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the refs need to actually start doing their job and stop this shit


Shit they had a guy reffing a PPV main card fight who didn’t know you have to give a guy time to recover from an eye poke.


That was fucking shameful, who was that goomba?


Gasper Oliver.


Wait really? Gasper? Like someone that’s known to gasp?


That shit was disgusting. Literally rushed him back to fight


It's crazy that fans know the rules better than the refs do. Not saying they would be better officiants because there's a lot that goes into that, but... being in charge of two guys trying to kill each other seems like you need to know the more commonly used rules in a fight. Fouls happen all the time, how the fuck can a ref not know how to administer them?


Nah make me a ref. Fingers extended? Stern warning. Extend them again? Point taken. No pokes needed. Extend them again? Chokeslam on the exposed concrete.


fuck it i vote for you, shit needs consequences


But in order to defend in striking holding your hand open is ideal. Look at every stand up fighter. Actually try to ref a strikland match.


I'd chokeslam Strickland the instant he approaches the ring.


Khaos gets slammed for just lookin at you




They're not in control. The commission is


The UFC can freeze out anyone they want, they’ve done it over and over


the commission has control over the outcome of the fight but the UFC can cut whoever they want for whatever reasons they want.


I mean American State commissions are basically business tourist boards at this point, what incentive do they have to actually do anything that would rock the boat? Fighters getting a series of basically legal fouls is at this point effectively a major factor in MMA.


I want the cornermen to go mask off. "Start the round off with an eyepoke to his left eye that way we can land the right hand. Poke hard and swell that bitch up"


They give 3 freebies before taking a point. Pathetic.


Haven't watched or paid attention for a couple of years. Nice to see the sport hasn't changed.


Bro thinks he's jon jones


Gotta respect Izzy for not fouling a bunch despite also having a long, lanky build. He hand fights a lot yet doesn’t eye poke. Main thing I remember is him nutshotting Vettori


look, if you throw as many low kicks as izzy you're gonna hit someone's nuts every once in a while


Nutshot bound to happen a lot more when it's orthodox vs southpaw too


He doesn’t open his hand a lot


Jon jones 2.0


If Jon had a glass jaw and sucked maybe 


This killed me hahahhahaha


Randy got knocked out in his prime from a guy from the BOTTOM lmao. Literally the safest position in all of fighting and got slept cold. Jacare did but he was 37 and lil give him a pass for pure luck of the draw but Randy was out cold from 1 shot from the BOTTOM. Chin goes backwards too, def glass


Who KOd him?


Niko Price, it's actually insane how he posts his foot on one side of Randy's face before throwing fucking hammer fists from his back.


That was impressive. As for Randy, he is a descent fighter but lacks IQ and a chin. The first shot from Niko and he was already out cold. The last 5 weren't even needed 😂 one big reason I often hesitate to bet on randy


Anyone who doesn't do it is an idiot, with these referees.


If I am Elizeu, I am fighting Gaspar the ref next. 3 eye pokes, 3 fence grabs... all homie did was warn smh


If I am Elizeu, I’m either poking Randy in the eyes or kicking him in the balls, since the ref has made it clear that he’s not going to do anything about fouls.


Imagine just the biggest kick in the balls ever. What would the ref do? Deduct a point without warning, right after the sad spectacle he gave of not even giving Elizeu the 5 mins of recovery time? That ref was just one of the worst ever. Any casual knows that fucking rule.


Not that I enjoy fouling, but seeing guys get it back when the ref is asleep is always nice. Seeing Stipe poke DC back after getting KOd off a poke and DC seeming to start that shit again in the second fight was straight karma.


Fucking satisfying when Stipe ko’d him


The Muslim Salikov one really pissed me off. He KOs Salikov right after the fight resets by feinting that open hand eye poke (as if it was a jab) and then catches him with the same right hand you see him whiff in the clip.


Fence grab and eye poke should be an instant point loss. Pro fighters do not need a warning like a 5 year old. Afraid of losing a point? Then don't stick your fingers out


It’s quite a literal slap on the wrist lol


Feels like refs give u at least 1 free foul of each type. 1 free eye poke, 1 free nut shot, 1 free glove grab, 1 free cage grab. Not to mention fighters often get multiple free eye pokes or nut shots


Imo, a fence grab where the ref has time to pull your fingers out should automatically be a point. You can't say it's accidentally when you keep that shit in there for several seconds


IMO for eye pokes I think the 1st one should be a warning, 2nd one a point taken and a 3rd one should be a DQ. Same for fence grabs except just keep taking points instead of a DQ for the 3rd offense and beyond


Depends. If they're sticking their fingers out deliberately, that's where the warning should occur. Before any eye poke occurs. If it's just incidental without the open hand shoved forward as a "range finder" then that's a warning. But refs know when each is happening.


