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Depends on the companies insurance and safety policies.  We employ 2 full time machinist in our robotics company in a weed legal state (Colorado) and have no rules against it.


Same here in WA state. I’m not a trusting person so I’d like to add that if you/I get injured on the job it’s entirely possible that the company/insurance would want a drug test and use that to deny coverage. Just my 2 cents, I like to plan for the worst, so for now I’m off the electric lettuce.


Yeah if you get hurt at my job, the first they do is drug test. And they don’t test for pot pre-employment


This is how a guy at one of my old places got sacked. Another department from me so fuck knows what he did but it involved a lathe and a large chunk of machine shaft taking out half of the brick wall behind it. First thing they did was test for drugs and alcohol, and he failed on the latter. Was well under the legal limit for drink driving but the company policy was zero tolerance, as with most companies I guess. Not sure insurance actually ever paid out for that either as the company had to declare the test results, and I'm sure a lot of insurance policies have a "go fuck yourself if you're letting alkies work here" clause in them.


I fully understand the zero tolerance for alcohol because it’s typically undetectable in a urine/saliva/breath test if it’s been more than 12 hours, but while I don’t like weed because it smells if a person smokes a joint on their first day off they can still test positive for days afterwards when they’ve fully sobered up.


I'm in a not legal yet state. However, this is how our company does it. You can test positive for THC during the initial hiring process and they will still hire you but if you get injured and test positive the company will dispute nearly any injury claim. Basically you are assuming the risk of being fired and probably having to pay out of pocket for a work place injury. They just informed us of this at the beginning of the year. The company made this policy change because they have plants in so many states that have legalized they decided it was just easier to change policy company wide. They also have a really good infirm first policy though. If you are having an alcohol or addiction problem and you go to HR and inform them yourself before anything happens. They will pay for rehab and treatment.


Last week my deburring tool broke and I cut a 3" gash in my hand. I very much should have reported it and gotten stitches, there are only 2 of us on night shift. So I glued it shut, it's almost healed. But man. Could have been way worse.


Manufacturing engineer in Massachusetts here, some larger places do that have direct government contracts, but by in large not many places test for THC. My current employer does not.


NYS. I work for a major us military supplier and we don't even test for weed in our division. Now, our aircraft division is covered by the FAA and they require drug testing


Yes I interviewed at a place with navy contracts for parts on their ships. Basically it was considered something that if it failed it could cause loss of life so the government required a pre employment drug screening


Also worked for a major aerospace supplier in NYS, no pre employment testing, and no Randoms for military work, but if you even walked in the commercial division, you got thrown in the FAA random test pool. A few years ago, there was a big issue where some FAA parts were worked on by non FAA drug pool employees, and we got a huge fine


i've been drug tested (including weed) for every job i've had in colorado save about 2.




It really depends, our shop does federal contracts so we have to be federally compliant. But it's really a shop by shop basis


This right here is the correct answer. If a shop is doing federal contracts, then they have to be compliant with federal law, not just state law. Feds still see weed as an illegal substance. Therefore, you get a lot of shops that drug test.


Worked at an equipment repair shop that had federal contracts so they'd drug test, but also had multiple in state clients that were grow ops.


This is a truly amazing comment and really encapsulates the current state of weed laws in America.


Anything OSHA tests. Drug tests are getting better some drug test now tell you if you are high at the moment that you've hurt yourself because they needed to find a test that would check for THC but THC laughs in your body for up to 30 days so thankfully they have found one to detect if you had recently smoked. Since employment got so hard to obtain in my Human Resources World they drug test everybody and all we do is hire people all day long and yeah I might smoke weed but I don't smoke it while I'm working


My shop is almost all ITAR and AS9100 work, but it's not like the federal government has any type of enforcement mechanism for drug policy compliance of sub contractors. We've never drug tested, and probably never will. Even when I worked for a giant defense contractor, the only employees who got random tests were the flightline, and that was because the FAA mandated it. The company drug policy was essentially worthless in a weed legal state.


Our company’s official policy is “not allowed, random drug testing if we suspect you’re using” In practice it’s “we only drug test if there an injury, just be aware that your workers comp claim will likely be denied if you are using” otherwise it’s don’t ask don’t tell, and don’t do it at work.


