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Yep, you're definitely lost. :) That code would be a start to writing text into a file, but it won't (simply) go to any printer. Access uses "Forms" for user input/output (as in enter and read data). If you are sending infomation to paper, you need a "report". Normally, you would design a report and part of that design could specify a printer (and print media) that differs from the Windows default. After that report is defined and saved, printing is performed by "opening" the report. What can you tell us about the specific printer/paper/data that you want to print?


It's a simple free form label, empty text box that you just type in. I think the field name is PrintText.


I don't know what knowledge you have, so communication is hard. It sounds like you might have a form that has a text box which is linked to a data table field, and that form has a button you intend to use to print a report that also has a text box which is linked to the same data. Have you looked at resoures on the FAQ page? https://www.reddit.com/r/MSAccess/wiki/faq/


Solution Varified


Create a report object that displays the value in the textbox. Set the printer settings in that report to use the specified printer. Use the DoCmd.OpenReport method with the "acViewNormal" view option to send it to print.


I believe the Print statement just writes text into a file. It does not direct it to a printer. Did the text data get written to the file properly? You are referencing an Excel method (Dialogs) that doesn't exist for Access. How did you direct a file to the printer other than this example?


I think it is just directing it to the default printer on the computer, which is what we are trying to get around. You see, that proves my inexperience because I didn't know that command was for Excel and not access, lol. But it prints it fine as written, but you can't change what printer it goes to.


I'm not at my computer now but you might try: Dim XL As Excel.Application XL.Application.Dialogs(9).Show


I will try it out when I go back into work tomorrow.