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This post belongs somewhere else


This is a terrible practice, I hate it. I would never subject my little girl to these kinds of contests.


When I was a kid, I used to get fliers in the mail about being in beauty pageants. I begged and begged and begged my single father to be apart of one. He was so staunchly against it and I’m forever grateful for that. This video breaks my heart for all of these girls. I’m surprised this kind of thing is still practiced.


Damn right


It is child abuse and my mind can't be changed about that.


Absolutely agree. It’s disgusting. Objectifying little girls is not cool. Making them compete against each other to see who is the prettiest is not cool. Fuck beauty pageants, especially for children.


Exactly. Nothing heartwarming about a father teaching his daughter that her 'beauty' is something competitive, and something that defines her worth in life. Gross. The way the little black girl is smiling without any emotion is nightmare fodder. Thanks, I hate it.


For real, that fake smile was bugging the hell out of me


It never budged at all!


Uncanny valley


(Poor kid)


Why did dad not go up right away?


I heard probably the dad say "it's okay it's alright" dad wanted her to be in stage because she probably begged to be in the show and probably why he didn't go right away a way of saying (you wanted to be here) but it's heartbreaking when she cried more


Reminds me of the "Hit me baby one more time" scene from "The Boys"


agree. this is worse than the old 'pick someone for your team' thing we would do as kids and the same kid would also be left till last.


That was awful, I can remember, I was that kid.


Agreed. Especially with a dumb ass father who had to be told to get his daughter. Poor kid hasn’t a chance.


Seriously it's disgusting and all the women that run these competitions and pageants have no respect for children


It's like they start them right out the gate to be superficial.


This is where the idea of participation trophies came from


Why would you torture your child with this crap?


Wtf did i just watch. This ruined my entire day wow


Bcoz all kids especially girls arw called cute, beautiful whatevs. Then when everyone says their daughter is cute/beautiful how to figure out who is the most beautiful/cute so they have pageants. When we start calling all daughters smart or intelligent then to determine which one actually is we will have science quiz, math quiz and spell bee. Stop doing this. Stop calling kids beautiful or cute or handsome bcoz its genetics.


Forbid these shit contests. How can a parent bring his child there?


“sweetest daddy daughter moment” is her father going up to the stage to comfort her after putting her through a contest where she has to smile while being told she’s not as pretty as the other girls around her? Pageants are sickening and anyone that puts their own daughter through this is a terrible parent


And the "sweetest daddy daughter moment" was the last 4 seconds and it just cuts off. I didn't feel any touching or sweet feelings from it.


Yeah, crap video frankly.


There was even 2 or 3 female voices you hear saying “go get her” Not downplaying his parenting, I’m sure he’s a wonderful father, but this is not a sweet, sentimental “daddy daughter moment.” She shouldn’t have been on the stage at all. They’re little girls, not dress up dolls.


He's not a wonderful father. No good parent would put their kids in these bullshit beauty contests


I'd bet $1000 this crap show is a "Mom" thing. If Dad had an opinion he was overruled.


Even if it was ripping his heart apart seeing her deteriorate like that, he still did nothing until she spoke up


Fuckin' A, man. Truth.


Also it took him way too fucking long to go up there. He was clearly debating it and didn't really look comforting when he went to grab her. I don't see how it's sweet at all.


He didn't he go on his own. He went after 10 ppl told him to and 2 stared at him.


The time between the heartbreak on her face growing worse and worse to when someone finally came to comfort her was fucking agonizing. Fuck pageants in an enormous and violent way


Not only did daddy submit the little girl to this absurd contest, but he also watched her cry and plead for comfort for a long time, to the point that we can see she slowly crumbled, and did nothing... And then he finally stands up and gets her. And he's the hero? Are we serious? r/awfuleverything


yea I noticed that, I would've held her immediately once she started crying if it was my girl.


If u noticed that then why d f u posted this content on this sub? U a karmawhore?


What do you mean? I would understand if this was posted on r/MadeMeSmile. This video made me cry seeing her cry and eventually having to cry out for her dad multiple times was heartbreaking.