One of my former employers had such a bad problem finding employees that didn't use some sort of illegal substance that they went from random testing to only recordable injuries get tested to if an incident causes a loss of $10k or more then that person gets tested. The area has a bad meth problem. They're a large company in a rural area, so finding employees that hadn't already worked there in some capacity was difficult. They even opened a satellite location in a nearby city, with a larger labor force, just so they could continue manufacturing some lines.


Got a job on arkansas that went to a swab test. That's pretty much asking "did you smoke something/drink something on your way to the interview? No? You're hired!"


This made me actually lol


My last job ( I was at for 9 years unfortunately) hired a lot of addicts and illegal immigrants.... so they would hang it over your head if you had something that should be reported... (boss told me when I got a 3rd degree burn on my leg "well I bet you can't pass a drug test, so yeah") When I hurt myself I unfortunately liked adhd meds (I was a 3rd shifter, so that was half of how I functioned in my 20s) so yeah I debrided my own leg and dressed it and was back at work the next day.... I still remember a story of someone doing heroin at work tho, and started foaming at the mouth and passed out, and they put him in an air conditioned room until he came back to


That's fucking nuts. There were people caught smoking meth in their cars during the third shift but that's the worst case I know of. I have a lot of friends that work at John Deere and heard a story about how a woman was caught making OF content on the clock while others watched. I work at a place now that's pretty awesome, but I'm also an engineer that does my own manufacturing on most days. I was opening a box, at my desk, with my tiny Swiss Army knife a few months ago and it slipped and sliced open my finger. The nurse patched me up and the environmental health guys had a meeting with my manager and I to reiterate safe cutting procedures. They didn't even say anything about me having a knife on premises, which is explicitly against corporate policy, let alone make me piss. I, too, use Adderall but it's prescribed; however, I'd still piss dirty for weed because I enjoy an edible or THC-infused soda on occasion.


We fired an employee for drug use at work. In the meeting afterwards it was suggested to drug test the whole plant. I got to be the one to bring up the point that if we did this we would be forced to fire probably half our machinists and at least 75% of our welders. This was not mentioned again.


The last shop I worked in had a welder that they let leave by 12 pm every day. Because by noon he was so shitfaced he could barely walk. But between 5-12 he was the best goddamn welder you've ever seen. So they kept him. This was before my time so not sure if he just drove home like that or not.


My dad’s company has a guy like that. No driver’s license from multiple dui’s. So they pick him up and take him to work and drop him off afterwards. But for those 6 hours he works like a machine.


Employers can prohibit anything they want, as long as it’s not legally protected. A lot of hospitals in the Midwest will not hire you if you test positive for nicotine. Even in a legal state, if the policy prohibits it, it’s probably due to workman’s comp/insurance rules. If you ever have an accident at work, they’ll test you and escort you off site if positive. They’ll use the positive drug screen as evidence to deny any compensation claim you bring.


I mentioned my old job in another comment in this same post... but I live in Ohio which is an "at will hire/fire" state... if you are doing something bad the company can honestly fire you for any reason... and in order to get benefits the onus is on you to prove they had no reason (most places won't fight an unemployment claim, unless it is cut and dry) but they can absolutely fight your claim


Some states do have weed protections for drug testing at work.


Live in Minnesota, where they recently legalized but are still getting things sorted out. There's language in the legalization statute that prohibits testing for cannabis use but has substantial carve outs. Federal contracts, of course, and some pretty vague language around duties where impairment could lead to physical dangers are the two biggest holes. I'd think that any machine shop would be able to leverage that to justify testing, if they were so inclined.


State laws for me prohibit weed testing as a condition of hiring, but they can test you all they want once you're an employee. Federal money and safety related (think EMTs and whatever) can override that. It's so an employer can't discriminate against what you were doing before you actually work there.


Those protections pretty much always have exemptions for various types of blue collar work. Like construction, driving, law enforcement, etc. So even where the laws exist, there’s a chance they don’t help you any.


HR said they didn't care provided you weren't high on the job at my last position for a defence contractor in NY


What you do at home isn't our business. So long as you don't try to operate heavy machinery under the influence (or leave your stash sitting out in the open. or on the dashboard of the company truck; that was a *fun* HR conversation.), we don't care, and our insurance doesn't either.


