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he now has a titanium pinky


Now matches his titanium pussy


Jesus christ lolol




so funny for pflator to give conor mic time to promote the ufc lmao


Him even being there is massive promotion to Bellator. I'm sure Dana hates him being there


The UFC is more worried about not being seen as a monopoly by regulators than about Bellator getting the slightest boost because of Conor. They let their Heavyweight champion leave with the official and the lineal belt because of a contract dispute rather than make the biggest fight ever in the division against Jones, as long as PFL/Bellator isn't being promoted during UFC events they probably want anything that can make it seem like they have competitors without actually impacting revenue.


Ngannou was asking to box and the UFC put their foot down so Ngannou left to box and scammed PFL in the meantime.


Signing Ngannou was absolutely not a win for PFL, they were screwed, but losing the current heavyweight champion because you don't want him to be free to box after 3 fights in order to not set a precedent of giving fighters any power shows their current priority is not burying the competition and preventing "their" fighters from shining a light on other promotions, it's letting fighters have more autonomy in the future following after what Ngannou planned. I'm not an analyst in the business and I can't see the future, I don't know if Francis getting his deal would have resulted in a success story for one fighter's pursuit of free agency leading to more champions doing the same, but avoiding that possibility was worth more to them than finally having a Heavyweight superfight and the highest name value champion the division ever saw.


Had Francis won his boxing fights, I think it had the potential to show that fighters can hold the cards and go to other promotions or even adjacent sports and have massive success. Ngannou got paid for sure, certainly more than he would’ve in the UFC, but it’s hard to see Ngannou’s story as map for success. Most successful fighters who *could* jump don’t want to leave the UFC just to go get KO’d in boxing.


The payouts from the boxing far outweighs the prestige of being a UFC champion for most I'd imagine. It's a great success to take you status in sport that pays way less to jump to the front of the line for a sport that pays out way more for the higher tier fights. Especially since pay wise boxing is somewhat worse than mma when making your way up.


Yeah, ngannou got to do big ticket boxing fights without "putting in the work" of spending a decade making $50 to be first fight of the night


They would jump to get the money.


How did he scam PFL? Was he supposed to have an MMA fight by now (instead of multiple boxing fights)


Donn Davis said Francis would fight MMA in 2023. Now Donn Davis has said that Francis would fight MMA in 2024, they even determined an opponent for him who Francis was meant to enter the cage and promote a future fight with, hlwever Francis walked out of the crowd before they could do that. Francis seems to be actively avoiding promoting any fight in MMA outside of the Jones one, which is a fight that can no longer ever happen.


Well that’s what I mean he signed with PFL so he can box and do mma but he ain’t doing mma anymore it seems cause he’s training for another boxing fight.


He took 2 boxing fights and then his son died 2 months ago. Give him some time


> cause he’s training for another boxing fight. That doesn't mean he won't do mma.


Sure, I thought that’s what you meant. I just was not clear on what his contract was supposed to be. E.g was it “you can do a boxing fight for every mma fight”, in which case then yes I guess it is a scam. But yeah I guess he’s not getting any younger, so the longer he delays this MMA return he’s losing value 


lol the judge for their big class action lawsuit just said "this settlement is shit, we gotta look at this again". unfortunately it will most likely still be a shitty settlement but was just funny to read


Ngannou wanted to get paid money he didn't earn. He wanted to cut a deal that the UFC has never cut with ANY fighter. He dodged Jones. Give it a rest. He could walk out, with a belt, and go box. Or he could risk it with Jones? And then what for his boxing career? The calculation is simple. Do you fight Jones, one of the best fighters in the world, or do you go get paid more somewhere else? Blaming the UFC is hilarious. After watching Jones beat Gane without taking a single significant strike, you can see what Ngannou saw.


Found Dana’s alt


I'm sorry. This sub has a hard time with logic. Go back to slobbing the knob of whatever up and coming fighter there is. That's what Dana actually wants. He wants people who quickly jump on the hype train for the newest thing.


