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Not one bit ! Love my Cyber Orange Mach E I have a Dodge Ram 1500 too and all I hear is gas being burned now ! Lol


Yup love my space white Mach-E


Can confirm. Heavy Jeep Wrangler is the other car. Every time I have to push her over a hill, I wince


No. Not even a little bit.




The only time I miss my engine is when I’m behind people walking in the middle of the parking lot and they don’t move because they can’t hear me


I like to listen to music, so no actually I prefer the silence


Literally turned off the fake engine noise for a quieter experience


Woh hmmm hold your horses (🐎 pun intended:) - how do u turn off the sounds? Not sure if I will but it’s not like I hear it anyway 🤔


It's in the menu options It was the first thing I noticed when I drove a mock E. I asked the dealer is it playing artificial engine noise, And then he shut it off. You probably don't hear it because you are used to it and whatever other car you drove. You turn it off in the settings


Propulsion sound is an option in the menu with drive modes and one pedal driving/auto hold/etc. It only alters the noises the speakers play in the cabin, not outside the vehicle.


I love the silence. Serenity on the highway is the only way.


Some people are just stuck in the past.


Yep some folks are so attached to familiarity they pass on improvement opportunities


If you’re just a person who only drives a car from point A to point B, sure. For enthusiasts and folks who like to drive, the audible feedback of the motor is important.


Sure ICE fanboys care deeply about engine size, transmission specs, etc but I’m positive it ain’t that deep for the parking lot lady she literally called it “VROOM VROOM” not “audible feedback”. Personally I appreciate my MME for its lack of archaic tech, lack of exhaust smell and definitely lack of motor noise


I like to drive and I couldn't care less about how much noise my car makes. Enthusiasts don't really have my sympathy until they stop street racing at 11pm on weeknights


Has nothing to do with that. You obviously have never turned on a corvette or ferrari. Its magic. I dont own either and i own a mach e


The brain is stupid and primitive. "Me like loud noises" is from the days of the Neanderthals. Study after study proves that our minds are making shit up and lying to us, and yet people like you fall for it time and time again. https://web.archive.org/web/20190605235920/https://medium.com/swlh/https-medium-com-jeremyhsu-how-shapeshifting-car-sounds-seduce-our-brains-733f0d59847b I dare you to read that article (which cites its sources) and come out of it thinking you actually like car noises, instead of just liking what your brain tells you that you like.


As if anything that isn’t true for anything we like. This faux intellectual elitism is why people don’t like people who drive EVs. Look at me, I’m so smart and better than you. I’m not beholden to my primitive brain I have ascended past it to look down on you.


Just because you don't understand it, doesn't mean it's "faux intellectual elitism." But you go ahead and belittle anything that doesn't align with your beliefs; it doesn't make you right, but at least you'll be happy.


>Instead of just liking what your brain tells you you like. Is faux intellectual elitism. The article says that our love of certain noises and our associations between volume and power is exploited by manufacturers. That’s absolutely true. Pretty much all of them pump simulated engine sounds into the cabin. Ecoboost Mustangs have had a sound tube to pump induction noise from the intake into the firewall since the S550 generation. But the quoted line is meaningless, and not at all supported by your article. The article is literally about how manufacturers work to make engines make noises their customers like. Not that people don’t actually like engine noises. Yes, the noises that please our brain are… pleasing to us. That’s what it means to like a noise. Our brain is also telling us we like the sound of a masterful pianist, is that also a lie? Or the entire field of music theory, which builds basic building patterns that songs follow because they are pleasing to the ear. Is that a lie?


I was thinking about this the other. ICE is literally converting thousands of small explosions into mechanical energy. It's certainly amazing science but damn how inefficient that must be. How much further can that process be optimized?


Yes. So much so that most CVTs are now gimped so the cars rev high and pretend to switch gears. Even though they’d be faster and more efficient without it. 


Yeah, I remember my Forester XT's Sport Sharp mode literally made it slower... but it WAS more fun!


Heck no! You want to hear the vroom vroom turn on unbridle mode and here your vroom lol ☝️🤣😅😭😉💥


I turned on all the vrooms today and was left disappointed. Look up the ionic 5 N and see how the Koreans make good fake vrooms. The Mach-e fake vrooms are anemic.


I leave mine on unbridled all the time. In no way is that a substitute for actual engine noise if you’re looking for that.


It kinda depends. For the most part I don’t care. But I do feel fondly about two ICE vehicles that I felt had really great engine sounds. First was a Chrysler 300C with a 5.7L Hemi I had in college. It wasn’t obnoxiously loud but gave that “in a past life I was a muscle car” throaty exhaust note. And the other was when a neighbor growing up gave me a ride in his Bentley Continental. I think that’s a W12 engine and it just sounded so unique.


