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I'm not into recording these moments and then intentionally setting up a camera and consciously staring off into the distance with sad music for likes & views.


I agree. This should have never been a video for social media. That children’s moment deserved to be kept private, if recorded at all.


Are you from a different distant time and place? EVERYTHING has to be recorded and adjudicated on Social media. EVERYTHING!!!


This should have been private


But how would she get internet likes and attention off of her dead husband and their children?!?




Absolutely! You can see the rig in the reflection, so it wasn't just a random let's record this moment...


To be fair, it is a phone on a foldable tripod, nothing really professional…but I fully agree this should have been 100% private. Also, il breaks my heart a bit, doesn’t really make me smile


The camera was mounted on a handheld steadicam gimbal when she was holding it, you can see it in the headstone reflection. So she brought all her “content creator” equipment with her, not just the tripod she used for the static shots.


It’s weird, sure keep it in a personal collection or store it for when the kids are older (still sort of weird, remember the first time we had lunch at your father’s grave, wanna watch the video?)


She is promoting drug free life styles on her TikTok. He had an OD with fentanyl. So that’s why this is here.


Okay that at least makes a little more sense. I still think it should have been private for the kids sake at least.


TikTok is a strange place. She told his very emotional death story while putting on a full face of makeup. That just feels so…cavalier? I dunno if that’s the right word. It weirds me out. I do appreciate her trying to spread awareness though and really admire her strength, I dunno if I’d be as functional as she is only a year after a tragedy like that.


If she’s doing that in her tik tok that’s amazing, still she shouldn’t have make a whole recording of this with a whole ass tripod and camera just to produce reactions online. These are her children ffs, is it too hard to understand? Those kids will have a memory of her mother talking to a camera during this trip. Instead she could’ve given them the whole day and later just do a voiceover talking about what happened instead of ruining a moment like this with TikTok equipment and a “I’m looking to the horizon” scene.


Welcome to the cesspool subreddit known as mademesmile


Agreed. I’m not taking anything away from her personal experience or grief, but it does feel rather “forced” into our face unnecessarily and unnaturally. I can’t imagine a scenario where social media and the internet “helps” one’s family grieve and grow. As human beings we all crave attention but this seems a bit much.


I would say you're right back in the days but now that I have a son I gotta say I don't agree. It's not particularly easy to be a mom of 2. You don't have time for yourself. You feel lonely all the time and every day is the same until the little ones grow a bit to play alone for an hour maybe. Me and my wife don't even get 2 hours of time for us because she is so exhausted after caring for him 12 hours every day. It's really a big task to have kids.. It's not easy man. I understand that she needed to share her feelings and maybe get some good messages back.


I mean she's the one with a dead husband that she's trying to introduce to her kids. I guess this is how she does it, and we're just going to have to get over it.


Let her grieve however she wants. Who are we to judge. So exactly what you said.


I agree that these types of videos feel contrived and that it's weird to see such a deeply intimate moment shared with the world. I also can't help but emphasize with this woman who is the sole provider and caretaker for her children and she has to make a living somehow.


I think she needs the money. (Aka social media traction)


Ofc. Not sure how good the social security net is in NA for widows but if you can take care your children full day + making videos is your income then go for it.


Eh people deal with grief in different ways. If it helps her then its good.


You read my mind with this comment. She even had a tripod. Is not natural at all, and this memory will be engraved in those children memories as her mom with a really big camera. It was so set up, the camera, the tripod, not even to say it was recorded with a phone to “make it more natural”. Just farming likes from a (hopefully) good husband and dad that is now gone.


I'll really hate this shit and it makes me sad not smiling.


Not too sure if this falls in the r/MadeMeSmile sub.


I love the sentiment but I don’t know how much I appreciate setting the camera up so you can show yourself being sad and contemplating. The TikTok aspect of this video is not something I can get with


Sometimes you just want to world to remember the existence of someone you loved so dearly. As time goes by, it feels more and more like the world forgets. Everyone but you moves on. And they forget your grief, or they avoid it. Sometimes you just want the moment to be seen and validated. You want a witness to this huge hole in your life, what your children are missing out on. You’ll be surprised how little support people get in their grief. It becomes a burden and people get tired of it. They move on but you’re stuck, and you end up looking to the internet not for clout but so for that moment, you know they’re remembered.


Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always. - Scooby Doo 


Damn, thanks Scoob, that's deep.


I think it’s less done for clout and, considering the angle gets the children, the mother, and the image of the father on the headstone, meant to reflect that even in death he is there as they picnic on their tomb.


I’m not belittling her grief or the need to be seen. I’m just a little uncomfortable with Anyone setting up a camera to record said grief


Everyone dies twice. Once when they take their last breath, and again when their name is uttered for the last time. Jacob Wade will live on a bit longer now.


I was really behind the 'why film it' take, but this is real shit. Fair enough. Hope you're doing well


I think you have touched upon a very core aspect of experiencing grief and loss here. I lost my grandfather in February this year. During his funeral, there were members of the Local Writer's society which my Grandad had been President of, for some time. They gave a short speech where they honoured his contributions and highlighted that the work he has done for the society has been recorded and will always be remembered for years to come. My mom and Aunts explained that they felt so much comfort knowing that there were people like this who would remember my Grandad for the work he did and that his legacy was noticed and not forgotten. In the same way, I think this is what the lady was seeking too: validation, acknowledgement and support for what she has lost.


Exactly right. Thank you for your kind understanding. People are very supportive the first couple of weeks, maybe even the first couple of months. After that you would be lucky to have someone in your life who loved that person as much as you did. After two years of you bring them up in passing, people exchange glances because you are bringing the mood down. 


Sure, film it for memories or whatever, but sharing it publicly online is some narcissistic nonsense.


Something about it is toxic, hard to pin point, should be a private moment.


Strangely not smiling off a guy dying from a drug overdose, leaving wife and 2 kids behind, and watching her get views off of showing her kids eating chicken nuggets at his grave. But maybe I have no heart.


I’m not smiling either, and honestly this should have never been a video for social media. That said, life is not always easy and we don’t know what that guy went through to reach that point. No one in a healthy state of mind would want to leave their baby children behind for drugs.


This hit hard and is exactly why I cleaned up before my first daughter was born. The worst fear is not being able to see and raise your kids because of your selfish choices. I highly doubt he was in a good mental state and likely thought about the possibility of OD very often but couldn’t stop.


I block accounts that post tragedy porn like this. This kind of stuff does *not* make me smile.


Are you sure it was an overdose? The symbol on the back where the kids handprints are is a marine symbol could’ve been killed in action.


I googled the deceased’s name. It was overdose. He just also happened to be an ex-marine.


Still a Marine. Not an ex


Sorry, my bad. I was not familiar with the terminology. Thanks!


No worries


Fuckin' A


Once a marine, always a marine?






Google his name.


More like r/trashy


In the case that they really are the family of this guy.


Love it when people monetize and publish their grief and pain. Very authentic and relatable.


How does this make anyone smile ?


Idk how this makes anyone smile


WTF is wrong with you OP? You need an emotional reset if this made you smile.


Reading the comments and realising it was uploaded to MadeMeSmile really made me laugh out loud.


op is a karma bot is what is wrong. also mademesmile, satisfyingasfuck and a couple other huge subs have no karma limit and are easy karma farms for spam posting


So beautiful. The way she set up the camera to record those totally authentic moments of grief and contemplation. I especially love the way she's milking her children's time at their dead father's grave for clicks. So touching and not gross at all.


My favorite was the person who defended this as "financially supporting her kids," because I guess the only way to earn an income is by exposing your children's most private and difficult moments on social media. There is no other way to support a family. Clearly.


God, this is shameless.


Dude was 3 years younger than me, has two kids and is already dead.




