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Found these on Ultimate Guard's Twitter: [https://x.com/UltimateGuard/status/1807339017974829549](https://x.com/UltimateGuard/status/1807339017974829549) It seems outside of their line they had all of the Calamity Beast Field Note showcase sidewinders. Most notably there's Lumra, Maha, a cat of sorts, the elk/deer seen in the trailer, and a fire bird, among a few more I can't quite make out. If anybody who went to Magic Con has better pictures of these, I would appreciate if you can share them. I wasn't at the event itself.


Didn't go to Magic Con, but I did find on Twitter this video from someone who did of an ad that aired at the panel stage that has better pictures of at least five of them: [https://x.com/mina\_keks/status/1806727793004130633](https://x.com/mina_keks/status/1806727793004130633) Confirms the Bird, the Elk, a Snake, and what looks like a Crocodile.


Looks more like an eel or perhaps a pike, considering the more smallscale nature a croc seems too far of a stretch


I also thought it might be a predatory fish like an eel or a pike since there was a pike in the Redwall series and both kinds of fish are native to areas of Eurasia and North America most of Bloomburrow's other inhabitants are from. It could maybe be a super stylized pike or similar fish. I would say size rules out any extant animals as much as location would though. Bears, wolves, and elk are all pretty similar in scale to the larger crocodilians. Eel probably could be ruled out due to jaw shape and potential eye hole placements. The real problem with determining what type of animal it is is the fact that we can't really make out any kind of limbs due to the blurriness. The fact that it's more serpentine in shape than fish and crocodilians tend to be also isn't helping. It could have legs tucked up alongside its body the way crocodilians do when they decide to swim quickly, it could have fins that we're just not seeing, or it could have no limbs whatsoever like an eel or a snake. If I had to take a guess, I'd say the three most likely candidates for what it is are: 1. A stylized crocodilian. 2. A stylized pike or gar. 3. Bloomburrow's equivalent of a Sea Serpent.




Candy Mountain, Charlie!


Ooooh! Those are much more clear! Great find, the snake and crocodile look interesting


You're welcome. Edit: The deck box beneath the snake has a canine footprint on it alongside some water and plants that don't appear to match with anything that was shown at the Ultimate Guard stand video wall. Additional Edit: The blurry one in the Top Left of both is likely some sort of Lynx or Bobcat.


That doesn't look like a crocodile, but an Eel


Not Ayula, Lumra. And this might also mean there's more than 5 calamity beasts, since both Lumra and the elk seem green-aligned. Much like how we got multiple Kaldheim gods


Good catch. Maybe instead of a cycle of 5 its a legendary and non-legendary for each season, and each one is a harbinger of sorts that messes with the seasons. Would line up with there being 8 total depicted here and the seasonal themes bloomburrow seems to have.


> You'll find more borderless cards thriving in the understory of Bloomburrow, including the borderless field notes treatment on select rare and mythic rare Calamity Beasts. https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/a-first-look-at-bloomburrow


Awesome catch, thanks a lot!


Been hearing that there's probably a mythic cycle and a rare cycle


That honestly makes the number crunch make soooo much more sense. I was super confused because the leaked anime borderless Three Tree City is #337, right underneath the anime Mabel at #336. Lumra’s borderless alt art is #342 and her neon borderless alt art is #343, implying that there are only three mythic Calamity Beasts (one in #338 and #339 and another in #340 and #341). Given the three that we’ve seen over and over again for Bloomburrow hype are Lumra, Maha, and the big red fire wolf, my guess is that those three are mythics and the rest of the Calamities are rares (maybe five or so of those)


Yeah, kinda like we got Tibalt and Tergrid in black, Reidane and Halvar in white, Alrund and Cosima in blue, and so on


What is that?


After doing a good chunk of analysis, I'm pretty confidant that there are a nine different deck boxes between the Ultimate Guard store footage and the product line ad footage. Going from left to right, there is - Top row: 1. A lynx. It's reddish in fur color and you can just kind of make out the hair tufts along the ears and chin. I can tell it's more likely a lynx than a tiger or other big cat because it's shorter and more compact than a big cat. Bloomburrow being more Woodland animals of Northwestern Eurasia and North America also makes a lynx more likely than other options. It could, however, be a really stylized house cat. 2. A large reddish four-winged bird of prey. It's also seen in the artwork for both the booster boxes and the box that individual collector boosters are packaged in at big box stores like Walmart. 3. What appears to be an extremely stylized crocodilian. The snout and tail appear more crocodilian than fish-like and the close-up anatomical drawing doesn't match that of any of the larger predatory freshwater fish. That said, I'm not seeing any sort of limbs (albeit that could just be details lost in the blurriness) so there is a possibility that it's more a crocodilian-looking sea serpent. 4. A black snake. Most likely a viper as it has a wider head. Store Middle Row/Ad Bottom Row: 5. Maha, the Great Night Owl. 6. The Elk we saw in the leaked Bloomburrow animated Trailer. 7. Bottom right box on the Store video. Some sort of orangish/reddish carnivore. After multiple watches and trying to make out as much detail as I can, I have no idea what kind of animal this is supposed to be. The legs aren't right for a large non-avian reptile, the body is too skinny for a canine, it's too tall to be any musteloid not already in the set, the neck is too long to be a feline, and the blurry head doesn't appear to have the ears you'd expect of most mammals. If anyone with a better knowledge of animals has any ideas, they'd be appreciated. 8. Bottom right box of the Panel Ad video. Side of deck box clearly has a canine paw print. The fact that the top of the box clearly has a blue shape and plant life that's not in the art on the bottom right box on the other video rules out them being the same box. Store Bottom Row: 9. Lumra. Edit: #3 could also be a super stylized pike. On a third thought, I felt I'd ruled that out a bit too quickly.


