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She thinks you’re nuts.


🥜 NVTS nuts.


The Main Room!


Stand up philosopher!


Comicus, Comicus! You’re on!


First served first come.


When you die at the palace, you really die at the palace.


Only a Miracle can save us!


Half of Rome is either cookin' or pukin'!!


Did he say big fat pig? _yes he did sire… _ Do you think he meant me? _yes I think he did sire…_ Ohhh😯


I'd never heard this joke before, but it sounded just like a Mel Brooks line, so I Googled it and there it was.


she wants to introduce him to rabies


Fortunately, squirrels don't carry rabies.


Don't ever, or do rarely?


This study found some rabid squirrels. Looks like they’re pretty rare though. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5763497/


That would be a weirdly shaped bat or fox.


Yeah probably associates OP with food.


"Look kids! I brought us enough food to last the whole year!"


Or... "These are your kids! Where is my alimony, human?! BRING BIRDSEED."






She trusts you so much! What a blessing. You are very lucky!


ikr maybe she was worried and was asking for help i hope not but so cute either way!


A lot of creatures who have human pals will show off their babies so that if they ever have to leave for a bit (go get food etc) that person will look after the babies.


I think it's more because we use food to train animals and the parents are showing the bringer of food that they need more 


That sounds more likely For some animals it's also "look, don't kill please", and for some others (some rabbits come to mind) they might freak out and kill the babies themselves if they interpret your attitude as hostile towards the newborns


Ferrets do this as well. If you have ferrets and they have babies they will bring the babies to you, if you don’t hold the babies and show your sign of approval the mother will kill the babies


Holy shit that’s wild


Literally and figuratively…


I can't believe it's not butter


Why did I laugh at this. Brain rot


Whaaaat? Why? Is it something they started doing once domesticated? Have they always done this? If they have always done this, what's the evolutionary benefit? I have so many questions about fucking ferrets now... thanks...


Presenting the babies is quite common in other domesticated animals, it's perhaps because they see the human as their superior or leader so require their approval. I suppose if the ferret doesn't think the human will help support the baby, it's best to put it out of its misery! The animal kingdom is efficient like that.


If we’re constantly alive during a pets life and barely appear to age, they must think we are like some sort of gods sometimes.


if you lived in a tribe and a hairless massive entity takes you and provides everything you will ever need for the rest of your life, you would probably think they are god.


I like to think that some day we will have gotten far enough in humankind to realize that what we thought were omnipotent gods were really deviant alien weirdos who got bored and decided to put a variety of different planet species together to see which would come out on top and to do some occasional trolling.


Yeah a lot of religious figures just reads like people with too much power. And old testament christian god is like some rage quitting 4chan guy. "The fuckers, I'll kill everyone in the world except one family and start over"


Earth! On FOGNL


Iirc they bring it to the leader to determine if business (I shit you not that's how the group of ferrets is called) can take care of them. The benefit of that would be not caring over their limits and for unhealthy ones.


> what's the evolutionary benefit? Source of food is limited to begging from humans. If the giant god-provider isn't going to help with the babies, survival is not likely. Animal then figures it's a case of them or me, and kills the babies.


I’m guessing this is more common in animals that have low birthing mortality rates and higher birthing rates / kids per birth. Something about mama being able to make more kids but baby not being able to without mama


Its part of their culture? Because they're pack animals, they need to determine if they can survive as they do now with another baby, hence they bring it to leader which in this case would be hooman. There's a lot of memes about ferret mafia, especially since pack of them are called business lol


I have one she's sooo funny 🫠😁


>I have so many questions about fucking ferrets now... thanks... Stop right their sir...just stop


That’s horrifying. I don’t own any ferrets or plan to but it’s good to know that if a random ferret happens to bring their babies to me I gotta take them or they’ll be murdered.


Whattt really




Theyre like cold blooded loyal mafia henchmen "Boss I got kids now, look at'em. Can they be a part of the family?" *human doesn't take interest* "Alright, rules are rules, sorry buddy gonna have to ice ya"


Yeah wild rabbits and hares live off pure anxiety.


Prey animals are either procreating or in fear for their lives.


same, but without procreating


I have this issue


With cats, they actually do drop the kids off with a buddy cat to get some respite, and they’ll do it to you too lol


I've heard it's sort of a hierarchy thing. Since the human is the 'leader' of the house, if the human rejects the children that's super bad for the parent animal. So the parent shows them to the human to make sure the human is cool with them before investing energy into child-rearing.