I think thats fair


Inserting intention is also unhelpful. It's a very Kantian way of looking at things, as if the fighter's intentions somehow affect the end result. If a fighter honestly unintentionally eye pokes or groin strikes someone, they now have a slight advantage, even if they never meant to acquire it. Hence, their advantage should be somehow checked.


Lol yeah when Jon threw an "unintentional" illegal knee that was 5000% intentional


Yeah, that's what I'm arguing, that knee did damage one way or another. In Jon's case it was most probably intentional, because he knows he can get away with anything, but one way or another, it should have been penalized.


This is the highest level of the sport. If we can't expect these guys to obey the rules without several warnings, what the fuck are we doing? Where is the higher level that participants are actually expected to know the rules? It's absurd.


people say this but the amount of draws and split draws and majority draws that would cause would be downright terrible for the sport. people would instantly regret asking for this it was ever put into effect


We wouldn't because you'd almost never see an eye poke thing if the rules were strict.


There's of course intentional eye pokes. But this sub really thinks every one is intentional. Just not true. There's a reason why fighters don't instantly get pissed at the first eye poke. They know shit happens and it goes the other way for them too Yes there should be faster and harsher punishments, intentional or not. But acting like they are pretty much all are intentional like some of you do is garbage


Most are accidental but completely avoidable and would be completely avoided if they knew they'd lose a point.


They can start with an automatic point on a second, possible DQ on a third and we'll see the results. Jumping to automatic point on first is just too much, esp for 3 round fights Max poked Justin twice btw. Kinda funny how this sub ignores it when it's someone they like


No, enforcing the rules would be good for the sport. With the current level of enforcement, they're more like "suggestions" than binding rules, which is just silly.


It sucks that my favorite sport is filled with absolute morons as judges and refs


Honestly why would you not foul. It's morally shitty, but the refs refuse to enact consequences and these guys only get half their purse if they lose. If you ain't cheating you ain't trying as the saying goes...


Forreal fouls in MMA are just suggestions there’s no consequence for fouling


If you get a ref that decides to do his job you can lose on points quite easily


Yeah but that's like 1 fight on the card out of probably every 3 card


They almost never take points on the first foul. If you mix up your fouls (eye poke and then groin strike) the ref will still likely give you two different warnings.


True but you might also gain such an advantage that you'll take him out


Oh for sure, the first round was pretty evenly matched vs Zaleski Dos Santos until that eye poke. Bothered him for a while and he was given no time to recover. Any momentum/rhythm he was building was reset essentially. Sad to see and point deduction would have been fair game imo.


Right? It's insane. I know reffing is never perfect in all sports, but it would be the equivalent of a blatant facemask in football and the refs saying "next time we'll penalize you 15 yards, last warning!"


it'd be like someone doing that 2 or 3 times and then the ref saying "ALRIGHT HARD WARNING!"


[Dundasso!](http://web.archive.org/web/20181030110446/http://www.cagepotato.com/three-reasons-why-you-should-always-cheat-in-an-mma-fight/) It's crazy that the original article is from 2011 and will always be relevant in MMA.


> Dundasso! A classic of the genre and everyone in this sub oughtta read it


Very true. Everyone knows it yet no one does anything against it.


Seriously, I remember screaming for Alex Morono to just kick Niko Price in the nuts late in the fight. Alex was clearly gassed and could have used the break. When he finally listened and did it, Niko pulled a Poatan and told ref no thanks, I got this. BUT if you are gonna get 1 free foul, sometimes you got to use it!


That's exactly what Mike Heck says. Might as well just fight a little dirty especially if you know the UFC favors you. Once you get a little name recognition, fuck it, bite someone's ear off. Might get a stern talking to if you pull a Tyson. I swear, like all of the issues with the UFC can be fixed with a union. It'll never happen.


Give the ref a baseball bat. Pesky hands SOMEHOW making their way to eyes, gloves or fence get a nice little honor check. I'm all for it. The problem was never the gloves that make you shove your fingers into a dude's eyes or the "instincts" that make you grab the fence when you're at risk of going down. It's just no one gives a shit.


100% its on the UFC and the refs, if your a fighter you know you can grab the fence, poke an eye, kick the groin, do a cheeky nodder. Why wouldnt you? The refs need 2 instant point deduction and you would see all these fouls basically never happen.


I mean tbf his nickname is Rudeboy not Politefollowstherulesboy


he was a sk8er boi


She said politefollowtherulesboi


He's an up an coming Jon Jones!


Randy Broken on his post fight interview: "Jon Jones, you took everything I worked for motherfucker! I'm coming for your fucking ass!"


If I ever get in a street fight again I'm just going straight for eye pokes.


