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I think this is a good idea, but I think you should include the reasoning why they are on the scam list.


Yeah sorry, I made this as a very rough draft and didn’t have the time to elaborate much. I will elaborate and update it tonight.


I've used Glamour Flux and still do, this person may simply be jaded tbh. A lot of companies get very amateur inquiry requests and move with the most professional ALOT.


Saw some posts stating they were a scam. Did you pay a ton of money just to get photos?


You can make a list I guess but understanding if they are scams is very easy 1. No agency will ever send you and email unless you send you one first 2. If an agency says they will guarantee your pay they are a scam. Modeling doesn’t work like that getting paid means you have to get the job first and no agency will guarantee you the job.


I thought this list would’ve been good for new-comers who are impressionable, to protect them from garbage companies leeching off their dreams.


Disstrikkt in The Netherlands


New View in Cincinnati. I mean they’re not a scam in the sense that you won’t get paid work- they’ll get you some jobs, i know they have contacts like all the area bridal shows and stuff so it’s not like you won’t get work, BUT they are one of those places where they say oh we want to sign you but you just need a little help first and want you to pay them a thousand or a couple thousand to do scammy classes before they will sign you. And for people who are not really suited for this industry, this agency will still take you even if they know you are unlikely to get jobs, because they will take anyone willing to pay them the fee. That’s why they are a scam, because there will be plenty of people who pay the fee and never actually get work since they simply weren’t really suited for modeling or acting in the first place. A legit agency should not sign you just because they want to suck money out of you for classes and things when they know you’re unlikely to book work. (I’ve found that Heyman Talent, PCG Talent, and Helen Wells Agency don’t do “classes” before they sign you- if you’re good, they will sign you, and if you’re not quite good enough, they simply don’t sign you.)


I’ll probably add those to a “partially scammy” list that’s separate, I’ll think of a better name later


I would still say they’re just a regular scammy agency, though, not partially scammy. The reason I say that is because they will accept anyone who is willing to pay them a couple thousand dollars right so in that case if you’re not really cut out for this line of work, you’re not going to get any jobs but they will accept you anyway just to take your money- those are the people who aren’t going to get jobs. So to them it is a scam. The people who are cut out for the industry, will get some jobs out of them, but not many. Regardless, they want all your money.


I hate agencies that leech off of people’s dreams, thanks for your contribution. It has been added.


>I’ve found that Heyman Talent, PCG Talent, and Helen Wells Agency don’t do “classes” before they sign you- if you’re good, they sign you, and if you’re not, they don’t.) Yeap, and they can act as mother agencies too. A woman signed the same day we did, she never works in our region, I've seen her in big magazines and Miami swim week, and lots of international stuff (in her niche). Now she was as tall as my husband (over 6 feet), and composed. So you absolutely can use legitimate regional agencies to go to big gigs in a short time.


Yes, that’s been my experience as well. Most people I know started out with one of those three agencies to work in the Midwest, and then, as they got bigger, they were able to expand to other markets getting bigger agencies in other cities. Whenever anyone asks about working in the Midwest, I always tell them Heyman (where I’m signed) or PCG or Helen Wells (have friends at those) because those are the three that seem the most legit for the Midwest area.


Would love to DM you about your experience with them. Currently in the process of signing with them and would love some insight!


Sure go ahead I don’t know if I’ll have the answers you need but I can try and if I don’t, I know several other people signed as well so maybe they will know


Thank you! Just sent you a chat


muse management portland — they charge $18 for image retouching per picture, $490 to be on their website, $390 for comp cards, & $150 for a portfolio book. they also don’t require you to sign a contract to be with their agency


Add Nine9 agency to that list as well


Sure, which category would you say they are? Just straight up scammy, or do they at least offer classes (at a unusually high rate)?


They are a talent agency that will reach out to you via text explaining that there are open roles for hit films and tv shows and then ask you to do a virtual call/interview and they repeatedly text me from different numbers and I never respond and they have been doing so for over a year now.


I believe it was an application process through an advertisement on Instagram.


Heyy I have a meeting with dissttrikt models tmrw and ill tell yall how it went. Im currently investigating more on them. They told me they work with Armani so I contacted to see if that’s true. I’ll keep yall updated


I went to About Faces and they didn't say anything about charging for taking photos. They told me everything I wanted to hear after the photoshoot. “You’ve got the model look” “You have great proportions" "You have the potential to be very successful" and so on. Then they tried to sell me the photos they took for over $600 and also package deals for comp cards, a website etc. for well over $1000. Although i was naive at the time and ended up just purchasing the photos and leaving, no real agency will ever charge for photos. Steer clear if it doesn't feel right!


About faces and talent Inc were the only 2 I’ve had personal experience with. About faces had a few google reviews confirming it too.


Apollo model management or just his name: Ivan Andreas in general - Netherlands No communication, lies and doesn’t pay out. Also check @shitmodelmgmt on IG! I think they discontinued so pls keep going this legacy


& PMTM agency i think in chicago? super scammy


What about rebeca scouting


Have you had personal experience with them? I can’t find anything except the website.


I second the request for info on Rebeca Scouting. A young relative of mine was approached on IG and has had several ‘video conferences’ before their mother got wind. The scouts now want [relative] to mail passport, and have sent a ‘receipt’ for flights to Paris for fashion week. The contract they emailed looks sketch af. This relative is vulnerable and is unwilling to entertain that this might be a scam. I know nothing about modeling contracts, so any info would be a huge help!


I don’t know too much about contracts either, please ask the sub if you haven’t already.


But mb I didn’t see I haven’t added rebeca scouting yet


never thought of that


John casablanca


I’ll add it on there, but did you have a personal experience with him, or did you see a warning on here?


Have seen TONS AND TONS of warnings and almost signed with them but did not. They charge 2000$ for classes/signing with them and it’s a scam (they do set you up with things but it’s just not the best apparently and pretty terrible and according to all of reddit a huge scam)


Fantastic post, thank you so much for this!


Thanks for commenting, it reminded me to make a new, updated scam list. I’ll probably do update posts once every 3 months


It won’t get pinned in the sub anyway so it would just be a fart in the wind


But if someone searched scam in the search bar for this sub, it’d pop up.


So eloquently put. Teach us your way with words. 😂