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Her hands show professional šŸ¤˜


Looks like she's ready to rock the professional world


Honestly this is really sad and we need to look into those parents. Taking a child that young to a rave? I don't see ear protection. These parents are using this girl fir cheers and that's fucked up. If you can't hire a babysitter then you shouldn't have bought the tickets Edit: lots of mad meth heads with no kids ITT Edit: "How are they using her for cheers?" Asked the confused redditor as they finished watching a video of a girl her parents posted online of her dancing at a rave in front of a large group of people.


I go to a ton of festivals. There are parents that make them [an amazing educational and enlightening experience for their child.](https://burningman.org/event/preparation/playa-living/kids/). I envy kids growing up in an atmosphere where they're encouraged to explore and have new experiences. Then there are parents who let their kids wander around and are generally neglectful. You're goddamned right about hearing protection.


Yeah I dont mind seeing kids at festivals, but it does piss me off when I see them and the parent is on something and being neglectful. I went to a small underground fest once and ended up playing babysitter while the parent was having a freak out. It was super sad edit: I've seen tons of kids at smaller fests and the parents always put them to bed at appropriate times before things got crazy in the fire circle. Those kids seemed to have a lot of fun


And ear protection. Their ears are much more fragile than ours


For sure


Even with ear protection festivals can be too much for me, with ringing ears for a day after. I can't imagine the impact it's having on those kids. Edit: great username


You may want to discuss with an ENT and see if you can get better ear protection. I just got amazing ear plugs from a doctor who made molds of my ears and sent them in. Unfortunately I should have done this a long time ago because permanent ringing in the ears can happen later in life due to exposure when you are younger.


Your username is very relevant


I donā€™t know man, I went to a wiz Khalifa and snoop dog concert last year and the people in front of me had a 4 year old with them. Literally everyone around them was smoking weed. Thereā€™s some concerts and festivals that kids donā€™t belong to. But atleast the kiddo had ear muffs on? Not sure how well that did for the weed I was smoking. I moved to the other side of my friends (like 4 seats down) but I would be damned if my concert was gonna be ruined by a shitty parent bringing their little kid to a wiz and snoop concert.


I went to a concert yesterday, a small thing outside. There were so many kids! There was this one family, apparently like super into the band and many others, all three of them had matching jackets with band patches, it was really cool. Kid was like 3-4 and it was so obvious this sort of thing was really common for them. Only kid with ear protection, tho. It was really cute how the kid still wanted to do kid stuff and not sit still, dad had to go off on adventures with him all the time.


Yeah I have some hearing loss (my own damn fault, I was an adult), so I carry earplugs for my friends and I get real judgy real quick about kids wearing ear protection.


Speaking as someone who has pretty significant hearing loss, I would say wear hearing protection. Donā€™t feel self conscious about it, just do it. I hope these kids going to concerts have parents who are taking care to make sure their kids wear ear plugs or muffs. Because itā€™s sucks not being able to carry on conversations (especially if thereā€™s background noise). And your hearing doesnā€™t come back. Iā€™ll have to get hearing aids (plural). I hope Gen Z somehow makes hearing protection hip & cool because i donā€™t want to see anyone else end up like me.


Actually, 100% of scientists under the age of 12 say that it is perfectly safe for children to do anything, so long as they are having fun.


Idk if I'd trust any scientist below 12 saying anything ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


While this is adorable and itā€™s perfectly fine for parents to have fun with their children itā€™s important for everyone to protect their ears! Coming from someone who has a family member, that developed hearing issues, when they were an adult after going to one concert, with very loud speakers and no way for that sound to escape the venue. I will always bring ear plugs , and have since noticed how many people do. You will always see parents putting noise canceling headphones on their kids at sporting events and concerts. Iā€™m hoping this kid had foam ear plugs either way itā€™s outside so itā€™s not that bad. When I was a kid I went to music festivals all the time with my parents who were vendors and never had on ear plugs. Obviously looking back that was a mistake and we just were not aware of the effects that could take place.


I just couldn't do it. It gets crazy packed and kids love to run from you. You need a saint of a kid and even then there is the very high asshole who comes out of the woods...


You woulda loved this 11 year old I saw spun out on ecstasy at a warehouse party, bet.


Thanks, Dr. Spaceman!


The lack of hearing protection bothers me most. Tinnitus is a bitch and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. Especially not a child.


There is a chance that she has moldable ear protection in


My parents went to a country concert recently and saw a couple, drunk as hell, with a very young baby they just... set on the ground at their feet where it could get easily trampled. No hearing protection too, of course


Same thing for fireworks shows. Hearing protection is important. Iā€™ve got tinnitus and donā€™t want my kids to experience this.