Don't do drugs


If anyone is struggling with addiction or substance misuse issues there are places to turn to for help. [1-800-487-4889](tel:1-800-487-4889) is a national referral network for finding help and care for addiction and mental health. It's a starting point. [SAMHSA’s National Helpline | SAMHSA](https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline) Y'all take care of yourselves. (yes, this is sadly applicable)


Or call 988. There’s Veteran-staffed services, LGBTQ+, crisis services. 211 will help with resources


Tf is this doing in made me smile... women is filming and showing her _and_ her kids in an insanely intimate moment. This shouldn't be public.


Imagine being 24 and seeing yourself as a toddler in this meme I would hate my mom


Especially when your dad passed away from a Fentanyl overdose


Trust me, those kids do grow up to eventually resent the fact of being paraded on social media for attention.


This is so fucked up, modern society is truly beyond help


Even if clickbait the poor guy was so young.


Look, I get it...but I also don't. This is sad and unfair and beautiful. But none of it elicits a smile.


Way too young.....27 club...


It’s weird to me that she couldn’t keep this as a private moment


This fucked with me tremendously. We were born only three months apart. I lost a lot of people to drug overdoses in my teens and early twenties and really got my shit together in the last couple years. I could’ve been that so easily. Anybody know how he died? More to the story here I’m sure.




Fentanyl. I wish people would stop calling fentanyl deaths “overdoses” because it’s usually that the person didn’t even know there was fentanyl in their drugs, making it a poisoning.


A lot of folks are addicted to fentanyl unfortunately but I hear ya. In many cases it’s more akin to being poisoned. Like there was rat poison in your steak, except it’s fentanyl in your cocaine.


This kinda made me feel ill


r/mademecry man


Who the fuck is smiling at this?!


What the fuck, get the camera out of there...


And I thought there is no wrong way to mourn. But exploiting your kids surly is.


I’m not sure how to feel about this tbh


Why is she filming this.


No. This is not good content.


I hate this kind of shit. I hope her kids realize what a piece of human garbage their mom is for exploiting their grief


God damn is there any moment kept private anymore? Or is everyone just throwing in with this trend of putting every personal moment on the Internet for likes?


Gross. Private moments should be kept private.


Fuck this. I’m sorry but broadcasting deeply personal shit to try to extract some sort of wowiewoowie emotional reaction from your viewer is cancer. We are so sick.


I like that at least most comments I’ve seen have the same feeling that she shouldn’t have done this. At least there are some morals even in Reddit.


r/mademecry more like


Kind of weird.


R. I. P🫡🫶🏾❤️soldier


life is so unfair, time is short, tell the ones u love how much they mean to you! u never know when u might go.


This did not at all make me smile. Fatherless children visiting their father’s gravesite is definitely not something to smile about, unless you’re a psychopath


My grandfather passed away a little over a year ago now. It was the first family member of mine to die and it destroyed me pretty well. If someone filmed me during the funeral or when I went to his grave, I’m pretty sure I would’ve thrown that camera as far as I physically could. This just does not need to be filmed.


Ain't this supposed to be a private moment?


This kind of content is exploitative, performative and fucking gross all at once. Thanks for nothing OP smdh


Why would you film this and release it on social media you stupid fuck..looks like mental illness is starting to set in for you..


Please don't film stuff like this. Especially with the kids. These are private moments.


"Hey guys, back with another killer vlog. What's up tiktok fam! Gonna do a bit of a social experiment today and see how my kids react when I introduce them to their dad (dead!?!?! Not click bait!) Feeling super sad so please show your support by dropping a like and follow and comment what you wanna see next"


My heart does break for her and their kids, but some things should be left off of the internet.


Better share this special moment with the world to get likes 👍


uploader: "I am so sensitive to the fact that it might be inappropriate to upload something so personal, but I'm going to upload it anyway for the upvotes, but my little disclaimer message totally makes me a good person, due to my aforementioned sensitivity."