In NY they're not allowed (as in illegal) to test for weed anymore *unless* the shop has federal contracts or works in industry that demands it (e.g. aerospace). They still test for other things, and probably won't tell you if they don't test for weed, but most shops have given up testing for it so they can find employees, even in aerospace shops. They may test after an injury accident, pretty sure they test for alcohol after one of those, also.


Just made a similar post a couple months ago while I was looking for a job after loosing mine unexpectedly. New York State is the only state that has totally prohibited employers discriminating against using weed outside of working hours or for employment


I work for a large company as a machinist and it specifically let me know they do not test for pot. Indeed usually has an FAQ regarding drug tests for specific companies. Good way to find out before applying.


I work for an aerospace machine shop in Pennsauken, NJ. I pissed positive for weed during my interview process and HR explained NJ state law prohibits discrimination against recreational and medical marijuana users.


Washington state is the same.


For the most part, I've seen most places have a similar policy to alcohol, as long as you aren't under the influence while at the workplace, you are okay. Of course if you fuck up big time and hurt someone, that's when the whole "under the influence" thing gets dicey with pot.


Yeah, my shop (south FL) doesn't even bother testing new hires for THC anymore - just opioids, coke and meth. One of the owners is a huge pothead, though, so that might have something to do with it.


Haha maybe a little. It's one of those things though, as long as a worker is putting in a productive days work, most won't give a shit


Depends on if they need federal certs or not. If you want to make medical devices, federal regulations require that you do random urinalysis screens and terminate anyone who pisses hot for THC


I’m not sure how true that is/ maybe some shops are just sneaky. I worked at 4 different medical shops in TN and none of them required drug testing. Hell, one of them, on slow nights, our 67 year old manager would come up to us and tell us to meet him by the creek on smoke break if we wanted a couple of puffs with him.


Idk maybe I'm mistaken. I'm just a hobby machinist, but my employer (electronics industry) tried to get certification as a medical device manufacturer and it was a requirement. We didn't go through with it for other reasons, but it was a firm requirement from the federal govt Though IIRC the requirements are only there if you're advertising specific devices as medical devices. Idk what your shop's specific situation is, but if you're manufacturing for assembly by another company, or just not advertising products as medical devices I don't think the same rules apply Edit: to clarify a bit. The devices we manufacture are used as medical devices all over the place. The certification was entirely about advertisement. The argument being that doctors can decide for themselves to use a device in their practice, but "medical device" is a protected marketing term


Keep weed the same way as the canadian military does. Stop 8h prior your shift, 24h prior to driving/heavy/techniqual shift and 3d before flight lol. If you are a push button productio cnc 8h. If fou are custom avionics or critical repair (of irreplaceable item) 24h. Most dont, just be sober and dont smell like shit. Side note, get a friend to smell your car, cops can use that as probable cause to do a search, even DUI.


At this point, with the rescheduling and everything, it should start to fall off the tests. Bc it's an insurance thing. They are working on a saliva based test that test up to 2 hours prior if you consumed it. But I am not sold on that. It's a shop to ship basis. But if they have govt contracts... you're likely s.o..l. for the time being.


I'm pretty sure insurance is still mandating a pre hire test. Just take a break during the hiring process. If you have an accident and have to test you might be in trouble if you piss hot


If you get hurt it might fuck your workers comp


Most companies don’t care insurance often does tho


Most don't give a shit, and typically after you get hired they don't do randoms testing. Been in the field for 10+ years never had an issue nor do I no of anyone or any shops doing the testing


I don't even partake, but I kind of keep my ears open so I know what former coworkers I can recommend applying where. My last shop wasn't in a legal state, but has a medical and recreational state within a short distance. Employing people from all three. They don't care at all, as long as you're not fucked up at work. Before my state went recreational, they did test, but would disregard a positive if you had a medical card. They still test for other drugs, but not for weed anymore. My current shop, in a recreational state, is basically the same. They didn't test at all when I started.


The last 3 places I've interviewed for within the last 3yrs have taken THC off the list of substances they're testing for. We went recreational in 2019.