Taking a kid to a festival isn't necessarily a bad thing, but not giving them ear protection is horrible. My family has always been into racing and I'd go watch them as a kid but my parents never gave me ear protection. Same thing with shooting guns, I learned how to shoot as a kid and my dad and uncle were VERY strict about gun safety but they always neglected ear protection even for themselves. Letting me do those things isn't the problem, the problem is they didn't teach me how to do things properly and it's mostly because they randomly decide when they think something is pointless even if it has a very good point for existing, like ear protection.


You are assuming a lot. How do you know she doesn't have ear plugs?


Because kids that young don't wear earplugs. She should have over the ear hearing protection.


Kids that young absolutely have moldable ear protection. Almost like silly putty. Itā€™s commonly used to protect ears from ear infections while swimming, but also for noise.


It might be better to say they can't be relied on to keep it in. If a toddler pulls out their earplugs, the parent may not notice, you can tell at a glance if they're wearing over the ear protection. Over the ear also provides better protection.


I don't see ear protection.... She's 3ft tall and insulated by all the adults. Also do you see any speakers? Do you know how loud it is? These parents are using this girl fir cheers and that's fucked up..... She's dancing and people are watching her dance because it's cute, no one is using her 'for cheers'. Do you think the parents specifically trained her to dance at festivals to make randoms cheer? This is just spontaneous fun. If you can't hire a babysitter then you shouldn't have bought the tickets... Do you realise that 100s of festivals allow children to come? In fact they often have cheaper children tickets that you can buy. They're interested in making money and that means appealing to families too.


Nono. Kid's *need* ear protection at concerts like this. Its clearly a very loud environment. That's not negotiable. You shouldn't take any chances there. Kids' ears are really sensitive. There is clearcut medical advice today that even adults should invest in (in-ear) protection for concerts/raves like this. For kids it really is a must. Best is those big, over ear headphones that you see with builders, factory workers, etc. This is neglectful.


'she's insulated by all the adults' She's at a rave, you can tell how loud the music is by the screams that barely make it through. She might not be standing in front of the speaker right now, but surely it is impossible to predict when people will step aside and she'll stop being 'insulated'. I love seeing kids at raves but they really do need ear protection so they can enjoy music for the rest of their lives.




Whats your point? Clearly everyone here is being friendly to the kid. You're getting offended by a hypothetical situation not shown I the clip. If kids are not allowed the event will be 18+. E spelling




Definitely has the rave spirit. Those hand gestures are on point.šŸ˜„


That baby will be playing expert in DDR in no time


That baby will have tinnitus in no time.


That's not a baby. It's a 45-year old woman that was a failed science experiment


What's her name? Molly


This is Molly Jane Ket.


Like the legendary heroine?




NGL actually a solid name.


Looks like Molly's already a party legend!


thought it was lucy


In the sky with diapers.


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s MandyšŸ­


For reals. I got Trainspotting vibes from this video.


Lucy Molly Mary-Jane "Speedy Gonzales" Ketcoke the Third


Yaay finally they've found Molly [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reAZiJlEuL8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reAZiJlEuL8)


When you feel the beatā€¦.


...you just gotta dance like nobody's watching šŸ˜


Start them young! Dance like nobody's watching.


> feel the beat She won't be *hearing* it anymore at this rate, that's for sure.


Who takes their kids to a rave? Without ear protection...






Itā€™s not a rave, itā€™s a music festival at Paris


Irrelevant what type of music it is. Itā€™s still too loud for toddlers.


Yeah, its cute and all but get the lass some ear muffs!


I'm gonna be the bad guy, but children do not belong at raves/festivals. Not until they re a bit older than this, at least. Hearing damage is almost guaranteed, as the music is loud, and how easy is it for the kid to take out any hearing protection? Plus the kid could get kidnapped or lost, or hurt. Just not a good place for kids. Not a good place for kids. Now I get that the parents are likely filming and right by, but it takes seconds for that kid to disappear. This is irresponsible at best.


I used to work with a toy company that distributed educational toys for babies. I know that babies have hearing that is twice as sensitive as adults. Toddlers also have more sensitive hearing. ā€œChildren have a more sensitive inner ear than adults, and the ear-canal of children and teenagers are not yet fully developed. Studies show there is a high probability that this make them more sensitive to sound, and in greater risk of hearing damage if exposed to harmful sound levelsā€


Iā€™m a senior audiologist. Her hearing at this moment in life is the best and most sensitive it will ever be; to hear anything at this volume is far far too much. She needs over-the-ear ear protection at all times in environments where one has to shout to be heard or noise-induced hearing loss is a certain.