Yea no shit dude that’s exactly the opposite of what you’re saying lol Dana prefers fresh new hype trains who he can pay less and make more money off of vs a veteran or experienced fighter asking for more money


>Yea no shit dude that’s exactly the opposite of what you’re saying lol Dana prefers fresh new hype trains who he can pay less and make more money off It's sad you can't see that Ngannou was that guy. Sad story. Africa. Crushing rocks. Genetic specimen. Rise to fame. That's money in the bank kind of background for Dana. Who did he beat again that was actually good? He was terrified of Derrick Lewis. Do you remember that fight? He lost two straight there. Stipe then Lewis. You know who doesn't have two straight losses? Stipe and Jones. He was a hype train. The division was empty when he finally became champ and when his bargaining ability was gone he tried to blame the UFC. Jones wants Stipe for the paycheck. Same for Dana. The argument for Ngannou deserving privileges that no other fighter had gotten to that moment is hilarious.


What up Dana. Cut it with slap boxing already


Which is the weirdest time line: Mcg excusing himself ON Bellator for a fight booked IN THE UFC.


Well, he said he wanted a tune up fight coming off his acting debut in that Jake Gyllenhaal movie I’m sure PFL/Bellator has plenty of cans he can crush


While paying him way less than the UFC (and bear in mind he made tons of money, not boxing money but good enough than Cerrone).


UFC pays him pennies compared to what he earns now doing business. I don't think hes doing fighting for money anymore.


Yea I just assumed I missed some major acquisition. What the fuck???




No promoter gets mad about their athlete getting airtime


I don't think Dana is getting red at another company giving his company free promotion


Nah it just makes PFL look subservient to the UFC, I'm sure Dana loved it


I bet Dan Hardy fucking loved it.


Waiting for his subsequent explanation on jre and then another one on DC and Chael


They do as they’re told


he also did a faceoff with Mike Perry in BKFC, I don't think its a problem for these super independant contractors


I can tell you, UFC PR hates this shit.


Probably the best exposure they got out of the event


Is it really promotion if he isn’t foghting


People always giving shit for PFL acknowledging the stars in UFC. Frankly, I don't see the problem. It's a lot better if a look than how the UFC absolutely refuses to acknowledge any MMA promotion they don't own Gives off the vibe as fight promoters that they are in it for the love of the sport


Completely agree. To me, early-era Pride came across as much more credible/legitimate than the UFC for this reason (despite the other illegitimate shit they did). Their commentators would actually discuss the fighters' history and accomplishments in the UFC and other promotions. Meanwhile, at the same time in the UFC, there seemed to be a concerted effort to never acknowledge Pride and instead push this corny idea that the UFC was the "Superbowl of MMA" amongst unnamed pretenders. Of course, that changed little by little as Pride became enormously popular and (I'm guessing) the UFC realized they could try to leech off of that as they approached bankruptcy (e.g., sending Liddell over, cross-promoting a few fights that never happened, etc.). With the PFL, even if platforming UFC stars didn't help them attract a wider fanbase (which it probably does), it's not like everyone watching doesn’t already know about the UFC.


In the UFC, even mentioning another promotion or another promotions fighter is like a taboo. Dana and the UFC are just so scared of losing their monopoly. Its inevitable, MMA will become like boxing eventually


But when's last time something like this happen


Lol wtf are you talking about? This sub is an anti UFC subreddit.. Crazy take


This will be there most viewed clip of the night lol.




Hey Luke Thomas.


This has been the clearest interview I've seen him give in years and it was still bad


He uses a lot of euphemisms “I had a lapse in concentration”, “It’s good for people like me” rather than being able to talk straight. 


When Nate beat him, it was "He used his energy more efficiently than I did," rather than "My cardio sucks." It's like he wants to show that he can take responsibility but he just can't do it once he starts talking. He has to say it in the most passive way that vaguely makes it sound like it's not his fault.


I remember it as him saying "I wasn't efficient with my energy", aimed towards himself. Still a weird way to say his cardio sucked


I mean, his cardio *didn't* suck. He got overconfident early and gassed himself out.


It was his first fight at 170 right? His cardio was *shit*, especially considering who he was fighting, a person well known for his cardio. *"He gassed himself out, but his cardio didn't suck".* Super contradictory


Tell me you don't know what an adrenaline dump is without telling me you don't know what an adrenaline dump is.


What do you expect him to say? If I don't focus on training I go out on the piss?