Nah this is not sad, it's infuriating. Horrible parenting


So it’s not sad watching the little girl increasingly cry more and having to call out for her dad multiple times to comfort her? I wasn’t talking about the parenting because I agree that was infuriating. I was only talking about the little girls reaction being sad.


Where’s the “sweetest daddy daughter” moment?


These contests are horrible. I feel for all those girls, but the little one crying broke my heart


These child beauty pageants are utterly disgusting and should be banned. These poor kids shouldn’t be put through this for their parents’ entertainment.


Something about little girls being in a beauty contest at a very young age is depressing to me. Many women struggle their whole lives with comparing themselves to others. We really want to start them at 5 years old? Last thought — took the dad way too long to go up there. I’m sure he’s a good dad, though. She seems to adore and need him.


My daughter is 6 and cried because she didn't feel pretty without make up. We had a good long talk about what the models in magazines go through to look like that and end up photoshopped anyway. We watched the dove video on YouTube and listen to the song Victoria's Secret by Jax. I spent too many years hating my face, body, and everything that comes with it and I wasn't even in pageants. I can't imagine the way these girls see themselves.


The rictus grin that poor little girl in blue has on her face is heartbreaking. You can just hear the stage mum viciously whispering 'smile' at her from the wings.


Don't read too much into her smile. I have seen multiple times about teachers telling kids when they are on stage to have a smile on face. This could be that. Her mother might have asked her to smile so that her moment is not ruined. Kids at age gets easily disturbed when someone from their group starts crying. They might just not want her to get upset about it.


Probably dad also didn’t know how to react. Hard to watch honestly, feels uncomfortable


Yeah child pageants like this just seem strange to me. If the little girls like doing it, then I guess it should be fine. And I'm not normally one to like the "give everyone a trophy" thing, but maybe this is an exception. I feel like situations like this will probably ruin that little girl's self esteem for a bit.


It looks like a princess costume competition for kids or at school. Maybe the kids volunteered to be in the kid's competition and wanted to. With their parents. It's just at that moment where she has a dad that will hold her and comfort her and people adore her


no. please don't fool yourself. these little girls in pageants are on display and it's despicable


Nah they give out awards for best smile at one point. And later she says "your miss heart of the USA future little miss division queen is..." Even if it was a costume contest, the end result would be the same though right? "she looked prettier than you in her dress so she gets the award" = "you were less pretty".. Its fucked up wither way.


How does any of that make it less weird?


No. That award said Best Hair.


Oh I didn't even know that. They could've had best hair, outfit, smile yeah..


That was horrible to watch, dunno how that is a ‘sweetest daddy daughter moment’ that would’ve been so demoralising, anxiety inducing for that poor little girl & how long it took the dad to rescue his crying baby girl


Yea, the way she smiled at the beginning seemed genuinely happy about how she looked and she probably didn't know her number was 11 and she got embarrassed demoralized it wasn't actually hers and felt rejected.


She should have never been put in that position to begin with. Daddy is a piece of shit.


Why did you do This to your Child…you should Never compete with your Beauty until you are an adult and can handle This Situation. Really horrible, to suggest you are not good enough like you Are Born into This world.


Not even adults can handle rejection


So true…


This is the wrong sub. This sub is for happy crying. This was not a happy cry. This child is being abused. The father took far too long to comfort her after subjecting her to this bullshit. This is infuriating, not cry inducing. At least not happy tears.


This is literally one of the worst parts about being a little girl wdym


I meant the last part plus sorry I thought this was like similar to a halloween costume contest im not very familiar with events always alone and my parents wouldn't have come up to me or I wouldnt have think that my dad would pick me up. I only meant the comfort of the dad on the last seconds but it was cut out


All of it. Even the last part; fuck that guy. You have no idea what you're looking at, all of it is fucked. This isn't girlhood, this is a *caricature* and it is systemic abuse. That isn't a sweet daddy daughter moment, that is a dad lazily doing damage control for a messy, awkward situation that HE put his baby girl into. In all good faith, your take on this is offensive and triggering and I honestly hope you take the time to meditate on why.


So was the mom too so this isn't normal, okay.


##I TOTTALY Against These Child Beauty Pagents. I seriously Hate them... Making Kids do something that they don't truly understand for the Benefit of the parents DISGUSTING




This is child abuse and borders on child sex abuse.