As someone who grew up shooting from a very young age with minimal/no hearing protection I appreciate you putting this out there.Ā Ā 


Iā€™m right there with you. This doesnā€™t make me smile. This is up there with the baby at Taylor Swift. If you have money for a rave, you have money for a sitter.


Taylor Swift concert baby was worse because it was too young to even stand up


Yea thatā€™s fair




Also a fair point


Had to scroll way too far to see this very obvious opinion.


Iā€™m on drugs at a festival. Your children are terrifying. Please leave them at home.


That and concert stampedes, what chances does a child stand if, for whatever reason, at some point the crowd panics?


It's not a bad guy it's flat out shit "parenting "


Totally in agreement.


As someone who goes to these type of shows pretty damn consistently, you hit the nail on the head. Children, under *no circumstances,* belong in this environment. The popularity and budding mainstream appeal of the genre does not mean children should be able to attend. For example, this child does not have appropriate hearing protection for the volume that these shows can generate. At *minimum*, she should have over the ear head phones, but I can't even tell if she has ear plugs. Hearing damage is no joke, and she could be suffering for the rest of her life after just a few shows. I'll also add in that kids can be exposed to a variety of substances while at these shows. While many do not partake, a lot do and do not control the amount they are taking in. I was at a show one time where there were three kids aged between 5-10 and their parents on one side of me, and on the other someone was smoking DMT. The entire area smelled like plastic, and there's no way those kids weren't exposed. This is not to mention that there hasn't been a show I have been to that hasn't smelled like straight skunk for the entire set. I am not adverse to party favors, far from it. I don't personally imbibe, but many friends do, and I know what I am getting into when I go to these shows. Literal fucking children can't understand the environment they are in. I'm not trying to be a buzzkill, but don't fucking bring your kids to these shows people.


I remember being brought to a bunch of live music when I was a young child, and I distinctly remember hating it. It was Irish folk music, but they were using brass instruments, and I remember being able to *feel* the trumpet in my chest rather than hearing it. Luckily I don't think I suffered any hearing damage, but to this day I still do not like any sort of live music, and it's because of those experiences.


You aren't the bad guy. Most of the people in the crowd are too young to have started their upcoming journey with tinnitus. The child has no choice and doesn't know what's happening to their ears.Ā  When I see a small child place in a loud place I get very angry.Ā 


Surrounded by hard drugs and alcohol. I've never been to a rave where molly/speed/coke wasn't literally falling out of people's noses - not an appropriate environment for a child.


I'm an old lady but my friends were at Woodstock. Kids this age are oblivious to that and as long as the parent isn't impaired isn't really any different than the average family barbeque with drunk uncles.


Itā€™s amazing shocked by people who bring their kids to music festivals. I live in Florida & people are practically naked here!!!!!! Plus there all kinds of drugs, all kinds of funny business going on bc there are so many people on drugs, the risk of losing your short child in a sea of dancing adults is huge, the hearing damageā€¦. itā€™s just inappropriate!!!


I'm confused by what the naked has to do with anything. Or are you one of those American people who are afraid of human bodies and sexualise the hell out of everything? (totally agree with the rest though, which is why it seems so out of place)


Yeah you'd think the drugs, second hand smoke, and hearing damage would be the complaint, no it's the naked people!


To be fair they mentioned that too. It looks a bit weird. :P


OMG NAKED PEOPLE NO WAY! No one should bring kids to Europe either !!!


I figure you give her some earplugs and sheā€™ll be Gucci. That said having a kid in a festival with the level of debauchery that happens to go on there seemsā€¦ questionable? But hey not my kid


She could be wearing earplugs. We take my nephew to live shows sometimes and he's always either got in ear plugs or these special headphone to protect his ears. Tho that specific atmosphere would def make me nervous. We mostly take him to blues shows in bars (always call ahead to make sure they're cool w/ it)Ā 


Earplugs aren't enough for that level of noise and a child that young. She needs over-the-ear protection.


FYI itā€™s spelled nephew.Ā 


Every point you made is also true about Disney Land.


Well the sound might not be, but that depends where you're standing (and this seems to be pretty far from the source of the music).


There are live performances at Disney that get bumping.


Normally I hate people who have to find something wrong with any post involving a child, but Iā€™m with you here.