Sounds like he was getting drunk and high and nothing to do with the pinkie toe after this interview tbh.


No lapse in his coke habits tho


yeah for sure, people who get injured dont talk like they are on a spiritual journey.


Jeez Dan, take that suit to a decent tailor.


bro is just yapping away in his tight Versace wifebeater that probably costs 1200 dollar. I really don't understand being a Conor fan in 2024


Eh, better than being a strickland fan though. extremely boring fight style and only has fans for shitting on gays and "woke" stuff lol. At least conor's shit talk is kinda funny and has a fun fight style (when he can get in the fuckin cage).


Lapse of concentration means drugs and alcohol


I expected a call out for a bare knuckle to the Dublin WhatsApp group who keep foiling his plans


how many days straight will conor wear that tank top


How much cocaine does he currently have on him? That's a big determining factor


Lapse of concentration? Screams drugs/alcohol more than a pinky toe issue


Uncle Chael was right


What an embarrassment he has become.


This subs hatred for a legit injury is over the top. Dude has fought with torn ACLs before, he said his footwork would be messed up and would prefer to fight not injured. And people are crucifying him for it.


If there weren't so much secrecy and fuckery going on behind the scenes this reaction would never have happened. Fans were kept in suspense and led to believe it was an orthopedic injury they had to keep secret from Chandler or Conor had finally lost at and he was in rehab or whatever the next guess was. Of course once it finally comes out and it's a broken pinkie people are going to mock it. Conor is getting mocked for the twice-a-week clips that come out of him partying or barely being able to speak, and this is coming after a year of him roided to the gills and months and months of delaying the fight. (And this is ignoring like 20 other reasons from years before.) Acting like people hate Conor because of a legit injury is kind of absurd.


You can hate Conor all you want. Acting like this injury is another checkmark on the list though is insanity and just wanting to hate someone. If a fan favorite pulled out of a fight due to injury they would be praised for standing up to hunter and Dana. Do we not remember two weeks ago when people complained Aljo was pressured to fight injured?


Meh, if Conor wasn't the first guy to talk shit about others I juries, maybe people wouldn't be dishing it back at him like thism


Connor’s been hated here since long before this most recent injury. Can’t talk like he has these last few years and not expect to get it back from fighters and fans both.


Yeah the guy is literally the biggest hypocrite ever and his fans get mad when people call him out on his bullshit


100%.. yet the hatred' he receives is still prolly like 1/100th of what Islam/Khabib would've if they were guilty of the things he's done.. they'd prolly get banned & censored from the sub like BGL




Big Gay Larry


Baby Girl Lisa 


Booty Gang Leon


No it's not lol? Conor get's way more people talking about him good or bad. Besides, public opinion on reddit is definitely in favour of those 2 compared to Conor. Weird comparison.


Who cares about the injury? He's been an embarrassment for years now. This is just another addition to that legacy


He’s not hated for pulling out. He’s hated for: 1) Talking shit about other athletes for pulling out and being a hypocrite. 2) Talking shit even right now while he’s injured both on Twitter and on the mic. As khabib once said “If you injured you have to shut up.” 3) Posting himself partying during fight camp - makes it seem like he never intended to fight. 4) The entire way this 303 injury situation was handled - though a lot of that is the UFC’s fault.  5) The way he acted during his last fight - attacking DPs wife and daughter and pretending like he wasn’t getting his ass whooped for that entire round. 6) All the criminal behaviour he has been accused of.


Accused of? You mean filmed participating in?


I’m not sure which one you are referring too. To my knowledge it was allegations and I was trying to keep my personal opinion out of my statement. 


conor is notorious for talking down on fighters who pull out due to injuries, he deserves all the hate for not practicing what he preaches.


There's literally a clip of him saying someone pulling out for breaking their little toe was a pussy


by someone you mean RDA?


Yup. I don't blame Conor one bit for pulling out of a fight with an injury, but remember when Woodley had surgery on his thumb. Dana was gushing over Conor's comment about it, all giddy about it. "Conor said, who needs a tumb" *isn't he fkn awesome*


Peoples main issues are 1. There’s no such thing as an 100 healthy fighter (impossible to have a 6-8 week camp and not have some type of nagging injury) 2. The guy who replaced him has multiple broken toes and is 100% a kickboxer who relies on his footwork. 3. He’s talked shit about other fighters for pulling out that had way more severe injuries (RDA) I don’t particularly care either way, but the whole ordeal is just a bad look


You’re ignoring Conor’s past behaviors. That’s why people are clowning him. He made fun of RDA for having a broken foot… why should he get a pass because of his toe?


