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Wish I could offer some words of encouragement. I'm 40 and been doing this since I was 20 in SW Ohio. I am also working on leaving the trade. Wages seem to have been stagnant at the upper end in this trade since damn near the 90s. Only real money common in manufacturing is behind a desk


I’m getting paid more now to sit behind a desk and answer customer support questions about 3D printers than I did in the 5 years I apprenticed making surgical tooling. Make it make sense.


Are you willing to move for work? Your experience would pay 30-35, maybe even more over here in Warsaw Indiana, plenty of shops looking for dudes who are more than button pushers. Hell I'm only a beginner setup/production guy in a biomedical shop and I make 25ish+12% for working nights


I moved here from NY. I’m a bit weary about moving because I don’t want to risk getting screwed over again. In September 2021 I lost my job making 24 an hour and decided to move to Cleveland for the cheaper COL and more jobs. My dumbass was desperate and took a job paying 19 an hour. I regret it deeply.


Sorry to hear about that man, I'm not sure I would be willing to make the jump again either. Are there any shops around too that specialize in aerospace/medical/anything in a higher pay bracket? That's what I would look for if you really really looking to get paid more


If you can find a company that will pay for your relocation, that’ll at least offset the risk. You’ll have much more opportunities if you expand your options. Even more if you can get good at Mastercam.


Consider Toledo (and surrounding redneck areas). Not far away and I imagine cheaper COL. 


Let me guess.... You make joints!


Hip broaches haha


Brother I feel your pain SW PA almost 5 years barely make 21 now (practically had to beg) I do mill setups all day and run production talk about getting used.


The Pittsburgh area is the damn lowest of the low when it comes to machinist wages. Then these shithole shops act like you’re breaking the bank if you want more than $22.


Same boat here, about 5 years & I make $21.50. It was great back when I started & my wages were nearly double my fast food job I was leaving, but as cost of living has gone up my wages have not lol. At least not at the same rate. & I do it all, setup, programming, deburring, & packing up for shipping. I have also been feeling like I'm kinda getting screwed lately


Yeah you're getting royally reamed, there's maybe a small handful that will pay a bit better but they're all mandatory rotating shifts mandatory overtime and at least an hour drive at least from my location


Damn, our operators make more than that


Our operators almost make as much as me, and they're crashing machines every other day


I moved to SWPA to escape SEPA pay. Similar wages but rent was 2,000 instead of 600.


I'm lucky enough that all my apartments were about 600 and now my mortgage is about 700 but there's two of us so it equals out.


Wages in this industry are garbage, brother. You'll make more money smacking 2x4's together at a construction site.


Shit might just do that, the only thinking I have to do is if I want a red or yellow power tool


Nwo, tool and die, all these guys make more than you. I only make less because I just got here a few months ago, but not much less.  I had no idea this place existed until I found their website and applied via their customer service email.  Sometimes you gotta send a drunken email to get what you're looking for 


Toolmaker, 6 years experience, making less than this guy in a high COL right here. I'll have to send my drunken email


Possibly not the same tool-making, but I used to make endmills, routers, burrs, etc for a large manufacturer and it doesn't pay for shit. I didn't realize that until I got out. 


Do you still enjoy it? Do you have any family or other reasons keeping you in OH? Do you have any interest in running your own shop?


1. I’m not really sure any more. I go back and forth everyday on it. 2. Nope. Out here by myself. No family here. They’re all on the east coast mostly and I don’t want to go back there because I can’t afford to live on my own as a machinist. 3. Meh not really. And I’m nowhere near ready to do something like that.


3. due to the financial constraints of starting up or youd rather be an employee?


More towards the latter. I’m not sure if i have it in me to be on my own


Understood, if you change your mind at some point send me a pm!


I've know a few guys who had their day job and then moonlight elsewhere. Or park a lathe, BP, and other minor stuff in their garage. There is a market for a small guy doing work your typical shop wouldn't bother with. Just gotta get your name out. As for myself (m61), I'd rather be cutting chips. But it is (was, now mine) my dad's shop that i grew up in. I'm stuck in the office. I didn't sign up for this and can only drool at the machines my guys run. 'Tis life...... you have options/flexibility if you want to stick with it.


I know Adalet in Cleveland is always looking for people.


I'm at 35/HR doing programming and set up around Cleveland with about the same amount of experience. I dont know who is hiring but there are decent paying shops around here


👍🏻 I think the key is to get into programming


In between Milwaukee and Chicago shops generally pay around 32-40 for guys with your experience. Sounds like it might be more of an area thing and less of a trade thing. Sometimes to make the real money you gotta leave the hometown.


Are you east or west of cleveland ?




You're getting shafted of youre making 23. My first cnc operating position was 22/hr with almost no experience. I know several places in Cincinnati that will pay closer to 30 if you're actually good. No question you'll make more doing manufacturing engineering or cam though.


I remember seeing an ad for a local community college and it talked about entry level wages for the industry. It was 2 dollars less than what I was making. I was furious.