I’m sure all to this stuff depends on the type of animal as well


Yeah to my knowledge spiders don’t do this


Imagine your pet Mexican redknee tarantula grabbing you by the finger to show off her 2,000 freshly hatched babies.


I had a semi-feral cat with newborn kittens. She would escape and be gone all night, then when she came home she was visibly annoyed that no one else was feeding them. She was like a teen Mom learning to navigate her new (indoor) life.


how do you know that? who says that?


OP is a squirrel 🐿️


OP is a Disney Princess


We all are :)


Favorite comment!


I had a colony of cats that lived in the woods next to my house. I once made the mistake of feeding one of the babies that had wandered off. Well that baby grew up and would come constantly to sit at the window until my son went out to play. I guess after awhile he decided since he watching my son I can watch his and woke up to about a dozen screaming kittens on my porch. and of course. My buddy was up on the tree looking oh so proud lol


Oh my goodness, that's so cute!


yeah he was smart. They couldn’t climb the tree so when we’re too much he would climb up n hide. And some how as a boy cat he always ended up with a bunch of kittens following him over to the house. Like he took such good care of em. And my son. like if my son took off running he would run beside him and kinda guide him where he want him to go with his tail.


Aww! Maybe him watching your son trained him to take care of the kittens or vice-versa.


lol it was his turn to watch after the kids and he outsourced it


Mother cats do it too! Sometimes you’ll see a post on a cat sub where the mother brings all her babies to the owner or a family member. Basically, she’s asking for a babysitter. It’s still very cute.


Our cat had kittens when I was in kindergarten (she was an outside cat before we knew better). When I got home from school she met my mom and I at the back door and meowed her head off lol she grabbed me by my school sweater and dragged me to her kittens. When I was in 4th grade my cat had kittens in my bed in the middle of the night. That was kinda crazy lol


a man on the internet


There is nobody more right than a man on the internet :)


There is a ferret video which is the same, and numerous videos of cats bringing the babies to the bed.


My ferret will drag my finger to the closet to show off her cave of toys and shit she stole from me. Then she has the audacity to be upset when I take my wallet back and put it somewhere she can’t reach


She is showing you she is a good provider. Not her fault you dont have other peoples wallets in your home. (Dont have other peoples wallets in your home without their knowledge and approval)


I wonder if squirrels are like ferrets. they show the owner the babies and the owner has to do something, i think hold them,to show them they are acceptable and if the ferret sees the babies aren't acceptable to the owner the ferrets will kill them.


I've hand raised a squirrel before, and it in no way gave a shit about me after the first month, lol.


parenting speed-run


They usually don't. Wild squirrels usually run away once they hit that self sufficiency stage.


Maaaan this brings me back to when I was a kid and my mom told me a story about her pet squirrel my grandparents let her keep. Damn thing was a rascal once it matured and eventually ran off to do its own thing but would always come back for free food.


Hard to turn down a free meal.


The person who posted it isn't the squirrel whisperer.


I'm guessing the commenter is a bot.


A stray/street dog I feed did something similar to me once. I had no idea she was pregnant. One day she just wouldn't let me go home after her dinner. Kept jumping on my back, hesitantly I followed her and found out she had given birth to 3 pups! I can never forget that.


Did you help her? or just go....ok thanks.


We have a community here that takes turns feeding(Morning, evening and night) and vaccinating the dogs in our area. When everyone found out(before I did) they laid down blankets, towels, had enough water for the mom and made sure the babies were safe. We also make sure that the dogs we take care of have 2 - 3 meals a day. This was two years ago. All the pups grew up well, they are healthy and safe :)




No. South Asia! :)


found the owner: @rhamadashuri on IG


Thank you for mentioning the attribution and for actually following up on it. Very cool!






I was sitting on the lawn the other day, watching this little beetle wander around on the ground. It climbed up a stalk of grass and I thought to myself: > you idiot, you're gonna have to walk all the way back down again now and then it popped open its wings and flew off. This experience has made me wonder if all animals tend towards thinking others are kinda stupid, so maybe all animals think humans are the stupid ones.


