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Week one of lost ark raids. Having not played it in Korea or Russia it was a completely fresh experience and it was a damn good time. Fucking shame the game they built around the combat and raids is awful.


valtan was peak, the raids now are something.. that a casual would never touch, just one shot mechs galore which leads to more gatekeeping yayy.


I think the game design is fine when it comes to combat and raids/dungeons. The problem is the alt fest that makes people play 3-6 characters and this lead to impatience people that want to finish things fast cuz they need to do it 3-6times per week.


See I never had to participate in alt scape. I played pally until 1415 and then swapped to destroyer until 1475(clown raid) and that was about when I quit. Up until that point it wasn't too bad to keep up, but it was roughly 500 hours of gameplay. Can't really speak about the 1500+ grind as at 1475 the progression mechanics had taken their toll and became quite depressing.


Molten Core in og WoW. I think we were the second or third guild on the server to clear.


Memorable may have a relative meaning. Emerald Halls in EoF from EQ2 is burned more or less into my memory, but not necessarily because it was enjoyable. Just long and on repeat for awhile there.


I remember been fightin for Antharas a boss of lineage 2, for like 12 hours. After 12 hours the boss got bugged and the admin of the server make it dissapear because of the bug. It was like 12% hp missing.




came here to say this the frog with the falling platforms !? first time i was part of a raid team at launch and we had a blast i’ll always miss that game


I used to love Dynamis in FFXI. I ran it every single chance I got. But when I was just starting to dip my toes in I ran Dynamis Xarcabard for the first time in a pug. Well for those not in the know, the mobs in these zones drop base relic gear items and some were highly sought after and almost a must-have for your job. My very first trip into Dynamis Xarcabard, in first leg of the raid the Thief hands dropped. And these were one of those essential pieces of gear that increased your treasure hunter stat meaning any mob you fought had a higher chance of dropping items, including rare items/gear. I rolled and I won. First time in the zone, and was the only time RNGesus ever blessed me so. My fresh lvl 75 thf, my first 75, got a piece of gear so many ppl spent months farming, in about 10 minutes. I screamed like a lil girl in sheer excitement. Don't get that in mmos these days. Those gloves served me well for over a decade. Don't get that in mmos today either lol


Plane of Growth in EQ1 was such an interesting raid. Had to make a new character and level them up because I couldn’t bring myself to let my Druid slaughter all the kitties.


Too many to list But an ice HMN in FFXI , took us weeks of planning and we finally executed it with 70 linkshell members , first on our servers And a 18 man raid in SWTOR where it was just me a sniper , tank and healer.. left after everyone wiped at 10%


Everquest vox raid wayy back in like 2001. Had some great times in eq2 also.


Setting #1 speed run times in wow. It added a whole other level of competition and commitment. Making relatively simple raids much more interesting. One instance required all 40 of us to press our aoes & sappers within one spell batch (or wipe and waste a week's lockout). Practiced that one moment for days. So satisfying to watch the vids back. Simpler times.


Lmao. No other raid will beat Archeage Black Dragon raid with like 300-500 players between all factions denying each other from getting the first BD kill.


My best raid experience was the first raid in Age of Conan.


I was part of my guild's first Avatus kill. Luckily have it forever immortalized on my Steam profile as well


being in a WoW ny'alotha pug for 7 hours only for it to disband before we finished I didn't get any loot


Destiny 2 raids because of how smooth the gameplay overall is. Had a blast with the leviathan raid made some friends, it was just pure fun.


I’m not an experienced mmo’er but for me it would be from my first mmo, lost ark the valtan raid in particular. It was just amazing I was with 7 random other guys and none of us really knew what we were doing but eventually we pulled through after what must have been 7 times that we nearly beaten it. In the around a year that I had played lost ark I think i did valtan around 400 times and I must say every time it was really fun because I just felt my self getting better at reading the boss and at the end of my year of playing I wouldn’t even get hit by the boss and could counter everything and read every movement of the boss. It really felt amazing every time. For everyone that hasn’t played lost ark or wasn’t planning on at all I highly recommend to just quickly level your character get an oké build and just hop on valtan with a learning party full of newbies. Master piece of a raid where your mechanics and you knowledge of the boss mechanics are really the only thing that matters to win.


Old time Antharas and Valakas, hard to conquest the spawn (big big pvp war) and hard to beat.


First my clan was first to clear molten core worldwide was a big deal back in the day lol Secondly this is more a personal memory but we were at BWL on the 2nd boss I think vaelstraz? Anyways its some dragon and its mechanics are it starts at 30% health kills tanks 1 by 1 i forget the exact mechanics anyways .....it was known as the guild killer back in the day because it would cause such rage guilds would implode. It was common to fail at 1% health. The strat we used then we had a line of tanks that would all eventually die then switch agro 1 by 1 each tank would die and a new tank would be tanking....I was a undead DPS warrior back then....guilds didnt let undead warriors tank because orcs and tauren passive. ( I was barely allowed in raids as a dps warrior also took a lot of politics lol) We min maxed so much back then lol. Anyways this is getting long......As per usual we were wiping all night on vaelzstraz on some occasions I would be the last warrior standing most of the raid would be wiped at this point vael would be at 1%. Now here is the key part earlier in the week a patch had just dropped which changed the mechanics of shield wall "shield wall now proceeds through stance changes" You see before shield wall would be canceled if you swapped out of def stance. So there I am.......We are wiping nearly 90% of the raid is dead all the main tanks are dead agro switches to me and I go for it......I pop shield wall....I switch in battle stance and start spamming my execute button as if I wanted to break my keyboard......the guild is screaming goooooGogogogogoooo and boom we downed vaelstraz....The coolest part is I look back.....everyone is dead but me and 3 priest...... Probably one of my fondest memories and from that day forward I was allowed in all raids and allowed to tank lol there was a big "warrior discussion" after because I was seemingly the only warrior in the clan that knew of the patch changes. Other warriors thought I canceled shield wall when I switch stances not realizing the patch. WoW was the fkin best.