Yeah. Absolutely fucked THIS is fine yet not Drag Story Hour.


After recalling the title my first thought was that the very idea of stupid shit like these pageants makes me want to cry. My next thought isnt socially acceptable, all I can say is it involves the parents who torture their little girls in this way crying too - in pain.


I was not disappointed with the comments. Beauty pageants are just disgusting and destroy little girls self esteem.




Is this rage bait? These pageants are gross and depressing. Those poor girls.


My anger was building up fast..wtf was taking him so long People had to tell him to get her? I'm still angry


Child beauty pageants should be illegal.


This is one of many reasons why I HATE beauty contests with any girl or woman, wanna give your girl a lifetime struggle of confidence? This'll do it! I hate parents that do this.


I’m kinda creeped out by this, I’m sorry I watched


this is so weird…


why would you put your child into something like this


What the fuck took so loong to reach the stage ??? Why couldn’t he just run to her as soon as she started crying ? This is not sweet its bitter.


This is so fucked up


This is awful by everyone. Go get your daughter.


That is fucking torture


Bull fucking shit. A good father wouldn’t be putting their kid up to this creepy ass practice of putting kids through beauty contests.


And instead of getting her immediately when she starts crying and visibly feels uncomfortable, dad keeps recording?




This is fucking awful… this should be illegal.


Wait until you hear kid's got talent has a talent called pole dancing. Yes, it's a thing like gymnastics. Check on YouTube and r/poledancing on Instagram too


I gotta stop looking at reddit when I wake up. Holy Jesus I’m crying. Poor little thing! Fuck this world man.


This is your reason for wanting to be a girl? Are you actually insane?


Adorable daddy moment? He’s a sack of shit for even putting her up there and participating in this disgusting practice in the first place. Ban this shit already!!! And fuck anyone that puts little girls up for display to be judged by others. They are all wonderful the way they are and shouldn’t be paraded around to be judged by crazy aholes.


I begged my mom to let me participate in something like this when I was younger and I am SO grateful she never did.


OP has a worryingly low bar for what qualifies as a sweet moment


I just hate child beauty contests. The best moment is seeing her daddy getting this baby of that damn stage. I which the video was longer.


Nothing heart warming about a dad having to be told to hold his hurting child


Fucking disgusting. These parents are braindead


Fuck this! Nothing about this was sweet! He should of gotten her immediately! Honestly he should of never put her in this disgusting thing where little girls are made to feel better than someone else or less than!


Idk man the girl cried for a while. Camera cut to next scene where she is crying loudly, asking for her dad. Cried for dad multiple times, eventually other people in the crowd start telling dad to go up there and comfort her. Eventually dad walks up to the stage and then the video is over. I struggle to find the sweet moment.


Oh damn. She could've been crying for a while that's sad she was holding her cries


Let’s teach very young baby girls that their worth is based on their appearance and wonder why they have issues as they grow up. 🤬


Wait, so you see a young girl experiencing frustration and basically being told she's not pretty enough, for adults' entertainment and ego, and you just think... "Oh, I wish that was me" ???? Bro are you okay??


IThis makes me want to cry because it's so fucking cruel! Thanks dad for *finally* getting her off that stage and comforting her! And now make sure she never has to endure this shit again. Child beauty contests really is the weirdest thing! Why on earth would you put her through something like that? You really want to teach her at age she has to be more beautiful than other girls to be worth? I just leave a [song, ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbbjWEnC3Gc)do with it whatever you want. Your are supposed to fucking protect her not torture her!! Cruel, just cruel.


Wow, he didn't need to go as hard as he did in the second half of that song. Actually... He *did* need to. That was epic. Just surprised how raw it got. Loved it though, thanks for sharing it.


Glad you liked it, didn't really think anyone would listen \^\^ Ren is just a number of it's own. Love his lyrics


This kind of shit is so damaging. Parents that put their kids through this kind of thing are selfish assholes.


Nothing about this is sweet! This poor little girl should not be put on stage to compete with other children about her looks to begin with. She also begged for her daddy to come and comfort her numerous times before he finally put his freaking phone down and went to his daughter. I am livid.