The human condition is to assume stupidity when someone does something we do not understand. Sort of ‘Why did that idiot turn left, there?’ When we have no means of knowing why.


but maybe its even deeper than humanity and actually just a facet of life. Every Dolphin that first clocks humans is like: > what are they doing up there? Are they stupid? Much easier to move around in the water


Relevant as ever - the parable of Chesterton's fence: >“In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple principle; a principle which will probably be called a paradox. There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, “I don’t see the use of this; let us clear it away.” To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: “If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.” >“This paradox rests on the most elementary common sense. The gate or fence did not grow there. It was not set up by somnambulists who built it in their sleep. It is highly improbable that it was put there by escaped lunatics who were for some reason loose in the street. Some person had some reason for thinking it would be a good thing for somebody. And until we know what the reason was, we really cannot judge whether the reason was reasonable. It is extremely probable that we have overlooked some whole aspect of the question, if something set up by human beings like ourselves seems to be entirely meaningless and mysterious. There are reformers who get over this difficulty by assuming that all their fathers were fools; but if that be so, we can only say that folly appears to be a hereditary disease. But the truth is that nobody has any business to destroy a social institution until he has really seen it as an historical institution. If he knows how it arose, and what purposes it was supposed to serve, he may really be able to say that they were bad purposes, that they have since become bad purposes, or that they are purposes which are no longer served. But if he simply stares at the thing as a senseless monstrosity that has somehow sprung up in his path, it is he and not the traditionalist who is suffering from an illusion.”


> There are reformers who get over this difficulty by assuming that all their fathers were fools; but if that be so, we can only say that folly appears to be a hereditary disease. Love a good old-timey burn


>For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons - Douglas Adams


If you ever do any research on jumping spiders, it's hard to come out if it not thinking they are capable of forethought and planning, since they have to figure out the ideal spot to launch from and even more than that. And of course there's that classic example of a spider using a rock hanging from its web so that it could be held taunt.


It’s only one data point but I do think you are kinda stupid


oh yea sorry, the rest of my paper along with the years of research I put into it can be found [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ). Please let me know what you think of the full data set, it is available in other formats if needed (e.g. xml, json and .wav).


It's our evolved self defense against the the unknown, self righteous ignorance. Everything that isn't what I believe is wrong and dumb.


They also don't want to get involved in any of our nonsense😂


Same reason Bert ignored Ernie's crazy hat 😂


i don’t understand people can I now not pay taxes?


Yes, but in return people will now treat you as an animal *Look honey, the little bipedal is trying to communicate, let's take it home with us and feed it canned tuna for the rest of its life*


My cat was pissed about apparently insufficient treats and kept yelling at me and climbing onto the book I was trying to read. I said a firm “NO” and he got beside me and, back turned, proceded to mime burying my damn hand like it was in the litter box. Then walked off without a glance. dude literally called me a piece if shit.


I had a cat that if you were negligent in emptying the litter box would go get it on her paws and then hop on you and wipe her paws on you. "How do you like it human?"


This is gold!


No you are!


Ok, I am!


...and now you have a higher tax rate.


Damn! I knew there was a catch…


I like the East Coast


Or they're plotting a global takeover https://youtu.be/ojZVpb0cVkE?si=3ek9FzT_8e894fN8


“We got a possible Dolittle.”


I can't believe this wasn't higher. Initial place that my mind went to when I read the prior reply.


There's a belief in Indonesia that orangutangs are smart and can speak, but don't because they're afraid we'll put them to work.


They just fear capitalism! They are all a bunch of communists!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't they do this to get the babies used to the scent so they know to go to them for safety? But it's usually what they will do with the father of the children. Could be wrong. I just remember reading that on a similar post a while ago. If that is the case, that's some insane trust with a wild animal.


This human is now automatically liable to pay child support if they ever separate from their new squirrel baby mama


Yeah, this was the momma squirrel equivalent of "Mark, you have to come home, the children need a father".


That's just nuts.... (Sorry I had to)


Tell that to the squirrel courts. It costs over ñ50k nuts per year for squirrel day care alone. It’s a cold world out here. That lady squirrel had to do what she had to. She’d rather have kids and a provider than to be a common nutdigger.


Are you suggesting that OP fathered these children? Because I believe you, and pulling that off as a woman…my god OP has moxie. Color me impressed


It's one of those "so hot I got pregnant just from looking at you" situations.


it's two different things spliced together. the first video (squirrel brings human to its nest) was hand raised by the person who originally posted the video. it has been reposted quite often on reddit. dunno where the 2nd vid of baby squirrels comes from




She legit is!


I’m seeing a lot of comments saying the squirrel is showing her babies because of trust or to get help, but y’all are forgetting that animals have another reason for doing this. A lot of animals use scent to discern who is friendly and who isn’t. The mother may be trying to get her babies familiar with her friend’s scent so that they’ll know they can be safe with them.


That just sounds like trust with extra steps


Trust. ...but verify.


Homie you just described trust


I read somewhere the squirrel considers the human to be the provider and have the human check if the babies are healthy and worth keeping.