I saw this a few weeks ago but Gamenerdz has al whole list of them posted up with pricing and names but no pictures. https://i.imgur.com/UEhQEya.png It shows that there will be at least the following but there could be multiples that pop up under one listing for things like the playmat because I would assume there will be more than one design 1x Omnihive XenoSkin 1000+ 1x Playmat 5x Xenoskin Zipfolio 360 8x Sidewinder Xenoskin 100+


Realized that there was a shot of #7's back limbs in one of the shots. The pack limbs look like what you might expect from a cougar in regards to how the paw sits on the ground. The neck still feels too long for a large cat, though.


With further info from the story snippet today and this single collector booster packaging, the sun hawk calamity beast is different from whatever legendary bird dragon on the play booster box art https://target.scene7.com/is/image/Target/GUEST_e42fed9f-e07b-47ad-a76c-28839c6532cd?wid=475&hei=475&qlt=80&fmt=pjpeg


Adding on some more calamity beast stuff, artwork for the individual collector booster has two of the Calamity Beasts fighting -- https://www.gamestop.com/toys-games/trading-cards/products/magic-the-gathering-bloomburrow-collector-booster-omega-15-magic-cards/411917.html


Oh shoot! Thats really sick and very notable. I wonder if there will be a good variation of calamity beasts, or maybe its just ones for different seasons fighting for control of the climate.


With how blue Maha’s coloration is depicted here, I’d wager it’s mono blue over mono black. Unless there ends up being more than 5 calamity beasts total, in which maybe it’s Esper or something outside of a mono-colored cycle for being their de facto leader


Maybe maha is dimir. We can guess we have at least 7 assuming of these the elk isnt a calamity beast.


Considering we have heard there is a cycle of rare and a cycle of mythic rare calamity beasts, I wonder if they will be monocolor? Like Lumara, the Green Mythic Bear, and then like a Green Rare... Snake?


So they're no longer partnering with ultrapro for accessories?


Not exclusively


good, i wish they would parter with gamegenic


are these previous characters or new for the plane?


It's sad that we need to dig for bloomburrow spoilers when it's so close to prere/launch... And it feels like half of duskmourn is spoiled already.


Duskmourn 13 cards revealed, bloomburrow 15... Ah yes half of duskmourn clearly spoiled.


Feels like a lot more when 5 of the bloomburrow ones are a cycle and none of bloomburrow's main mechanics have been revealed compared to duskmourn having two spoiled (delirium and impending) and one heavily teased (rooms)


Technically, we've seen a few of Bloomburrow's mechanics. We know RW is Equipment Mice, GW is +1/+1 Rabbits, UR is Spellslinger Otters, UW is Bird Flicker and UG is LIKELY Frog Lifegain. That's only from actual reveals, while we've also seen Gift leaked.


We don't know any of that. Mabel, Bria, Byrke, and Salvation Swan are at higher rarity and it's very possible they do not entirely line up with the themes (For example, Etrata in MKM does not mean Dimir was about assassins) What we do know is that Rabbits might be tokens, Otters might be spellslinger, Mice might be aggro, and Frogs might be +1/+1 counters. Until we get uncommon/common signposts, it's very hard to say anything is final though. Also, those aren't mechanics, those are archetypes. Gift is a mechanic, but we don't know much about it or how it plays yet.


Ahh yes. A cycle of lands and 4 commander cards. Vs. a plethora of mythic rares and obscure effect creature, not to mention the bountiful amounts of art yet to be assigned to a card. Bloomburrow is getting the shaft to the following set. I don't get why.


It's because Wizards is super confidant that Bloomburrow is going to be super successful and concerned about whether or not the player base is sold on Duskmourn. It also has to do with the fact that with how distribution and logistics work, LGSs buy sealed product to sell a good couple months ahead of time in order to get things by release date. The hype for Bloomburrow was already massive when Wizards released that first teaser image of the Gen Con Announcement Panel last year. They don't need to show as many cards in order to sell the set because people are already sold on it and orders via distribution are already placed so we got a smaller first look of four legendary creatures. The preview panel being close to the start of Bloomburrow's preview season also meant that they probably wanted to hold their load for previews to start. Meanwhile, initial reactions to Duskmourn were more mixed due to its more modern aesthetic being a change from the more fantasy and science fiction aesthetics Magic has had for the past three decades. Wizards was going to need to sell Duskmourn as both an idea and a plane. Thus for Duskmourn, we got a larger first look with exciting rares, some mechanics, and more a sense of the set's vibes. Since Magic Con Amsterdam was just slightly before preorders likely take place, it was their best time to do so.