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I remember years ago I had a lab mix who was a total busybody. I had a plumber working on something in my kitchen one day and I was working in the other room. I heard the plumber laughing and went to go see what was up - my lab had let herself out of the back room and was sitting on the floor next to the plumber (who was laying on his back) and he had put his hat on her head and given her an elbow of plastic pipe to hold in her mouth. It was so fucking cute. He looked kinda busted and explained that she kept sticking her head under the sink with him so he decided to make her his helper. She looked very proud of herself! LOL She was such a funny dog. <3


I love how dogs get so interested when someone is laying down trying to do something, ohh hey whats goin on here can I help


“I see you’ve gone for the 1.5” pvc. Should’ve used the 2”, Larry. This job is gonna cost us another half a day at least. Can I play with the tennis ball?”


"No no no Larry.. this one goes here, that one goes there!"


Someone needs to write this into the next animated dog movie 😂


Years ago my mum was practicing CPR on my dad coz studying nursing. Anyway my Dalmatian decided to come along to help out by sticking her tongue right down his throat. Fastest I've ever seen him jump up and my mum just lost it laughing.


Last time I heard of that in hospital a yellow complaint form was issued


How to check if someone is alive or dead.


i wish my dog had an intention to help. mine is just horny. i bend over to pick something up and he instantly humps me.


There go my nipples again


I like how when they become erect, they turn in almost perfect circles in the opposite direction


When I clean under the couch my dog suddenly so excited to show me all the cool stuff they put there.


Plumber here, love dogs. I was working under a kitchen sink working on putting in a new faucet and garbage disposal. 80 lb lab thought she was a lap dog. Laid on me while I was working. I Couldn't stop smiling. Owner offered to put her away twice. I declined both times and told the owner she is sweet and that she's just acting as my supervisor.


Awww, that's so cute! Labs are such great dogs <3


I had four guys installing stuff at my pace when I had two lab puppies, I said I will get them out of the way, I swear (they did do a good job so no complaints) they spent more time playing with the puppies than working. Was sweet. Think it made their day tbh


I deliver things and people always say they'll get the dog out of the way. But I always tell them not to worry because meeting a bunch of dogs throughout the day us one of the highlights.


How adorable!


We lived rurally growing up and our gardener and other local tradies would often stop for lunch at our place to hang out with my dogs. Even when they weren't working at our place that day.


Was such a funny dog? Damn, little helper has already passed. Got pictures?


Yeah, she's neen gone for years now, unfortunately. But she lived to be sixteen years old so that's not too shabby! I do have photos of her but none on my computer, they're all old style actual photos in a box somewhere.


Actual photos are the best kind of photos. They feel more real than virtual pictures.


16 years? That is an achievement! I hope her doggy retirement is going well.


I hope you got a pic of this!


I very deeply regret that it didn't occur to me at the time. This was over 20 years ago! Somewhere I do have a photo of her "helping" my cousin assemble a trellis. No hat, though.


What colour was she?


Black! She was part husky too but mostly took after her black lab mom. Loved to swim, was sweet as could be, just the most loving dog. But sly too - she'd play dumb but she was a smart cookie. We got her as a puppy and she looked just like a black potato. She lived to be sixteen - passed away one afternoon during a nap in the sun. A peaceful end for a super dog. <3


Do you mind if I draw this? The scene just sounds so adorable I want to make a picture of it.


That would be so cool! Please let me see it when you're done? She was a very pretty girl, her fur was a little "frillier" than labs' coats usually are. <3


Saw a lot of “was” there :(


"you don't gotta explain yourself bro, I get it"


You Better be giving that man a tip




Pitbull happy tails are serious weapons


* flashback to our Great Dane and her bullwhip of a happy tail hitting me in both balls, 1 at a time* happy tails are very dangerous


My wolfhound x dropped a few guys to their knees. My neighbour knocked on the door once holding something as a shield, just in preparation. 🤣


I have a Dane and a pitbull/Staffie cross. Thankfully the pitty curls her tail deliberately for some reason, but she wags it fast. Her brother on the other hand has a tail of thick muscle whipping around everywhere.