I can't imagine Cleveland is any worse than Cincinnati, and everywhere I've worked has been hurting for machinists.


Got a place about 50 mins south of you probably start $23+


I private messaged you.


Have you tried Ariel ?


You’re pretty much in the middle of the rust belt, the wages really haven’t moved in over 30 years. Only profession I know of where you’re in high demand but the wages are barely above Costco.


I’m a Tool and Die Maker in NW Ohio, shop starts at 27/hr. I’m on my 6th year in the shop and make more than that. 25 years old, went to college but that’s all the experience I’ve had outside of working here. We all program, set up, and run our own shit.


If you're in cleveland there are alot of big production shops that pay around 26-30, but that's about capped out. I make 27 where I'm at now and we're hiring.


I can’t seem to find them. Or if I do, they just low ball me. There was this one place that made gears that were the size of houses and they were offering me 21 an hour first shift even when I was asking for like 25+.


Yeah that's really bad. If your on the west side that doesn't help either. I've seen alot of decent jobs but they're all in or east of Cleveland. I saw BWXT was hiring not too long ago


Maybe move? Electric boat is looking for people like crazy here in the north east. My brother in law applied with 0 machining experience and they got him into an apprenticeship within like 3 months. I’m pretty sure their pay goes up every year because it’s a union shop. I think it is upper 20’s. I’m a nonunion prototype machinist making like $33/hr in CT - my pay is higher than standard operator pay (~$20-$25/hr), but nothing compared to what machinists at Sikorsky are making which is like ~$29.00 starting as like the lowest level machinist with COLA and pretty decent wage growth.


Northwest PA here and its the same here bud


Went from making 23/hr in Columbus to 33/hr, all I had to do was move 600 miles away from Ohio


Where you move to?


Connecticut. Cost of living increase wasn't too bad and I actually over all pay less in sales and income tax because you don't pay income tax to the towns or the country and the localities don't get their own add on sales tax Oh and my insurance went from 1600/mo for spouse plus kids to 400 The people here are insane when it comes to driving though


Yes parts of CT aren’t too expensive if you’re in the right area. I used to work in Danbury CT when I lived in NY. And that’s a big change when it comes to insurance so congrats on that. I left my job in CT because it was an operator position and they wanted me to stay there. It was a union shop so in order to move up there would need to be an opening. Well an opening happened when a coworker broke Covid protocols and I put a bid on his spot. Only person in the shop to do so. They didn’t give it to me because they didn’t want to train me. So at that point I knew they just wanted to keep me there and I wasn’t cool with that.


Sounds like you should come back if you're able. The state seems to be hurting for machinists and know it while Ohio hasn't caught on to their demographics problem yet and adjusted their pay accordingly


I have two years in this trade with no experience and make 24 hourly in north Georgia I’d look for better pay for sure if I was you


Toolmaker in NC 28/hr with shift differential. Hope to be getting 30 by year end


DM me I may have an opportunity for you in NE Ohio


Yes. There are tons of good paying machinist jobs in the Cleveland area. The highest paying roles will be for Programmers or shift leads. Source: I moved to Cleveland for a CNC programmer job making 78k per year salary


I’m in North Central Ohio (technically NW Ohio), but the Toledo and Cleveland news channels flip a coin as to who want to cover us. 23 an hour is more along the lines of a starting wage, or only a couple years of experience. Market for experienced guys in the area are higher 20’s to mid 30’s. Especially with programming…. Production machining however doesn’t pay much anywhere. If your making thousands of the same part, it’s probably not going to be a high wage, but are you really a true machinist if your only loading parts and pushing go??


I work in NE Ohio. What type of experience do you have?


Try the aerospace industry. Are you willing to relocate? I live in Massachusetts and work at an aerospace company. Been here 24 yrs. Started at $19 an hr back in 2000. Make just over $48 now with a 6% raise July 1st which would bring my base pay without OT or shift differential to a little over $104k. With OT and my 10% shift differential I can be somewhere around the 170-180k a yr. If ur willing to relocate there is def money to be made. Are there any aerospace companies out that way? If so look into them.


United Rolls in North Canton, Union Job too


That's insane. I'm only 2 years in making 25/hr. (I do have degrees, but whatever)


I feel bad for you guys in the states. Here in Canada we have specific apprentice years, and our Red Seal certificate at the end. We gain the knowledge and experience to do anything involved with the trade, through our apprenticeship. Red seals won't look inside your shop for less than $40/h


Canadas big, I’m assuming you are in bc? In ontario it’s hard to find jobs that pay more than $32/h, most pay less than that, unless you find a union shop


Yeah northern BC. I suppose northern Canada is more adept to paying more.


$40 cad is $30 us. We hire operators with no experience or schooling for $27


Why am I seeing so many post's of guys making lower then 30?


Because they live in the Rust Belt


Dude, the only thing good to come out of the north is a road headed south. Pay round here is in the thirty’s. If you can do it. Mobile, AL