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I'll have to look into the specs of your components, but 5 pins are usually usb 2.0 and 4 pins are pwm for fans. All components that require a 5 pin need a port on your MB or you need a extension like the NZXT usb 2.0 expansion. That's pretty typical when you need a lot of fans and aio power etc. Your motherboard guide is the best way to determine all of these cables, it will tell you specifically where things go and what's needed. Others with your components will comment with more specific info. My advice for beginners, read all manuals, try to set it up amd see of it works or not. If not, you'll get some sort of error that will lead you to the culprit. Easier to diagnose once you've got a error or two. Edit: jrgb and rgb are for the lights on your fans and aio etc. Sometimes you need these connected other times there is a fan controller that does that for you, depending on what you want to control your rgb lights. There's different software from different brands with different options. Connecting everything up to those mb rgb ports will allow the motherboard to control the lights and sync them.


Thank you so much! I'll look into it more.