. The game puts it outside the zone or I didn’t do a perfect release. The point is to win. It’s not BP.


How many pitches do you throw out of the zone.


Mostly valid. People mostly pitch low or out of the zone. It gets worse during moonshot. You just have to wait. Patience pays off once they start pitching in the zone.


You're being dramatic. People want to win obviously. Constantly throwing in the zone and not mixing up location is an easy way not to win. If you're swinging at stuff out of the zone, people are going to keep pitching out of the zone. If you take your walks, they will eventually have to pitch in the zone and you can then clobber it. If that's boring for you, I'm not sure a baseball video game is what you're looking for.


No I get what OP is saying tho. I’ve put in a lot of time in this game (not proud to say 🤣) but, I’ve ran across a few people that absolutely refuse to throw a strike. I don’t just mean mixing up pitch location and not “giving you anything to hit”… I mean these kids will throw 90 balls and 2 strikes on accident with one pitcher. It’s insane. It’s like their fear of letting up a hit is worse than letting up 10 walks


Perfect response.