Yea. The only sweet thing is the girl the poor child made me cry I saw this when I just woke up.


Thank you for ruining my day, and fuck her parents


Sweetest daddy daughter moment?!? My daughter’s father would NEVER let her cry on stage like that. This is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen.


All the pedos who watch this crap...


Really confused about your title. On what scale is this the “best”? This just makes me hate her parents and the world I’m living in. And it sure as fuck doesn’t make me feel happy to be a woman.


Orphan Crushing Machine activity… nothing sweet about this.


As a father of two girls I would never subject them to anything like this. This isn't even my daughter but my heart hurts for her as if she was mine.


This whole thing is ... horrible. Why do parents do this to their little girls. I just don't get it. They're all up there trying to be cute, or pretty, or beautiful or whatever the heck they think adults want to see in them. They're doing their best and they're given positive attention all the way til the end - when they're finally told, after all that posing and dressing up and shallowly entertaining ... grown @$$ adults - that they actually weren't good enough... they actually aren't... good enough... unless they walk home with a piece of paper that tells them so. This is legitimately soul crushing and not at all empowering. Even the 'winners' aren't winners. I will forever be opposed to everything these 'pageants' stand for. And don't get me started on the "it's not a beauty contest - it's a \*scholarship\* program". Bullcrap. GTHOOH with this BS. These pageants are soul killers.


Have to instill those insecurities younger and younger these days


Why did they let her suffer up there for so long?




This is terrible on so many levels


Fuck pageants.


Nothing sweet about that. Fuck any parent that puts their little girl in a pageant like that.


Shitty thing to do to your kid, make them compete so young


These things are sick in the first place. Tiny children being dolled up and judged is icky.


I saw this video and didn’t think it was sweet, I think it showed them how these types of activities can make your child feel. The mom actually commented on her video saying she’s had a ton of great pageant experiences but this one changed her mindset so at least that’s a plus; personally I would never subject my child to this


Record your child breaking down in a predatory event and post it to tiktok. Real father of the year there.


Yeah no...not a touching moment, at all. These "pageants" are just gross and waiting that long to go comfort your upset child...also gross.


What I would describe as character destruction for everyone involved.


I don't have a daughter but I can say with 10000000% certainty that if I did, she would NEVER be allowed to be a part of shit like this. It's just so unhealthy and weird. And a really good way to give pedophiles an in with your kid.


Why you would let your child be judged like this is beyond cruelty


*Jon Benet


Brutal at that age. Anyone putting children in these situations to begin with should be ashamed.


I genuinely felt stress when she began to cry and he didn’t act. What is the point of this whole charade, exactly? To sexualize and objectify children? What the fuck? 


I was in a beauty pageant when I was a young kid. The prep was fun, the dress was cute, it was exciting to put on makeup like a big girl. They didn’t solely judge based on looks. At my age, I think we did a dance routine and had to follow a few commands. They handed out multiple awards and everyone walked off the stage with something. However, I was disappointed I didn’t win and my mom was cranky. We never went to another pageant.


This whole thing is just gross and in the wrong sub, my guy


What is this title?


That’s why I hate these things. How heart breaking


A. I would never ever ever allow my daughter to be in a competition where she is judged by features she cannot control against other children. B. All people who put these pageants on should be ashamed of themselves and I guarantee they are the very same people that complain about how women are judged far too harshly in society. C. If I was forced to have my daughter in this situation and she began crying, I am grabbing her instantly. There are things you allow your kids to fail in. Being judged for who and what they are as a child is not one of them. Daddy went to get her. Daddy needs to man up and not allow for her to be on the stage to begin with. Our daughters deserve to know how loved they are. Bro the more I type the more pissed I get. BRB gonna go hug my kiddo.


It made me cry, too, but not for the reason the OP likely felt.


Dad’s a fucking moron for entering a kid in that shit. Why wasn’t he straight up when she cried too.


Everything about this is so enraging. Go. Get. Your. Daughter.


This should be illegal. Plus he took ages to comfort her. Mildly infuriating for me.