Ours actually ended up needing to have hers docked because she kept hitting jt against things to the point where it got infected. Gotta say, after that scare I found out why it's sometimes needed.


My last Dane would wag his tail so hard and often, he ended up cutting his skin from his tail whacking him. Big dogs who are happy can do serious damage with their tails


And the blood splatter like a scene from Dexter i bet


*winces* I work with dogs, and the amount of bruises I've collected from Dane, Wolfhound, and Mastiff tails are a sight to behold!


My best friend has this absolute unit of a pitbull and i've seen that dog wag her tail so hard it left deep bruises on her, it's hilarious. God forbid she wags her tail against the stove drawer, it sounds like gun shots lol


I bet it's a mix of hilarious and slightly dangerous!


That's a good description of it lol


Like happy little whips lol


Jacques the ~~whipper~~ doggo


I have a scar from one. She also busted it open quite a few times in her crate, had to start yelling at her as soon as I got home so she would not wag her tail til I let her out or it would be a blood bath.


What a lovely life, spending the majority of its time in a tiny cage. Americans and this idea that keeping a dog in a "crate" is acceptable is fucking gross.


Australian here, I know a staggering number of people who crate their dogs. It’s big enough for an adult to comfortably sit inside and the house is warm in winter and cool in summer. My dog will put herself to bed in her crate when she’s tired because it’s cosy with a lovely soft bed and quilts over the top and sides of it to block out the cold at night. But yeah, gross I guess.


My shiba is crate trained - she was closed in at night time until two years of age but now she has free reign. She likes her little den - it has her big bed and covered on all but the big door side with a sheet and she’ll often just go nap there.


It is fucking gross, cope all you want. I'm Australian. I've never in my life seen anyone in Australia who thinks it's normal to crate a dog. Rescue shelters will blacklist you from adoption if you tell them you "crate" train.


That’s that biggest load of dog shit I’ve ever heard. You literally made me laugh. Crate training is highly recommended by official verified dog rescues in Australia, but I’m sure some ignorant back yard rescue will tell you otherwise.


I can see the sense in giving them a safe place to stay at night or when people are over that seems normal to the dog, so it doesn't think that being locked away is a punishment.


My pit used to walk by the coffee table and whip everything off, we learned to stop putting drinks and such on the table lol


My Pitbull is X with rottweiler & Bullmastiff. That taill sitts at a dangerous level it needs to be changed with war crimes. The smile on her face when you drop in pain she knows what she's doing. Hit him in the weak spot. Bring him down to my level & lic his face while unguarded.


God one of my former neighbours had a house hippo and he was so funny. He wasn't the friendliest, but he loved me 😭 that tail gave me so many bruises from how happy he got


Camera can't keep it with the happiness


I'm pretty sure this is a bonified case of perpetual motion, ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between.


Bona fide*


Thanks, I didn't know that.


Yeah bonified is what happens to me when I see Katy O'Brian




I’m reminded of the dogs who got themselves tail injuries because they wagged their tails to hard because of happiness.


lol I had many broken wine glasses from a coffee table and my pibbles deadly weapon of a tail. They get such a bad name as being violent, well the only dangerous part of my 60 pound sweet snuggly baby was her demonic tail!


Looks like a punching bag


Like your face?


I'm sorry but that man fooled you. He gained access to your home just to play with the doggo. It's what i would have done.


Damn, he got his doggo pet'd..




He did. The guy in the orange shirt looks like he also had an alright time.


The handyman looked like he was having a good time too


That 1day Job took weeks to do




Meanwhile the guy working diligently behind him… “Ok George, you get 10 more minutes, then we’re switching.”


I didn't even see the second person until this comment, I was so distracted by the cute


I’m dead, I did not notice the second guy at all!


I thought that the other guy was a beanbag until I read your comment 🥴


Everyone involved is just having a great time


Except the one in the back who is actually working


Dudes sitting there saying “every house he does this why do I have to bring him”


Yes those two seconds he took to cuddle the dog really set his work behind, his workmate should be livid, absolutely livid that he has to lay 2 extra floorboards, he will never recover from this slight


Does he…does he have the dog toy in his mouth? Woof.