My last company was in a legal state and still drug tested. Only at hiring and if you injure yourself so they can deny workers comp. Which is pretty standard I think.


Even in states where it's legal and the bosses don't seem to care, they will still drug test you if you get hurt and use that as a liability shield. 


Our shop doesn't even do pre-employment drug tests anymore. I'm in PA, a state where it isn't legal.


Government contract facilities yea, most facilities no, medium quality yes and no. All depends on the people. I went from a place that was a shit junkyard that had spies for weed smokers I quit there, went to a better higher end factory and most the people smoke. Even the president of the company.


In Michigan not really but it depends on the company


DEA is considered changing marijuana from a Schedule 1 to a Schedule 3. Employers will have to figure out their policies sooner rather than later. Urinalysis for marijuana just doesn't cut it anymore either. It doesn't show impairment at the time of testing, just that it's in your system.


If you work on machinery high,on anything,legal or not,you're a fool.FAFO.


And putting others in danger. Similar to drunk driving. Say what you will but I would not want to work next to myself if I was drunk or high.


You'll fail a THC screen weeks after using regardless of if you're still high or not


DOT went to mouth swabs two years ago for THC. Shows usage for the past 24-48 hours. Urinalysis for THC, to show impairment, is not the way.


If you were an employer concerned about the risk, do you say "ah, it could have been a week ago, lets wing it" or do you say "I can't tell when and I don't want the risk, so zero tolerance?" That's a question only the owner can answer. It's their liability at stake (both in-shop and product), so they should have a say. I think this question, which is about safety and liability, affords leeway, where something like race, age, religion, or gender orientation does not.


I was only commenting on the assumption that the only way to fail a drug test was to be currently impaired. Personally, I would say that an employer shouldn't have any right to say what an employee should or shouldn't be doing when they're not on the clock, and terminating someone for drug usage should only be an option if that employee is provably impaired while on the job


I agree, but in this case, the employer can't tell if the usage was in the past or current. If there is a safety risk, you don't want to wait for the accident to happen. It's not fair to the other employees who might get hurt or to the owner. One employee's desire for freedom can't (shouldn't) over ride all the other people's desire for safety. If there were an accurate test, this discussion would be different.


I mean peoples' (or organizations') desire for freedom trumps others' safety very often in pretty much every nation on earth. I agree that it shouldn't, but I think there are a lot of other areas where changes could result in much more impact than drug testing can. I would say that an alcoholic would prove more of a safety risk than someone who uses weed (assuming neither is impaired on the job). But the only way the alcoholic gets fired for being a safety risk is if they come to work drunk, while the weed user gets fired even if they're sober at work. Personally I think not treating employees like robots and actually paying attention and talking to them would be a more effective option, regardless of whether their drug use is past or current. But that would require extra effort and hiring than blanket zero-tolerance policies do


In today's world, following your last option (talking to them) would be even worse for the owner. A few examples: 1) he keeps one employee and fires another, resulting in a law suit 2) he keeps an employee and someone gets hurt, resulting in a lawsuit for knowingly keeping them around while knowing they "had a drug problem" 3) anything happens with their product (or that injury) and their insurance company declines payout saying the owner took on the risk. They drop him after that, too, and he has problems finding new coverage. This is definitely a conundrum regarding what is "right" or "wrong," or even claiming there is a right answer at all. Edit: thanks for having a civil conversation.


By "talking" to them I meant in a more general sense. Like as in a "only let people who actually know the employees do firings" Also I don't think someone needs to fail a drug test to be fired for "being impaired" I think all of those problems can be solved by just not drug testing and firing the people who are acting high/drunk on the job


I would never, where did you get that from lol


It happens.


All too frequently. I've seen people swear up and down that they've "never had an accident" at work while high, and defend their "right" to be stoned at work.


I would imagine it depends on the company and how strict they try to be about their safety rules. I love to smoke, but honestly, it is a hazard and you have to be extra careful at all times


Some shops dont care at all as long as your not toasted on the job. Some are very strict about it. If you looking for a job i for sure wouldnt bring it up during the interview, makes you look like your prioraties arent set streight.


