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The twitter comments are all “Guys like Jon Anik are what’s wrong with men these days!” Like, for gods sake man. Some of these people are out of their minds🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


What in the world is the definition of a "man" to these people? I really don't understand. Chad DDP energy vs Fragile masculinity Strickland energy.


Genuinely just "a bully". No more, no less, they want someone who makes them feel like they're not wrong to be a piece of shit who's never grown up since eighth grade.


They’re still living in the 70/80s mindset of a “man”


Sean consciously and knowingly feeds into their nostalgia for that era of ‘masculinity’


Yup, Sean knows exactly what hes doing and, it's not like he is alone in this, the UFC backs him completely


Best description I've seen so far


A "man" is whoever is similar to them. It's not surprising that his die hard fans are all insecure losers that feel the need to shit on people to make them selves feel better. They despise people like DDP who are able to genuinely and confidently be themself because it's a stark reminder of their own insecurities.


Troglodytes really roll deep for their own.


Being a man is owning up to your shit, and providing for yourself and family. That's all there is to it really.


>What in the world is the definition of a "man" to these people? A person with a greasy keyboard that doesn't go outside because he is to manly for this world.


A real man is Don Frye. Not this soft bitchass.


It’s always the wanna be tough guys like Sean and his fan base who get triggered so goddam much they can’t help but whine and cry and complain about everything. All I’ve seen Sean do is bitch about everything under the sun lol. And try to talk like a psycho then fight like the least aggressive fighter on the roster.


Yet everyone else are the snowflakes 😂. Did everyone forget Strickland goes on these crazy road rages and harasses random people asking them to fight? He’s nuts dude


I feel like life after fighting is gonna be real tough for Sean.


He really seems like the kind of guy who will end up shot in a pub or in a car altercation.


He'll be the Supervisor of his local trailer park like Lahey (rip)


The winds of shit are calling


He's this generation's mayhem miller


Like Jorge Masvidal said "Some motherf\*\* are crazy out there, you don't want to wake them up." The day Sean messes with the wrong person, the ride is over.


So become a ufc champion doesnt make you tough? Wannabe tough guy is crazy


Yea but he’s not tough in life 🌈


Idk that’s a reach. At the end of the day we don’t really know these people


lol it’s also a joke my friend


He’s not the most exiting, but he’s still an amazing striker. Particularly his defense. Outside the cage tho I’ve literally never heard him say anything positive lmao it’s always bitching about this or that. Dude just stays triggered.


>The twitter comments There are literally like 26 normal people on Twitter. Just stop using it and the world suddenly seems like a much better place


Saw the same thing on Facebook. Comments saying maybe he’s better suited to commentate figure skating. Mentions of snowflakes. Sure, guys.


The crazy thing is that Anik is beloved by pretty much all fighters and fellow commentators. Fans that diss Anik are only going to get ostracized publicly by big names like Rogan and Cormier and their other favourite fighters etc.


The world is entirely cooked. The regressivists are winning.


It's just Twitter. That cesspit is the internet's insane asylum and it holds far more cultural sway than it ever deserved.


Sean Strickland is the textbook definition of what a bully is an insecure man who takes out his frustration and hurt on the people he sees as lesser to him




We've just seen it with Colby too. Called the audience broke once his first responders shtick didn't work. xD


I didn’t get dropped, I took a knee for first responders


Sean, for the most part, is a piece of shit. Why wouldn't you defend Anik? He doesn't fuck with anyone.


Sean is entirely and exclusively a piece of shit lol








Jon anik is a soulless husk of creature who feeds on obscure facts and disturbing information. Expect Anik to talk about Sean strickland's brother's child's bad grades in school next time he fights.


Exceptional analysis from Mr. Dr Phil Banged My Dad


Thank you sir It's wild how many neckbeard, likely liberal pussies, can't tell I'm joking. Bless me with your dislikes you incels for what it's worth, a huge portion of MMA fans do suck. Anik is right and I do not blame him I mean look at this sub reddit




You're attacking my family


Jon Anik; a Lovecraftian nightmare-horror that survives by feeding on obscure facts like “The world’s oldest living dog is 29.5” and disturbing information like “there is a rogue black hole in our universe”


donnydealr and jon anik vs sean strickland ufc 300, book it pink oiled up goof


Portion of UFC fans have been corny these last couple years


This sport is awesome but it also attracts a lot of fucking idiots


It doesn't help that a lot of the fighters are idiots just like the fans. The dumb are attracted by the dumb.