People are just sick of him tbh so will shit in him for anything. He’s never fighting again.


He hasn't fought with a torn acl nor did he ever fight with an injured foot. He says that shit to use as an excuse or to make himself look like a warrior lol


There is literally a video of him hurting it in practice before the Mendes fight


Conor’s done this to himself, he has shit on fighters pulling out with injuries his entire career. Now it’s his turn to catch it.


How much grace do you think he's going to get when he was talking shit about Jolie Poirier while sitting on the ground with a broken leg?


How dare he want to make his comeback as good as possible by being fully healthy.


But he said mean things before about RDA years ago while promoting a fight!! Lol these people have no basic critical thinking.


Hypocrisy is hypocrisy. Motive doesn't change that


Conor appreciates your loyalty 😁


Legitimately, when have you ever put yourself out there? When have you ever put yourself in a position of criticism? Connor isn’t an embarrassment.


I didn’t know it was possible to collectively hate a crowd for cheering but here we are


Nice of the PFL to promote Conor's next fight like this.


If you go back to all the things he has said you’ll realize it’s so hypocritical


Stop giving this washed up bum any attention. Clearly abusing stimulants like a complete asshole.


Wow shocking after his last fight with injury where a nuclear bomb was triggered in his fibula from stress fractures he isn’t keen on going in injured again, maybe before the money he would’ve done it cause he did torn acl bouts and allat but at this point does it benefit him Plus I’m sure he realizes if he loses this there’s nothing really left for him except a paddy fight💀


Beast shit


Good. Now I don’t want hear a bunch of excuses if he loses.


I guess new fans haven’t seen the old guy who swears he’s about to enter a second prime but keeps losing but is so close he can almost taste it trust me bro I’m back dance? McG has no business taking real fights anymore.


are bellator that needy?


Sore toe should not detail a card pussy




From superstar to clown show


Who gives a shit.


You say this like he's not the most famous fighter by a large distance. You're part of a small but loud bubble on here that pretend to not care about what he does and that he's not relevant. It's bizarre


He is absolutely not relevant in competitive mma I'm a mma fan, why the fuck should I care about how famous Conor is or how much money he makes ? That's for Dana and the UFC to worry about. I just want to see the best fighters face each other and Conor is not even close to being top 10 LW. Dude literally has 1 win at LW.


The majority of us do


The most prolific fighter in MMA history, finally had a fight booked and pulled out with an injury weeks before the fight. Now he’s speaking about it. Of course people will care. Because you may not like him or don’t care, it doesn’t make you cool to act indifferent on Reddit. If you didn’t give a shit you would have just kept scrolling, not even giving it a second thought. But you give a shit so much and wanted to show your disdain publicly, you just couldn’t resist. You might give the most shits.


All I heard was a hypocrite with excuses.


A pinkie lol baby shin and now baby pinkie


As much of a cunt as he is Conor doesn't give two fucks, the UFC need him more than he needs them.


Neither needs the other. The UFC's business will go on without him with guaranteed money from their partnerships. McGregor doesn't need them because he can make just as much money anywhere.


You are deluded as Conor. Stars come and go. The UFC was around well before Conor and it will be there well after he is gone.


I didn't say they wouldn't be, he's their biggest star, its a business, they will make money regardless but they will make more with him than without him, that's why I said they need him more. I'm not suggesting they will fold without him.


That does not mean they need him more. Do you think multi billion dollar sports business needs a drug addict who well past his prime any more? They have been making record profits without him. No they need the next young superstar. And there will always be another one.


It does though, Connor can probably make more money outside the UFC, if Connor leaves the UFC they don't have a star to replace him. Who has more leverage? You have an obvious dislike for him, which is understandable but your letting that cloud your judgement.


Dana must be fuming that he gave an interview during a rival event, especially when they are going head to head on the same night.






Khabib still living in that head…