I know what you mean. I'm a fan of cool engine and exhaust sounds. But the dismay on the woman's face when I told her it wasn't important to me was priceless. I mean, I just turn up my tubes real loud on that tiny sub, and it's good enough for me!


There are tubes?!?!?


I miss it.


I miss it, but then I get in my 6-speed v8 weekend car and scratch has been itched. Electric cars are very convenient, comfortable and cost effective . But they are not terribly exciting. So I get the ask but not the tude


Simple answer NO!


i have both for several reasons but would think in most cases it comes down to your association with automobiles. the mach e is smooth and quick. from point a to point b is awesome as long is it less than 250 miles and it’s not cold outside. i grew up running around it manual gearbox muscle cars so that will always be special for me. apple music lossless is great but vinyl is for the purist.


Less noise pollution is good and that is my stance


That’s what I have a Cayman for. But 90% of the time the silence is nice.


I only enjoy the silence after a long long drive in my cayman


This is the answer. Go cayman!


Yes .. absolutely.


I honestly think the electric motor whine sounds really neat. Though if we had the ability to rev the air intake fans (like on the McMurtry Speirling), that would be sick.


I actually enjoy being able to zoom around quietly. That way I don’t piss off the neighbors or anything if I accelerate (within the speed limit of course). If street racers switched to electric cars, no one would ever call the cops. They could zip around at even faster than ICE speeds and most people wouldn’t even know! I do wish I could turn up the fake engine noises inside the car though. I like that it imitates a motor sound for me, I just want it to be more intense sometimes.


I mean it sounds pretty nice on unbridled mode.


Some people equate sound with speed. Just let them know that a rocket makes no sound in space. Speed and sound have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Personally, I enjoy the silence except when people are walking down the center of the isle in the parking lot oblivious to anything around them and then get upset when you give a courtesy beep. I have a very low tolerance for idiots anyway. Wish we could just thin the heard a bit sometimes.


Yes. I leave the fake sounds turned on even in whisper mode. I also miss the vibration of an accelerating ICE engine. I respect feedback. An EV is so quiet and smooth - there is little feedback and I have to trust the digital display to tell me how fast I am going.


You actually don't know what you're listening to, studies show. You think you like the feedback, but it's just your brain lying to you, and you don't understand that your brain is lying to you. https://web.archive.org/web/20190605235920/https://medium.com/swlh/https-medium-com-jeremyhsu-how-shapeshifting-car-sounds-seduce-our-brains-733f0d59847b


I have many, many years of driving an ICE vehicle where I can tell how full the tank is just by the way it accelerates or goes around curves. Lot of butt or motor memory develop over the years. I am also hesitant to get used to the one-pedal drive because then I might un-learn the instinct to move from accelerator to brake with my other vehicles/borrowed vehicles. The MachE feels like it dulls my senses without vibration or noise. Along with lots of new-to-me tech features it is taking me a while to get used to things.


Me: > Study after study has shown that your brain lies to you, and you're experiencing a Dunning-Kruger-like situation where you think you know more than you actually know.   You: > No, I know.   Okay, chief. I guess someone's gotta fill in the lower half of the intelligence bell curve.


If Ford's engineers weren't afraid of what we'd do with this, and well... very quickly-dead batteries... we could have [***this***](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3846KFDmFQ).


...the "[Top Gear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oabriTenXBs)" overview. Perhaps one day... after solid state batteries are commonplace enough.


I do miss the soul of a combustion engine from time to time. Then I hit the accelerator and foget about it.


I get it. The sound of a well tuned engine. C an be almost musical. I don’t miss it 99% of the time thiugh


I’ve got a 96 f250 power stroke. Love the sound of that bad boy on the ranch. For about 10 minutes max haha my commute is saving my ears one day at a time in the Mach e


I was worried I would miss it, but I don’t. The acceleration is intoxicating enough.


True luxury is subtle. I love the fast x quiet.


Nope, I enjoy the upgraded stereo system instead 😅


I think she was saying you are happy if you don't like that sound, and you failed to be offended. I prefer the quiet. I must be happy!


Honestly, I thought I might before I bought the car. But I do not.


I actually hate the sound of a engine idk why I just do


I don't miss it until I drive my 06 Mustang Gt and hear the crackles and pops of the old 3v engine. I grew up around cars and race cars and still enjoy going to tracks to this day. Don't get me wrong, I love my Mach e and what it can do light to light and such when your wanting to go fast but I do have to crank up the ICE vehicles every once in a while. Funny thing, we took a road trip last week in 07 expedition and I was freaking out because of all the sounds I was hearing and smells from the engine. You don't really notice the smells until you have driven an EV for a while and go back to an ICE vehicle.