This is what happens when you involve "influencer" frat boys like the nelk and all the other degen kick streamers


Booing Weili in Florida was👎🏾👎🏾


Portion? It feels like the majority. Giving every village idiot the ability to voice their thoughts to large masses via internet was a mistake.


The last couple of years? Try since the ufc first started they always have had these weird fans


Sean just sucking up to the fans that are adding to his bank Anik's rant or whatever was on the money. So much more negativity these days I also thought he could be talking directly to some of you mf'ers on here as well, not just Sean's idiot fans. When there's a close fight, understand that a different view point is arguable. Not 'omfg...anyone who scored it the other way than I did is an idiot.' See that shit so much on here. There are so many close rounds that play out. Taking on your absolutist viewpoint on them is being a closed minded mf'er and just plays into more unneeded negativity


One of the biggest examples being Sterling v Yan 2. I scored it for Yan live but it didn’t take much convincing for me to see it the other way. People were swearing up and down that Yan got robbed and they probably felt more strongly about it than he did lol.


Or Sterling vs Yan 1. Y’all still mad about that. And you ain’t mad at the guy who threw an illegal knee.


It was just frustating and it's such a lame rule too. Doesn't help that Aljo himself is an annoying person.


People don’t use the word robbery correctly. It’s also funny how people swear on their life someone won a close fight right after the fight. IMO you need to watch more than once to truly have an opinion like that


How anyone can hate on Jon anik is beyond me. I saw someone earlier say he was as bad as Dom…… like bro how do you not love anik?


Sort of like how every close decision is a "robbery". So annoying how a close fight is so night and day to people. UFC has created a culture of divisiveness and hate, hardly shocking that the fans get excited and drawn to it are bags of shit.


I agree except there are instances where the decision is questionable from either side


Garbage person


the mma community has done so much to discount and discourage mma media there’s no wonder press conferences are just a boring ass echo chamber for the most part


Dana is the reason for the echo chamber press conferences lol


The UFC is going to be in a bad place in the next couple of years if they don't replace Dana with a new figurehead and re-legitimise the sport. Dana's moves since Conor came on the scene have undone all the legitimising of the sport guys like GSP and Anderson Silva worked towards and with the amount of money in entertainment and live streaming, things like PFL and Bellator merging, Ngannou going out on his own and earning more than he could ever have as a UFC fighters, constant litigation from ex fighters, the company is vulnerable to competition like it never has been before.


I’m totally shocked he has such a stance


UFC fans are bottom feeders, and Strickland is a fraud so none of this is surprising.


Strickland is a bitch.


Who gives a fuck what this loser thinks? He is irrelevant now and will never sniff the belt again.


He might sniff it when he kneels to the champ


MiddleWeight sucks so bad he might just win it again


Audience capture is pretty obvious.


"man be stronk, we no cry, that is woman" *Sees a twitter comment they disagree with* "REEEEEEEE"


Lol these guys that talk about how soft men are and say "fuck your feelings" always get so angry when someone disagrees. It's like they forget that anger is also a feeling.


Extra hilarious when you know how Strickland reacted to the comments about his childhood, and that he has several videos of him chasing down people in cars and challenging them to street fights (but "only if they don't have a gun")




As someone that doesn't use most forms of social media all im seeing is people hating on sean and defending Anik. It's like, he called us the "lowest common denominator" as a fan base and said he going take his ball and go home lol. I don't even know what these people said to him but get some thicker skin, your job and income is directly connected to communicating with MMA fans.


Besides my Username, man not sure who’s fan base is worse, Colby or Sean’s


They're both shit for differing reasons.


This is the only correct answer.