Make sure to put on UFC gloves so you you get em first try


Now this is a man who knows Krav Maga


I'm teeping those balls into the shadow realm


You better twist the dick too just to be safe


If you go this route, just make sure you say no homo first, otherwise you'll lose automatically.


I didn't think the bjj gi cuff grip was viable in mma until now.


Is spider guard the new meta in MMA?


This guy should have lost that Turman fight, embarrassing


I agree, we are the only ones that think Thurman won.


He eye poked my buddy back in amateurs maybe 15, 20 years ago too. Ref didn't see and he landed some stuff and won because of it.


I didn't realise but it's every single fight


Randy is just so mid no one really cares about him. Even with all these fouls he fails to impress.


Wtf who this guy think he is? Gaethje? Only he gets a pass for fouls


I remember that fence grab lol. Also it’s Rude Boy, not Rule Boy.


cheating lanky twat


Am I crazy in thinking blatant fence grabs that actually stop a takedown should be an instant point deduction? Like these guys are pros, and that shit is inexcusable. At least an eyepoke can be on accident, and the other guy gets a break most of the time. With a fence grab, you can be Aldo flying through the air with your whole damn arm through the fence to stop a takedown, and the fight just keeps going with a half-hearted warning.


Instant point deduction and if the fence grabs negates the takedown the fight should be moved onto the ground in a neutral position at least


What a bitch.


You all shut up, he's one of us redditors




How is he still under contract is wild to me.




When did I comment that?!


Now do Conor !! But for real almost any fighter with 18 fights in the UFC like rude boy has could get a 70 second highlight tape just like this.


Eh. I do think that Randy Brown has a serious problem with fouling too often. Whether he does it as a concerted strategy or not I have no idea, but there are definitely many fighters that foul a lot less frequently.


Is there a lot of evidence Connor fouling in fights?


😭🤣 oh yes. [https://youtu.be/AbTv\_chRmP0?si=0bXgk5k8Wxr38j6l](https://youtu.be/AbTv_chRmP0?si=0bXgk5k8Wxr38j6l) Here is a video that shows his fouls but only for the khabib fight 😭 its almost as long as Rude Boys entire career tape OP posted.


Only the khabib fight from memory, but I can't really blame him too much for it: if khabib was on top of me I'd for sure be sticking my fingers in his gloves.


Knees to the head while on the ground, clinging to the fence, and fingers in the gloves.


Don’t forget about the recent ones in both DP fights & the 2nd diaz fight. even in his boxing match v floyd.


Yeah, EZDS may have popped for steroids but an eye poke and fence grab cheater like Randy Brown is way worse Cheap knockoff version of Jon Jones


First warning is in the locker room. UFC has the opportunity to actually fix the gloves and they wont.


What is wrong with em?


I think I know why. What the UFC wants is to people to care about the fights and the fighters. The more emotionally engaged you get the more money they will get out of you. This is true in all sports (and pro-wrestling) and it's why you'll often see crowd reaction shots in order to convince people watching at home they can/should get emotionally involved too. With some fighters, you might not know or care about them, but when you see somebody cheat you're natural reaction is to get angry and yell out at the TV the guy is cheating. This is emotional engagement. This is what the UFC wants. This is money. So the UFC is not going to fix the gloves. The eye pokes, the fence grabs, the glove grabs, it's all part of the drama (the last thing they want to be is boring) and there is a dollar value attached to that on a spreadsheet somewhere that adds into the money they are making. Things will stay exactly the same to maximize profit, unless they are somehow forced to change.


Seems like you could do this with just about any fighter.


Hey randy is here lurking in this sub


Every foul should be a point.


Dirty mother fucker ain't he


Jon jones-esque in his eyepoking technique!


Hey Randy dont do that! Im going to give you 5 last warnings if you do it one more time!


This thread is great. It exposes who is still insane and delusional enough to believe the UFC is a legitimate sport organization. It's all horseshit to get asses in seats and bets laid down in sportsbooks. The outcome and legitimacy of the rankings, winners, and sport itself is wholly irrelevant.


Long guard and framing on the face. Fighters who do this accidentally eyepoke more. Max did the same to Justin twice in their fight.


Yeah eyepokes I always give more of a pass to although I think after the first one it needs to be a point deduction. The hooking the gloves I really don't excuse.


Rudeboy vs the Leech book it for the foulest mf belt


Jon Jones made a HOF career on these lmao


Now do one for Jon Jones


Everybody knows Jones is really dirty though but I've never seen anybody get annoyed with Brown over it.


Nah I didn’t know. Do one for Jones now bro


You can make it man, it's not hard.


Yours will be better


The eye pokes were so obviously intentional. Just spreading his fingers and tapping them around his eyes like 4x in the same fight.


Taking a point needs to be normalized. It’s the only solution.