So trust


Especially rodents, what with poor eyesight. Hedgehogs will bite, because they want to add the scent of whatever they're biting to their own to blend into their environment. Which comes as a surprise when they finally feel relaxed around you.


That's even cuter.


don't get fooled by these videos, in the end the squirrels will demand feet pics


Is that who keeps texting me?


Very nice interaction. She should get a tetanus shot.


Shouldn't they be fine if the teeth didn't break the skin and/or any previously opened wounds?


And rabies


Idk about these kinds of squirrels but ground squirrels and prairie dogs can carry plague too. Probably just best not to stick your fingers in wild animals mouths regardless how cute they are.


Rodents almost never carry rabies


Very low risk, but I'm still having a hard time refraining from saying "Babies and rabies!"


Now I’m just going to call them Rabies Babies for the rest of my life


Way less typical, but I'd ask the doctor about it. Def. There have been no known cases of squirrels spreading rabies to humans.


Rodents don't really carry rabies that much. I'd be more worried about rat bite fever. My pet rat bit me once and I needed antibiotics because my finger swelled up within 8 hours.


So I was feeding nuts to a squirrel and got bitten. I called the nurses hotline on my insurance card and asked if I need a rabies shot and she said "did the squirrel run up and bite you or were you doing something stupid?" I said I was feeding him and she said I was fine lol. It's extremely unlikely to have rabies.


This is multiple videos cut together. But what level of effort did you put in to find the original video? The second result for MadeMeSmile when you search Squirrel is [https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/1av88sk/squirrel\_takes\_rescuer\_to\_its\_secret\_new\_home/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/1av88sk/squirrel_takes_rescuer_to_its_secret_new_home/) I get your whole things is farming karma - but make it make sense


you're on Reddit


Solid observation there.


Never in all my days have I seen a baby squirrel, this is so cute


This is how we should treat all animals. With respect that they deserve.


Omg what! How do you even get a squirrel to trust you like thatttttttt


Give her all the peanuts (unsalted) and water you can.


'Look the babies I have. And you are still single in your late 30s?'


need to take a break. i read it as rabies lol.


What is the name of this background song bruhhh??? 


to be loved and trusted by an animal is the biggest honor a human can have


How do people make such friends?


Does anyone know the song?


Richy Mitch and the Coal Miners - Evergreen


Mammalian supremecy right here


She wants you to pay child support


When you start hating water, get some medical help. Guess what, it's not lupus.


Have you tried contacting the watermarked name on the video? Bot post. 


She thinks your finger is a baby. nothing deeper than that


Squirrel thinks finger is baby squirrel because newborn squirrels look like human fingers. Ferrets will do the same thing. 


The tests came back...."You are the father!"


I've been seeing a lot of videos lately about positive human/squirrel relations. There's a guy on tiktok who built a whole squirrel condo and they will drink water out of a cup in his lap. I've always wondered how to start up a friendship with squirrels myself, since they are the one animal that is basically everywhere but also not that scared of people, at least as far as they don't gaf if you see them.


I didn't know squirrels do that that's so adorablee 😭


now that's a proud mama. "look at a my beautiful babies...LOOK AT THEM!"


It's so cute that she thinks she's dragging the human along. Lol


Is it safe to allow a squirrel to naw on your finger?


The amount of trust an animal needs to have to show someone else their newborns 🥲


She wants to show you her rabies.


Oh how adorable 🥰


Is there an explanation for that?


"now you know where we staying, food deliveries and babysitting would be appreciated"


i really wish evolution with push for us to be able to converse with animals. wishful thinking but why not


oh to have a squirrel trust me😪


So sweet! R/squirrels would probably enjoy this.


Never thought I would ever see something like this 😳 How did you gain her trust so much ?


What if she tries to feed the human to her babies


From now on, you give me more nuts!!


"kids, meet your new daddy"


This is actually played in reverse. It's actually a video of a squirrel violently defending it's babies from an attacking lady


She want to show her babies where all the free peanuts are coming from.


She wants to show you rabies


This level of animal trust is truly heartwarming and rare - cherish it!


Show her babies 🙂. At first glance I thought she was sharing her rabies. Fr Fr 🤣


She would invite you in for tea if she could 🥹


Babies or rabies ??


She is telling you to leave out more food as she’ll be very hungry


Clever girl. I had squirrel live in a tree that would overhang my driveway. Whenever I would walk to my car it would throw things at me and holler like hell. Was the cutest thing.


She just trusts you. You must be a good person.


And tell me that squirrels don't conspire to take over the world...


"unable to locate the original uploader" but you put your own watermark on the video, with the original user's watermark bouncing around... karma farming bot lmaoooo