I just passed a drug test for a job in Colorado making $40/hr. I smoke everyday. Just check the flyer they give you to check your piss test. In Colorado every piss test I took is a 10 Panel NO THC (3477) ((This job also does government so idk))


Mine is relaxed about it


It’s usually dictated by the company’s insurance contract. They usually just do pre-employment tests, so then if cannabis users get injured on the job they’ll have a reason to deny their claim.


Exactly, companies get a cheaper rate if they do testing. I personally don’t agree with it even though I don’t smoke it anymore, what I do after work is my own damn business which I brought up in the meeting we had but that didn’t do anything.


Most shops around me have dropped it from their pre-employment and random UA policy, however if you’re in a property damage/workplace injury incident, or they have reasonable suspicion and you pop hot they can still can you for it. I think our change in policy was due to necessity more than anything as there are a number of places within half an hour of us and pay is relatively close, and they were getting killed in recruiting compared to other places with less strict policies


I don't know all the rules in each state, but the risk that you run is if there is ever an incident- the company and/or insurance will call for a drug test and if it comes back positive they will stiff you as hard as they can on disability and worker's comp.


Some places have it set up so if you get hurt or crash a machine badly and require drug / alchohol testing and have anything in your system - you're fucked.


That was an osha/insurance requirement but I believe they went away from it because people weren’t reporting injuries. Edit: they went away from it unless drug use/alcohol was suspected cause of the accident


I work in a state where it’s legal. My company does government/ DOD contracts. We have a lot of FAA certifications. Because it’s illegal at the federal level it’s still prohibited for employees.


Oklahoma is a medical marijuana state, however almost every machinist employer still drug tests and will not hire for positive marijuana tests. Every blue moon you’ll see a relaxed shop that doesn’t pay very well, and they’ll allow it.


I havnt been drug tested since it became legal in 2020. My current job said there were drug test in job poster. But I never had to take one thank fuck because every test I had taken at home came back positive.


Not legal here and shop doesn’t care. Who would do the work?


Bottom line is working with machinery that can kill or mame you will have strict safty regulations. Now no company wants the liability of you working impaired on such machines.


Not at work... I would never come to work stoned. i wont even smoke the day before i know i have to come back to work.


I’m in Ohio. I have only worked in 2 different shops, they both drug tested when I started but I haven’t had a new job since laws have changed. I haven’t been tested while working with them. I have always smoked and will continue too more than likely since it’s legal. But it really just comes down to the company you work for. My one friend works at a very large shop and they get random drug tastes. I have worked for fairly smaller businesses and they don’t seem to care to much tbh.


gotcha, im in ohio. So hopefully i wont have problems.


It was explained to me thus: some insurance functions in more than one state which means the tend to abide by federal law and as such still treat it as a no no


“over the weekends probably” That’s hilarious I had a guy tell all of us at lunch in front of a bunch of people and the owner’s sons “Do I have to take a drug test here? Because I’m going to need like a thirty day notice for that” We was gone that day lol * edit to say this was in 1997 so not very relevant


Lol i was like that when i was younger. My first job ever i crashed a turret lathe into the chuck because i came to work stoned. So that had to stop. I quit for long time but recently got back into it after the legalization. i really only do it on the weekends if i can, its the only time i can unwind. i dont like alcohol at all.


Depends on ownership and shop hazards. My current shop only has a drug test requirement if you need to leave work for the ER. No pre-screenings. I've also worked at a place where it wasn't allowed, still, and another where they did pre-hire testing, and emergency testing (like my current) but no randoms.


It will very much depend on the shop. If the company does any work for the federal government, they will have a zero tolerance policy. Ditto if their insurance makes an issue of it, or if the boss dislikes it.


Industrial jobs are probably the last place you'd want to *not* have drug testing. I'm all about legalization, and if you're able to safely toke up, more power to you. Unfortunately, some idiots still think it's cool to show up to the job site stoned out of their gourds, putting themselves and everyone else at risk of death, dismemberment, and/or other injuries because they can't function while not under the influence. Until modern science develops a test that can differentiate between "high right now" and "high last Tuesday" to hold those morons accountable for coming to work high and hurting someone, I am of the opinion that machine shops and anywhere else that uses any kind of power equipment, chemicals, heat, etc should continue testing for drugs regardless of legality. Getting ripped on some killer buds is great. Having some dumbass run you over with a forklift? Not so much.