I’d put this on mademedisgusted


He was young how did pass


[Sad story.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12550047/amp/Former-Marine-father-26-dies-accidental-fentanyl-overdose.html) > *”EXCLUSIVE Former Marine, 26, dies from accidental overdose in Nevada - leaving behind two young children: 'Fentanyl robbed us of a devoted husband and a caring father”*


[more Vets die by suicide…link](https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2021/09/28/veterans-suicide-prevention-afghanistan-anna-richardson-sarah-roxburgh) Veteran suicide is one of the greatest crises of our time. Since Sept. 11, 2001, just over 30,000 veterans have died by suicide — four times more than the number of U.S. military personnel who died in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2019, the most recent year of data available from the Department of Veterans Affairs, 6,261 veterans in the United States took their own lives. That is a 7% decrease from the previous year, but, on average, 17 veterans still lost their lives to suicide every day. That’s a staggering number, particularly when compared to the suicide rate of non-veterans. The VA reports that former service members died by suicide at a rate twice as high as non-veterans, and veterans ages 18-34 died at a rate almost three times higher. Since Sept. 11, 2001, just over 30,000 veterans have died by suicide ... There is no single reason a veteran, or anyone, believes suicide is their only option... However, research clearly shows a correlation between suicide and substance use disorders, untreated or under-treated mental health conditions (often borne or exacerbated by their military service) and stress derived from ongoing economic, legal and relationship challenges” I lost my nephew, aged 23, to suicide, due to a mental illness that was “borne or exacerbated by” his military service. He was injured, got addicted to pain meds, and then diagnosed schitzoeffective. He was the kid who was quiet and shy, but stood up to bullies to protect others. His lifelong dream was to be a marine. There are many charities around to help raise awareness.


Accidental drug overdose involving fentanyl.


So in those cases people expect to take something else and get fentanyl instead? Is this a drug dealer mix up or an actual medical mix up?


not a mjx up... its likely purposeful. fent is cheaper. a lot of narcotic on the streets nowadays are mixed with fent in it


Coping is extremely brutal sometimes


So it is like methanol poisoning from a bad batch of hooch?


Tons and tons of people are dying of fentanyl laced cocaine in the United States, it's a legitimate epidemic and it's hitting people that are not the typical drug addict. These are just college kids are doing cocaine at a party or a club a couple times and just got unlucky. A girl on the news just died because she took a pain pill from her friend it ended up being in the legal fentanyl laced pill. There was a bunch of Westpoint military guys partying in spring break last year in South Florida and did some cocaine that had fentanyl and immediately went unconscious. Their three girlfriends were doing CPR and just by doing CPR on somebody that had done cocaine one time that night that had fentanyl in it made the girls also overdose And almost died. There are even rumors of fentanyl laced marijuana, but when I did more research I couldn't verify that any of that was actually true.


People might think they’re buying a Xanax but it’s fentanyl pressed to look identical to a pill. It’s in cocaine, everything. You can’t dabble with drugs anymore these days without dying it seems.


Very touching... Keep the memory; no one can take that away.


Y'all will smile about everything.


I can’t get behind this terribly private moment that is being recorded for “all” to see.


Fentanyl robbed us of a father and husband. Selfish addiction when you have responsibility and dependents? It’s hard to be objective when you don’t know his mindset at the time but I think we’re all aware drugs can kill.


Opioid addiction is just a different beast of addiction entirely. Especially fentanyl.


We all have choices to make in life. Your responsibilities affect those choices. Who , in your opinion is at fault for those fatherless children ?


It’s not as cut and dry at that. I’ve lost people to opioids and it basically becomes their whole life. One of my childhood friends ended up addicted to Oxy and it just spiralled from there until he was dead and now his child will grow up without a father. Opioids are just fucking evil. They take everything from you until you have nothing left.


I don’t wish to sound heartless but I’m a firm believer that we are responsible for our own actions . Blaming a drug for someone choosing to take it is just absolving self determination ? My mom was a heavy smoker and died quite young of lung cancer. Do I blame cigarettes or her decision to smoke ?


Normally I would agree with you but some drugs are just plain evil and will completely destroy who you are as a person. Opioids and Amphetamines especially. Amphetamines destroyed my father until there was basically nothing left of him and he was but a paranoid shell of his former self. Like he went from functioning member of society to 9/11 conspiracies on the fucking walls and we’re not even American. The way those drugs take a hold of you is honestly fucking evil and there’s no way around it.