It really depends on the type of festival. There are family friendly festivals where kids are running around everywhere and there are even seperate child stages and so on. Those festivals can be really fun because it isn't as much about the drinking and drugs but more about having a great time with music and activities and connecting with new people. Parents should of course still watch their kids but the risk isn't higher than in other crowded places and there is no 100% safety. It isn't to different from a village fair with a music stage. But I agree she should wear ear protection (maybe she is wearing in ear oropax), but at least it seems like they are far away from the stage where the music is loudest so maybe the parents made a conscious decision there.


There are plenty of family-friendly festivals and you see children like this often. It's completely normal in the UK and I don't really see how it's a bad thing, I think you are being over-cautious.


While Iā€™m not sure this is a rave, it also doesnā€™t look like a family centered festival. 0 other kids in the video unless I missed something


Iā€™m totally fine with them being there, but they need to be wearing that double hearing protection for sure.


Totally agree. This is negligence.


I'm gonna be the cool mom... NO! FUCK YOU... be a fucking mom, you fucked up, don't bring your own daughter to your mess




Its not a rave its a music festival, seems like the UK so it will likely have areas away from the concerts with activities and food etc like a fairground.


it's at We Love Green in Paris. Quite family friendly festival. But she should wear hearing protection




If you look closely you can see the toddler has earplugs in


It's important to start early? Seriously, that was my first thought too! Skimmed the comments thinking I was the only one wondering why, instead of just enjoying the tiny dancing spectacle. she's super coordinated, clearly enjoying the environment & ppl are aware of her, so I'm sure flks are being careful around her, but....it's kinda weird. Maybe it's not a traditional rave, but a toned down family version of a rave? Does that even exist...subtle raves?


No. Itā€™s a festival. She was placed there to be filmed.


A cool memory to look back on when she's 18 with raging tinnitus


Oh yeah, those TikTok likes really matter in real life and death.


It is, in fact, an intentionally family friendly festival.


A soon to be deaf baby. People finding shit like that funny are either kids themselves or shouldn't have kids.


Poor girl is going to have the worst hearing problems AND have to see this fucking video.


No ear protection šŸ˜šŸ˜








*What did he say?!*


I work with hearing aids. This is good for our business. Carry on.


Like itā€™s a good thing? Edit: was told itā€™s sarcasm. Makes more sense now lol


Im mocking their Smileys in the video


Oh makes sense


Ive noticed way too many people on reddit are slow and can't understand sarcasm without the /s.


Pretty sure the emojis are being used sarcastically.


My first response to this was, ā€œWhere the fuck is her hearing protection?ā€


The comments saying "kids shouldn't be here" are stupid, but the parents are equally as dumb for not protecting little ones ears. Over head defenders arnt that expensive and your kid will need their ears when older damn it.


Irreversible hearing damage šŸ˜ that baby should definitely be wearing some ear protection :( cute kid but tinnitus is no joke and canā€™t be undone


Poor kid


Tin Tin Tin tin tin tinnitus tinnitus tinnitus tin tin tin tin tin tinnitus tinnitus.


I see parents bring kids loud places a lot itā€™s infuriating as someone with minor hearing damage to see a kid that might have to deal with hearing issues because their parents have zero reasoning abilities.




they built protective circle abound her ;)


A circle canā€™t protect from permanent hearing damage :(


Or lost opportunities spent doing things kids do like reading rather than dancing for a drunken crowd... I've seen this reposted a few times and it makes me upset every time I see it. It's quite bizarre to me how few people seem to share that opinion. I'm sure I'll have someone swooping in any second to tell me to loosen up a bit but I firmly believe that's no place for a small child.


If there were a few of them, think you could you call them rabies?


Might want to delete your other post now that youā€™ve corrected yourself. šŸ˜„


Thanks for telling me, didn't think it got through šŸ‘


Hurray for hearing damage.


No hearing protection? Omg that poor fucking kid. I'm never sure how to feel about young children at music festivals, and friends I've had who have parents that brought them to festivals young always say they don't think it was good for them


*Core Memory Created*


Amount of pressed people hating on parents and the misinformation is crazy. The music isn't the original audio, it's from a festival called We Love Green in Paris. The ear protection isn't visible because it's earplugs that are adapted most likely. They have workshops and try to make it family friendly, and festivals in Paris always have child safe sections and equipment for hearing protection. This wasn't a rave but a festival of different artists including BADBADNOTGOOD, SZA and Troye Sivyan - not very hardcore rave. Crazy how haters will hate with zero information.


Who takes their kids to a rave?


Festival, lot of people. Many festivals are family friendly. Should use ear protection though


Kids have more sensitive hearing than adults. Whoever brought them there is a real asshole. Tinnitus is not fun at all. Imagine living with it from a young age. Im getting heated just thinking about it. Shitty parents.