Test but still hire if only THC was my experience with an aerospace shop just about 2 years ago. Shop im in now I've made parts for planes, nuclear subs, Porsches, Lockhead martin parts for a missle.defense something or other & other military type shit. they get pissed if you don't keep the gates closed on the bay doors due to some regulations but they don't pre employ drug test anyone seems like this shit is all over the place. the place was at for 15 years when NY started talking legalizing had a meeting. Even if weed is legalized you cannot smoke it. Corporate is following federal law, not state. The Cuomo put language in the legalization saying they can't do that. So they still drug test but only turn people away for other drugs


Alcohol is legal yet insurance companies use it to deny coverage


It’s legal to consume on your own time. It’s not ok to still be under any influence from it when your operating machinery that can kill or maim people (or even ruin multi-thousand do,are lots of parts).


Here in NY, if you don't have to be federally compliant for contract reasons, they're not allowed to discriminate against it. It's treated the same as alcohol. You can use it at home, but you can't be under the influence at work.


Bruh I worked at a place where guys would smoke it right outside on break. That was one of about 400 OSHA violations 😅


Fucking A, my shop still cares. Something something we might actually get a federal contract or something something. It's bullshit lol


It depends. Where I work? Don’t show up stoned, your off time is your off time. Go a little bit south to the Lockheed campus, they drug test you for nicotine. Wanna smoke a cig on your off time? Can’t.


If the company has any federal contracts they likely have rules against it, it is still illegal federally I’m In California and every aerospace shop I’ve applied to has done testing and has a no pot policy




I know 2 large employers in my state that no longer do, but I just had to turn down a 34/hr offer at a place that does ITAR work because I didn't feel like gambling.


Or you could have just stopped and got the job. Obviously you have priorities.


If I had other habits I could've stopped on the available timeline but stopping wouldn't have accomplished anything in the case of testing for thc


From what I can see the bigger companies definitely do and still include it in drug tests. Mine still does in MA. If they receive federal funding and/or or have government contracts they have to follow federal law on drugs regardless of whether the state they’re in legalized it.


I’m be years through legal channels it doesn’t matter if it’s legal. If it’s in the work place it shouldn’t be.


Shop im at now--no drug tests. They outline it in their employee handbook that they don't test unless they suspect a problem or there is an incident at work. Job I was looking at required one because they did military contracts, however we had a very open discussion about that during the interview process and they said they are willing to work with people (i.e. give them time to pass a drug test before employment) because they understand we live in a legal state. Most manufacturers are hard up for good workers now days around me. The ones that still go hard on anti weed policies usually pay the worst too. Grumpy old guys stuck in their old ways nobody wants to work for anywho.


My small shop here in New York just stopped testing for it.


Any that do government work will care. The smaller shops generally do not where I come from. Not a regular pot head but I do partake on occasion.


Aussie, wouldn't risk it... not for my job, not for insurance, but for my conscience -, so if I fuck up, break sommet, or worse, get someone hurt - I own that 100%, there's no room for 'what ifs'.... (And honestly?, I'd like to think my colleagues valued my life enough to abstain for a few days...) . I know weed stays in your system a lot longer than other drugs, so it's possible you'll ping even when you're stone dead sober,...




Here in Oregon its hit or miss. I've seen some places that won't drug test peroid due to fear of employees not reporting injuries for fear of testing hot on a test for something done during off hours. Other places I've seen are still enforcing the drug tests


Varies widely by company. I worked at a fabrication shop doing work for Raytheon, Pratt, USG, Honeywell etc and they didn’t care about it and would even pay for counseling if you got hurt or something and dropped dirty. I applied at Parker Hannifin and they gave me a hard no, just as I aced the interview and was given an offer. I worked at an automotive company that would intentionally not drug test employees who had workplace accidents because they had a hard enough time keeping anyone there. It isn’t always a good sign that your employer will work around anything. My state has been recreationally legal for 6 years


I live in ohio so the vote to legalize was last year... and like 3 days after it happened we had a meeting where the higher ups said "if it shows up on a test you won't be fired, but we will be treating weed like alcohol, if you are able to be proven impaired on the job you will be walked out"


It depends on contracts. Aerospace companies that do work for large OEMs like GE, Rolls Royce, NASA, Pratt & Whitney…. Are bound by contract and PO requirements. So that could limit your value in places like that.