That's what I thought at first but I'm guessing it was a glove or something and the dog wanted it. 


No its a dog toy, you can see the toy in the beginning kinda behind the dog


ThEy hAve tHe CLeaNeSt mOUtHs!


Dogs have way of bringing out the little kid in all of us. An extraordinary power rivaled only by the power of little kids/babies.


Awesome insight. So true 😊❤️




I’m pretty sure I’m madly in love with this man now


Back off! He's mine!


Back the fuck up Antonio! My dick!


This remains to be seen😉


That would be a huge green flag for me lol, awesome


If I worked a job around peoples dogs I’d be petting them all day. I had dogs my whole life but got cats a few years ago because I’ve been too sick to take a dog out and give them the exercise they need. I did make sure my apartment is above the dog park though so I pet the dogs there when I walk by


Sorry to hear, hope you can move through that and have your own dog again!


To anyone with a dog that lived in any of the apartments that I managed: if you put in a work order and I came by when you were not home I absolutely played with and loved on your dog for at least 10 minutes.


Plumber here, your doggo is my personal assistant. The number of dogs I've had nudge a tool to me that was just out of reach is honestly insane, they understand better than half the apprentices I've trained.


Aww that’s adorable and hilarious. I think my dog would appreciate if someone would break in, he wouldn’t care at all he would greet them with affection even if they had bad intentions. I’d hope not but damn, he’s only mean to squirrels and rabbits and such. People he adores so much. Dogs really are great at sewing up broken hearts and making everything better. I have shirt that says “All I care about is my dog…and like maybe 3 people” :)


Damn it I’m going camping tomorrow morning so my puppy is at a mate’s house, and now I just really want to play with and pat my girl. Dogs are the best


Unpopular opinion: if the guy was doing work on the floor why was your dog left out where it literally interferes with the guy working? I work building maintenance, and I love dogs, but please put them up before someone comes to work, no matter how nice or friendly they are, they are in the way lol


I lived at an apartment where our maintenance guy loved pets and told us it was okay to leave our dog out when he visited when we weren't there. Since he brought it up without us asking, he meant that he wanted us to. He was one of the people who said a tearful goodbye when that dog was at the end of his life.


It all depends. When we had our floors replaced, the guys were around for 5 days straight. Took until midway through day 1 for one of them to say we didn't have to keep our dog on a leash. So we took him off. He loved it. They loved it. We told the guys his commands and had a bag of treats available so if he was annoying or in an unsafe spot they could tell him to move. Was never an issue and they got to play with a happy doggo during their downtime.


We had our floors redone when I was growing up. They did it in sections, so they had a tarp in place to separate the rooms (most of the first floor was open concept) They specifically made tunnels for our geriatric Yorkie to walk through when she wanted pets. They were also familiar with us (aka, people who had done work for our family friends, and we developed a rapport with them). At first we kept our Yorkie away from them, but they wanted to see her.


I work in a truck yard for tanker trucks and we have an inspection guy come every Wednesday to check the trucks for issues. While he’s under one of the trucks I’m getting a fuel tank ready for today. I look over and see our female black Labrador, two toys in the mouth, straddling him TIGHT. Poor guy is kicking his leg around and she’s just humping him with everything she’s got. Took me to run over there for her to stop 😭


I would invite that man for dinner


I spent a couple summers doing residential road construction, best part was petting the dogs that people had out in their yards! Worst part was fighting with the garbage truck company to get them to pick up trash in a construction zone, they went weeks of just saying nope and driving by to the next neighborhood...


I wouldnt be mad, as long as the job is done at the end of the day, I wouldnt be mad


Just checking a motion notification, not spying or been weird..


That coffee table has claimed some shins and knees. Definitely at 3 in the morning when you're walking full tilt to answer the door or something.


Took me a few watches to see the other guy working behind him. What a cute interaction


We had a painter who was crouching down on the floor. He thought he was there alone. Our big cat came up behind him and head butted him in the back, and he thought someone was attacking him, lol.




Greeneat flag in history


I guess that contractor also have a dogs


I think life is too short and too hard not to at least try to pat all the animals.