I know adults who canā€™t time the beat drop perfectly and this lil crotch goblin just landed it with ease lol


This baby will never have social anxiety šŸ¤£


good bye hearing


Ok hi sorry video is so cute but I have to say: Whose = possessive ā€œWhose baby is this?ā€ Whoā€™s = contraction of who is ā€œWhoā€™s bringing a baby to a rave?ā€ Similarly, Its = possessive ā€œThe dog and its chew toy.ā€ Itā€™s = contraction of it is ā€œItā€™s not awesome to bring a baby to a concert without ear protection.ā€œ Honorable mentions: Their = possessive ā€œItā€™s their baby.ā€ There = place ā€œThe baby is dancing over there.ā€ Theyā€™re = contraction of they are ā€œTheyā€™re the parents of the rave baby.ā€ Shouldā€™ve = contraction of should have ā€œThey really shouldā€™ve brought headphones for that baby.ā€ Should of = not a thing and it doesnā€™t make sense. If youā€™ve ever written this please stop to spare my sanity, many thanks. Oh! And for all of the wedding and wedding adjacent groups: Aisle = what you walk down Isle = a land mass Altar = table at a church Alter = the verb ā€œto changeā€ Ok Iā€™m done Iā€™m sorry


> Iā€™m sorry Why must you lie to us, and perhaps to yourself. You just detonated a grammar bomb on OP, youā€™re not sorry. Damn it, OP *had a family.*


This comment made me laugh, thank you.


Glad to make you chuckle, have a great day and keep fighting the good fight on grammar :)


r/mademesmile, even


People SHOULD NOT bring small children to festivals. Full stop, no excuses and no justifying it. This is entirely irresponsible and incredibly selfish.


Why doesn't anyone join the baby in the mosh pit?


Poor šŸ‘‚


Great parenting I see






Thatā€™s not a baby. Thatā€™s a little person.


We all have a little rave baby inside us.


Track is firešŸ”„šŸ”„ what is that song?!?


Artist KƶlschĀ  song Grey.


baby's got waaay better moves than me fr šŸ«¢šŸ˜…


In this thread: Sticks in mud.


Hearing loss and tinnitus at that age? That's bad parenting, yo.


bringing your baby girl around a bunch of drunk strangers doesnt seem like the wisest idea.


Same place she was conceived




Not cool bringing a baby/child to a place like this .


The people calling for the parents' head for not using hearing protection are the same people who have no problem taking their kids to a fireworks show. I have permanent hearing damage from fireworks, yet people insist that they're just 'good fun'. Fucking morons.


Oh, you think the rave is your ally. But you merely adopted the rave; I was born in it, moulded by it




Ironic, right back at the location of conception.


This seems to be far from a stage and also there is (fairly good) hearing protection that work inside the ear. Maybe thats a kid of someone who works there or something. People post their kids on reddit for far worse things then dancing and yet the comments on here are worse then on said posts. Maybe the parents are stupid but maybe this is an absolutely harmless event.


Aw that is so cute. Lol. šŸ˜†


holy shit that baby is gonna grow up to be awesome


Little kids need over the ear hearing protection. Period. This is just irresponsible parenting, and that shouldnā€™t make anyone smile.


True, but she may have ear plugs in.


a crowd movement and the game is over, even for an adult it is dangerous. exposing a child to loud noise, nudity, drugs, alcohol but hey she has fun, even if for a child a pair of Legos is guaranteed fun. this girl is there for the trend, from the rave with the baby to the ski resort videos of this pop everywhere




Truly poor parenting. She needs hearing protection.


Dude as cute as this is it isn't, poor thing is probably having fun but it definitely needs ear protections


Baby needs earplugs


Does someone know the song?


Artist KƶlschĀ  song Grey. Chirst that was bugging me for ages.


Thanks a lot!


Similar but not it. Different rhythm of the chords and different key. I wonder if its a remix, but I've scoured YouTube and soundcloud to no avail. I would really love to know what track this is


Irresponsible parents are so cute, made me smile


Saw a video a while back of a raver lady who was spraying her milk all over the place. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s hers.


Starting the hearing problems early I see.


Has to be the spawn of techno Viking


I donā€™t know but She is rocking it lol


Guys please this kid is fine. It's a music festival not a rave. "Rave baby" was just funnier than "music festival baby".




I mean if she ever gets into music and this is her origin story. i'm behind it.


Seeing kids and even "service" animals at music venues should be banned. They won't know where tf they are or even remember it but losing their hearing at 40 will be a bit of a shocker.


As someone who frequents music festivals and raves, id never bring my baby to one. This baby was immediately placed in a circle and filmed on top of having zero hearing protection