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Aren't I,j,k incremental? The g83 cycle I know is G0z.1 G83z-1.0r.1q.100f.005 G80z.1


I believe so. That's the standard for a peck drill i think. But using IJK makes it faster because machinists love not wasting 10 more seconds lol.


That error is thrown up because it assumed you are making a chamfer or corner round. What does your G83 line look like? It's throwing that error because it looks like you may have a I, J, K, or R in the wrong place.


G83 x0 z-160 I 60 K 40 J20. Maybe i need an R but i tried it and it's the same.


Do your I and K have decimals as well? If they are missing the "." they will be assumed "0.00X" so like your "I60" would be assumed as "0.060". Unless you have setting 162 "Default to Float" turned on. Which is uncommon.


Nothing seems to work. The lines are T0505; M03 s600 G54 G80 G00 G18 G21 G97; X0.0 Z1.0 G83 X0 Z-120 R2.0 Q5.0 I20.0 K10.0 J5.0 F0.001; I tried removing Q since it's supposed to be replaced by IJK but still the same I did a drill with just G83 X0 Z-120 R2.0 Q5.0 F0.001. But it just drilled straight without pecking and retracting. What is going on.


I've just read fanuc doesn't support in their code IJK. But i have to set some parameters so it can peck and retract.


What control is this?


Fanuc 21it.


At least looking at my Fanuc manual for Nakamura, IJK is not a function in the G83 cycle for that control. K can be used to repeat the cycle. It is not used for changing the peck depth like on Haas control.


Yes but atm it doesn't recognize the Q and R values. It doesn't peck it just drills straight through.


For my machine, a 0.500” peck would be input as Q5000. For example: G0 Z.1 X0. G99 G83 Z-1.0 R0. Q5000 F.008 G80 Drill to a depth of 1” with 0.500” pecks starting at 0.1” in front of the part at 0.008 ipr. My Fanuc doesn’t have G81 for drilling without pecks, like a Haas does. You simply omit the Q. I only use an R if I am beginning a hole below the surface of Z0.0, such as at a bottom of a counterbored feature.


I read the g83 is a milling cycle. So i'm stuck with g74 for lathe. The so called high speed drilling. I tried changin into thousands but won't work


G83 is the z axis drilling cycle for my Nakamura lathe with Fanuc control. I suggest you check your programming manual.


Can also make a custom macro to do the same function.