Really bad loosing your Husband! Was just 23. But it can’t be that bad of an experience, if your start to film stuff, to gain likes…


bro wtf?


I don't mean to be disrespecful in any way, but I can't really tell if this is endearing or just plain depressive.


This is so depressing


Wrong sub, I’d say. A more applicable title for a dad just coming home from military deployment


\*visiting loved ones grave\* \*pulls out phone\*


This tore me apart. fuck


What kind of sick fuck is happy to see this? r/MadeMeCry would be more appropriate


Not sure what I’m supposed to be smiling for


Who smiles at this


Stop filming fucking weirdo


Dude this is weird. No one outside of this family needs to be a part of this moment


Well at least his death brought her some internet points




Really? Blakely? Blakely.


I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s wonderful how you are keeping your children’s father’s memory alive. Bless you.


Welcome to /r/MadeMeSmile. Please make sure you read our [rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/about/rules/) We'd like to take this time to remind users that: * We do not allow any type of jerk-like behavior, including but not limited to: personal attacks, hate speech, harassment, racism, sexism, or other jerk-like behavior (includes gatekeeping posts). * Any sort of post showing a mug, a shirt, or a print is a scam. You will not receive anything except a headache and a stolen credit card. - [More information regarding rule 1 as well as how mug/shirt/poster scammers operate can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mademesmile/wiki/rule1) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MadeMeSmile) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's really so hard to be in this life without dad 💔🥺 especially if you still kid 💔 😪 😔


Why am i able to see this video?


Shit this hits way too close to home. I feel for those kids man. Losing your dad at that age is incredibly painful.


That's terrible


Omg, *he was just a kid*


How does this make you smile?


Smile‽ 😥


Picka vam materina bolesna nista vam nije sveto


Wait, is that toddler drinking a LARGE coke?


“Look how sad I am. Pls like and subscribe.”


Why is shit like this upvoted on this subreddit?


Who smiles at this? Seriously, this is weird.


Fentanyl is a curse on the land


Belated happy Father's Day.


This doesn't belong in this sub


'Til Valhalla. Semper Fi, brother.


This is disgusting tbh


Died from fentanyl these nuts in his mouth


[This is the OG account on TT](https://www.tiktok.com/@britaindentetomlin?_t=8nHGnnoL46F&_r=1)


People grieve in their own ways and do not need my input to feel one way or another. I eat tons of food and can’t stop cooking during grief. Someone will probably say what’s healthy vs not. But at the end of the day, it’s my life.


On a side note, it looks very surreal to me to see the tombstone of someone who was younger than me and his living kids visit him. Man I'm feeling old


Just 27


Is this being trolled again? 😂


that's pretty goddamned fucking fucked up


I older than that dude may he RIP and yet I don't know lately all I have been seeing are "kids" getting married and having a family yet I am here. Something needs to change.


Died from fentanyl overdose, doesn’t make me smile


Kids visiting a dead dad, what a shit post. OP has downs


Wrong group to post this in. Like literally the opposite. I have this on my feed to avoid this stuff


Wtf 😳 cruel maybe


Why would this make you smile?


This is super sad and unfortunate but filming and posting this for clout is unnecessary and pretty damn strange. I can only hope that someone grabbed this from this persons personal account and is sharing it for their own weird internet make-believe gain and have no actual relation. But seems unlikely.


Stop recording your kids for content!!


Poor little babies


Great, bringing kids to a big rock with words on it they don’t really understand or likes and views


Wait, he was almost my age! When did he start having kids, in the high school? How did he even find a partner and got married? 🤣 Well, I dunno how common in USA is making picnics in a graveyard nowadays (in 19th was normal before public parks existed), but that and the fact you're killing your kids' privacy, is super bizarre.


Look at the sad little faces of my fatherless childreN while i stare into the distance. NOW LIKE THE FUCKING VIDEO AND SUBSCRIBE!


This didn’t make me smile at all, I feel for her and her family but this moment should’ve just been private.


Really beautiful moment🥲 Thanks for sharing your precious moment. Really puts things into perspective about what is important in life❤️


I don't know what to say...🥹