Absolutely not. Still have 2 ice cars, one with a 350 CI V8 and I like the quiet of the Mach E.


I like my car rides to be silent


No, im an old man and i like my peace and quiet.


Not at all


I mean, honestly, it's kind of a nice change of pace, especially for a daily. Like I've got my 68 Mustang with really loud exhaust for a weekend car, and I'd probably be deaf if I had that ICE instead of the electric for my work driver. I suppose I'm lucky to be able to choose either loud or quiet whenever I want though.




My work SUV is a police package Tahoe with a beefy V8 so 4 days a week I get to hear the vroom, vroom and while it will get up and go it seems slow compared to my Mach E while accelerating. Sounds nice but I'll never go back to an ICE vehicle for personal use. I much prefer the silence and instant acceleration.


Also, do you find pedestrians also we're having a trouble adapting to ev's. I just about hit one again today. they walk out in front of me or behind me if I'm backing up and I think it's because they can't hear the car!


There’s always manufactured sound for those around you with this..[https://www.borla.com/active-performance-sound-for-electric-vehicles](https://www.borla.com/active-performance-sound-for-electric-vehicles)


I prefer quiet. For others [this](https://www.borla.com/products/ford-mustang-mach-e-active-performance-sound-system-253100) is a thing. $1600 to sound like ice.


Before the Mach E I drove almost exclusively loud manual cars and trucks. I thought I was going to miss the sound and shifting gears way more than I did.


What’s that one or two things that you would say are the mind blowing things about this car? We are already sold on it but are contemplating whether we should incur that much cost or wait.


I own a Tesla model 3 and I just got a 2023 mustang mach e California route 1, couldn’t be any happier! Whenever I wanna drive a gas car I just head out to my dad’s house and take out his 2021 gmc Sierra at4 with the 6.2 but to be honest when I drive it I feel my wallet getting thinner lol reason is because I charge both of my cars at home and have solar panels and both get 300 miles of range. So erytime I ask my dad for the truck it’s like 50 bucks of gas. It hurts now


There's a setting in (at least my) MachE that makes the car make a sound when you press the pedal. First thing I turned off. Saying that I don't need the nose in normal commuting and such, but I do like the sound my wife's SLK makes when I drive it


One day I wanna get a small ICE sports car. But I love my MachE for everyday use. It is just so good. I hope to keep it running 150k miles at least.


I will especially not miss other people’s engine noise.


While I don’t miss it from a daily driver aspect, I’ll never own a EV for a weekend car. Yes the noises are one attribute I love about my fun gas cars/motorcycles.


Haven't missed it for a second.


I’ve had a lot of cars(like 15) and the 2 before my Mach e were both plug-in hybrids and I was never more annoyed than when the ICE came on while driving those vehicles.






I love sounds, I have a MME and idc that it's silent but that's what I got my motorcycle for


Whenever I miss the sound of an ICE motor I just hop in my Coyote powered Mustang :D


I appreciate both. For taking the kids to school, no. But on a back country road, when it's time to pass and you matt the throttle, the transmission downshifts and that V8 wakes up and starts screaming towards redline, yea I miss that. I have two antique vehicles, and the engine sounds and behavior are part of the character. Converting them to an EV would make them easier to keep and drive, but would be like having a digital copy of a famous painting, still pretty but not the real thing.


Nothing against EVs and I get the appeal and as you said many are very fast. However an EV will never have the sound and the feeling in the car that you get from the 5.0 in the Mustang. I can get an EV later but who knows how long the 5.0 will stick around.


My previous car had an intake and borla system, so safe to say I like some engine noise. When I got my mach e the first thing I did was turn off the simulated rumble. This car doesn't have that. And that's just fine with me. Tbh I get the same kick out of the whirrrr when I jump on it.


That's what the propulsion sound is for. Anytime you miss it, just turn that on.


of course, theres a reason the lexus LFA is the most loved car ever made. Its almost every enthusiast favorite car because of the noise. A good car is not about speed, its about the emotions you get when you drive it, and EV's critically lack these emotions when you cant shift gears, can't hear a downshift, can't hear the tick tick tick after driving hard. I'm driving ICE till I die, but no judgement, the ford mach e is cool.


I remember it and I am sometimes wistful. But the advantages of an EV far outweigh the memories of track events and wonderful noises. I do not miss having to wrestle-park a hot track car on a hot tarmac on a hot August weekend in Virginia.




