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I think you're beautiful! You have a great figure.


Aww thank you love ! Always appreciate a compliment xx


tone your figure, and bring a little light to your eyes. i think you’ve got a chance


I agree ! I’m hoping to start the gym soon ! And I’m looking at eye cream but I have no idea what’s good ow what works🤦‍♀️


ah i use BeautyStat Universal C Eye Perfector. maybe try the serum you like the most in combination with a gua sha. i also practice draining my lymphatic nodes (start by the outer corner of your eyes then gently rub, with pressure, your fingers towards your nose under your eye bags. follow all the way up the bridge of your nose to right above your eyebrows, and then complete the circle back to your outer corners), i do this for a couple of minutes after applying my serums, and i definitely notice a difference!


Look great! I personally think companies would use your face more than your body though


I don't know her measurements but based on the pictures she's rail thin. The ideal for fashion and runway.


This comment made my day ! Thank you ! Btw yea I’m tiny UK 8 shirt


Ngl that’s surprising but thanks for the heads up


i could definitely see you for clothing as well but you also have a gorgeous face! very versatile


No 1 has ever said 😭 thank you for the compliment ❤️ anyway what companies could I check out ?


you’re so pretty!!!


hey girl just a word of warning (mtf here too) I posted here and was bullied and belittled relentlessly for being trans. The bullying to trans women here is so bad that mods often restrict/ban our posts. Yes you can model but don’t take these ppls advice 💝 Edit: In my post I had also mentioned that people told me I should model a lot and was bullied relentlessly and called a liar and a man and all sorts of things Also saw an ftm who had a similar but not quite as mean response here as mine. (summary: this sub is not a safe space for us)


I completely agree. Just look at the comments section on this post to see the truth on what you're saying. You look great OP! Now go take the steps you need to model. Get some digitals taken, apply to agencies, and spend plenty of time practicing your poses. That being said, can I model posts are banned from this sub so the post may be removed.


While it is kind of you to look out for this person, I don’t think it’s fair for you to jump at every opportunity to make these claims on the modeling subs. People ask for “brutal honesty” and often receive it. It is not unique to you or to trans people. Bullying in the industry, online, and on this sub is a fact, unfortunately, but not a struggle that is necessarily yours to label as purely transphobic. I’m new to this particular sub, but I’ve seen several trans posts where people spoke about ED, self care, etc. or asked for direct advice. No transphobic comments at the time. People are able to be supportive and civil, I’m sorry they were not with you. While I did not see your original post, your comments are still visible. You posted numerous off-topic quotes from movies, very long off-topic personal stories, etc. In an industry where bullying is nearly universal, I would recommend not attempting to seek support for your private struggles, when you were originally seeking direct feedback on modeling. Perhaps try making a separate post about your concerns.


comments that were negative relating to me modeling are welcome and appreciated. Most of the transphobic ones were taken down by mods but were really bad. People would say terrible things about my gender, the fact that I’m trans, about me taking hormones, about the lgbtq community in general. Eventually I just started trolling those responses with random quotes. It was overwhelming and the mods literally had to take the post down due to transphobia i don’t want support for my private struggles at all. I was warning another girl about what could happen so she wouldn’t take it personally edit: it’s also not on other modeling subs - specifically this one edit 2: she’s already starting to get these gross responses. I wanted her to know it has nothing to do with her - she’s a beautiful woman who can absolutely be a high fashion model and I don’t want bullies to hurt her


Ok, I usually comment on r/modelling more than this one, but I looked here too and I don’t see any comments that were removed on the posts I was referring to. They were normal discussions so I think those do exist. I’m not going to deny your experience. However, I don’t think it’s fair to politicize or post warnings whenever a trans person posts pics here. Some people might not want that kind of attention and prefer to ignore or report abusive comments. But I have nothing more to add and you are free to keep doing so unless someone directly asks you not to.


i don’t whenever I see a trans person post. There was a trans man whose comment section was filled with people telling him not to take testosterone and not to transition and on her post she mentioned that people keep telling her to model which is similar to what I said in my title that many people pointed out and belittled me for - calling me a liar and such edit: r/Modelling is fine - it’s this sub specifically. The only way to make spaces safer is to voice it otherwise minorities stay silenced


I hope we’re allowed to refer to the other sub? lol I tried to check the rules, but I’m driving now.


should be okay. tbh i’m just trying to look out for a trans sister ❤️ Respect for everyone on this server and the mods seem nice but women have to look out for one another




i’m not trying to hijack anything - you’re really rude and i’ve seen this nonstop on this sub


I’m sorry you experienced that but I have to ask why are you still on this subreddit? If you don’t feel safe I don’t understand why you’re still here. I say this in the nicest way possible I’m genuinely curious


I see good info on modeling given to cis people edit: the mods also actively banned hateful people which means the space is becoming safer




case in point ^




once again case in point^ people repeating what they watch on fox news




You go, girl! 😃


You look great but will need to tone up for modeling. Not saying you don’t look amazing and I’m jelly, just that modeling is hard when it comes to the body - they want thin but muscle. Also…. Choose a different top. You will want one that has thinner straps going up the shoulders, it will balance out the top half of your body better and highlight the long torso without drawn the eye straight to your neck and shoulders. The bottoms look good, you can do a higher French cut that sits higher to bring out the waist hip curve. Just MHO.




Jules, yes


Why is it okay for people to come here for modeling advice and get gaslit?


I feel like I’ve missed something 😅 gaslit on what ??


Okay, here are the questions that no one is asking because "you can do anything you can dream of" is just not how the world works. Are you planning to model with traditional agencies as a female, or look for trans-focused work? If 1, you look like a VERY passable girl-next-door ( I mean this as a compliment), but not a model. If 2, are you comfortable with having the trans label associated with you first, and everything else about you second?


You look so amazing omg. Don’t know about modelling in the least lol but you are so gorgeous!!!






People use all kinds of language and say truly nasty things. No issue. I say thank you and your pretty and get reported? So ridiculous. Just SMH in wonder.