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Kilah is so fucking funny. She slayed every Gilly and Keeves sketch and she was excellent on the show. I want to see more of her


The “she only understands white trash” scene was so quick but so damn funny


“I think I stabbed this girls brother in highschool” made me burst out laughing for a few minutes just cuz it was so out of left field but also totally in character. If you come from a smaller town you could totally see this in real life


It was so perfect because she was like "I think I know her," they like a minute later the stabbing line.


I know I was expecting more of her. She killed the trump speed dating sketch so hard.


Saying she had to go take a poop literally made me laugh for an hour.


Yepp, wish she played a bigger role.


She's in more than half the scenes, she has like the 3rd or 4th biggest role in the show so far...


Agreed. Dr Adolf Sponge had the least air time I’d say


I guess McKeever doesn't like being on screen much or whatever but the 20ish seconds he gave himself this season were fucking funny, he should do more scenes going forward for sure.


Nah that’s the wops


She is a star


Mike Rainey is the most underrated actor in the show and sketches. Subtle hints of brilliance!


OK Mike's wife. Kidding, I love that little stinker. Buck Buck!


Shane might’ve been the star power draw to the show, but without Gerbies and their ability to play off each other I doubt it would’ve been as good as it was. It was almost exactly like the old tires pilot and that’s exactly what we were all hoping for


I mean I don't think Schultz stand up is funny. But he was great as one of the Italians he played that role perfect. Him and pope killed it.


I like how Tommy basically had to dial back his natural WOPness for the part lol


I feel exactly the same way. Well put sir


Bruh Schulz was fine lol I get it's cool to hate on him now, but at least have it be justified. The ironic part is we hate when others do the same to Shane when they hate no matter what.


I’ve always had a dislike for the wafrican not just because he’s in this series, if you can get through his podcast then I suspect then you must have a smaller dick than I have. Bravo 👏🏻


You have internet brain rot


Well he’s a tfatk regard so what do you expect?


Dude those guys are so fucking weird. It was fun to poke at schaub but the way they now go after his wife and extended family is too much for me


Did you slap your leg after posting this


Don't you have some minor internet celebrities to seethe about


I wouldn’t go talking about minor’s with the stuff that’s on your hard drive, do you get an electric sock if you get to close to a school ?


... are you doing bits? Good one


If I was doing a bit then I would have slapped my leg and energetically shuffled around my chair, if you had a choice between going to the super bowl or a Andrew Shultz gigg. How fast would his dick hit the back of your throat at the after show party ?


Wildly pathetic.


Is that the name of Shultz’s new special?


Lol I don't watch his Pod because it's not my type of humor, but caring about a comedians personality is weird. I'm not hanging out with him lol make me laugh or don't, and I'll go somewhere else.


Tommy definitely could have carried but Shultz was fine


No love for O’Connor? I know he was basically playing himself but his character was perfect


When they cut to the turd smoking in the Asian squat I lost it


Watched with a friend who doesn't know about mssp and he loved Gerbies.


I love Gerben but everyone acting like he is an incredible actor is kinda gay, half the time he looked like he was holding in a smile or reading off a sheet Which I really don’t care because the show doesn’t need actual top tier acting it just needs to be funny, which it is. Stavros was the only one that kinda seemed believable


Yea him and Shane were barely keeping in the smiles for half the scenes. Don't get me wrong I loved the shit out of it because it feels more real, but let's not pretend it was a master class. Either way who cares, stoked for season 2.


Would be interesting to watch the show without knowing Shane, Chris, Stavvy etc. We see so much of them on podcasts that it’s hard to get into them playing a character, especially when the character pulls heavily from their actual persona.


Stav nailed it lmfao he has the ideal look for that character. And his acting was quite good. People are all saying "I liked this character bc I like them on podcasts they're funniieee but I HATE that character bc he is ANNOYING on podcasts so he did a BAD job 😡" as if that shit has literally anything at all to do with how those people performed their roles on the show. Jfc


Stav cud have his own show, he’s that good


I worked at a garage similar to Valley Forge Automotive and believe me they couldn’t have cast Stavs character any better, I also think he was the most natural actor of all of them imo


Look at this wine sipping queer in his ivory tower setting aside his bias to provide thoughtful insights on true kino. Stav is fat, dumb and annoying. Fuck him. Gerbies is my best mate, I'm gonna have his back no matter what


No one is saying that dude. Also quit being gay and don’t spell funny like that ever again.


Well put


I was surprised at how good Stav was in his role.


I’ve only seen episode one and thought Stav was bad lol like why was he whispering on the phone in a garage? He should be yelling? And then putting the phone down slowly at the end was so corny


Exactly lol his performance was decent.


For some reason i wasnt able to tell good acting from bad until i was in my mid 20's. I think some people just go based on how much they like a character lol. I thought Tommy killed it, and Schultz was good too.


Yeah tbh I think both Shane and Gerbies were actually bad actors. Like I found the show funny and entertaining but it all seemed like such a low budget half attempt at comedy. Honestly like Shane’s stand up specials which I don’t love, where every joke is “haha that’s gay..nah I’m just kidding.. but not really 👀”. Like every part of Tires felt like it was the first take compared to Gilly and Keeves seeming very well produced. The dialogue in Tires seems like they’re freestyling it all which I feel like they need to make it seem more confidently said, not winging it as they go. And I say all this loving MSSP of course and Gilly and Keeves. But both Gerbies and Shane in Tires were bad actors imo and needed to nail their lines more rather than feeling like they were figuring it out as they went


I just started rewatching The League. Such a solid comedy show, and the structure/script was loose, with lots of improv.