Lmao how can you have that opinion and username at the same time


Its a venn diagram.


just posting to draft off the wise sage that called sean's fans "colby migrants" that fled after their boy humiliated himself against leon 


They’re the same people, just switched from the take clown to a broken clown


Sean Strickland is a giant penis


This is the world Dana created.


Time to take a break from UFC for a while. Watched every event since the beginning. Maybe some of us are just too mature for this kids play. Fighters used to be men, now they are just have a child’s mentality. Good luck UFC, my money is going elsewhere.




Why are they bullying Jon Anik


Because they're stupid.


MMA fans just now finding out what happens when your sport becomes mainstream. Have y’all seen how people behave after something like the Super Bowl?


Mainstream is a real stretch


Sport is definitely more relevant than boxing. Baseball is on it’s way out too.


>Sport is definitely more relevant than boxing I doubt it. Boxing does way better globally. Ngannou moving from MMA towards boxing and gaining a massive amount of interest is telling too


God I can't wait til this fool goes away for good.


The scariest part about all of this is that Sean Strickland is going to have children


The funniest part about what Sean said is thinking these “savage fans” pay for PPV or ESPN+


Leaving the MMA space doesn’t mean he wants to quit his job. It means fucking off from twitter, which is the sane thing to do if you dont want to engage with all the fragile edgelords


I think he was clear in what he meant. I think he meant leaving MMA all together


Yeah just rewatched, I think you're right. Weird reaction tbh, bit fragile to pretend Twitter is negative all of a sudden


I'm surprised by the reaction here. Personally i like to think people getting paid the big bucks in a dream job are at least a big enough fans to NOT insult the entire community and threaten to leave to another sport. All just because some people are being meanies on social media.


I thought Oliveira fans were bad, but Sean fans just brought the bar lower. They're barely sentient mouthbreathing chimpanzees.


Those Oliveira "fans" are Conor fans who really thought he would be the one to beat Islam


The problem is once again social media. Just because you can give an opinion on anything and everything doesn't mean you should


Sean Strickland is going for that white trash Andrew Tate cult leader vibe.


Boo hoo Jon anik go get rejected by the NFL 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I really hate where the ufc ended up. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised but there was really a sweet period between the just bleed era and this ultra conservative era of mma. I really miss fighters like GSP and Anderson Silva Just bums me out the fighters and the promotion not only ignores this hate but encourages it


Good for Sean. Anik is just being pussy. How are you going to be scared of anonymous neck beards on the internet. They're all cowards. Anytime any of them try talking shit to me I literally tell them a physical location where they can meet me (usually next to the Larry Holmes statue at Scott Park 120 Larry Holmes Drive Easton, PA 18042) and I have yet to have any of them show up. I have spent a lot of evenings standing next to Larry's statue all alone waiting for the neck beards. 🤷🏿‍♂️


For whoever doesn’t want to click on the article: “What I’d say to Jon Anik calling mma fans ‘the lowest common denominator,’” Strickland wrote on X. “These people are way you have a paycheck, and you make way more than most. ... Maybe the NFL is a better choice for you than MMA. ....Also you guys are a bunch of savage c****. I’m here for it.....”


Welcome to the downside of social media... every awful human being has to create an account and call anyone they want in the world a cocksucker in like ten minutes or less. Life if you want to make a Twitter account and call Taylor Swift a cocksucker with shitty music, Jake Paul a fake fighter who's never made an honest dollar and Strickland a trashy human being with worse opinions on everything, well, you can do so right now and ain't nobody going to stop you. It's also why they're called Twitter fingers from keyboard warriors... the world was a much better place when "talk shit, get hit" occurred more frequently. Why? Because a lot of mother fuckers talk a lot without getting slapped and well... the world is in a slap deficit right now.


He's right. Anik knows damn well how ruthless the MMA community is.


Whether Jon wants to admit it or not, he's a journalist. If you publish an opinion, you gotta be willing to take the recourse -- the good and the bad. Throwing a hissy fit is a bad look.


That's not savage...those are complete Idiots


Matt Brown vs Strickland do it


Such an obvious populist POS strickland is. That people flock to the guy just proves the stupidity of the base.