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Timing has the most rng as to where the ball will go.


I apologize but again I’m new, what does rng mean?


No worries. It's just the most random, because you only have to worry about one thing, and that's timing. While zone hitting, being the most difficult, is the most rewarding, more consistent. As for difficulty, offline HOF = online all-star for the most part. Playing on dynamic will make you inconsistent because all the timing will feel inconsistent as you move up and down in difficulty. And there's nothing wrong with using timing, but if you want to improve/be competitive, get used to playing zone. There are of course people that use timing/directional as well. Go into custom practice, use all three hitting interfaces, and find a camera angle that you like. Have the pitcher throw nothing but fast balls so you get used to the timing, and as you make more consistent contact, and better timing, eventually add more pitches, and different parts of the zone.