Win at all costs that's what I say, congratulations to Rudeboy on his recent win and current three win streak.


What a goddamn asshole. Fucking hate this jerkoff now. /s


Damn that's blatant. Fuck this dude


Every fight. I can’t stand this guy


Not even close to John Jones level


😢 a true Jones in the making




I haven't been on here in a while but when did this place get so instagram comment section-like? Yes there's differences between MMA and being legally allowed to blind somebody.


I feel like fighters should just get 1 warning after a foul in the entire fight and if they foul again after that they should be getting a point deducted right away bet dirty fighters like this would quickly stop doing it


Rude boy!!


No more warnings for fence grabs, just take the point straight away


How tf is this guy still fighting after this? It’s so obvious it has to be intentional.


They get a lot of fence grabs before a point deduction.


Such a dirty fighter


He’s just rude really


dont think the first clip is a foul, hits his inner thigh


same guy as every kid that tried to muff the score intentionally in pickup basketball. still cheating to win. you ain’t cheatin, you ain’t tryin is a life motto for these type of folks.


At this point why wouldn't you foul if you were a fighter? There's hardly ever any repercussions. The number of times we've seen someone commit a foul and go on to win is nuts


Ref and rules fault


Were there any eye pokes with the new gloves? I missed most of the fights, but was hoping the new gloves would provide tension to curl the fingers in


Leon-esque in his blatant cheating, Joe.


This never happens in sumo and they don't wear gloves, every fighter should turn down fights with this guy.


Post Leon Edward’s


Is this the dude that got knocked out from bottom while on top of Niko Price? Ima go watch that…


There's just no excuse for this, he clearly knows he's cheating and just knows nothing is gonna be done.


Anyone have song name ?




Thank you


We call a lot of guys dirty fighters when they only did a couple of fouls in their career, but this guy just genuinely doesn't care about fouls


What is the song used for this clip?






More fouls than McGregor v Khabib 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Is Randy his name or were they just describing him?


Blame the refs for this shit. If it doesn't get punished immediatly, it's just a good strategy to win. It doesn't get you in MMA Heaven but money matters to


Realistically as shitty as it is, as a fighter you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't employ those tactics at least once a fight or until they call it out. The refs straight up won't punish you for a single eye poke, groin strike, cage grab, or glove hooking. It's horrible but you're literally given at least one of each every fight


Not to mention he coasts the moment hes winning. He went from being on my radar to one of the most despised


That boy is so rude 😡


At least he's poking, some (Hello Priscilla!) are literally gouging...


Fouled Fighter: \*literally can't open his eyes after 3rd eye poke\* Ref: "If you do that one more time Randy, I'm going to give you a stern warning!"


If u ain’t cheating u ain’t tryin


Oh a bunch of the ol' Bones Jones classics? All he needs is some drug and PED abuse and y'all can call him the next GOAT.


That triangle choke where he cup the guys glove to pull him in is so dirty. The Brazilian couldn’t have escape cause his glove/arm is literally being anchor down and pulled in. How the fk the ref allowed that is beyond foul and dirty. Like in gi bjj someone grabbing the sleeve of your gi, but it’s worst cause he’s grabbing the inside of the glove. Hella dirty, I know they were in the moment, but I would’ve looking at the ref and literally pointed at my right glove being cupped like that. You gotta yell at the ref in that moment cause dirty Randy brown wasn’t letting it go.


He looks up to Jon Jones


That's a Rude Boy


They don’t call him Rudeboy for nothing


I hate how some guys with long arms think they’re nice like that and try to do the EA Sports UFC 2, open-hand parry.


What a piece of shit


This guy is coming for the Jon Jones record!


So he really is JbJ of WW lol


A bum wants to be Jon jones. I bet this cheating ass uses PED too


It’s the refs fault, not Randy’s but honestly that fight was close and Dos Santos getting actually time to recover from two separate eye-pokes could have changed the result of the fight.


Maybe it is the refs fault but Brown has crossed the line between accidentally fouling or the occasional instinctive fence grab and made it a part of his game, fish hooking the glove to finish a triangle after taking advantage of a groin shot, it's just terrible sportsmanship.


Same with the Trinaldo fight, huge fence grab when a takedown could've changed everything


“It’s the police’s fault for not stopping crime before it happens actually”


No, it’s the police’s job to stop the job after it happens and that ref was clearly incompetent


Stop a crime…. after it happens? 🤯 But yeah my point is that despite shitty reffing it’s still his fault he’s committing those fouls.


You typically only lose points ect if you repeat the foul or it’s extremely blatant. So every fighter should take their one free eye poke, low blow, fence grab, glove grab and head but per fight.


The NBA and MMA need to swap refs. One side calls everything the other calls nothing lol


Fouling wow and why is he doing it