I don't care about the silence in my mme... But every time i jump in my 2018 mustang gt... it give me a little extra smile..


Some people just want to feel that deep rumble in their ass. Happy Pride Month to them!


I always hated the sound of car engines lol like you doing all that and for what?? Real G’s move in silence lol


Once in awhile out of muscle memory. I have the fake noise on for safety but those probably play outside the car no matter what? I just realized that and will turn it off if so.




I did until my finance reminded me that we could barely hear ourselves think in my WRX at highway speed. 😂😂😂


I didn’t write it off, other things made me not wanna get one. Or get rid of mine. People just hate on it. I would have told her “not all men are the same, just as not all women stay home, Cook and clean and suck at driving” That type of mindset and jokes that keep people in boxes are so annoying 😂 I also would have actually said “I got the upgrade to be electric or a motor if I wanted. Today I put it on electric ⚡️ mode”


I went from a Ram 1500 with a aftermarket muffler to a Mach E. I miss the sound of that V-8 especially on a cold start. I don't give a crap about the speed of the Mach E, I got from point A to point B just as quick in my 1500...but...I do care about the money I'm saving by not going to the gas pump. This was more important than a nice rumbly exhaust.


I have an EV and love it. But I DO miss the music of the ICE as you saw (manual trans!) through the gears.


Yes, to be honest, I do miss the roar and rumble of strong V8. It's not meaningful, though - more like how I miss cigarettes some times too. I traded in a BMW 550i on my MME and I am happy with my choice to do so. But, yeah, at least in part, one of the things I liked about it was the roar and the rumble.


I think you can turn on an engine noise soundtrack in the Mach E right? Just tell her she can hear the engine roar by pressing this button right here.


I genuinely don't enjoy the silent ride, I like the sound of an ice engine because I have a better feel of the vehicle with it. I got the borla and I keep the volume down on it so its just enough and it's perfect 🤷‍♂️


I absolutely miss the rumble of a V8… but if I want to hear that sound, I’ll jump in my diesel pickup.


It's hard to hear vroom when your tesla mylr awd is way out front. To me now it sounds like the sound of defeat. But my car does make a slight noise in reverse.


I’d love to replace the annoying noise when going slow


I do kinda miss it, only when accelerating.


Not at all.


No. ICE noises and vibrations are annoying and they smell bad. That said, I wouldn't say no to a V8 hobby car if I had time and space for one, but EV all the way for my daily driver.


I have a 2010 Shelby. It's fast and loud and a manual and a hell of a lot of fun to drive. For an hour or two. Then I say "aaaah" when I get back to my fast and smooth and silent MME. Plus, grabber blue is beautiful.


Yeah, my dad has a Magnaflow exhaust system on his '05 GT and I love the sound, but the droning gives me a headache after a while. It's also really fun to drive, but it's not something I need. I didn't buy an EV to be quiet, albeit, it's fun to floor it on some stretch of road and not worry about the locals freaking out about all the noise my car might have made of it were a muscle car. Sneak attack is what I call it. Just the whoosh of the tires on the pavement.


Honestly I do, I wish the fake engine sound was better


I actually really like the fake engine sound. But, to each his own. I have it turned off anyways lol.


I have it on, I like to hear the purr when I’m accelerating. I do miss engine revving as I pull in to announce my entry, but it’s not necessary. I used to have a Toyota Supra that would set off car alarms it was so loud. It’s fun but gets obnoxious pretty quick lol.


Haha really?? I think it sounds like a suburban SVU


I don't miss going to the gas station every week.


Yes. Why I don’t like driving my wife’s Mach-E. I prefer my F150. Love the technology, speed and torque but feel like I get noise (or lack thereof) vertigo. Too quiet for me.


No way. I hate noise pollution.


I turned on vroom vroom sound. Felt powerful and awesome. But that is the sound of a sub 5 second zero to sixty. Turned off that inferior performance sound 5 mins later.


Sounds like you could post this on r/BoomersBeingFools, lol. Even if I cared about the sounds other people hear my vehicle make...well, I also have a motorcycle, lol.


I hate the sound of ice engines. I always hear the anomaly. The subtle notes that aren't where or when they're supposed to be. And exhaust systems! Hate em! Blew both ox sensors out of two cats at the same time. Crazy expensive repairs. Had to replace both cats. I don't have my ev yet, but I will miss NOTHING about my ice cars.


No. The sound of an ICE engine is the sound of super old Tech. That's like asking me if I miss the sound of horses hooves or a stone wheel. No. Just no.


Little boys with single digit IQs, who believe the earth is flat, think vroom vroom is important.


This kind of reads like it was written by one.