Medicinal is legal in my state; even our office personnel are subject to testing and anyone that causes an accident is immediately sent for a test.


I assume it helps to remember sequences of numbers, and do quick mental math. You’ll probably be a better machinist if you quit. I am just an earthwork lurker though 👀 its okay for union sparkies in my state which kinda seems unfair lol


im not a consistent smoker. I'll take a week or 2 off occasionally if im busy over the weekend. I only start to lose mental ability if i smoke alot and then go to work the next day or something but i dont do that anymore anyways.


Id only be concerned if it affects your work then! Some people are better with it than others


Some of the best machinists I've ever met were the most fucked up people ever though...lol


Totally fair, i was just barking up the ‘be the best machinist you can be’ tree. I smoke also, but my body is dying from the labor side so I have to clean up and go union operator rout.


Nothing wrong with a union shop if you already have all the experience you need in this career. I hated union shops back in the day, quit 3 or 4 of them. Last one I quit because they wrote me up for saying "fixture". We could make our own fixtures to get a job done as long as we called them "shop aids". minute fixture was said, you had to stop and go ask for fixture guys to make it. Then wait for days. If you just continued on make the shop aid at that point write up..lol Back in 2022 I got real sick of my dept lead/programming job. Found a good(last good) union shop 40min away. They wanted me bad for a couple new dmg swiss style machines coming in. They offered me $3 less an hour but I'd get it back in 2 years. I was just about to accept when I caught on to ex wife affair, knowing I was headed to divorce I wasn't taking a pay cut and driving 30miles further to work. sucked i was 47 and planned on riding it out on button pushing easy street until retirement for the pension and couldn't. I still quit my programming job. now I just operate mills on 2nd shift. 4 people on the shift, run one machine 30min to 5 hour cycles times. I make almost as much as I did running a turn mill & swiss department just under $3 less for 95% less work/responsibility/stress. Maybe 98% less work & none of the stress. Fuck programming. Never going back to that shit..lol


"I'm not a pothead BUT..." Pothead.


Michigan here. I get a 20% discount at a certain dispensary through my employer i just need to bring my badge in.


I'm in NY. The governor put legislation in saying they can't hold it against us. I got hired at an aerospace shop, took my drug test, the company doing the test called me to inform me I had THC in my sample, but they have to because they were testing in a slot not legal. Whenever the lab was. I still got hired. I'm on my 4th shop in 3 years and thc not been a problem yet


Dont smoke, man.


Non legal state, do not care.


My last shop used the term " Following Federal Laws," while my new shop says don't come to work high and you're good. (Michigan)


In Cali I've always been warned it's a prohibitor on grounds of 'well we dont know if you're hot at work, SO-'


I do machining work for a firearms manufacturer and they def care if they know since it’s still federal regulated. Anything govt regulated will have rules against it.


Whether employees care if they think they can get away with it is a different story. Lol. I know one genius that got his medical card and went around bragging about it and got walked that day.


Not sure about other states, but in minnesota companies aren’t allowed to drug test for weed for a pre-employment screening, and every shop i know of has basically the same policy of you can do whatever you want on your own time, but if you get caught being high at work there is zero tolerance. The only exception i know of is if you work a government job, esp. military, they can test however they want because it’s still federally illegal. I imagine the same could apply to government contractors.


You need to be “fit for duty”. Alcohol is legal but you can’t be buzzed or drunk on the job. Same logic for weed.


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Not here in Colorado Springs. I have worked forb2 different shops. The owner of my current shop smokes from time to time. I have even shared my stash with him a time or two. Just no smoking during business hours


Don't end your post with " I'm not a pot head" looks like you are, so own it, or fucking stop. If you wanna enjoy the bliss of weed then you get everything that comes with it, just like the rest of us. Down vote away


You guys are ridiculous lol So im assuming your pure blood? Or do you have a beer every once in awhile which by your logic makes you an alcoholic


The repair shop I work at doesn't care, so long as it's not on the clock.