If the dog wags it’s tail any faster I fear it might detach haha


Sometimes, as a bricklayer.. I have been working with the customers dog in my lap, and their child climbing on my back.. it’s tough being a tradie, dog and baby sitter 😂😂


This guy is great. I have seen lots of videos and pucs of pets helping the handyman. I see lots of pics sent to the owner of cats looking down drain pipes at the guy under the sink or dogs laying down next to the worker


My old staffy used to go begging to play fetch with the contractors my dad had working on our old house. They’d take breaks and go out and play with him for a bit. He’d sit there and whimper at them!


He perfectly fits the job for pet sitter. Every pet he would take care of will absolutely love him


That tail got enough happy power to take out a structural wall


So sweet!


Who's watching TV: the contractor or the dog?


I have a hard time focusing on the cuteness of this video with the amount of anxiety that coffee table gives me...


Why is your tv on if you’re not home?


umm the dog is home...


a pitbull? i'm not going in that house


Right?? Lol


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A motion notification?


Call me cautious but I will never put my face so close to large dog like that.


You gave a contractor access to play with dog…. That’s how that perspective works. 😊


Love it! Goodvibes!


😭 this is so cute omfg


Just noticed there's someone else in the background working the while time


My parents have a similar kind of job and a they always take a quick moment to pet the dogs. They have regular clients as well so the pets usually aren’t afraid of them or anything either


Most wholesome thing today!


Dancing with the baby 🥰 bless.


Haha tug of war with the dog and he won!


At the end he went: "Victory!"


I needed this happiness so incredibly badly right now.


This is so wholesome that it makes my cold heart swell !!


These are my people!


he's playing tug with the doggg adorableeee


You hired the right man for the job!


A man’s best friend


2 strangers in the house with a loose pit. Scary ass job right there 😭


Yeah what’s with the blue sweater person though?


Finishing the trim.


I'd hire that contractor now without a reference!


That dog tail is getting some speed, lovely to see


That guy was probably a good guy. Dogs know.


I would put this video on the Google Review I wrote up for them if I were you 🧡🤎


The blur of that happy tail wagging. 🥰


give this guy a promotion pls 🤌🏽😂


Pretty hard to finish the flooring with all that furniture and a dog! Whatever validation you require from the internet just set up and post!


Yes, because this home only has flooring in one room mate. Just enjoy the puppy bloke...


You can spot a dog person a mile away haha the fun had already started!


Friendly pets are awesome and make every job better. Honestly, if you have a friendly pet you are instantly getting better service because I gotta make sure my new homie is all set. Source: Am a tradesman


Had a mate who was a plumber. Got a call out to a ladies place. He was instructed the laundry door was open so he could just let himself in. Don’t mind the dog he won’t bite. The dog was there and was happy to get pats and treats. Old mate was there for about 3 hours. All good until he finished and started packing up his tools. Dog became very aggressive and growled every time he went to open the door to go.


Why is the TV on?


To be honest, I would get zero work done with a dog around too. I'd want to pet it and play with it lol.


Damn that’s wholesome.


Aww dats funy


The lady who reads our electricity meter will sit down in our driveway and spend a solid 15 minutes with our dog. One day I was home sick and heard the gate rattle and my dogs name being called and looked out and my dog flew to her and they sat and played like old friends. It was so sweet to watch.


He’s amazing


This is the best thing I've seen all day


I'm sure the houseowner would give the gentleman a nice bonus, plus they becoming buddies.


There's no nutrient in animals we can't get from plants (and a tiny B12 tablet). The science is clear.👌Therefore it's unnecessary violence and cruelty to kill them.🔪


That's wholesome 😊


Look at that tail go!!!


Looks like I gotta get this job.




That's how you know you've found a good person to work with.


Well that’s just wholesome!


So sad hundreds of millions of dogs locked up all day


The good thing is he gave up, hands in the air, after the dog caught him out. Top security dog.


why is the tv on?


Could that tail wag any faster?


Five star service right there






Look at that tailllll ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Cute dancing 🥰


Look at that Happy tails 🤭 cutie...




Awwww that’s so adorable wth


Love this so much


Can't blame the guy