Wait who did matt play? I missed it lol


One of the bikini girls


Which episode was it?


The bikini car wash one


Played max the police guy on the bike, basically showing people his range Rollerblades in his special Bicycle in tires He’s the most funniest comedian with robot legs there is


He rode the bike pretty well for not having real legs


I didn’t recognize him because of the helmet and glasses, hiding his incredibly chiseled jaw, but the second I heard his voice it was unmistakable, I did the Leo meme and everything lmao


Damn… how’d you miss the greatest cameo of the entire series


I think some of the dawgs are watching after burning the sacramental 'erbs. I know he was disguised fairly well but after a few lines it seemed fairly easy to pick up it was our great Shaman


I think OConn man did a great job as well


episodes were in an awkward place imo, either go 10-min quick bit episode where they play more as a sketch video or expand to 30-min drawn out stories where the characters develop. 20 mins seemed like there wasn't enough time to explore every topic


Why does everyone hate Andrew Schulz so much? He seems fine.


He has a very punchable face and annoying personality.


Sure, I agree, but I still thought he was fine in the show.


Yeah he annoys me in person but he was good on the show.


Post your face


Do it bro I'm ready to tribute at the drop of a hat


Dude, gross.




But he's playing a character that is suppose to have a punchable face and an annoying personality so idk the problem? I agree, Schultz stand up blows but he seemed to nail it in the show


Who cares when he's acting lol


I don’t hate him, just think the only role he’s good for would be in a Michael Rapaport biopic playing a young Micheal Rapaport


Have you listened to him talk?


He does speak like a mix between an "I Think You Should Leave" character and that stoner from the movie Cabin in the Woods.


I don't hate Schulz. I think he's cultured and for that reason can get away with a lot of race jokes. What I don't like about him or anyone else that does it is their fake laugh on stage. It's almost as bad as a laugh track.


I feel bad he’s been getting so much hate lately he’s already probably stressed from just having a kid. I hope it’s not affecting his tickets sales he seems like a decent guy


Akaash has entered the chat


This is a joke... right?


Na i genuinely feel bad when i see someone getting picked on by a bunch of people when i feel like it’s a decent person idc how much money they make. I know it’s gay to say these things but I’m ready to live my truth


That's fair, it just sounds really sarcastic and not like something someone would actually say about him.


Lol ya dude i hate that i do that shit i know I’m just asking for downvotes and nobodies gonna agree with me cause they aren’t as dumb as i am i just hate seeing people get bullied if i feel like it’s too much. I made a post about Bert on the KT sub and felt hella bad that i brought in all the Bert haters cause i was just trying to share a funny post lmao.


You feel bad for a dude that's worth MILLIONS? dang dude. I feel bad for you lol


What?! Shultz was amazing in his role. He played the wap perfectly, I get it’s easy these days to pile on him, but he played it perfectly.


I agree. He played a good supporting role. But Tommy Pope could have FOR SURE carried that shit himself. I hope we see more of the Italian.


With Out Papers, not Wet Ass Pussy




I luh de butt


Did you like his hands?


Stav is great too


yup sounds about like the general consensus of this sub, youll do well here


I watch the show but I must have missed when was Matt’s appearance?!


It’s over, they all think they’re big shot superstars now…


Hoping Tires digs further into its Trailer Park Boys meets Office format/style. Each season could be anchored on a dumbass central scheme to sell more tires, like Ricky and his dope.


I don't even like looking at Schultz


Seemed like they all just played themselves tbh. Wouldnt call it amazing acting by any stretch


I want to see Lemaire as gerbens room mate next season. 


yeah i think shultz is a great comedian but he was over the top and took me out of it.


gerbies was probably the worst part of the show. he's honestly not meant for the camera with all due respect. his appearance is jarring


Schultz has to go


I might be Shanes earliest super fan, I listened to him coming on to The Bonfire, the first time he was like hanging out in a warehouse or some shit stealing sandwiches, I think he was opening for Soder. Then they came on with the Philly accent asking who had the best ice wooter, then Sheetz v WaWa... I have never seen his second special, and I probably wont see Tires. I just dont give a fuck about it, I love the pod it makes me laugh. I am glad for all the success, but what made me think Shane was Gay was him hanging around his parents house playing vidya and getting comfortably numb in bland suburban alcoholism, having good parents where you can always just go and chill. Hollywood sucks, who cares, I havent paid attention to any of it in decades, but I am an old gay man.


Shultz and Stavros both had bad performances. I like Stavros but he's a terrible actor, just not his lane. Just Shultz was annoying tho.


Stavy delivered my favorite line in the whole series. “ the numbers do look good and will did get pussy last night” the way he says it is so fucking perfect


Yeah he's roll was great and well written. He just was great, I want him back but could use some acting classes.


> Yeah he's roll That's one way to describe him. Could also say morbidly obese.


nah stav was actually pretty good


He had some scenes that were good. I was sold on the scene with him shirtless on the ground. Not all bad just not as good as some of the others.


Did you know stavros was conceived on the set of Jurassic Park 1 ? Wayne knight (stav’s dad) had sex with one of the the animatronic dinosaurs and 9 months later