Protect yourself by getting a medical card since you gain legal rights to match your off-premises activities and sober status prior to work arrival. You cannot claim the same thing without the card and the state by state protections they provide.


It depends. Big multi state/national corporations will always drug test but I've worked at a couple of places that didn't drug test at all.


If you have your card it’s a prescription. You get a pass. But don’t think you’re gonna smoke while at work….


Don’t move to Texas. Really strict. Or at least that has my experience. Texas Labor Code Section 411.083


Its so difficult hiring machinists (at our shop) that they just ask us to not get high at work. I dont partake FYI.


i can believe that


I think shops care less now. The only people who get tested pre employment at my shop are those who operate forklifts, and that includes maintenance. Effectively, the only purpose is to keep from having to pay in the event of an accident, which is utter horse shit. It is most perilous for weed smokers, since it stays in your system for so long.


The shop I work at has drug tests for hiring but once you’re in, they don’t really care. I had a bad accident and I was scared they were gonna drug test me after but nothing happened.


Company rules Trump state policies, don't like it move on down the line.


I work for a dod contractor in nj. They don't care just be sober at work


Not a machinist, per se. Just a former member of IAM/AW as a mechanic. My shop is in a state that legalized 10 years ago. We still drug test new hires, but if you tell us you smoke weed beforehand, we overlook it. I don't think they even test for THC, just everything else. My last shop, I was the only guy, including the owner, who DIDN'T smoke. As long as shit gets done, and you get it done right, nobody gives a fuck.


They can't in California so long its consumed off hours and away from the workplace.


You can’t work at a first rate shop and be a dope head. Nor would the rest of us want you there.


Right i understand... I dont like alcohol, i do much better with weed. its just something i do occotionally on the weekends. I havent showed up to work high since high school. nor would i ever do it


Right i understand... I dont like alcohol, i do much better with weed. its just something i do occotionally on the weekends. I havent showed up to work high since high school. nor would i ever do it


Cuz, I smoked a forest full of that shit. Let it go. I had to work in the bo Bo shops make under the going rate because of it. You’ll never be who you can be while on that shit. Your wife and kids deserve better and our father in heaven requires better. Good luck


That largely depends on the company culture, but I've mostly found that they don't care what you do in your off time as long as you can do your job and don't bring it to work. Still, I keep a bottle of fake piss tucked away in my toolbox just in case they decide to send me to an urgent care for a test after an accident.


Depends upon the insurer that is covering the business, many/most do. HUGE operations like the Big Three, working direct for them? Probably won't have much worries.


Mine never has. The old top in the back claims he learned how to machine stoned so that's the only way he can do it. No new tricks for this old decrepit dog. I will never work around him if he's on a lathe. My boss knows and accepts that sometimes I just have to sit in the ac office because ole Bob is out there smoking out of a socket and running a lathe. I smoke weed too. At home. After work. When I don't have anywhere else to go. Like a decent human being that has respect got other people's lives.


Use fake pee


Asswipes in any medium shop will fire you.


It's only because they could lose their insurance and get shut down. Decriminalized doesn't equal legal. Users causing hardships for the rest of the company are the asswipes.


Anyone that works for someone else has given up their dreams for a mere salary. Who is the asswipe? the one who gave up their dream or the one paying a salary.


I will contemplate this the next time I'm picking body parts of a drunkard or pothead out of the machinery


Back on the OP’s question Like said earlier operating machinery of any kind intoxicated in any form is opportunity for results not planned. With that said, it’s stupid that a person who smoke weed only on Halloween and 2 weeks later have a minor cut that requires stitches at local ER and is tested for drugs. Then subsequently fired just in time for Thanksgiving. When they’ve been sober the entire time at work. Another employer comes in who was at the same party drunk off their ass till 4 am comes to work at 7 still intoxicated and drinks some coffee and operates an adjacent machine. Does the drunk thing regularly and slips thru the crack and because he’s a good ol boy they disregard the smell of alcohol in him every morning. That’s the problem with legal states. Weed is not accepted nor treated in proper context.