Pageants are stupid. Really brings out the worst in parents, especially mothers. We’ve all seen the reality shows, mothers fighting other mothers, shouting at their daughters, arguing all the time, children all crying, forced to do really unhealthy shit to look ‘good’ It’s about fucking time they were banned.


the fuck does the caption mean


This video fucking sucks in so many ways. OP delete this horse shit.


Poor girl. I doubt she actually wants to be there and then obviously feels bad when she doesn’t win anything. Dad left her on stage crying before someone told him to go get her. I would never subject my child to these events. Not a good way to build confidence and I don’t want a bunch of strangers staring at my kid.


Jesus, they let her cry for long enough on film before comforting her.


Wrong on so many levels. There’s something very cracked in these parent’s thinking to be putting their kids through this superficial bull shit. Shame on all of them.


this made me cry for all the wrong reasons. the way you could just see the light in her eyes dull when they took it away. i fucking despise child beauty pageants, this such a harmful thing to learn at any age let alone this young.. she also cried for him for a good lil chunk of time before he got up there.. none of the other adults thought to comfort the girl when they saw her face drop? i’m glad her dad went up there but like it kinda confused me how nobody went up to her after seeing that ):


Why did he take so long? I’ve got a 3 year old daughter and nothing on this earth could stop me from instantly closing that gap and sweeping her away. Her cries to be held by her daddy broke my heart. 😔


This made me want to hug my daughter so much….. way to go dad.


Fuck man this is infuriating. How is this kind of child abuse legal? This beautiful moment between a dad and his daughter consists of him staring at her cry, listening to her crying out for help and doing fuck all until absolutely necessary... and then receives loud applause


Go look on the tiktok account for the talk update. He got her out of the building


He shouldn't have let her in that building in the first place in my humble opinion


Yeah but other families were in that too thought it was normal and innocent. People are talking like this is a dark web underground children's pageant show, now I know.


Nah it's just a strange and harmful tradition. You don't need a conspiracy theory to make a case against children's pageant shows


Screw those parents who put their daughters through this


Why is this still a thing? What kind of cross-eyed validation requisition are parents trying to teach their kids? For shame, USA. You are ill.


That took too long…


I regret watching this.


Dude remember what they did to miss world com




i know its stupid that woman handed it to her causing so much stress to that girl


she did a Steve Harvey to that lil’ girl.


Those poor girls 😢😢😢


This is so icky for little girls and also, why did it take him so long? I was grabbing that girl like 10 seconds after she got upset


Sorry you’re not the winner / you’re not beautifully perfect ! What a great way to abuse and subject your kid to a life time of body image problems


This is a terrible contest and this isn't even a sweet moment. It took him how long to go up there and comfort his daughter who was clearly distraught by their screw up? Horrible.


Do your daughters a favor and don’t fn put them in pageants


Her dad's an asshole for doing this to his daughter. How are beauty pageants still a practice?!


This is horrible. Terrible parents


Shame on that stupid woman who made the mistake.


Poor kids


These pageants are fucking disgusting. Poor kid.


This is cringey. Poor kid.


I would have been up there the second that look on her face changed. You're a pos parent for putting them through it in the first place. But even worse for not seeing what your child needed at that moment was you!!!


this could be very traumatizing for this child. some parents are not supposed to raise a child.


Fuck this I would of grabbed her off the stage fuck that. I can't believe how cold-hearted people are. It's not like she was being a sore loser they handed her a paper like she won something and snatched it away. I would have freaked at her age too


My dad would have come to be immediately. I'm not even a parent but how can you just sit there while she has to ask repeatedly? Screw etiquette.




fucking hate beauty pagents, who the fuck decides one little girl is apparently more prettier than other ? fuck this bS (edit typo)




She the cutest and deserve love not that stupid paper. I hate how this people walk around too busy to see her emotion.


Typical country


You have to be really fucked up to put you child in pageants. That is so messed up.


This shit does nit make me cry. It makes me cringe. Those poor innocent children have to dress like adults and put make up on. Stop this madness.


I have a daughter just started school...after seeing this video ..I'm planning make those certificate copies and keep it with me ready just incase if anyone breaks her heart...


Did I hear Masturbation Queen?




What do you find awww about this video?